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Nvidia: Gamers should not limit their options to PS4/XB1; PC is the way to go


I microwave steaks.
How about when devs start giving a shit about their PC ports. I love pc gaming as much as the next guy but some of these multiplatform games that come out, the pc versions are sometimes horribly optimized, doesn't support alternate control schemes, just wonky glitches not found on consoles because of the open nature of PCs.
I don't think the problem with the WiiU is the lack of third party support. People just don't care about it.

Is it? In the age of $499 Steam Machines with free online and Steam sales, is it really?

Yes. Especially since you nor I know how they'll perform. Sales-wise, I expect more of this in the future, along with my free games and PS+ discounts. That point goes both ways.
Give us a $400 PC with equal or greater specs and a case as small as the PS4's and maybe we'll talk. It also needs to be fully controllable by the controller to power on, navigate, etc.

I already own a pc, but the convenience isn't the same at all even when my pc is connected like a console to my TV (no kb/m used at all). The main thing I hate is not having full control of the entire system with a controller

This pic need to be quoted again.


I think paying for playing online play is really bad, but the PS+ is much more that that, PS+ is free games.

This always irks me and I'm using PS+...... It's not free games you are paying a subscription to get access to those games. It's like saying you get free movies if you subscribe to netflix or you get free music if you subscribe to spotify.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
“We are proposing small form-factor PCs to be a viable alternative to the next-gen consoles. Enthusiast players want the ultimate games system and that is the PC,” said Matt Wright, consumer sales manager at Nvidia. “The PC platform is far superior to any console when it comes to gaming, plus you get all the extra functionality that a computer brings.”

This is compete bullshit, small form factor GPU are not made that are comparable to the high end graphics cards that can run stuff with AA & 60fps/1080p.
I looked in to them when I wanted a compact PC casing.


I think paying for playing online play is really bad, but the PS+ is much more that that, PS+ is free games.

I play fighting games on consoles, the idea that I have to pay more money to play my friends online is a bit silly to me.

Just my opinion.
Dat reality. They aren't in any consoles, so consoles suck. Isn't this the same company that put out the Titan for like $1000 and then AMD put out a card almost as powerful for like $400? They're clowns confirmed.

I dont think you quite understand what the purpse of the titan is.
DRM is any technical measure which prevents you from doing whatever you want with the program and associated data. The better it works the worse it is.

An increasing number of modern -- particularly independent or crowdsourced -- games are available DRM free on PC. It's not just small indie games either, e.g. Dragon Commander is DRM free.

So your point is that smaller games don't feature drm. Cool but thats pretty disengienous. There isn't any meaningful percentage of major games that ship with out any protective measures and there won't be for years.


I'm in the PC (almost) only turf, and I agree with some posters: Alexandros, you should "dial down" your excitement somewhat. You are waayy too invested in this whole steam machines deal. It is clouding your judgement imo.

As for what Nvidia's saying, well, they are on par with the superchaged 8gb gddr5 trumpet blowing and the power of the cloud, in my opinion. PR sentences.


I wonder if some posters in these threads have ever considered the fact that argumentum ad hominem is a fallacy.

So your point is that smaller games don't feature drm. Cool but thats pretty disengienous. There isn't any meaningful percentage of major games that ship with out any protective measures and there won't be for years.
No, my point is two-fold. Firstly, that PC is the only platform where many smaller and some larger games are available in a truly DRM-free version, and secondly that DRM on PC, due to the openness of the platform, can never be as strong (and thus undesirable) as on consoles.
So your point is that smaller games don't feature drm. Cool but thats pretty disengienous. There isn't any meaningful percentage of major games that ship with out any protective measures and there won't be for years.

His point is that console DRM is !much more restrictive than anything on the PC because the standards are proprietary and the DRM is hardware-level.
I always find it funny when these Nvidia threads pop up and people act like Nvidia is getting its clocked cleaned by AMD and on the brink of collapse when reality is AMD is in the toilet right now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well nSalty, if it is, I'll go with ATi. Cheaper price for better frames (aside from drivers).
There is more to a graphics card than the framerate it is able to achieve. When it comes to reliability, support, and features Nvidia is king.
In my opinion, traditional console gaming has served its historical purpose and now it's time for it to die off naturally. In the past, when PC technology was expensive and way too difficult to configure properly, console gaming offered a cheap and easy way into gaming for the masses. Now, with both Sony and Microsoft packaging PC components in a box and pretending like they're selling something unique, it is more clear than ever that the old way of doing things is obsolete.

Microsoft and Sony want everyone to think that PC gaming is this scary, daunting thing that will bite your head off if you look at it the wrong way. A lot of people have discovered over the past few years that this isn't true and, hopefully, Steam Machines will manage to convince even more that freedom of choice and options is never a bad thing. In my mind PC is without a shadow of a doubt the way to go for the whole gaming industry.

