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52 Games - 1 Year Challenge

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Game 01: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - 4.2 hrs, Steam, 2014/01/03
#Great experience and beautiful visuals, the game didn't had the same emotional impact as ICO or Journey on me though.

Game 02: Ys I from "Ys I and II Chronicles" - 8.9 hrs, Steam, 2014/01/05
#I kept hearing about Ys for years now, then January was declared #Falcomonth on Twitter. It felt like the right moment, so I joined the play along. Surprisingly short, it only took me about 6 hours to clear the game. The core game design aged pretty well and was holding up nicely. This was my 1st experience with the series, yet everything was very familiar, like faint memories of '90s anime/manga/j-games.

Game 03: Galaga Legions DX - 2 hrs, PS3, 2014/01/11
#Booted up the SHMUP, just to check out the game and cleared the championship mode on my first go, glad it was free on PS+.

Game 04: 140 - 2.3 hrs, Steam, 2014/01/12
#Minimalistic platformer with lots of rhythm and timing based gameplay. Great electronica music, beats and sound effects which are all relevant to the game's core mechanics. The install is tiny (only 60MB and the game pretty short, although I only paid 2 bucks while on sale and it was definitely worth the little I spent.

Game 05: Contrast - 4 hrs, PS4, 2014/01/14
#The gameplay could have used some more polish, nice art direction and flair though. The story and concept of the game's mechanics still made it a worthwhile experience. Solid B kinda game.

Game 06: Dishonored DLC Brigmore Witches - 4 hrs, Steam, 2014/01/19
#Fantastic continuation and ending of the side story arc that began with "The Knife of Dunwall". I enjoyed especially the very last location and was glad I went high chaos (non-stealth, the resulting mayhem was glorious.

Game 07: Borderlands 2 DLC 3 - 4 hrs, Steam, 2014/01/24
#"Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt" was slightly less awesome than the first two DLCs, but still plenty fun. The wildlife and hunting spin was a nice change and yet another excellent excuse to go on another co-op rampage with Prime. It also had the best final boss "fight" ever.

Game 08: Crysis Warhead - 7hrs, Steam, 2014/01/26
#Totally Crysis1.5, tighter gameplay and overall more enjoyable. The game looks spectacular with a few mods: all the things I learned from modding the first Crysis worked with Warhead too, swapping out the 32bit for the 64bit build for more memory headroom, high res texture replacements, tweaked particle fx, etc. Luckily they actually optimized this one, so it plays a lot smoother than its predecessor. The "story" and characters are horrible, although that's actually fitting since it's gun porn after all.

Game 09: Spelunky HD - 162 hrs, Steam, 2014/02/04
#I got really addicted to the the freeware version a few years ago, although never managed to beat it. Now, finally after all this time, I beat the HD release. Still pretty tough endeavor of building experience and skills, but very rewarding because of that. Spelunky is definitely a timeless classic.

Game 10: Borderlands 2 DLC 4 - 4 hrs, Steam, 2014/02/11
#"Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" was definitely the best of the four main DLC packs: everything was awesome about it, so well written, tons of jokes which were actually funny, great little story that even complemented the ending of Borderlands 2 itself with a neat emotional sendoff and some more closure. Spot on level design and art direction, that echoed all kinds of Fantasy RPG tropes taken from Dungeons & Dragons, Lord of the Rings, MMO games and such.

Game 11: Ikaruga - 3.5 hrs, Steam, 2014/02/25
#Still one of the best SHMUPs ever made. Picked it up on day1/full-priced to support/reward Treasure's Steam efforts. This is definitely the best version: proper 16:10 support while maintaining the correct aspect ratio in-game, lots of extra artwork sandwiched into the start menu and attract mode. There's also cloud saving of replays for new highscore rankings. The game renders to desktop res, so will happily go up to 4K and beyond. Steam trading cards were added a couple of days after its release. I'm so glad this game will live on even after the inevitable 360 XBLA demise. Hopefully more japanese devs will follow Treasure's example, too bad CAVE got its head stuck in the sand.

Game 12: Under Defeat HD - 6 hrs, PS3, 2014/03/17
#It's March, intergalactic SHMUPreciation month! So I always try to pick up at least one STG that I've never played before. Under Defeat HD is fun, but not G.rev finest work. Shooting stuff is super satisfying, tons of explosions, sparks, smoke and mayhem: the panic bomb is pretty much just screen filling napalm. The cinematic look is unfortunately working against the playability some times, enemies do get obscured by all the FX randomly. I only paid 10 bucks for it while on a PSN sale, glad that I didn't spent more. Some of the more recent doujin SHMUPs, easily top this "full" retail release.

Game 13: Shelter - 1.5 hrs, Steam, 2014/03/23
#Nice little experience, that didn't overstayed its welcome. The story told without a single word. The point they tried to make came through, loud and clear.

Game 14: One Finger Death Punch - 4.4 hrs, Steam, 2014/03/27
#Kung-Fu Master meets Kung Pow with two button controls, this game made me laugh so hard: the stereotypical Bloodsport announcer straight out of Mortal Kombat, really horrible but strangely consistent aesthetics of westernized 70s HK movie tropes, tons of overkill and non-stop mayhem. Brilliant "bad" game, so much fun.

Game 15: Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - 60 hrs, PS3, 2014/04/06
#Ni no Kuni is such a poster child of a good JRPG: great story, fun battle system, adorable characters, no unnecessary oversexulization, amazing music and art direction. Definitely a must for all Studio Ghibli fans, but also props to Level-5 too. The progression and enjoyment never slowed down for me. Even when I only had time for 1-2 hours there was a feeling of achievement. The side quests were fun, easy to complete while I followed the main quest. They really helped with XP and gear, I never had to do any grinding, big plus in my book.

Game 16: 10,000,000 - 10 hrs, Steam, 2014/04/17
#I was starved for a puzzle game and this was the perfect fix. Amiga like soundtrack, not even the prettiest pixel art, something like a cheap shareware title, but surprisingly fun. You're trying to break out of a dungeon: fighting, lock picking and upgrading are abstracted by a matching tiles puzzle like Bejeweled. You slowly have to build up your character, gain freedom by cracking the score of 10,000,000. Highly addicting hybrid RPG-Puzzle, it kept calling me and I finished it in just a couplethree days.

Game 17: FTL: Advanced Edition - 60 hrs, Steam, 2014/04/24
#Great content update to an already awesome game, I can't believe it was for free. I've beaten FTL vanilla a couple of times with different cruisers, but the advanced edition felt really fresh and threw me a bunch of curve balls. The additions made things even more varied and complex, therefore more challenging. FTL remains to be super rewarding and satisfying.

Game 18: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus - 6 hrs, PS3, 2014/05/02
#Brief, but it got everything what makes the series so much fun. Too bad that they dropped the framerate down to 30 after ACiT, but the mayhem got very busy later on and the environments were extra lush, so it's a fair trade. Challenge mode is back and cranking up the action even further is a great excuse for a second play through.

Game 19: Just Cause 2 - 24 hrs, Steam, 2014/05/18
#I liked its predecessor, but looking back, the first entry in the series barely passes as proof of concept or prototype. Just Cause 2 improved in every possible way. It's one of the best open world / sandbox games I ever played, so much to do, such a giant map, tons of physics and mayhem. Even the traversal was super fun and that's something many games in the genre struggle with. The PC version ran very smooth and felt very well optimized, apart from a few minor hiccups.

Game 20: Stick it to the Man - 4 hrs, PS4, 2014/05/25
#The game wasn't on my radar at all, then it came with PS+ and I got hooked imminently. Quirky, strange, fun and dark humor that reminded me a lot of Ren&Stimpy with a dash of Psychonauts wrapped into a point'n'click adventure game disguised as a shallow platformer. Not much replay value, but well worth a play through.

Game 21: Hammerwatch - 13.7 hrs, Steam, 2014/05/27
#Never heard of this game before, picked it up from the Humble Store on a whim because it looked neat and was only a bit over a quid (2 bucks. What a pleasant surprise, online co-op, local co-op, lan co-op, Gauntlet with RPG and bullet hell elements. Exploring the floors for secrets and loot while blasting through hoards of enemies, dodging their attacks. There's even a strafe button! Gameplay and level design offer more depth than the initial impression suggests. Prime and myself got so hooked that we finished the game in only a couple of sessions. Highly recommended, such a fun game especially with multiple players. Props to the developer, they're really trying: added the thief class with a recent patch, free campaign add-on planned, editor for user created content, free soundtrack on their site, etc

Game 22: Velocity Ultra - 6 hrs, Steam, 2014/05/30
#Amazing, it feels like an HD remake of an imaginative Amiga game, down to its soundtrack. Game got it all: puzzles, racing, shoot 'em up, super twitchy and incredible responsive controls.

