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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

I think OffTv Play and Gaikai are two most next gen things about next gen.

Fuck graphics, the new Kinect sensor and GDDR5 ram.
Graphics aren't special and Kinect games are always shit. Thats not next gen for me.


Why do you seem to believe that "games aren't art" is a negative thing. I think games are their own phenomena and shouldn't be pigeon holed into something as dull as "art". I think games can be beautiful, inspirational and thought provoking. Games cam also be simplistic and practical. Games cover a wide array of things and I think calling games art is actually a negative thing. Maybe we should think of a different word.

Now back to what you said about autism. My cousin has autism and what you said was extremely offensive.

I think we actually agree, but have different views as to what art itself is, not games.The term "art" isn't as limiting as you think. Art is creative expression. Games are exactly that, but presented in an interactive format. Therefore, games are art.


Half Life is one hell of a boring series but i enjoy the hype behind the 3.

Portal is the only good Valve's game franchise.

The 3ds library is horrible (not only compared to the DS) and yet is the only console worthy buying nowadays.

Japanese developers should do more 2d games, there is where they really shine above west.

Miyamoto has been creatively dead for quite some time but Nintendo doesn't let him go because they have to milk him as much as possible and because they have no other talent internally capable of replacing him.

The Walking dead is not a game.

Also this, ten times this.
Sorry but the whole half life 2 cut scene thing bothers me. Half life 2 has way too much exposition but that doesnt take away from the original half life game being the most immersive shooter to date. And yes, it's becasuse of the lack of cut scenes that allows it to achieve that. There's no being locked in a room whole npcs talk in half life or If there is it's brief and more importantly it's the big set peices and seamless transitions that make the no cut scene style impressive. The game is one unbroken chunk of awesome. (Minus zen jumping puzzles of course)

Also the last of us doesn't have a better story than 'most movies this year'. It doesn't even in my top 10 game stories this year
I think that No Man's Sky looks average at best and I can't understand why the industry and gamers are having a massive circle-jerk over it.

I think it's not going to live up to people's expectations and will ultimately end up a massive disappointment.


Gold Member
Has anyone said that Smash Brothers is a horrible game yet? Because it is.

I own them all… still shitty


All free to play games are scams. They are all basically pay to win by design. Total bullshit. I hate them. Either use real money to progress or grind for an ungodly, unreasonable amount of time just to earn the most basic of items.

FtP is a system to test player's patient... that's not controversial, it's already well established and understood.

It's so successful that it is now filtering into $60 games...
I don't think games with traditional controls and gameplay mechanics will ever be considered art, because they require a certain level of skill and commitment to appreciate that few non-gamers have. Not to mention how the biggest titles often end up being designed and marketed around the lowest-common-denominator in order to sell the most units. The praise and attention that games like Beyond or the Walking Dead get feel like pyrrhic victories, as that hardly represents a full, wholehearted embrace of the medium.

I like DKC1 and the GBA Kirby remake more than any Mario game I've ever played. That includes 1-3, SMW, and Mario 64--never played the Galaxy games or 3D World.

I'll freely admit to being a "graphics whore", and consider good visuals to be a very important part of the overall experience. Granted, that doesn't mean hyper-realistic; I love the visuals in stuff like Okami, or Hyper Light Drifter (which I backed), or El Shaddai. But I've also been a ravenous Gamersyde addict for years, mainly for their PC and (more recently) next-gen videos. Indeed, I mainly got into PC gaming because of the low resolutions and framerates we saw last gen.

I don't think indies will ever be able to fully pick up the slack for big AAA publishers if they go under, and I consider their health and vibrancy to be a key factor in the health of the industry as a whole. I'd rather they reformed and improved than see them collapse under the weight of their own bad decisions. Personally, while I've liked several of the indie titles I've played over the years, I'm more drawn to the scale and polish that big publishers are able to bring.


Graphically they aren't, but damn they are fucking beautiful artistically. Kinda like Mario 3D World.

Why do games like Killzone or Ryse almost never get any credit for also being artistically beautiful? Realism is every bit as much of an art style as any other cutesy, stylized, cel shaded, etc style out there. I don't see anything in Mario that makes it so much more artistically beautiful than any other game.

It's like every game that goes for a more realistic approach already has this stigma and perception of being artistically incompetent, which just isn't true.
Why do games like Killzone or Ryse almost never get any credit for also being artistically beautiful? Realism is every bit as much of an art style as any other cutesy, stylized, cel shaded, etc style out there. I don't see anything in Mario that makes it so much more artistically beautiful than any other game.

It's like every game that goes for a more realistic approach already has this stigma and perception of being artistically incompetent, which just isn't true.