I agree and I see the current set of consoles just closed off PCs. Once steambox hits it'll be the android of gaming and ps4/xboxone/wiiu will be more akin to the apple of gaming since they are by and large closed off systems. Where the comparison changes is how steamboxes will include a large variety of choices to best fit your needs and price range.

And then after that steamboxes will likely be iterative the way apple pushes iphones. You certainly don't need to upgrade every time a new device comes out. But when you are READY to upgrade, you'll have a device that is brand new on the market and not one that is 2-5 years old already.

And where steamboxes and PCs in general depart from even that comparison, is in being fully capable of upgrading each component if desired.

PC and steamboxes are posed to be capable of being the best of all worlds. Open platform. Ease of use (largely dependent on steamos and valve's work with making it ease of use, but I am confident in that seeing as steam is pretty easy to use). Price ranges that fit your budget. And upgradeability.

We'll have to see how this plays out. A year or two ago when steam was rumored to be working on a console... I thought no way. Now I am more of the opinion that they have a chance if they execute properly. But most importantly, the potential to change everything is there.
I'm in the PC (almost) only turf, and I agree with some posters: Alexandros, you should "dial down" your excitement somewhat. You are waayy too invested in this whole steam machines deal. It is clouding your judgement imo.

I'm more than happy to discuss this and be convinced otherwise. In what way is it clouding my judgment?


His point is that console DRM is !much more restrictive than anything on the PC because the standards are proprietary and the DRM is hardware-level.

I don't think anyone buys a console thinking they'll be in a free environment. A wallet vote for a console is a vote for the type of console-exclusive games that will be on it (at least that's how I see it anyway).


I would like to argue against this. It would be far better for the enthusiast gamer to go to the more consumer-friendly platform and, by doing so, force publishers to bring the games to him. The enthusiast gamer spends a lot of money on games, he has the most to lose by supporting anti-consumer practices and locked down platforms.

...but conversely, the environment a game is created in affects the game. Sure, you can play Super Mario Galaxy on PC through emulation, but it wouldn't have been the same game if it was built deliberately for PC. Not to imply that games made for PC would automatically be worse... but it's similarly incorrect to imply that they'd be automatically better. Best to work on the metric of what the games are now; a known quantity, not the hypothetical game built for a different environment.

Well, I agree that there obviously are good games which are exclusive to consoles. I have a PS3 for that reason -- and every other "last-gen" console and handheld for that matter. The fact that some games are bound to these hardware DRM boxes is regrettable, but does significantly increase their appeal. However, there are also tons of good games which are exclusive to PC.
I'm not claiming otherwise. Everything has its exclusives, which is *why* a statement like "Enthusiast players want the ultimate games system and that is the PC" riles me somewhat. Enthusiast players want the games. The systems are a secondary consideration.

And, FWIW, the thread title is "Gamers should not limit their options to PS4/XB1", not "Gamers should limit their options to PC". I fully agree with the former but not the latter.

The title of the thread suggests the former; I'd argue that the quote suggests the latter.

I absolutely agree that multiplatform, prioritising where the games you want to play lie, is the way to go.


I don't think anyone buys a console thinking they'll be in a free environment. A wallet vote for a console is a vote for the type of console-exclusive games that will be on it (at least that's how I see it anyway).
That is most likely true. Do remember though that the whole DRM argument started because someone brought up DRM as an argument in favor of consoles.


I'm more than happy to discuss this and be convinced otherwise. In what way is it clouding my judgment?

You are..too extreme in your sentences I guess? Dunno how to put it into words exactly, you seem more relaxed and less involved when the topic at hand doesn't involve PC vs Consoles etc.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The deeply delicious irony of these nVidia threads, every time they pop up, is that the real salt is never in what nVidia say.
Free game rentals you pay for. If PS+ was sufficiently enticing using that system, why put multiplayer behind a paywall?

Because MS show people willing pay for it rather simple , just like Nvidia over price there cards and people willing to pay for it also .
Still i don't see why PC and consoles gamer can't get along .
In fact PC gamers have never had as good IMO consoles gamer pay the budget for some AAA games and PC gamers get to play them also but with max settings .
I wonder if some posters in these threads have ever considered the fact that argumentum ad hominem is a fallacy.


There's alot of different kinds of fallacies. Ignoratio elenchi for example.

No, my point is two-fold. Firstly, that PC is the only platform where many smaller and some larger games are available in a truly DRM-free version, and secondly that DRM on PC, due to the openness of the platform, can never be as strong (and thus undesirable) as on consoles

Are you kidding me right now? There's DRM on PC that doesn't even let you use your purchased product if it doesn't run or isn't functioning correctly. Games that get console releases with no such mechanism present. MS tried to implement something along that lines and we all know how that ended.

If you want to call the inability to modify certain files on a console game that were never intended by the developer to be modifiable DRM, then fine software licenses be damned I guess, but please spare me the bullshit that its somehow more intrusive than PC solutions.


That is most likely true. Do remember though that the whole DRM argument started because someone brought up DRM as an argument in favor of consoles.