Game 23: Risk of Rain - 16.7 hrs, Steam, 2014/06/03
#Got hooked instantaneously, love on first sight, etc ... just another action platformer with roguelike elements, although with a couple of fresh ideas. It cranks up the difficulty the longer the player lingers around, so there's a constant sense of urgency and runs aren't endless. The items stack and there are tons of them, so each play through is different. Character unlocks add to the variety too since the classes offer manifold play styles. It's great how the game starts slow and then dumps more and more enemies on the screen until it's all 2D pixel mayhem and chaos. Will play more, so good, such a fun game.

Game 24: Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION - 6.2 hrs, Steam, 2014/06/07
#Still my most favorite doujin bullet hell SHMUP, finally with tons of polish. Big step up from the original disc release, especially in terms of overall presentation. Going through the masses of enemies couldn't be more satisfying.

Game 25: Clickr - 12.5 hrs, Steam, 2014/06/21
#Had a craving for a nice puzzle game, Steam sale happened, this game was 80% off, mere 99 cents. After playing Clickr for around 7 hours I gotta say: steal of the century. It's loaded, 50 challenge puzzles, battle, push and IQ mode. There's even online multiplayer. I totally adore its gameplay, cheerful sound fx and the quirky korean character designs. I remember how something like this would have been a full price title in the SNES/PS1/PS2 days.

Game 26: R-Type Dimensions - 2 hrs, PS3, 2014/06/24
#Nice package but unfortunately flawed, they messed up the side scrolling, there's constant judder like if the game renders at 57Hz and is displayed at 60Hz. It's also not performance related, the stutter is constant in both 2D and 3D mode. The 3D mode is a nice touch, but I switched it off straight away since I grew up with the original 2D and strongly prefer its style. I think that the PS1 re-release R-Types is the better compilation of these two classics since it sports buttery smooth scrolling and is more truthful to the original arcade release.

Game 27: Joe Danger - 27 hrs, Steam, 2014/07/12
#Went all out and 100%'d the career, all stars! The second to last stage "Insert Disk 2" was one of the hardest things I've ever tackled in gaming, up there with Wipeout HD's "Beat Zico", Spelunky's "To Hell and Back" and Super Meat Boy. Joe Danger is such a gamer's game, all gameplay, super polished, super fun, skill driven and rewarding.

Game 28: The Floor is Jelly - 3 hrs, Steam, 2014/07/19
#Great little platformer with a bunch of neat ideas and twists. The floor is ACTUALLY jelly and makes the whole gameplay super playful, bouncy and fun, sorta in a LocoRoco kinda way. Later on it sneaks different elements into the mix from exploration to nifty puzzles, plays on gravity and changes in surface tension. Extra wild events in the home stretch, pleasant surprise to say the least. The game's music is by Disasterpeace (FEZ, Runner2, etc!

Game 29: PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ - 8.2 hrs, Steam, 2014/07/22
#What a great remix of a classic, so fresh. Got hooked so badly and finished all trials and challenges within a few sessions. Too bad the studio had very little foresight and build the game around 720p. Not the end of the world, but it will look unnecessary dated in the not so distant future.

Game 30: Trine 2: Complete Story - 10 hrs, PS4, 2014/07/27
#Played the whole thing in 3D on PS4 (thanks based PSN+, stunning, start to end, such a constant level of awe, every freaking screen is stabbing you in the face with pretty. Same floaty gameplay the Trine series is known for, the new abilities mix things up nicely, great physics puzzles, especially funny when stuff goes south. The main story was almost a bit too easy. The included DLC was way more interesting and really made you work. Would have been nice if the main story had require more grit.


Game 31: Octodad: Dadliest Catch - 3.8 hrs, Steam, 2014/08/01
#The game's title says it all, Nickelodeon cartoon like premise, quirky gameplay and surprisingly heartwarming story. Kinda brief, more would have be nice since it's a really fun game. The controls ain't super tight, but that actually works in favor of the experience. The physical comedy of thing going horrible wrong is spot on.

Game 32: BattleBlock Theater - 11.3 hrs, Steam, 2014/08/16
#One of the funniest platformers I ever played: the narrator, story, characters, different unlockable heads, animation, even the mildly retarded baddies are hilarious. Single player is great, co-op even better. Prime and myself never had too much trouble to solve the puzzles or to tackle the more challenging platforming bits. Surely there were a few retries or 1-2 minutes of scratching heads, but overall very nicely balance of difficulty and effortlessness. Precision and timing were never impacted by the netcode, great feat. The Behemoth once again delivered.

Game 33: Little Inferno - 4 hrs, Steam, 2014/08/17
#Nice casual association puzzle, cosy style, neat little story and ending. Slightly disappointing considering it was made by the same people who created the timeless classic World of Goo. Little Inferno is very forgettable.

Game 34: LUFTRAUSERS - 17.8 hrs, Steam, 2014/08/23
#What a fun arcade style shoot 'em up. Core gameplay is very simple, easy to pick, hard to master. Especially the various possible combinations of weapons, engines and specialized bodies kept the game from ever getting stale. Each part got its own missions for further unlocks, the most evil "one more" hook that keeps you playing for hours. The presentation reminded me a lot of the late 80s home computer classic "Wings of Fury": just more over the top and rock'n'roll in very possible way.

Game 35: LYNE - 30 hrs, Steam, 2014/08/30
#Picked the game up for 74 cents from the Steam Summer Sale, because it looked like a nice little puzzle game. I expected a brief time waster, 3 hours tops. Boy, was I wrong, 500+ puzzles and 27 hours of playtime wrong. Amazing bang for less than a buck if you ask me. The game's mechanics are pretty simple, but its puzzles not. They really managed to get the balance right, not too frustrating but still challenging. Clearing a puzzle never failed to hit that dopamine release button in my brain. I really enjoyed this one, all 27 hours of it (lol.

Game 36: KAMI - 6.8 hrs, Steam, 2014/09/06
#Not the most content, but what's there is pretty nice. The gameplay is driven by pattern recognition, elimination through addition of patterns in form of colors or textures. Win state is when only one single color or texture is remaining on screen. What makes things tricky is the limitation of moves, forward thinking is necessary to score a perfect grade. The first sets of puzzles are pretty easy, the later ones are soul crushing hard. Nice touch is the zen like presentation: animation is carried out by origami folding, japanese chimes and beautiful ethnic melodies as puzzle completion reward.

Game 37: Deus Ex - 42 hrs, Steam, 2014/09/22
#What a lengthy experience, it took me 40 hours to complete the game, then another 2 for going through the rest of the endings. Definitely a classic and template for many modern stealth action games. It's really neat going back to these classics and experience them for the first time after playing recent titles like Dishonored and Deus Ex HR. They are more refined in every possible way, but the core formula is still present and unchanged. Crazy how little impact the last 15 years had on this genre. Deus Ex is still very enjoyable, core gameplay aged gracefully and visuals can easily be enhanced with a few mods. I went the whole nine, new binary with DX10 renderer, high res textures, 4K down-sampling for extra anti aliasing with buttery smooth 60 fps. Old games aren't demanding, it's always fun to tinker with the excessive performance head room.

Game 38: Iron Fisticle - 7 hrs, Steam, 2014/09/28
#Awesome roguelike twin-stick shooter, although persistent unlocks carry over so it's not totally ball busting. Really excellent sprite work in the game, folks who love arcade classics from the likes of Irem, Namco, Taito, etc will feel right at home.

Game 39: Beyond Gravity - 3.2 hrs, Steam, 2014/09/30
#Super basic, very brief, somewhat casual, but still pretty fun and addictive. Your space craft crashed and you, the astronaut, must jump from planet to planet. These astronomical objects are spinning and the required trajectory is hinted at with a few collectable bolts. Perfect jumps collect the most bolts, create chains and add multipliers. Bolts can be exchanged for unlocks, that aid the given cause. 40 small objectives provide the carrot on a stick, read: a constant stream of instant gratification. I really enjoy the 60s cartoon show presentation.

Game 40: Gauntlet 2014 - 10 hrs, Steam, 2014/09/30
#Not a very long game, although fitting with its arcade heritage. The game is best played in short bursts. Gauntlet is all gameplay: no loot, no skill trees, no RPG elements, only a few character perks / unlocks bow to modern game design. It's all about crowd control and kicking ass. There's no denying it, that there's a degree of repetition but it's still very fun when played co-op because of the additional randomness, teamwork, banter and crown chasing (inside joke. The different classes got their own gameplay style and difficulty settings are the only replay value. Presentation wise it's a lovely looking game, right up there with the likes of Torchlight 2, etc. Netcode is pretty much flawless even in the busiest of battles.

Game 41: Road Not Taken - 26 hrs, PS4, 2014/10/01
#Game with the steepest learning curve award 2014 goes to this one. The adorable art lured me in, the really tricky puzzles and the min-maxing meta game of working the system kept me going. I wish the game would be more generous with handing out knowledge, it requires a lot of patience to learn enough crucial combos to stand a chance. Probably not many people will "suffer" through the first 6 hours and give up in frustration. Road Not Taken is very rewarding and gratifying once one gained proficiency - think: Demon's/Dark Souls.

