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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Li Kao

Shit, I have bought the two starter 3-figures paint boxes (Sigmar & Wharammer 40,000), but as I had some time left I said why not and visited another shop hoping to see more brand diversity...
...it was a Valhalla of miniatures from so many brands ! And I ended up with two Warmachine 3-unit boxes.

My planning suddenly got pretty busy :-S
Oh God I hope I can still paint decently (meaning I could do base / shade / dry but never really understood gradation and glazes)

PS. Infinity miniatures were nice too, but I succeeded at my will save on this one.


Some hours later :
The paint in the two GW boxes was dead.
I think I missed the September White Dwarf by a day or two.
I am not in a good mood.
Finished up the Slaughterpriest yesterday and sent in the pics.

It took longer than expected to finish him since a tourney came up on the 24th and I wanted to field my Ironjawz. I was able to put together a decent 1500 points by adding these guys:

Orruk Gore-gruntas

Orruk Warchanter

I regret having been exclusively a painter in my teenage years, but let's be realistic, I won't easily find another player, so...

It's funny you say that because games at my local shop have increasingly been pushing me to go back to just painting and maybe playing a game against my wife sometimes. I just don't have the tolerance to deal with people who cheat, especially when they want to run tournaments with a cash buy-in. Unfortunately, there's very few available players for friendly matches as everyone is banking their hobby time for the bi-weekly tourneys and the local tournament organizer doesn't actually enforce anything; so every week is a free-for-all of people attempting to bend the rules in their favor as much as possible without getting called out.

For example, the last one was 1500 points which is right between Vanguard and Battlehost rules and there was some discrepancy about what we were playing right up until tournament start. Well, one of my opponents had 4 Artillery (Battlehost only) and one of them had only 2 Battleline (Vanguard only) - so I definitely played at least one game against an illegal army. Then one of my opponents who had been playing loose with the rules all game (i.e. I let him do his Hero Phase after he had already moved two units so he could cast his one spell) suddenly becomes a stickler for every minute rule detail when he realizes I was winning in round 3. Then the tournament organizer ended the match in the middle of a round because 'time had expired' when I didn't even know we were playing a timed match so I got one less turn than my opponent - which gave him the win as he was contesting the final point with a unit that had 2 wounds left (and I had about 14 models in range to attack him would I have been allowed to finish my turn - and then won on points).

In a friendly match, I wouldn't care - hell, earlier that week I let a guy summon extra Daemons onto the board when they were down just so the game remained interesting. I don't care if I win or lose, as long as we're having fun. But we were playing for money so this sort of bullshit actually matters then. I ended up in third just out of the prize pool. Super disappointing experience.

Li Kao

Oh god I maybe have a negative level of competititiveness in me. I was talking about amical plays and your feedback conforts me in that position. I'm sorry to hear what a mess this tournament has been :-S

So tomorrow is changing old as shit paint boxes for me, what a joy... I think I will try to snag the P3 paint that goes with my two Warmachines boxes too, and maybe the three infinity blisters I found looked cool today.

Then it's painting, painting, and painting. And if I can't paint decently to save my life anymore I will unload the lot asap, these have been pricey days. Well, I think it will be alright, I will simply resume my habit of overworking on some inane detail and not be satisfied by my painting, party like it's the 90's :)


I never enter anything tournament related any more. No matter what the venue or how small the prize or what game is being played, people will cheat or become such unbearable try-hards that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It's a disappointment every time.
Great work on the Ironjawz, Mr Zombie :) Glad to see people painting those guys up. I really love the Gore Gruntas, although I might think differently if I ever play against them!



Welcome to our very first group build! This month we're showcasing peoples Khorne characters painted in September. Khornate warriors are very single minded in their desires and their iconic blood red and beaten bronze armor paired with fearsome axes is a terrifying sight on the battlefield. Check out how the members of our own little community brought these guys to life.

Submitted by Androida18a

ScatheZombie said:
This is actually my first painted Chaos unit, so he ended up being a testing ground for the rest of the army. I think it came out alright, though a bit darker than I expected.

ck8215 said:
This is one of the first models I painted. After painting half of the Age of Sigmar Skeleton Horde box I saw the new White Dwarf and the Community Group Build and I could not resist painting this model.