Right. In fairness though a portion of the well-known DRM campaigns of terror come from the PC platform. My experiences with Games for Windows Live were all, quite simply, nightmares.

The GFWL boogeyman is gone though so no worries anymore...for now.
You are..too extreme in your sentences I guess? Dunno how to put it into words exactly, you seem more relaxed and less involved when the topic at hand doesn't involve PC vs Consoles etc.

I have confidence in my arguments but I never dismiss an opposing view without first debating it. I'm always up for a good discussion, as long as the arguments are better than "lol salty Nvidia".


It really is. The console gamers in this and other PC threads have been coming off as very insecure and intimidated by PC gaming, especially with the advent of Steam Machines on the horizon.

No, it's the other way around. As someone who plays primarily on the PC but enjoys so many other platforms, I find this "steam machines hurr durr" and the superiority complex of usual suspects pretty insecure and I was right in the case of a few posters here who got some quite interesting meltdowns in the past. They never surprised me. Working in IT I know quite a few elitists in real life as well and I can't get that pattern out of my head regarding certain elements of their personality because it fits...too often...with too much of an emotional investment, that illusion of being part of something they only put dollars in and the feel of being clever because they made that choice. If they are so clever, why that constant self-reaffirmation? Yes, insecurity.


embarrassment the thread #3245293746, you guys honestly don't read this shit back to yourselves and cringe like fuck??
Think of it this way: all games being available everywhere, the PC is the only worthwhile platform for an enthusiast. Free online, the highest fidelity, the broadest range of control options, mods, best game prices, the option for DRM free releases etc. All games aren't available everywhere though, so buy your consoles for exclusives and play the rest on PC like a boss.

Now let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.


I wonder if some posters in these threads have ever considered the fact that argumentum ad hominem is a fallacy.


I'm not sure what you mean with those fancy words but I'm gonna assume that you just told me I'm pretty.

Also, it's not like they said not to buy consoles. I took it as be more diverse.
...but conversely, the environment a game is created in affects the game. Sure, you can play Super Mario Galaxy on PC through emulation, but it wouldn't have been the same game if it was built deliberately for PC. Not to imply that games made for PC would automatically be worse... but it's similarly incorrect to imply that they'd be automatically better. Best to work on the metric of what the games are now.

How would the PC environment result in a worse Mario? I don't follow.


No, it's the other way around. As someone who plays primarily on the PC but enjoys so many other platforms, I find this "steam machines hurr durr" and the superiority complex of usual suspects pretty insecure and I was right in the case of a few posters here who got some quite interesting meltdowns in the past. They never surprised me. Working in IT I know quite a few elitists in real life as well and I can't get that pattern out of my head regarding certain elements of their personality because it fits...too often...with too much of an emotional investment, that illusion of being part of something they only put dollars in and the feel of being clever because they made that choice. If they are so clever, why that constant self-reaffirmation? Yes, insecurity.

This always irks me and I'm using PS+...... It's not free games you are paying a subscription to get access to those games. It's like saying you get free movies if you subscribe to netflix or you get free music if you subscribe to spotify.

You are right, they are not free, but it's a great deal. I've been a subscriber since November 2012 (just renewed for just 30!!), and I've had access to lots of great games, not to mention some great games I purchased discounted.


No, it's the other way around. As someone who plays primarily on the PC but enjoys so many other platforms, I find this "steam machines hurr durr" and the superiority complex of usual suspects pretty insecure and I was right in the case of a few posters here who got some quite interesting meltdowns in the past. They never surprised me. Working in IT I know quite a few elitists in real life as well and I can't get that pattern out of my head regarding certain elements of their personality because it fits...too often...with too much of an emotional investment, that illusion of being part of something they only put dollars in and the feel of being clever because they made that choice. If they are so clever, why that constant self-reaffirmation? Yes, insecurity.

There are elitists for anything though. Not just for PC games but consoles also.

Dario ff

How would the PC environment result in a worse Mario? I don't follow.
He's talking about control schemes. Wii Sports limiting itself to Wii controls ended up with a more unique game than if it was designed to be a multiplatform. Think of it in the same way as the M&KB games that can't do the transition to gamepad succesfully (RTS).

If you wanted to do something like that on PC, you'd first have to ensure that there's enough market that bought the control scheme. It's the reason why Microsoft wants to force Kinect into Xbox One; they believe better and more unique games will come out of that if they're specifically designed for it... Whether it works out or not remains to be seen. They couldn't justify making hardcore big-budget titles exclusively for Kinect on the Xbox 360, because that audience probably didn't buy many Kinects.

At the moment on PC, the only comparable example I can think of is the Oculus Rift-only games, which are essentially a bet that VR will hopefully work out well enough to justify it.


GAF parliamentarian
Ah, alexandros. I needed a laugh today.

Free game rentals you pay for. If PS+ was sufficiently enticing using that system, why put multiplayer behind a paywall?
I think it's because mass consumers never understood what PlayStation Plus was. By making it a necessity, they're forcing people on board the happy train. Think of it as state health care!
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