Game 42: inFAMOUS: Second Son - 12 hrs, PS4, 2014/10/08
#Pretty late to the party, but glad I dropped by. Sucker Punch did such a great job with populating the open world with fun things to do, likeable misfit heroes and a sweet "stick it to the man" story. Had so much fun, that I probably end up playing the game some more: I still need to see the evil part of the story!

Game 43: Vib-Ribbon - 2 hrs, PS1, 2014/10/09
#It's like playing through a music album, brief fun. Vibri really retained its charm over all this years. Crazy how this was once a full retail disc release, today this would only pass as a mobile game.

Game 44: TxK - 8 hrs, PSV, 2014/10/11
#Retro bliss, in my book the best version of Tempest. Holy ox balls and the music, it gave me flashbacks of early 90s warehouse raves. Pretty neat match for the Vita, had the game on and off in standby while trotting slowly but steadily through the 100 levels of tunnel shooting cow termination. Classic!

Game 45: Syder Arcade - 1 hrs, Steam, 2014/10/25
#Tried the game for the first time and cleared the SHMUP straightaway, pretty easy on default, super fun though and insanely pretty. The whole game is very euro Amiga scene, down to its soundtrack. This is something Psygnosis would put out nowadays if they and Commodore didn't folded.

Game 46: Love - 1.5 hrs, Steam, 2014/10/26
#8bit platformer, very brief, not too difficult due to the fact that you can set your own respawn points and got 100 lifes. I enjoyed this nice little retro flashback, great soundtrack too.

Game 47: The Walking Dead: Season Two - 10.2 hrs, Steam, 2014/10/26
#Not sure if this even qualifies as game. The point and click/touch part took such a backseat, this whole thing reminds me more of an interactive graphic novel. Good fun regardless, the mildly branching story and new characters didn't disappoint. Overall not as good as Season #1, but still very solid.

Game 48: Call of Juarez Gunslinger - 10.7 hrs, Steam, 2014/11/01
#Super fun western shooter, neat story telling and narration, presented as a salon conversation that would change while the drunks correct themselves or remember things more correctly WHILE the player is going through the game! Gameplay situations change on the fly according to the ongoing lore. Gunplay got spiced up with a neat XP scoring system that reminds of a shooting gallery at a traveling carnival, just with XP rewards, skill unlocks, combos and multipliers. I had so much fun with my first play through that I jumped straight back in and started a new game plus on the highest difficulty setting (minimal HUD, no cross hair, etc.

Game 49: Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - 2 hrs, PS4, 2014/11/05
#Definitely more payable and refined, although I do miss the smoother vectorized graphics of the original flash release. IMHO a better fit for its hand drawn cartoon style. The way they deconstructed the visuals down into sprite work could have been handled better. BUT the new content and gameplay refinements make this the definitive version in my book. Will play again, again and again.

Game 50: FOTONICA - 7.4 hrs, Steam, 2014/11/09
#First person runner that looks like Rez, very brief and simple.

Game 51: Fist of Awesome - 1.7 hrs, Steam, 2014/11/12
#Pretty funny beat'em up: lots of jokes, banging chiptunes and solid gameplay. Forgettable palate cleanser, that I enjoyed in its moment.

Game 52: Commando Arcade - 2 hrs, C64, 2014/11/15
#The group [n0stalgia] took this C64 classic and enhanced its original port to be more in line with the arcade game. 5 new levels added, new graphics (barracks, hangar, chopper, etc and animated level transitions. They did such a great job, awesome game got better after 30 years!

Game 53: Yakuza 4 - 24 hrs, PS3, 2014/12/05
#Super solid addition to an already great series, taking its 4 literal and converging the four main characters' course of life into one single plot was done really well. The four perspectives really helped to keep the 24 hour play through fresh and interesting, given 4 slightly different fighting styles and story backgrounds. Definitely a must for fans of the franchise, but I can see how these games aren't for anyone: compared to other PS3 games Yakuza4 feels like an HD re-make of a PS2 game, how it's structured, how you have to confirm every item pick up like three times, the archaic save system, not pauseable cut-scenes that last 20-30 minutes and the very Japanese story where gangsters have more integrity than most western citizens.

Game 54: Titan Attacks - 2 hrs, PSV, 2014/12/09
#Tried the port to Vita since it came with PS+, nice reason to revisit this little gem. The game was choking the handheld at very busy moments, but wouldn't render it unplayable. The things I said last year about the PC version remains: "The game starts off really slow with a Space Invaders like pace, but ramps up quickly to something like Galaga on steroids and cocaine. The screen is exploding in pixel fireworks after a few stages and upgrades to your little tank. Fun neo-retro shooter!". Interestingly enough I still retained some skills and completed then 100%'d all trophies in one sitting.

Game 55: Kamui - 0.5 hrs, Steam, 2014/12/11
#Its Steam key fell into my lap from an earlier Doujin Groupees Bundle, tried the SHMUP out and blasted right through the whole thing. Definitely not bullet hell, mildly maybe, lots of sprite scaling, multi level ascending and descending of enemies. This game would have been a full price SHMUP on PS1 or Saturn and feels a lot like like something from that era. Solid shoot 'em up, nothing too amazing overall.

Game 56: Armored Hunter GUNHOUND EX - 5.7 hrs, Steam, 2014/12/14
#2D mecha mayhem, that reminded me right away of SNES' Cybernator (aka Assault Suits Valken. Lots of scaling sprites, a bit of platforming, glide dashing and tons of shooting. The PC release is a bit low res given that it's a straight port from PSP, although serviceable to fans of pixels. Gameplay is spot on and well refined, but there's definitely a learning curve. Bosses can end the player within seconds and seem impossible at first, then do fall after a couple of tries. The developer Dracule Software is currently working on the next Assault Suit game announced as "Assault Suits Leynos" for PS4. I love it when things snap into place like that, full circle anyone?

Game 57: FRACT OSC - 9.1 hrs, Steam, 2014/12/15
#I followed this game since the developer kicked off a dev blog, the whole thing shaped up from something interesting into something really special. The player ends up in a Tron-like world that requires lots of 3D exploration and solving of logic puzzles that re-establish various modules of a synth. Brilliant level design, everything is connected and reachable by foot. Waypoints can be discovered, they interconnect all areas and enable fast-traveling on some kind of virtual tram line. Going from waypoint to waypoint is like flying through the machine's cyberspace. The sound design is fully synth driven and similar to what Daft Punk produced for Tron Legacy.


Awesome thread idea. This is my list so far, copied from a wordpad file so I hope it looks ok. Beat around 100 games this year by the looks of it. I'll do a final count on New Years. Apparently I was very busy in June, and did nothing but game In August o_O

JAN 14:
(90h) MARIO SUNSHINE (4h)7prev
TMNT 3DS (1h)2prev
MISC (2h)

FEB 14:
(90h) RESIDENT EVIL 5 (2h)7prev
SKYRIM (13h)126prev
POKEMON X (6h)90prev
CRYSIS (14h)
DOOM (4h)
TMNT 360 (3h)
MISC (2h)

MAR 14:
(96h) MISC (2h)
DARK SOULS 2 (73h)
TMNT 360 (1h)
BORDERLANDS 2 (9h)35prev

(90h) DARK SOULS 2 (3h)73prev
BORDERLANDS 2 (2h)44prev
CoD MW2 (7h)
DISSIDIA 012 (2h)
MISC (3h)

MAY 14:
(94h) THE WITCHER 2 (6h)18prev
PIKMIN 3 (17h)
MISC. (4h)

JUNE 14:
(63h) ALADDIN (3h)
ALIEN 3 (2h)
MEGAMAN 1,2,3 (7h)
MISC (8h)

JULY 14:
(81h) DARK SOULS 2 SUNKEN KING (13h)76prev
MEGA MAN 64 (8h)

AUG 14:
(105h) DARK SOULS 2 IRON KING (17h)89prev
MEGA MAN X2 (3h)

SEPT 14:
(67h) DARK SOULS 2 IVORY KING 9/23 (5h)106prev
OBLIVION (17h)2prev

OCT 14:
(86h) OCARINA OF TIME 3DS (15h)

NOV 14:
OBLIVION (9h)19prev

DEC 14:
(27h) SMASH BROS 4 WIIU (h)10prev
POKEMON X (2h)96prev


I think I'm at 57. I have them written down somewhere. I do think I will complete a few more games. A lot of games were completed in May-August due to unemployment. Might list them here by the end of the year.

I usually complete 35-40 games a year.


Does not look like I'm gonna finish the challenge this year, maybe next year. Just ran out of games that I want to play through (also out of money). Still, this is by far the most games that I have ever completed in a year.


