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Nintendo's VGX reveal is fucking Cranky Kong!!!


Nintendo has always been about pumping out potential best-sellers first, filling the catalog with additional content later.

It's pure goodwill (or Miyamoto accidentally saying they're working on it) that led them to put out a game like Pikmin 3 in a new console's launch year after the first two games' performance on GameCube.

Nah, it's that they didn'tg et their shit together and release it on the Wii as otherwise the Wii U lineup would've been even more barren than it is now.
I'm trying to figure out what something about a previously announced title could have possibly meant to people.

Smash, technically, which will sell better to the VGX target audience than DKC.

The unrealistic part was expecting nintendo to care about that.


Death Prophet
I'll give you that since 3D World sure hasn't helped the Wii U, but Metroid fans will get their game eventually. They had about three great ones in a row too, what's so bad about Donkey Kong getting a sequel anyway.

You answered your question in your sentence. We've already had 2 Mario platforming games on Wii U. We're getting Yarn Yoshi in 2014 as well. You know what the Wii U doesn't need? Another character platformer.


You answered your question in your sentence. We've already had 2 Mario platforming games on Wii U. We're getting Yarn Yoshi in 2014 as well. You know what the Wii U doesn't need? Another character platformer.

I'm sure HAL is already working on a new Kirby game.
Nintendo has always been about pumping out potential best-sellers first, filling the catalog with additional content later.

It's pure goodwill (or Miyamoto accidentally saying they're working on it) that led them to put out a game like Pikmin 3 in a new console's launch year after the first two games' performance on GameCube.

Uh, what? Nintendo makes and releases things that have no chance of selling a lot all the time. Have been doing it since the NES.

It's this new supersafe superscaredycAt Nintendo I don't like.


I'm trying to figure out what something about a previously announced title could have possibly meant to people.

There are several levels of disappointment here:

Level 1: The people who legitimately thought that something like Zelda will be revealed.

Level 2: The people who thought that "upcoming title" meant Kart, Smash, or X were fair game.

Level 3: The people who realized that DK was going to be the game and are disappointed that they pegged Nintendo from the start.


why is anyone surprised by this? its like you guys live in a bubble.

nintendo will announce big things on their own turf, like a direct.


People won't buy a $300 console for Donkey Kong.

Some people will buy a $300 console for Metroid.

it's more accurate to say some people will buy a $300 console for metroid and more people will buy a $300 console for donkey kong.

first, metroid isn't much of a system-seller. the closest it ever got was november 2002 when it received the most critical acclaim of any game that generation and still wound up being outsold by xbox and splinter cell. second, nintendo's been desperately trying to make their console the place for families since around august. donkey kong plays into that, especially when the system already comes with two mario games.

they might not be buying a game for donkey kong, but they'll buy one for donkey kong and mario and lego and scribblenauts.


Nintendo should make HAL do a Donkey Kong game for 2015. Then make DK annualized by having Retro and HAL make a game each year.


There are several levels of disappointment here:

Level 1: The people who legitimately thought that something like Zelda will be revealed.

Level 2: The people who thought that "upcoming title" meant Kart, Smash, or X were fair game.

Level 3: The people who realized that DK was going to be the game and are disappointed that they pegged Nintendo from the start.

I'm Level 2 with Smash.


Nintendo is a little too drunk on their own kool-aid about the relevance of their own characters. Even Disney isn't delusional to this level. Nobody gives a crap about Cranky Kong and it's definitely not anything worthy of a hyped up announcement.
I can't wait for this game to come out and be an absolute joy to play. It will make reading these threads later truly glorious.

Also Reggie trolled you guys big time


Nintendo should make HAL do a Donkey Kong game for 2015. Then make DK annualized by having Retro and HAL make a game each year.

I don't want HAL making DK though. Retro's proven they understand how a Donkey Kong game should work. I don't want something like Jungle Beat again, even if it was a good platformer, it just wasn't Donkey Kong Country.

Besides, HAL has to do Kirby.


Welp, the Crankyton was dropped as expected everyone! Let's keep the train going!

But for those of you who didn't catch on, most people in this thread pegged Nintendo's unveil the second the DKCTF leak happened and we were jokingly making a party out of it. I have no doubt Tropical Freeze will be an amazing game for the Wii U owners in for a treat though!


I'm excited for DK, but this was such a squandered opportunity. I feel that the audience who will watch the VGX show largely doesn't give a shit about DK.