This. I hate how games that opt for realistic visuals are treated as second-class from a design standpoint. Good design is possible across a wide range of visual styles.


- Halo CE is still the best fps ever made, By a huge margin. Although its kind of sad no other first person shooter has even come close to the gameplay mechanics of Halo. Every other developer have tried to but failed miserably

- Guerrila games are a one trick pony. Killzone 2 was a fluke from them and I very much doubt they are capable of delivering a good game with a compelling story. If the next Killzone game ends up being a mediocre experience just like shadow fall, then Sony should really consider cutting ties with Guerrila. It pains me to say that because I have been a loyal Killzone fan every since Guerrila was known as KIN back in the day. But one good title since 2004 is just unacceptable.

- Resogun is one of the best games ever made and should be sitting on 99 at Metacritict

- Warframe is great and is one of the better looking engines out there

- Flower is boring trash. Wtf is this?

- Jak 2 is naughty dogs best game. Followed closely by The last of us.

- PS4 controller is the best controller ever made. Its incredible.
This isn't controversial. This is correct. (Jak 1 is better than Jak 2, though)


Why do games like Killzone or Ryse almost never get any credit for also being artistically beautiful? Realism is every bit as much of an art style as any other cutesy, stylized, cel shaded, etc style out there. I don't see anything in Mario that makes it so much more artistically beautiful than any other game.

It's like every game that goes for a more realistic approach already has this stigma and perception of being artistically incompetent, which just isn't true.

The problem is people get tired of seeing the same thing over and over. There's very little difference between the art style of Crysis, CoD and Killzone. It's getting to the point where people think if they've played one gritty military shooter, they've played them all because they all look very similar.
I don't think games with traditional controls and gameplay mechanics will ever be considered art, because they require a certain level of skill and commitment to appreciate that few non-gamers have. Not to mention how the biggest titles often end up being designed and marketed around the lowest-common-denominator in order to sell the most units. The praise and attention that games like Beyond or the Walking Dead get feel like pyrrhic victories, as that hardly represents a full, wholehearted embrace of the medium.

I like DKC1 and the GBA Kirby remake more than any Mario game I've ever played. That includes 1-3, SMW, and Mario 64--never played the Galaxy games or 3D World.

DKC1 lacked soul, and Nightmare in Dreamland was a little botched in translation.


Dante in DmC is a much better representation of the character than we've seen in the original series. Granted the gameplay is a step backwards, but it's still way ahead of its competition.

James Bond: Everything or Nothing is not only the best 007 game ever made but was half a decade ahead of its time in terms of gameplay.

Sonic 4 is a worthy and fitting entry in the mainline StH series.
Ghost Trick in all it's 2D glory is more emotional, engrossing, memorable and features far superior gameplay than Beyond:Two Souls. It also does the whole 'spirit interacts with environment' scenario/mechanic better too.

If you like Ghost Trick, you should try out The Novelist. It's a first person light stealth adventure game. You play as a ghost in a vacation house where a family comes in. The husband is an author going through writer's block, the wife is a painter, and the son has special needs. You move from one light source to another, avoiding detection. If you spook a family member, that character's end-chapter choices will be gone. There are moral decisions and a branching narrative. Every night, you can influence on the author to either work on the book more, work on the marriage, or interact more with his kid. It's about 4 hours long.
I think we actually agree, but have different views as to what art itself is, not games.The term "art" isn't as limiting as you think. Art is creative expression. Games are exactly that, but presented in an interactive format. Therefore, games are art.

The first game I ever played was pac man and I'd hardly consider that art and I doubt the developers would consider it art. They didn't create for the purpose of art but rather gameplay.


Gone Home is a contrived, poorly constructed and underwritten shell of a story. The fact that it can present a story so shallow, trite and vapid while still garnering acclaim is disturbing and shows games criticism is horribly incompetent. The fact reviewers kept presenting it as some sort of exploration of the mundane is ridiculous, given how unconvincing the structure was and how wrongheaded the ending turned out to be.


-Indie games get too much credit sometimes. Feels like some games that are merely "okay" get raised higher up because they are indie.

-Diablo 3, even with all of its faults, is better than PoE or TL2.

-No, not everyone needs to play *insert game here* just because it's one of your favorite games of all time.

-PCs and consoles can co-exist, and the "master race" circlejerking is getting out of hand.

-I own a 3DS and a Wii U, but I can't seem to get very excited about each one's library.

-To go with the above point: the Vita is (personally) a better hand-held with a better library. This could be because I have PS+, however.

-No theme-park MMO will ever top WoW, and no MMO should even try to compete with it. Instead they need to do like EVE and try something new.