I pooped out on updating after 60 something but ended my year at 89, hitting my target mark. Looking forward to this hopefully next year
Haven't updated in awhile but here's the games I've beaten since my last update.


Game 67: The Wolf Among Us (PS3) - ~8 hrs
A pleasant surprise coming from season 2 of The Walking Dead as my most recent Telltale game. Really enjoyed the art style and characters in this one. The game was a technical mess but that's Telltale.

Game 68: The Shivah (PC) - 1 hr 18 mins
Nice little point and click by one of my favorite devs/pubs Wadjet Eye. Not sure how different the endings are but this is short enough that I'll probably go back for at least one more.

Game 69: Costume Quest + Grubbins On Ice (PC) - 5 hrs 48 mins
Smiled from start to finish with both the main game and the expansion. Really captured the feeling of trick or treating when I was younger. Fighting as a unicorn was amazing.
I got this challenge locked.

Game #51: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (PS3) - 36 hours (Finished)
Beat it on Proud. After beating the original in a weekend 8 years ago and having it freeze on me during the final cutscene, then playing the patched version of this briefly, I finally own the damn thing for myself. I like the game but it has issues. The overly-long beginning, overly-abusable Triangle button and overly-unnecessary Disney plots are a drag. The core combat is a bit basic too, but you gain so many options between abilities, magic, summons, reaction commands, guest party members and limits. Hidden items are pretty much gone from the first game so the sense of discovery is removed. The story starts getting convoluted around this point too, though the actual plot of this game is simple enough. With all that said, the game really shines in its presentation. The original game nailed the Disney aesthetic already. It looks pretty damn good in HD and the redone music is lovely. Oh, the Final Mix additions are great too. I'm glad I replayed it.
Not posted an update in a while. Looks like I won't be making 100 unless I find a bunch of short <1 Hour Indie games.

Game 65: Dead Rising 3 - 15.8 Hours
Fun game, performance not the best in parts but the amount of zombies was great. At the end the back and forward nature of some quests got frustrating.

Game 66: Dead Rising 3: Untold Stories - 6.3 Hours
Maybe not the best idea straight after completing the main game. More of the same, more frustration but some good points.

Game 67: Urban Trial Freestyle - 2.8 Hours
Decent Trials clone, some of the challenges in it weren't too much fun but nice little Trials fix.

Game 68: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - 13.4 Hours
What a game. Really fun all round then the nemesis system that took things to another level.

Game 69: Bridge Constructor - 2.4 Hours
It is what it is. This was in my complete anything to try hit 100 phase.

Game 70: Bridge Constructor Playground - 1.7 Hours
As above.

Game 71: Hitman: Sniper Challenge - 1.3 Hours
Like above, anything to get to the 100 games. All the challenges and what not completed, pretty fun actually.

Game 72: DmC: Devil May Cry - 9 Hours
Really awesome design in parts. A couple of the bosses and areas especially. Worth picking up cheap and playing through.

Game 73: DmC: Devil May Cry - Vergil's Downfall - 1.7 Hours
Again maybe not the best idea to play this right after the base game but it was still fairly enjoyable.

Game 74: Injustice: Gods Among Us - 3.8 Hours
Free weekend. Well put together game but reminded me I ain't very good at fighting games.

Game 75: Borderlands 2: Season Pass - 6 Hours
Had it since launch on a pricing error but never got round to doing any of the DLC. Good highs, terrible lows.

Game 76: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - 16.8 Hours
More Borderlands. All you can say about it really, hopefully the proper sequel will have some bigger changes.

Game 77: OlliOlli - 2.7 Hours
All the basic levels complete, not always the five starts. Great game though, frustrating at times but the soundtrack is great.

Game 78: VVVVV - 2.1 Hours
Great game, great soundtrack. If you have it, play it.

Game 79: Saints Row IV - DLC Run - 2.4 Hours
Picked it up cheap at somepoint but never got around to it. Like the Borderlands 2 stuff, good highs, not so good lows.

Game 80: Peggle Deluxe - 4.1 Hours
I had only ever completed Peggle on an old iPod Classic so was good to go in and play it again. Peggle...yeah.

Game 81: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - 12.7 Hours
Been plugging away at this for a while. Great kart racer, nice variety as well. Though, unlocking a new difficulty and the end making you go back and do every race again to get to the final couple? Nope.

Game 82: Far Cry 4 - 18.3 Hours
More Far Cry 3. More fun, still got some side content to do but who knows when I'll get round to it.

Game 83: FootLOL: Epic Fail League - 4.2 Hours
Good little time killer that can provide some funny moments.

Original Post


Game 47: POP: Methodology Experiment One - 40 min, Dec 18th
A short, strange thing of a game. I suggest you watch the trailer on youtube. The music's good.

I just need 5 more games but I have no time to play :[
Going to have to crank out some short ones even though it feels a bit like cheating.
27. Gravity Rush PS Vita - Completed on 3/15/2014
One the main reasons why I got a Vita, took a while took to get used to the tilting but I had fun with it & got the Platinum. Still waiting on that sequel Sony.

28. Darksiders 2 PC - Completed on 5/6/2014, Played for 36 Hours
I like the story & the characters of the Darksiders universe & I hope to see more of it but hopefully they don't make a huge yet barren world again.

29. The Walking Dead PC & PS Vita - Completed on 2/23/14 & 3/7/14, Played for 20 Hours
I held off playing it for a while & aside for the near inexplicable tech issues & I had fun with it. Telltale did a good job of making you like/care about Lee & Clementine, everyone else though... Didn't really notice the illusion of choice until my 2nd playthrough.

30. The Walking Dead: Season 2 PC - Completed on 8/26/14, Played for 12 hours
Season 1 was better. The illusion of choice shines pretty bright in this one. Also, fuck Arvo, Jane & pretty much everyone not named Clementine.

31. The Wolf Among Us PC - Completed on 7/8/14, Played for 9 Hours
Out of the 3 Telltale games that I've played this is by far my favorite, it's also the one with the least amount of the illusion of choice. I really enjoyed the mystery & can't wait for more.

32. Torchlight 2 PC - Completed on 1/3/14, Played for 71 Hours
Reminds a lot of Champions of Norrath on PS2 which is probably why I liked it so much. Got pretty far in the game before restarting & playing with mods which is why my playtime is so high.

33. Astebreed PC - Completed on 7/1/14, Played for 2 Hours
Saw Super Best Friends Zaibatsu play it thought it looked pretty cool. Not sure if I fully grasped the controls but I still had fun.

34. Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION PC - Completed on 7/3/14, Played for 3 Hours
God DAMN this is one crazy ass SHMUP! One of the few games where I come close to experiencing sensory overload.

35. Middle-earth: Shadows of Mordor PC - Completed on 10/2/14, Played for 57 Hours
It's the best Batman & Assassin's Creed game on the market. The gameplay was fun but everything else was kind meh.

36. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition PS Vita - Completed on 4/24/14
Been playing the series since Dynasty Warriors 4 & I think 8 is the best as far as the main series goes.

37. Shadow Warrior PC - Completed on 11/30/14 Played for 22 Hours
This is what Duke Nukem Forever should've been. It has the same problems as Hard Reset & Serious Sam 3 when it comes to bullshit enemy encounters but it's not nearly as bad as those 2.

38. Bastion PC - Completed on 6/14/14, Played for 11 Hours
Liked just about everything about the game except for the narrator(got a bit annoying to me towards the end) & the controls.

39. Transistor PC - Completed on 7/1/14, Played for 10 Hours
Loved everything about it, probably my favorite indie game.

40. Saints Row: The Third PC - Completed on 4/15/14, Played for 26 Hours
Beat the game at least 5 times, definitely my favorite Sandbox game.

41. Saints Row 4 PC - Completed on 8/16/14, Played for 36 Hours
The fact that I played 3 so much kinda hampered my enjoyment of 4 but it's still a good game.

42. Jet Set Radio PC - Completed on 8/7/14, Played for 10 Hours
Blast from the past that I enjoyed even more now than I did over a decade ago. Really wish the game ran at 60FPS though & I hope Sega stops bullshitting & ports Jet Set Radio Future to PC.

43. Orcs Must Die 2 PC - Completed on 8/12/14, Played for 36 Hours
Tower Defense is another genre of game that I like to play but suck at. Really loved this game though & I'm glad I managed to beat it.

44. Wolfenstein: The New Order PC - Completed on 5/23/14, Played for 44 Hours
Definitely the best FPS I've played in a while. The only things I didn't like were that it was too easy even on UBER & that there weren't enough Nazis to shoot.

45. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U - Played for 655 Hours
Been playing the series since it launched back in 2004 & logged almost 7000 Hours into it.

46. Murmasa Rebirth: Genroku Legends PS Vita - Completed on 9/3/14
I know Vanillaware isn't big on sequels but I hope there's a Murmasa Rebirth 2.