Uh, what? Nintendo makes and releases things that have no chance of selling a lot all the time. Have been doing it since the NES.

It's this new supersafe superscaredycAt Nintendo I don't like.

Nintendo released Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 this year, both are far from games with a huge sales potential. One of their studios is developing a large-scale RPG with limited chances on the market. They are funding the development of Bayonetta 2, a game whose predecessor sold badly enough that the original publisher cancelled the development of the sequel.

It's rather easy to call a company safe, when you just ignore all of the risks they take.




I just realized something awful

Nintendo thinks their Nintendo Directs are better for big announcements than this trashy (yet popular) awards show.

How is it they have reached this level of self delusion?


i get that you're using eternal darkness 2 as just an example, but both of those games aren't going to move units. it'll make people excited for a day or two and then the people who might have been interested in them would say 'i'm not going to buy a console for one game' or 'i'll get it when it's bundled for $199.99'

the thing nintendo's done with some recent nintendo directs is that they've had press play games in advance and once games are announced, there are suddenly impressions up from journalists all over. they did it with yoshi's new island and a link between worlds, if i remember correctly. i think that's the direction they should go in the future.

The problem isn't so much that Nintendo is waiting to reveal something like ED2 or Metroid [or insert hardcore game that isn't one of Nintendo's biannual staples] until Nintendo Direct or E3, but that they're probably not making them at all.


they don't count. Pushmo, harmo knight and dillion don't count eiher of course.

Don't forget about Sing Party either! That was a retail release with some marketing at least.

I wonder why other first parties bring out some more ambitious original IPs and all that Nintendo has in stores for Wii U is Wonderful 101. And X.


Has Nintendo ever announced something mindblowingly amazing at one of these generic gaming media events that isn't E3?

People just hyped themselves up to be disappointed. Game looks great, can't wait to hear the music on the bramble level.

Continuing to complain about the lack of Metroid is stale at this point, we know this is the game coming from Retro. As much as I want a new Metroid the series simply doesn't sell very well and anyone thinking the typical "VGX audience member" would care are kidding themselves.


Is the Twitter thing about how disappointing the reveal is? Because in actuality, the fact that it's trending will just let more people know about DK:TF.

So way to go guys, NIntendo will officially not learn its lesson.
Can Nintendo do anything that doesn't involve one of their existing characters/franchises?
Off the top of my head? And from just the last couple of years?

Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Zangeki no Reginleiv.

Pushmo, Freakyforms, Dillon's Rolling Western, Sakura Samurai, Kersploosh, Bone Thugs and Harmonight, Fluidity.

X, The Wonderful 101.

Don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question.
Was it?
Reggie knew of the Amazon cover leak showing Cranky Kong days before this aired. Do you guys think that Metroid pin was added as a small tease, since Reggie expected the backlash?

Conor 419

To be fair, a Nintendo AAA western developer introducing a character targeted for mature audiences is not a bad thing.

Are there any other elderly characters in gaming? 27 years later and Nintendo are still pioneers of this medium.


Nintendo is a little too drunk on their own kool-aid about the relevance of their own characters. Even Disney isn't delusional to this level. Nobody gives a crap about Cranky Kong and it's definitely not anything worthy of a hyped up announcement.

Except they never hyped it.

Why is this lost in all the madness?

Nintendo only tweeted about it an hour before it started and specificly said that it was a previously announced game. The only hype came from you guys.

It isn't like this e3 and they went "YO WE GOT ALL DAT NEW SHIT SON GONNA BE HYPPE".

You only have ourselves to blame
Nintendo is a little too drunk on their own kool-aid about the relevance of their own characters. Even Disney isn't delusional to this level. Nobody gives a crap about Cranky Kong and it's definitely not anything worthy of a hyped up announcement.
It was hardly hyped up though. The vast majority of the hype came from the Internet itself.

And it's not like any of the other announcements are hype-worthy stuff either. Nothing that's being announced at the VGX is really a super big-deal. But people get upset at Nintendo for treating the VGX like everyone else are and just using it to try and build up interest for their next upcoming game (since it, being the closest to release, would be the thing that would need any amount of hype and attention it can get right now).

I'm just not getting why people are so upset or bothered by this. Nintendo's treating the VGX like everyone else is, yet they're being treated like they just committed some unforgivable sin. I just... don't really get it.
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