-Paying for early access games is almost always a bad idea. (Yes, I bought into Starbound early, but it's an exception IMO).

-People who play sports games are not scum.

-I did not enjoy Brothers, and found it contrived rather than the "life changing" experience some reviewers claimed it to be. (Looking at you on this one, TotalBiscuit)
-No, not everyone needs to play *insert game here* just because it's one of your favorite games of all time.


Why do games like Killzone or Ryse almost never get any credit for also being artistically beautiful? Realism is every bit as much of an art style as any other cutesy, stylized, cel shaded, etc style out there. I don't see anything in Mario that makes it so much more artistically beautiful than any other game.

It's like every game that goes for a more realistic approach already has this stigma and perception of being artistically incompetent, which just isn't true.

I'm not saying that going for "realism" is bad, some stuff in Uncharted/TLoU is beautiful as an example.


The problem is people get tired of seeing the same thing over and over. There's very little difference between the art style of Crysis, CoD and Killzone. It's getting to the point where people think if they've played one gritty military shooter, they've played them all because they all look very similar.

That's not true at all.
I have zero interest in Zelda games. OoT is so boring. Can't even finish it. I'm confused as to why people clamor for these games.

Valve is a bland company that releases the same underlying game every so often with a different skin and a different title.

Mario needs to retire.

Don't care for Metroid.

I want Nintendo to completely abandon home consoles.

Fallout games are lost on me. Tried F3 and deemed the series unworthy.

64-players in FPS games is horrible and I'd much rather a 6v6 with reasonable map sizes.

I want more turn-based RPGs for consoles. Hell, I want more RPGs for consoles, period.

Shooters need to take a rest.

Sports games aren't all that bad.

I find the thought of people being paid to play games absurd (excludes testers). The fact that MLG exists is laughable. The fact that the term e-sports exists is even more laughable.

There's nothing wrong with camping.

Halo has a boring story. Online multiplayer for it is only fun through split screen with a friend.


If you like Ghost Trick, you should try out The Novelist. It's a first person light stealth adventure game. You play as a ghost in a vacation house where a family comes in. The husband is an author going through writer's block, the wife is a painter, and the son has special needs. You move from one light source to another, avoiding detection. If you spook a family member, that character's end-chapter choices will be gone. There are moral decisions and a branching narrative. Every night, you can influence on the author to either work on the book more, work on the marriage, or interact more with his kid. It's about 4 hours long.

Swear to god, you crack me up.


I have no interest in GTA series. First and second ones were good, but then they moved to sandbox/3rd person and I hated it. I really tried to like it but no. GTAIV is just a bore fest, I couldn't finish it. GTAIII was even worse. And in the meanwhile I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row the Third. Am I weird?


Junior Member
I have no interest in GTA series. First and second ones were good, but then they moved to sandbox/3rd person and I hated it. I really tried to like it but no. GTAIV is just a bore fest, I couldn't finish it. GTAIII was even worse. And in the meanwhile I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row the Third. Am I weird?

GTA has always pushed technical limits, and I feel like it's bought because it always has an abundance of content, but as far as gameplay and actual game mechanics, Sleeping Dogs is better in almost every way, and Saints Row is more fun.
The rise of ONLINE multiplayer gaming has been a major detriment to gaming in general.

Devs often times just seemingly slap together a half-assed single player experience so that they can then focus all their efforts on multiplayer. Or, you get a game that has a great campaign but still has tacked-on, shoe-horned multiplayer or 'horde' crap. The time that was spent in development on that mode nobody wants or needs (I'm looking at you, Assasin's Creed and Bioshock multiplayer) could've been better spent polishing and expanding on the single player experience.

We need fewer multiplayer games and longer, deeper single player experiences.


Gone Home is a contrived, poorly constructed and underwritten shell of a story. The fact that it can present a story so shallow, trite and vapid while still garnering acclaim is disturbing and shows games criticism is horribly incompetent. The fact reviewers kept presenting it as some sort of exploration of the mundane is ridiculous, given how unconvincing the structure was and how wrongheaded the ending turned out to be.

Preach it, brother


GTA has always pushed technical limits, and I feel like it's bought because it always has an abundance of content, but as far as gameplay and actual game mechanics, Sleeping Dogs is better in almost every way, and Saints Row is more fun.

Exactly this. I just don't find any fun in GTAs, they're too "realistic", they're too uptight.
Oh cool, a thread where it's encouraged to be a troll.

- I am of the impression that gears of war is the worst franchise of last generation.
- I think Nintendo has milked it's franchises for too long, and the adults that buy into every new Mario and Zelda game need to let it go already.
- Also after Halo 4 I have lost almost all hope for anything good to come out of Halo 5.
- Little Big Plant and God of War, I hope they are done.