47. Dragon's Crown PS Vita - Completed on 3/5/14
Beat out Metal Gear Rising & The Wonderful 101 as my 2013 GOTY. Love the art, the story, the gameplay & just like with Muramasa Rebirth, I hope there's a sequel.

48. The Legend of Korra PC - Completed on 10/21/14, Played for 9 Hours
Combat is top notch as with any PlatinumGames title but everything else kinda meh. It's definitely the best Avatar game we could've gotten when you consider how Nick feels about Avatar & how Activision treats licensed IP games. Maybe one day we'll get an Avatar game with Bayonetta level combat & the ability to use the sub-styles.

49. Vanquish PS3 - Completed on 12/3/14
Best 3rd Person Shooter I've ever played. It's weird how the obtuse control scheme seems to work so incredibly well. One the few games I've beaten a double digit amount of times.

50. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC - Completed on 1/11/14
This game ruined Video Games for me for a while when I played it on PS3. Nothing could match the adrenaline rush this game provides. Getting to learn Jetstream Sam's origin was nice & "Hot Wind Blowing" is probably the most underrated song in the game.

51. Bayonetta Wii U - Completed on 10/30/14
Bayonetta is the game that convinced me not to give up on Video Games back in 2010 & playing again on the Wii U cemented its place in my heart but its flaws are more apparent to me now.

52. Bayonetta 2 Wii U - Completed on 10/25/14
Oh My Jubileus! This game is fucking amazing! Playing Bayonetta 1 almost feels like a chore after playing Bayonetta 2. I beat both games 4 times but while it took 4 years for me to do it with the original, it only took me 4 weeks to do so with the sequel. Not sure how anyone is gonna top it, but I hope we get some great attempts.


Got to 55 and I think I'm done. It's the end of the year, so I'm in a listing mood.
Top 10 that I completed for the first time this year:
1. Bayonetta 2
2. Dark Souls
3. Metroid Prime 2
4. Pikmin 3
5. Shatterhand
6. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
7. Metal Gear Solid
8. Viewtiful Joe 2
9. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
10. Max Payne 3

See y'all next year.
Redder is better.

Game #52: Armillo - 3 hours, 41 mins (Finished)
I've wanted to check this out for a while but didn't think it was worth 8 bucks (I was right). Thanks to the Digital Deluxe Promotion and a price drop it ended up being free. The game's cute. The game and visual design reminded me of PS1/N64, which I think they were going for. Later on the framerate starts to take a hit in some levels, which is obviously no fun in a platformer. The music was surprisingly good.
Shovel Knight shows up for a bit. He launches you.
It was cute.

Okay, since I finally got 52 of these things, time for a tier list! Everybody loves tier lists! This one's even in order! Luckily, even the worst games I played were 5s or 6s out of 10.

S+ Tier

1. Bayonetta 2
2. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

S Tier

3. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ (PC)
4. Super Mario 3D World
5. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
6. Mario Kart 8
7. Shovel Knight (Wii U)
8. Super Stardust HD/The Wonderful 101

A+ Tier

10. Bayonetta (Wii U)
11. Super Mario World (Wii U VC)
12. Mario Golf: World Tour
13. Kirby: Triple Deluxe
14. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
15. One Finger Death Punch
16. Crash Team Racing (PSN)
17. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
18. Rayman Legends (PC)
19. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
20. Lethal League
21. Runner2
22. Mario Tennis (3DS VC)
23. Gunman Clive
24. Super Mario 3D Land

A Tier

25. New Super Luigi U/New Super Mario Bros. U
27. Broken Age (Act 1, PC)
28. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Wii U VC)
29. God of War III
30. HarmoKnight
31. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (PS3)
32. Puppeteer
33. Pushmo
34. Pushmo World
35. Red Dead Redemption
36. Fez (PC)
37. Super Time Force Ultra

B Tier

38. Crash Bandicoot 2 (PSN)/Crash Bandicoot 3 (PSN)
40. Toki Tori 2+
41. Tales of Monkey Island (PSN)
42. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (PSN)
43. Spyro: Year of the Dragon (PSN)
44. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
45. Pokemon Y
46. Spyro the Dragon (PSN)
47. Nano Assault Neo
48. Kirby's Adventure (Wii U VC)

C Tier

49. Armillo
50. Crash Bandicoot (PSN)
51. Divekick (PS3)
52. Retro/Grade (PS3)

And the hour count: 892-903 hours! I don't think I'll be trying this one again consciously next year, but who knows? It might happen anyway.
80. Illust Logic DS

Great Hudsonsoft Picross game. Loved it, got all the stars.

81. Little Big Planet 3

Played the story, enjoyed it, wished it was longer. I really don't feel like they took the new characters to anywhere near their limits, barely utilized. But then again maybe they're just leaving that to user made levels.


So here are the games I finished during the first half of December, I'm getting awfully close to the end, only seven more to go!

Game 42: Pandora's Tower - 8/10
Got the best ending on my first try! I'm glad the game managed to reach our hands, here in the western world, it's a peculiar action game mixed with elements of a dating sim: it's incredible how you come to really feel empathy for Elena and her curse, talking with her never feels artificial or robotic, there's plenty of dialogue options and situations throughout the game. Aeron uses the chain in many ways, really making it shine as a unique weapon, however the combat is pretty limited and can get stale. The towers are great, but they reuse too many assets, especially the second part of the game is almost a copy-paste work. It's weird how they chose to lock so much stuff (gifts, secret rooms, texts) in the post-game, when your drive to play (checking new towers and lifting Elena's curse) is gone.

Game 43: Evoland - 7/10 - 8:06 hours
Done everything but maxing level for the main character. An interesting experiment that could have used more time and polish, the game's not atrociously bugged as release day though. The upgrade mechanic feels mostly good but, while it goes very quickly at the very start, once you proceed onwards it gets watered down and you only get mostly minor stuff for the rest of the game. The action adventure part (Zelda-like) is the best part of the game, while the RPG oriented (FF-like) part feels way more rushed: too little options and too many mindless random encounters. Story and characters are pure trash, but that's not the point of a game which could be called "Citation: The Game".

Game 44: Mario Kart 8 - 8,5/10
Got all gold trophies with three stars (DLC too), beat all time trials ghosts and unlocked everything but that damn golden glider (10.000 coins? Really Nintendo?). One of the best entries in the series, if not the best one; the online is an amazing experience, even though I don't really like how tournaments are handled, but the battle mode is a damn shame: a good battle mode would have made the game almost falwless.

Game 45: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - 7,5/10 - around 14 hours
Completed 100% the campaign, played the multiplayer modes a little by myself. Nice, but not very ambitious, metroidvania game: the power ups are cool but the various zones are almost always too dependent on a specific one, that also means that the backtracking to get items isn't a huge part of the game. It's a little too linear for its own good, which isn't something good for a metroidvania game, though the artsyle and atmosphere make up for that.


Game 48: 140 - 1 hour, Dec 20th
A short music based platformer. I thought it was fantastic. Just a great execution of a simple idea. It never gets too frustrating, nor does it overstay its welcome. The music's great too, which is obviously important. It's nice to play something this focused once in a while.
Games 1-53
Games 54-81
Games 82-112


113. Borderlands - 14th - 20hrs(est)
Played through this just to get the platinum since I was only missing 3 trophies and MY GOD, it was like Randy Pitchford himself didn't want me to get the platinum, screen-tearing, framerate issues, crashes to the XMB, what the heck! It may have been because I was playing it digitally since I don't remember it being this bad last time I played it on PS3.
114. Mass Effect - 15th - 13hrs(est)
It's weird going back to Mass Effect 1 after playing Mass Effect 2, ME1 has it's upsides of course, the loot, the citadel exploration, stuff like that, but the actual gameplay in ME2 was really tight and I liked that.
115. Tales of Borderlands Episode 1 - 18th - 90m
I was surprised with the quality of this first episode, a lot of sections allowed for me to walk around and interact with the environment and point and click as if it was some sort of point and click adventure game(crazy! I know) Definitely prefer this style over the Interactive Drama of the walking dead season 2.
116. Battlefield Bad Company - 19th - 5hrs
This is probably one of my favourite examples of a game not taking itself seriously while still remaining grounded in reality.
117. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - 21st - 8.5hrs
Pretty decent game, a bit too easy for my liking though, I would've liked some optional challenge mode like in Arkham Asylum/City or perhaps a Hard mode. Oh and an actual final fight would've been nice.

118. Atelier Escha and Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky - 29th - 33hrs
The first Atelier game I've played! I really enjoyed it, it was a cute little game, essentially a Slice of Life anime but as a JRPG, really enjoyed crafting as well, will definitely be picking up the newest Atelier game.
119. Need for Speed Most Wanted(PSVita) - 31st - 13hrs
Got this for free from EA during PlayStation Experience, and since I got a PSTV for Christmas I figured I'd play it since I really don't have many other games to play at the moment, and it's alright, it's a good port, but I've not really been into racing games like this, so I'm mostly playing it due to lack of choice on the PSTV.