I chose the colors after looking at the official paint schemes. The main colors of Khorne seemed to be red and brown. So I took what I had in my limited color collection and started painting.
One thing I wanted to try was blood. I read a short tutorial on how to do it, but I didn't have the necessary colors. But in the end it turned out alright, with the red I had at hand.
It is also the first Base I ever modeled. With the skull and stone the Slaughter Priest is standing on, I imagined it to be some kind of desert with a few patches of grass.
In the end I'm pretty happy with the Result.

StaffyManasse said:
I was not able to get my hands on the Slaughterpriest, but a friend had a spare Chaos Lord from the Dark Vengeance box I could paint.

I didn't' have too much time in my hands and it shows in some spots, but generally I am pretty happy how he turned out.

Leunam said:
This is the Slaughterpriest I'll be using for my own army. I actually have a spare that came with my Bloodbound Getting Started box so maybe I'll paint one in traditional Khorne colors. Anyway, I'd say this was a very enjoyable model to paint. Lots of little details like the corruption in his arm showing daemonic growth underneath and a really cool weapon that just looks like a piece of scrap with a handle stuck to it. I may have gone a little overboard on the discoloration to indicate daemonic corruption but it was a last minute addition and I'm plenty happy with it. I decided that I'd do the white and blue to mimic the 40k Pre-Heresy World Eaters. I love those colors and one of my favorite pieces of Warhammer artwork is a pre-heresy marine in that regalia with an intimidating stride. Can't wait to paint more!

Thank you all for the submissions, I really appreciate the participation. The theme for this coming month of October is going to be: Robe and Wizard Hat

- Single model
- Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Psyker, if it flings spells or fizzles other peoples brains we want to see them.
- Include a brief description of your approach to painting and what you think of the model.

The choices for the November group build are:

- BFG (Single model with a heavy weapon)
- Yes, Sergeant! (Single squad leader model)
- One Shot, One Kill (Single sniper model)
- 50 Shades Of (Monochrome challenge)


Happy to do it Staffy.

Sorry desktop users, this ended up looking better on mobile though I didn't intend for it to be that way. I meant to include my own commentary on these minis but I ran out of time, I think I'll just let the work speak for itself.
I'm actually painting my slaughterpriest today, lol!

I'll post it once complete. I'll be watching horror movies while I paint him for inspiration!

Also, I feel like you could make this it's own post and put it in the OT. Over on the Lego side, we post our builds and that works out really well by garnering lots of interest/comments even from those not normally into Lego. I believe the hobby of painting miniatures would interest a lot of the other nerds on our forum of they saw them.

I'm still considering a "rundown" topic to post about this hobby and this Khorne themed event might make a good kick-off. I'm doing a pseudo step by step for this salughterpriest.

Great work guys. I'm a big fan of all the blood!
Ooh, a Wizardy challenge huh? Sounds like a great excuse to pick up a new clampack mini :) I'd vote for the monochrome challenge for the next one, it's something I've never attempted but I think it would be a fascinating thing to try. You'd actually have to think a little more about light direction and the brightness of certain areas.


Very nice models everyone.

I'll jump in this month. I've got my own Lanyssa Ryssyl model to paint still, she doesn't wear a wizard hat but she does have a robe and she is a sorceress.
I just have to give a shoutout to ck8215 for their Slaughterpriest. Little experience in painting, limited paint selection, first time making a base and the outcome is beautiful.

The blood splatter on the skirt thingy looks awesome!


Great models everyone. I'm looking forward to all the coming group builds.

I just have to give a shoutout to ck8215 for their Slaughterpriest. Little experience in painting, limited paint selection, first time making a base and the outcome is beautiful.

The blood splatter on the skirt thingy looks awesome!