Finally, The Walking Dead was cliche and predictable from start to end. That finally also seemed so phoned in. Predictable as it was. Clem, in my mind, was a determent to the game. "Clem, there is a zombie apocalypse happening, WHAT. DO. YOU. NEED?" clem: "I...I...need mah hat". She developed/had little to no personality at all. I digress though, she is only 8. or 9. whatever.
I agree with the comment above about Gone Home. Overrated beyond belief.

Camp Lo

Oh cool, a thread where it's encouraged to be a troll.

- I am of the impression that gears of war is the worst franchise of last generation.
- I think Nintendo has milked it's franchises for too long, and the adults that buy into every new Mario and Zelda game need to let it go already.
- Also after Halo 4 I have lost almost all hope for anything good to come out of Halo 5.
- Little Big Plant and God of War, I hope they are done.

Finally, The Walking Dead was cliche and predictable from start to end. That finally also seemed so phoned in. Predictable as it was. Clem, in my mind, was a determent to the game. "Clem, there is a zombie apocalypse happening, WHAT. DO. YOU. NEED?" clem: "I...I...need mah hat". She developed/had little to no personality at all. I digress though, she is only 8. or 9. whatever.
I agree with the comment above about Gone Home. Overrated beyond belief.

This is controversial?
Mario Kart 64 is the best one because it has more platforming (i.e. you can fall off ramps) and had to jump in a couple stages, while the sequels have those turbo boosters on the floor so you cannot troll with the thunderbolt.

rdrr gnr

Gone Home is a contrived, poorly constructed and underwritten shell of a story. The fact that it can present a story so shallow, trite and vapid while still garnering acclaim is disturbing and shows games criticism is horribly incompetent. The fact reviewers kept presenting it as some sort of exploration of the mundane is ridiculous, given how unconvincing the structure was and how wrongheaded the ending turned out to be.
Amen. I think it originates from this deep desire to be considered a "grown up" progressive art form. Heaven forbid a reviewer have the capacity to smash that game for being the garbage it is at the expense of looking bigoted or ignorant or whatever conclusion people would jump to. It could have been a really novel yet thought-provoking game, but it turned out to be absolutely nothing. You combine all those factors with an "indie" title and you get the critical reception to Gone Home: graded on a massive curve.


Gone Home is a contrived, poorly constructed and underwritten shell of a story. The fact that it can present a story so shallow, trite and vapid while still garnering acclaim is disturbing and shows games criticism is horribly incompetent. The fact reviewers kept presenting it as some sort of exploration of the mundane is ridiculous, given how unconvincing the structure was and how wrongheaded the ending turned out to be.

VGX PC Game of the Year (as decided by a panel of console gamers who heard that the PC is good if you like indie games)

rdrr gnr

I'm convinced you have to be incredibly boring, socially awkward, severely depressed or have mild autism in order to enjoy Minecraft. This applies to some Mobas and MMOs too. I may have covered this in the past.
The demographic that plays Minecraft is everyone. These are supposed to be controversial opinions -- not thoughtless ones.


I didn't like anything about The Last of Us. After the opening sequence, it went straight downhill. The characters are awful, the story isn't engaging, and the gameplay is dreadful. I couldn't even get myself to finish the game.
Oh cool, a thread where it's encouraged to be a troll.

- I am of the impression that gears of war is the worst franchise of last generation.
- I think Nintendo has milked it's franchises for too long, and the adults that buy into every new Mario and Zelda game need to let it go already.
- Also after Halo 4 I have lost almost all hope for anything good to come out of Halo 5.
- Little Big Plant and God of War, I hope they are done.

Finally, The Walking Dead was cliche and predictable from start to end. That finally also seemed so phoned in. Predictable as it was. Clem, in my mind, was a determent to the game. "Clem, there is a zombie apocalypse happening, WHAT. DO. YOU. NEED?" clem: "I...I...need mah hat". She developed/had little to no personality at all. I digress though, she is only 8. or 9. whatever.
I agree with the comment above about Gone Home. Overrated beyond belief.

Nintendo is a far less ofender than big publishers, the only time that it has felt like it was too much was the 4 NSMB games, and that shit is over for a while.

I'm not that big of a Zelda fan, but I'm loving how it's usually one handheld one and then a console one every 18 months or so(that's how it feels at least). And when it comes to Mario, I can't live without 3D Mario or the RPGs(which sadly werent that good last and this year)

I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game for nearly 20 years.

Bravely Default will save the day(it's not FF, but yeah).
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