Feels weird racing with R1/L1 tho


Neo Member
Game 47: POP: Methodology Experiment One - 40 min, Dec 18th
A short, strange thing of a game. I suggest you watch the trailer on youtube. The music's good.

I just need 5 more games but I have no time to play :[
Going to have to crank out some short ones even though it feels a bit like cheating.

Thanks for playing it ;) . The Vimeo version of the trailer is better though (Youtube is over compressed).


Going to Start a new list, 1-52 here.

53) Tales of Heart R 35H
54) Far Cry 4 20H

Had a lot of fun with Far Cry 4. I skipped over Far Cry 3 so I have no idea how similar the two games are. In fact I don't play many Ubisoft series (Assassin's Creed, Watch dogs), so if this follows their "formula" it didn't affect me at all.

Story was kind of there, but if you got the
ending it is almost like the story writers gave up. I killed
and felt nothing. They didn't do a very good job of humanizing the person you generally didn't side with.

Gameplay was solid (I played on PS4), some of the perks/talents were nice and a good chunk were worthless. One of these days I need to go back and play Blood Dragon.


Game 63: Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix - 30 hours

So this was... okay, I guess. It's packed to the brim with content and the Disney fanservice is exquisite, especially the levels where Sora takes on the appearance of that world, like Timeless River and Space Paranoids, but the game just lacks the charm of its predecessor. The Disney stuff acts as filler for droning monologues from jerks in black hoods about absolute rubbish, and barring the mains none of the Disney characters have any real significance to the plot. Everything about the original Kingdom Hearts was steeped in Disney style, even the original worlds like Destiny Islands and Hollow Bastion felt right at place alongside Disney classics like Wonderland and Agrabah, and it really felt like a completely fresh take on the Disney brand; not just a theme park tour through iconic moments in the company history, but a roadtrip through a humongous multiverse filled with interesting characters who each played a small part in Sora's journey to find his friends.

I know everybody goes crazy over the new combat system, and it's fun to rack up combos, but it wasn't really my thing. It's far too weightless, with Sora's wild swings lacking any sort of satisfying "thwack" like they did in the first game, and there's just way too many options to choose from, so inevitably some get left behind; in my case I never used the summons, and my Drive Forms were lacking most of the time as I tried to juggle through each of them without grinding too much, not that that would matter, since the game only alternates between "piss easy" and "fill screen with crap that's impossible to dodge."

I mean, it's still a good game and deserves its devoted fanbase, and I'm still going to play BBS, but KH2 wasn't that amazing.


Unconfirmed Member
Congrats to everyone that's made it so far! I've been reading through parts of the thread on and off, and the ones that are posted in the stearn cornmunity threads, but I'll eventually read through most, if not all of it, once the year's over.

It's also been a while since I've posted anything here, and I've been sitting on a few impressions/ramblings and still need to type for some of them, but here's a bit of what I've got. It's definitely not up to date.


57. Mach Rider (3DS VC/NES): 5:05, Sept. 14th.
I ended up enjoying Mach Rider more than I thought I would. I wasn't really expecting to enjoy that much because it looks very similar to Pole Position and other games like it; and it does feel like that, but it's still fun to play. I suppose that it's easy to understand why I enjoyed it, since it was basically the precursor to F-Zero. There's not a lot to talk about with the game for me. The music is catchy, though there's not much of it. The art looks decent, even if it's mostly just palette swaps. The different modes are cool, though I spent most of my time in the fighting course. The game's an overlooked gem for me, and I'm glad I played it. 7/10

58. Assassin's Creed (PC): 25:19, Sept. 14th.
This was the first time I played the PC version, but not the first time I played AC I, and it'll probably be the last time I ever play it. One of the biggest things I always see with the first game, for some, is that it's the only asscreed where they actually felt like an assassin. In all of the time I spent playing it, I didn't feel like a sneaky assassin. I felt like a slaughtering action hero. AC I is certainly not a stealth game, it's an action adventure game with vaguely sneaky elements. I didn't feel like someone hiding in the shadows and waiting to strike. Most of the game was spent running around and hoping that I didn't draw the attention of guards. Sure, there are some "stealth-like" mini-missions, such as pickpocketing targets, but those are vastly outweighed by the game's action sequences. The game's just so repetitive that I don't ever want to touch it again. The mostly simple combat is both a good and bad element of the game, and I get why it's divisive, though I don't really have too much of a problem with it in this one. I'm not a fan of how Altair loses his equipment and is demoted, but it's necessary for story purposes; AC II handles the progression system much better in that regard. Replaying the game reminded me of how I used to care about the modern day side of the franchise, before that was slowly killed in the sequels. Altair's story is kind of bland, and there are only three major characters that I really remember by the end of the game (those characters being Altair, Al Mualim, and Robert de Sable). The rest I know by epithets, like One Armed Guy. One of the major problems the series has is that a lot of the minor characters are completely forgettable, especially if they aren't historical figures. But the collectibles are by far the most important part of the game. 420 flags and 60 Templars to collect and kill, all of which you have to find on your own. There are no indicators on the map as to where they are; you're basically on your own. That can be incredibly frustrating when you're at 99/100 flags and don't know where that last one is over the three districts of the city you're in. That's just another reason why this AC is tedious to complete. To give credit where it's due, the soundtrack is fantastic. It's visually pleasing at times, but it suffers from areas looking similar to each other. Other than that, the rest of what I could say are all nitpicks, like dying instantly when you fall into the water being terrible or the ending being a cliffhanger that needed more development than it had. It's a game with cool moments and some interesting ideas that, in my opinion, are vastly improved upon in the sequels. 6.5/10

59. Assassin's Creed 2 (PC): 32:19, Sept. 18th.
Yeah, AC II basically improved upon everything AC I did and adds new elements to the game that add to a wider variety of things to do and collect. Playing I directly after II is something that I would actually recommend, as the first game's ending leads directly into the second game. The combat system has been simplified even more, but the variety of weapons to choose from makes the combat more enjoyable, with different weapons having different stats. The variety of tools you have access to also adds to the game, with smoke bombs, poison blades, and the hidden pistol each adding to the variety of methods you can utilize to kill enemies and complete missions. Probably the best thing about II is the increase in the variety of missions you're put through. Some of them are handled better than others, but at least some of the activities of the first game, such as collecting flags in a limited amount of time, have mainly been relegated to sidequests. The currency system also helps the game, since it adds the ability to purchase more collectibles to remodel the villa. Collecting things in AC II is way more engaging than in AC I thanks to the added bonus of fixing up the villa the more you collect. Instead of only having flags and dead Templars as collectibles and sidequests, you now have treasure chests, feathers, paintings, weapons, statues, glyphs, Assassin tomb seals, and other side missions to do. There's just so much more to do that it makes AC I's collectibles pale in comparison. It doesn't hurt that most of the treasure chests have indicators on the map, making it less tedious to hunt them down. Unlike in the first game, some of the collectibles actually have a purpose (the PC version of the first game doesn't even have achievements related to its collectibles like the 360 version did, thanks Uplay), like with the feathers unlocking a small bonus scene with Ezio's mom. The Assassin tomb missions feature some of the best parts of the game, and start the tradition of having old, run down, decrepit, atmospheric areas in the franchise, which is something that I really like in the series and wish they did more with. The glyphs are a pretty cool way to make the lore enjoyable to learn about, and I wish some of the later games continued with it. It also once again reminds me of why I used to care about the modern day narrative and franchise's lore. Ezio's narrative was more enjoyable for me than Altair's, and I feel like the writing is better overall, though Ezio's story slowly begins to fall apart towards the end of the game, especially around the part with the restored memories. The characters also feel more memorable than the first game's. I just like the game so much more than the first, it feels more refined to me. 9/10

60. Pressured (PC): 4:18, Oct. 12th.
Pressured is a puzzle game in which you have to add (sometimes multiply) numbers together to get whatever number the game tells you to get. Reading the tutorial will help you understand it better. It's sort of a stress management simulation where you have to try not to panic while trying to do simple math. It can get a bit overwhelming on higher difficulty levels, but overall, what you see is what you get. It's fairly simplistic, and there's not really much there to keep you playing it other than the poetry you can unlock. By completing different achievements, you unlock a small portion of a longer poem that creates a story. The story revealed by the poetry is honestly my favorite part of the game. The game play itself just didn't really do anything for me. It's cool for a while, but there's not much to build on, and Pressured became extremely bland to me after a while. 5/10