Thank you for the compliment. :)
Well, I didn't finish my mini, so here is my progress. The base is complete except for the blood/gore, of which there will be plenty. I did the colors a bit brighter than normal so the colors will show through once the blood is applied. I need to finish the mini, apply matt spray, glue it to the base, then all gore will be added so the blood is nice and shiny :p





Hey Miniature-Gaf

Just started investing in WarmaHordes, and starting off with Trollbloods. I've got the starter battlegroup + pyre troll. Any recommendations for what to get next?


Troll staples: priority 1 Krielstone, Dire Troll Mauler; priority 2 either Fire Eaters or Rune Shapers, either Kriel Warriors or Fennblades; priority 3 either Janissa Stonetide or Fell Caller Hero. That leaves you with a good caster (from the battlebox), the signature Heavy Warbeast (Mauler) and a smattering of OK Light Warbeasts, the signature support (Krielstones), a flexible unit, and a solid support solo.


Thank you all for the submissions, I really appreciate the participation. The theme for this coming month of October is going to be: Robe and Wizard Hat

- Single model
- Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Psyker, if it flings spells or fizzles other peoples brains we want to see them.
- Include a brief description of your approach to painting and what you think of the model.

I'm not sure but Space Marine Librarians are Psykers, right? So a Librarian would be okay for this Group Build?


Absolutely. Technically, even the Slaughterpriest would fit as they use a particular form of blood magic in battle.


Troll staples: priority 1 Krielstone, Dire Troll Mauler; priority 2 either Fire Eaters or Rune Shapers, either Kriel Warriors or Fennblades; priority 3 either Janissa Stonetide or Fell Caller Hero. That leaves you with a good caster (from the battlebox), the signature Heavy Warbeast (Mauler) and a smattering of OK Light Warbeasts, the signature support (Krielstones), a flexible unit, and a solid support solo.

Awesome thanks.

Rune Shapers are on their way currently. I also picked up a bomber. Considering Fell Caller next. Krielstones seem like the go-to for trolls, so I'll get them asap.
Hoping to get in an enter a mini for the October challenge but I'm focussed on finishing my Armies on Parade board first! Will have to pick up a mini on parade day for this.

Nice work on the Azyros, Risible! I still hate painting those wings but the mini looks great.
Hi guys,

I thought I should get around to painting my zombies from Last Night on Earth, in time for Halloween.

Here are some progress shots for my zombies, also my first real miniature painting project (I practiced on some dollar store dinos before this though, but after doing both, it's a totally different experience)

I struggled deciding on colors, and had originally wanted a large variety of skin colors for the zombies.. after I had already started painting, I decided I needed to keep the zombie teams different (the game has green zombies and brown zombies to allow two players to have their own zombie pools), so I picked about 6 colors or so for each team, and started painting.

First two pictures are the base coat on the grey skinned zombies.



Here's a picture of the green zombies, after a nice washing! (My favorite step.. it's a total transformation!)
I struggled here too, trying to figure out how to do the wash.
Black or brown... Google for opinions, but not a lot out there. I didn't want to do a wash for each color on the zombies. Ultimately I decided the brown would be fine, but I'd like to hear opinions on black vs brown.


And the last pic here, this is the whole crew painted, washed, and I painted the tops and sides of the bases.. I'm probably going to add a little 'fresh blood', and may do a dry brushing (but that won't look great over the blood), and a protective coat, but I wanted to hear some opinions on that too...


My questions for you guys...

What's the best method to painting the base of these miniatures (not doing my own basing here, just want to paint the plastic bases as they are). Painting the mini first seems like a good idea, so I did that.. Then I painted the top and sides... Now I guess I'm going to wait till it's all dry, and paint the underside?? .... And then... when putting on a protective coat, do it in that order as well??

Speaking of protective coat... I had first thought I would do a spray on coat. Ultimately, after my practice session with my plastic dinos, I decided I didn't like the gritty feel to the touch, and with spray, for me, it feels like a lot could go wrong.

So I decided to go with Vallejo Gloss Varnish. Gloss vs Matte argument aside (think I prefer the gloss look), is this sufficient to give a nice solid protective coating, to prevent the paint from chipping, and to make it safe to handle over many many game sessions?

And if so, do I just paint on one wet coat, or do I do a coat, let dry, then do another coat? How many coats?