61. Super Mario Brothers 2 (3DS VC/NES): 3:08, Oct. 27th.
What am I supposed to say about SMB2? I honestly prefer it to SMB1, though I like 3 way more. Some of the different elements are neat, I guess, like having to throw enemies instead of jumping on them. I enjoyed finding the hidden mushrooms since it adds to the game's secrets. Having four different characters to use was a nice departure from the first game, even more so each of them have their own strong points (I rarely ever used Toad though). The soundtrack is pretty great. I don't know, that's all I've really got to say about it, I sort of liked it. 6/10

62. The Last Door: Collector's Edition (PC): 4:11, Oct. 28th.
Went into more detail than usual for the game in one of the Steam threads. It's a great game that I recommend everyone try. 8.5/10

63. Floating Point (PC): 11:01, Nov. 2nd.
Floating Point is easily the best completely, 100% free game on Steam. It's a very simplistic game that revolves around building up momentum. You play as a red dot with a grappling hook that attaches to different platforms, hopefully building momentum to add to your overall speed to get better scores when collecting the red point lines. Moving smoothly and avoiding blocks allows your momentum to keep growing. Once you gain enough momentum, your orb starts to gain a long red trail behind it that you can make awesome designs with, while the music begins to pick up.And that's basically the entire game. You can alter some of the settings to create a more unique experience, but that's really it. What makes the game so enjoyable is that it's very peaceful and relaxing while keeping a good sense of speed. It's one of those games that you can play late at night, drinking warm hot chocolate and relaxing. Floating Point is just one of those simplistic games that hearkens back to a bygone era, and actually manages to pull the feeling off. So try it. It's free, so you really don't have anything to lose. 8/10

64. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC): 147:42, Nov 2nd.
Skyrim could have been so much better than it ended up being. It's got a lot of potential. Vanilla Skyrim can look beautiful, even without any of the mods that make it look even better. Some of the main side quests, and the three main questlines, can be really interesting at times, and you're not really forced to do anything in a specific order. The music's mostly good, though I did encounter an irritating glitch where the music that plays during pseudo-boss fights would loop between each other until I went into the console commands and fixed it. A few of the characters are memorable, like Serana. The combat isn't even that bad, well after you complete some of the skill tress, that is. I hated using archery based combat until I opened up more of the skill tree. Then you can do slow-mo aiming and it's radical. But there are just so many problems with Skyrim that it prevents it from being a great game for me. It ends up being only good, at best, due to a variety of things. Most of the characters you meet are bland and largely forgettable once you're finished with the game. It doesn't help that most of the characters share the same couple of voice actors, who rarely bother with trying to sound different for different characters. This only helps to make them all blend together as one gelatinous mess of a supporting cast. Some of the more major sidequests have really low points in them, like doing the renovation questline for the Thieves Guild (you just end up doing repetitive jobs, hoping that you get sent to the Hold you need to go to and not one that's already under the Guild's influence). Most of the minor miscellaneous quests can be equated to dull repetitive MMO quests that mostly consist of either talking to someone or fetching items. I wasn't really a magic based character, so I didn't really like using magic when I had to, other than illusion and alteration spells, which can aid with different skills. The boss fights, save a few, are mostly samey and bland. Even the final boss fight is dull, until you find a great mod that adds more phases to the fight to make it far better than the vanilla version. But by far the most frustrating part of the game is the vast amount of glitches that can be experienced over the course of the game. It's hard to think of a messier games in terms of how many bugs there are. Some of them are more frustrating than others. Perhaps the most annoying one I encountered occurs in Broken Oar Grotto, where your follower will become trapped and unable to leave. You can get around the bug, but it shouldn't have been in the game in the first place. It's stuff like this that ends up ruining the quality of the game for me, because even with the fan patches for the game that remove a ton of the bugs, there are still a ton left. It could have been such a great game, but it ends up being another good game with flaws, for me at least. 7/10.

65. DreadOut: Act I (PC): 2:24, Nov. 3rd.
Impressions were a bit more detailed than usual. 7.5/10

66. Condemned: Criminal Origins (PC): 5:56, Nov. 10th.
Condemned is another one of those games that I really wanted to like more than I did. Yes, this is mostly going to be me focusing on what I didn't really like about the game. I really liked the premise, and it had a great start, but the game sort of falters during the final chapter, in my opinion. It's definitely a very subjective opinion, but I would have preferred if Condemned had avoided relying too much on supernatural elements. Honestly, it reminds me of Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit, which ends up going along a similar path, though IP/F ends up being way dumber and even worse. I'm not really a fan of the repetitive combat system. It works well for the most part, until you get to one of the few sections where you're attacked by waves of enemies, most of which tend to happen towards the end of the game. I hate the final boss, thoug h it did admittedly feel extra satisfying thanks to how brutal it gets towards the end of the fight. If anything, there should have been a checkpoint between the waves of enemy and the actual final boss, it would have saved me a lot of frustration. I feel like Condemned should have focused more on the investigation scenes and less on the combat. The devs could have kept a lot of the psychological horror elements featured in the game without really detracting from anything, while cutting down on a part of the game that felt like it should have been secondary to begin with. Movement in the game just feels janky and slow at times. Some of the sound design is really great, but I seemed to have this odd issue at times where sound effects didn't play. There was one segment, for example, where the protagonist grabbed onto a train in the subway, and there was a complete lack of sound effects when there should have definitely been some. It was probably something wrong on my end, though. The tense atmosphere is one of my favorite parts of Condemned, the sense of dread and tension during the segment in the department store is fantastic, for example, and the use of lighting is handled well too. It's just that what I consider to be the negatives just put me off so much that I can't help but think that Condemned could have been way better than it ended up being. 6/10

67. Sakura Spirit (PC): 1:46, Nov. 17th.
Do I really need to explain this one? Go read this instead, including the links to the other parts. It's not great. The music is surprisingly okay though. As an addendum, it seems like an editor actually went in and fixed some of the spelling and grammatical errors in the script, so there's that. Plus I ended up getting $1.20 more than I spent on the game thanks to sweet waifu backgrounds and emotes. 3/10

68. Harvest Moon 3D: The Tale of Two Towns (3DS): 88:28, Nov. 18th.
I'm a fan of the Harvest Moon franchise, but it had been a while since I had played any of the games, outside of the first GBC HM game's virtual console port. I had heard some impressions of the game from Gaf users, ranging from "it wasn't very good" to "it was great," so I went in with lowered expectations. I still felt disappointed after I saw the credits. The two major things that I enjoy about HM, the characters and the actual farming, just weren't handled well. Most of the characters are bland and boring; they're just plain forgettable. Even the waifus bachelorettes are bland. The game's premise of having two separate towns works towards making farming unenjoyable compared to other games in the franchise I've played simply because it limits what you can do. You can either have a bunch of animals and barely any room for crops or a ton of arable land for crops with little room for raising animals. There's also a bland quest system that involves collecting/fetching items and giving them to different characters. The mining portions of the game are kind of fun once you unlock the mine itself, but that comes really late into the game instead of being open at the beginning. Exploring the mountain is sort of fun at first, but rapidly becomes repetitive and boring like the rest of the game. I just felt like I was trapped in a box of limitations throughout the whole game. 5/10

69. X-COM: Terror from the Deep (PC): 54:39, Dec. 6th.
I don't like TftD nearly as much as I like UFO Defense. It's got most of the elements that made me like the first game, but TftD just feels kind of bland in comparison. It feels like a mod with new color palettes and models with a higher level of difficulty throughout (which made the game a bit more frustrating and a bit longer than the first for me). All of the enemies feel the same as enemies from UFO Defense. The weapons and technologies you gain access to are more or less the same, but with new models and background information. Some of the technology you can develop seems meaningless in the underwater environment, like developing the Magnetic Ion Armor in order for your units to float underwater, which seems like something you should be able to do anyway, but okay. Plus I didn't really like the setting, but that's more of a little nitpick. I dunno, I'm just not a fan of it, though it still has its moments here and there. 6/10

70. State of Decay (PC): 18:33, Dec. 7th.
State of Decay is probably one of the better zombie games that I've played. The open-world element of the game works really well in conjunction with scavenging, especially since it forces you to move to different home bases once resources start to get low. Despite that, I still had a large surplus of most supplies by the time I finished the game. The game managed to strike a good balance between being overly difficult and having too much, though it really tends to skew more to the latter during the endgame; there were tons of medication that I hadn't used and tons of ammo for every type of gun left in the storage locker. The scavenging segments are the most important aspect of the game, and it's pretty fun to go loot buildings, shoving as much as you can into your character's backpack and the trunk of a random vehicle, and escaping back to your home base. It's got the standard "special" zombie types, i.e. screamers, tank-like zombies, etc., and handles them pretty decently. The combat felt pretty satisfying to me, though I often felt overpowered compared to normal zombies, and even the special types of zombies felt weak at times, especially since you can just kill most of them with cars in one or two hits (the major exception being the bloater, because the gas it emits upon death sticks to your vehicle). The day and night cycle works fine, and adds much needed tension to the nighttime portions of the game. The dialogue gets really repetitive for some of the recurring missions, with different voice actors recording the same exact lines for side missions like "Having a Talk," which popped up multiple times in my playthrough. The normal story missions build up to a dull, disappointing ending that felt rushed and inconsequential. Despite its low points, the highs mostly make up for it. 8/10


Part 2, continued from Part 1

52/52 Challenge Complete!