And again, I'm a little confused about handle the bases as they are on the plastic miniatures. How do you guys go about preparing the bases? Do they need extra protective coat since they are going to be in constant contact with the game board?

Oh and one more thing.. If I'm going to dry brush these zombies... how do you guys feel about just taking a very dry 'white' and lightly going over the whole thing.. Would that be bad? Taking a dry brush of each color would be ideal, but a lot more work than I want to put into these little guys. If a very dry light brushing with white is acceptable, I'll do that before I do the protective coat.

Looking to hear all your tips on these matters!



Those look pretty good. As for your questions:

I wouldn't bother vanishing them. Acrylic is a pretty solid coat on its own. But if you want to go for it, a single coat should be fine. Maybe a second coat in case you missed some spots but then you risk spotty coverage.

As for the bases, leave them blank, but maybe tidy them up with some black if you had some paint overrun. I don't remember if Last Night on Earth had special zombies, but you could indicate this with a different border color. No need to paint the underside, but something I've always wanted to do is use cheap velvet for the underside kind of like chess pieces use. I don't think it's necessary if you aren't especially rough with them during gameplay.

Lastly, if you want to dry brush them I'd use the next color up instead of universally white. But if you want to go with white, start with very little paint and build it up. It's way easier to add more paint if you need it than redoing a basecoat because you may have been a little heavy handed.
Another WIP shot. I'm throwing on paint inbetween Halloween decorating this weekend. I hope to have him finished tomorrow. I still need to do the head, more shading, and all the blood & gore.

Those look pretty good. As for your questions:

I wouldn't bother vanishing them. Acrylic is a pretty solid coat on its own. But if you want to go for it, a single coat should be fine. Maybe a second coat in case you missed some spots but then you risk spotty coverage.

As for the bases, leave them blank, but maybe tidy them up with some black if you had some paint overrun. I don't remember if Last Night on Earth had special zombies, but you could indicate this with a different border color. No need to paint the underside, but something I've always wanted to do is use cheap velvet for the underside kind of like chess pieces use. I don't think it's necessary if you aren't especially rough with them during gameplay.

Lastly, if you want to dry brush them I'd use the next color up instead of universally white. But if you want to go with white, start with very little paint and build it up. It's way easier to add more paint if you need it than redoing a basecoat because you may have been a little heavy handed.

Thanks for the tips, they've helped!

I used a very very dry white, almost unnoticeable, but it added a bit of dimension that wasn't there before, very subtle.

Immediately after using the gloss varnish, I realized it may not always be appropriate, hah. I mean it looks good, and I like it because it stands out, but the matte might look just as good too. Definitely no need to gloss the bases. I'll do matte on my next project, Fury of Dracula, and see how it compares.

Last Night on Earth minis have a recess on the underside of the base. Would be good for a magnet or felt bumper. That velvet idea would be perfect. If I can find something convenient that's like that, I'll definitely get it.
I've had 10 savage orruks on my table for weeks now. No motivation to paint them... I enjoy painting characters and heroes the most. I might pop em in a box for another time when I can be bothered and work on a wizardey-type hero for this months challenge.


I've got three Khorne Skullcrushers on my desk myself. I love the juggernaut model from the first time I saw it so it's nice to have some to paint after all these years. I'd like to finish them by this weekend for Armies on Parade and I may be able to since I'm painting all three at the same time. Going for straight steel and brass for the mounts and continuing the white and blue for the riders to fit the World Eater theme.

I have a plastic model I'm submitting for this month's group build, I'm hoping it doesn't take as long as my Slaughterpriest did.


Took 2nd place in a little Warmachine tournament the other day. 50pts, second list optional. I played Circle, paired Baldur 1 w/ Tharn Bloodtrackers and Kromac 1 w/ Warpborn Skinwalkers.

Round 1 I dropped Baldur into Kreoss with two Redeemers and Idrians. Fun matchup. Baldur's Solid Ground stops Kreoss's Feat and Redeemer blast damage (unless Kreoss moves close enough to Purify Baldur, which puts him in range of Baldur assassination). Bloodtrackers and Idrians Prey one another. Baldur Feat slows Menoth to a crawl. Lamentation is a Fury disaster. I used my speed and pathfinder to set up on flags early, Feated to keep him from closing the gap. I score a couple early points for free. He comes to contest and I make a couple misplays, taking scenario off the table. Next turn, Megalith gets Weight of Stone and his animus on Kreoss, setting up Baldur to basically auto-hit every attack on his assassination run. W.

Round 2 I bring Kromac against Cryx running a million troops (McThralls * 2, Blackbanes, Carion Thralls). My Kromac list had Sentry Stone for Magical weapons and Skinwalkers with buff go up to 20 ARM, making them basically immune from Blackbanes and Carion Thralls. He definitely wanted to jam me out of scenario with his cheap bodies, but it backfired. I ended up putting out a couple Rifts with Kromac to clear out chaff, Feated and leapt into his caster (who was camping full focus), used the Argus animus to guarantee every hit, and put a bunch of boosted attacks on him. He was cavalier with spending his focus because he thought Kromac was the only model that could reach him. But Warpath and Bond [Overtake] let Ghetorix get a couple hits in and then Stalker trampled in to buy two attacks and finish it off. I could've gotten two fully-boosted Mannikin shots on his casters, too, if I'd needed to. W.

Final round against Haley 2. I actually hadn't played against Cygnar in MK III and it was late, so I figured I'd play by feel, lose, and learn some things. Boy oh boy can Haley 2 project threat! It went way worse than I expected, he assassinated Kromac on the top of round two. I thought I was in range of ~maybe~ one heavy (Thunderhead). But after Telekinesis, Temporal Acceleration, and Energizer from Jakes, he got 2 Heavies on Kromac with a combined 10(!) ranged attacks. And one jack had Sustained Attack. Kromac just got perforated. I suppose I should've taken Baldur and used his forest to block Line of Sight? Or played Kromac way more conservatively, hid him behind some terrain? Alas. L.

Both my lists have solid scenario game, and solid All-In warlock assassination threats (Baldur Forest Walk, Kromac feat and Jump). I think I might swap one of them for a control warlock (Krueger 2, probably) but they did ok as a pair. I'm still getting a handle on MK III Circle (I've only really played my Khador since the new edition release) and there's still a couple factions I haven't played against. But damn I'm having a lot of fun with Circle. Kromac's Warpath spell alone makes buying into the faction worthwhile to me.


Thanks for the write-up! I really should try to get more matches under my belt. Even though I *play* Warmahordes, and with Circle even, I still didn't understand everything lol.

Hah yeah I takes a lot of reps. The first hill is to learn the rule book, second hill is to get familiar with all the factions' shticks, final hill is learn all the common models in the game. I think I'm over the second but pretty fair from the top of the third. Even still, I placed in the money by knowing the rules and my own models and then playing by feel.
Looks great, the rumor was that they are gonna do another 2 player box set with 2 different teams right?

Assuming this sells well (it will), I would think releasing 2 teams and another double sided team themed board would be the obvious delivery method for future content. I would buy them all.


I refuse to even acknowledge any rumours on SOBs until I see them in the actual real life flesh. It's been too long :-(

GW are doing some good work recently. They've acknowledged that the market has changed, and that they needed to adapt to survive. (Just as I stop collecting and painting too - which is good for my wallet).
Details that won't stop me from hacking them into kitbashed Sisters of Battle, all I need are a lot of flamer and melta weapons :D

This box seems to be a better value than BaC even.. Too bad I'm not a big fan of Mk III power armor (I loathe Mk II so at least it's not that..)

Oh yeah, you could do that. :)

Very exciting times for us GW has their hooks in for sure!
Top 3 Armies on Parade at my local store:

Bronze - Nurgle Age of Sigmar Army (Mine! yay!)

Silver - Sylvaneth Age of Sigmar Army

Gold - Eldar Harlequins 40K Army

Pleased with a bronze on my first ever AoP. Next year I want to push myself a little more with the board, I feel like that helped swing the top two because they'd obviously worked hard on that side whereas mine was just a single Realm of Battle tile I'd purchased and painted.
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