Game 44: Destiny (PS4) 15 hours

I had real hope for this game, and like many was left very disappointed. After spending years upon years playing WoW (and before that, UO) I wasn't really looking to engage with any of the post-game grinding, but rather wanted to enjoy the story narrative MMO type games give you on the way, as well as jumping into whatever local/public quests that Bungie had planned. Instead I got vast, empty maps that booted me out every time there was a server hiccough and the most generic, bland and boring story that anyone could ever have imagined. Thankfully the gunplay, as well as some co-op with some friends, kept me in the game to the 'finish', but this represents a real missed opportunity to me.

Game Honourable Mention: Linger in Shadows (PS3) <2 hours

I'm a sucker for buying comically cheap things in sales blind, and boy did I get what I deserved with this one. Essentially it's an interactive 'demoscene' piece, with gameplay limited to a few button inputs and your 'exploration' of a video by pausing and swinging your camera around. Slight trophy metagame where you have to find random logos of other groups scattered around. Goes down as this year's least gamey game.


Game 45: Freedom Wars (Vita) 40 hours

Fun monster-hunting style game, although far too few really distinct big things to kill, with most fights setting you up against the same kinds of abductors with minor loadout changes. Online lobbies felt a bit clunky, but the game begins to shine when you manage to get in an online group of skilled players

Game 46: Muppets Movie Adventures (Vita) 7 hours

Poor platformer, franchise cash-in and too poo for even kids to bother with.

Game 47: Wolfenstein 3D (PC) 6 hours

I'd never completed this as a kid; I spent most of my early FPS time in Duke Nukem 3D or Doom, and by the time I found Quake I don't think I could face forcing myself back to simpler times. I enjoyed seeing some of the roots of the genre, although ECWolf over some of my Steam files made the visuals/interface/etc a lot more instantly enjoyable than they could have been

Game 18: The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episodes 3, 4 & 5 (360) 7 hours

Really not sure why I left it this long to come back and finish these ones off, and once I started I needed to run through them all back to back. As with earlier, I won't go into any details in case I inadvertently spoil the game for anyone, but a great game (albeit one that, for me, falls slightly short of Season 1)


Game 48: Tales of Hearts R (Vita) 50 hours

This one ended up being such a nice surprise. I think a lot of the more niche JRPG style games have a tendency to lose themselves in the depicting of tropes, pandering for a certain market and ignoring everyone else. ToHR avoids that, and yet ticks nearly every single box you could have for an action JRPG. It also has a great battle system and a really nice story.

Game 49: Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified (Vita) 8 hours

Completing this marks my having played the big (arf) three Vita shooters of Killzone, Resistance and CoD. I didn't find it anywhere nearly as poo as some of the reviews made it (no way is it a 3/10 for example), but it is very much a rushed, middle of the ground game. It still surprises me that, with the sales in mind, Activision didn't look to build on the engine and release another one a year later with a lot more polish. And content.

Game 50: Child of Eden (360) c.7 hours

The Kinect, from however many Christmases ago, is already a waste. I just wanted to play another game with it so that I could say I had a top 3 Kinect game list. I think I got through one level, and then switched to the controller! I also had no idea how to get the rhythm based perfect combo thing until the end, when I noticed the lock on graphic in the middle. Doh! Came for surreal, left feeling meh.

Game 51: Final Fantasy X (Vita) 114 hours

The big one - I really wanted completing this game (and watching Eternal Calm) to be my last activities before getting the plat, and this desire very nearly killed my chances at finishing this challenge. A phenomenal game, my second favourite FF (and to be honest, it's probably not number one due to sheer nostalgia alone) and even the sphere grid grinding couldn't dampen my feelings.

Game 52: Akiba's Trip (Vita) 18 hours

And here we are, the end of my journey. A fun little game, far more than the headline 'stripping' aspect initially suggests. Combat gets repetitive quite soon, even with a variety of weapons, but the story and voice acting is better than you might expect, and it's worth a run through. There's a branch in the story for each main partner, so expect to NG+ it a couple of times if you want to see everything!

Platform_____Games____Time (hours)
Grand Total___52_______773.75

Gogo Vita :D


Game 49: Bleed - 1 hour, Dec 21st
Pretty solid game, mechanically. It feels like the kind of game that wants you to not get hit at all, so I suspect the real enjoyment lies in mastering the stages. I'm not into 2D shooters enough to do that though and just getting through a level without having done well isn't all that satisfying. It also has the problem I have with most slow-mo mechanics, in that they usually lead to the game being tuned so that it's a little too fast without the slow-mo. Anyway, it's good but unremarkable. If you like this genre more than I do you should probably play it.
I've come to terms with the fact that I can't finish 7 more games in the next 9 days. I'm going to try, but it's pretty much out of reach with all the traveling I need to do soon.

Game 42: Race the Sun - December 21st, 2014 - 3 hours

I won this little gem off of the Steam auctions. To be honest, it really helped me get through finals week. I would boot it up and just do a dozen or so races to get my mind off my stressful workload. It's a runner, and perhaps a simple one, but it's really addicting and well worth anyone's time

Game 43: Prison Architect (Early Access) - December 22nd, 2014 - 10.5 hours

I put "Early Access" in the title because I believe that I have gotten all that I can (for now) out of the Early Access of this game. When it gets fully released with more features and perhaps a campaign, I'll be happy to return to it (and probably count it again!). But as it stands, this is a pretty impressive Early Access title. It's pretty darn fleshed out and provides a unique challenge. I found myself not even realizing how much time had passed during my sessions.

1. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3)
2. Persona 3 Portable (PSP)
3. Kirby Super Star (SNES)
4. Pullblox (3DS)
5. inFamous (PS3)
6. Demon's Souls (PS3)
7. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
8. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
9. inFamous 2 (PS3)
10. Super Mario 3D World (WiiU)
11. Catherine (PS3)
12. Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (PS3)
13. Guacamelee! (PS3)
14. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
15. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
16. Devil May Cry (PS2)
17. Mario Kart 8 (WiiU)
18. Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii)
19. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GCN)
20. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
21. WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)
22. Hohokum (PS4)
23. inFamous: Second Son (PS4)
24. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
25. Earthbound (SNES)
26. Hyrule Warriors (WiiU)
27. Bayonetta 2 (WiiU)
28. Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
29. Persona 4 (PS2)
30. Resogun (PS4)
31. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (PSV)
32. Tearaway (PSV)
33. Super Smash Bros for Wii U (WiiU)

Maybe next year...


It's really awesome to see so many completed games. The brief comments and duration details are super interesting. Thanks to all posting here.


Apologies if I haven responded to your pm, the Hall of Fame should be up to date now with all the PM's that I have got, please remember you don't have much time left:



Gaffers who have met this challenge will be displayed in full glory here.
Please send a PM with a link to your post of 52 games with comments when completed.

donny2112: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95492179&postcount=203

RavenValor95: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=104524566&postcount=866

Knurek: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95470189&postcount=179

The Illiterati: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=100878086&postcount=681

GazzaScotland: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=97786265&postcount=488

tav7623: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=119413730&postcount=1309

GLuigi: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=98242742&postcount=524

ScribbleD: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95422324&postcount=85

StingX2: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95545831&postcount=217

Threads: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95448325&postcount=129

Krafter: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95448421&postcount=130

Yasawas: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95839735&postcount=311

BinaryPork2737: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95465677&postcount=163

Jawmuncher: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=127361732&postcount=1605

corrosivefrost: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=96283675&postcount=366

Freedom = $1.05: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=127458407&postcount=1617

Porcupine: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=127464461&postcount=1618

CassSept: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=128561252&postcount=1677

stonedwal: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95471722&postcount=182

Minishdriveby: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95445151&postcount=120

chrominance: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95416018&postcount=53

rybrad: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95414008&postcount=39

truestatic: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95565640&postcount=235

phxxBullet: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132015986&postcount=1774

Weiss: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132900929&postcount=1804

Rayge: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95449924&postcount=131

flkraven: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=135408178&postcount=1860

IcyStorm: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=96787463&postcount=408

Coppanuva: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95410972&postcount=6

electroflame: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=134196320&postcount=1832


Kalor: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=101957507&postcount=749

Hubb: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95419471&postcount=67

RoaringMdog: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=140898454&postcount=1959

HassanJamal: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95473789&postcount=186

VisceralBowl: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=142298389&postcount=1992

Adahn: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=99495821&postcount=610

jshackles: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=128174372&postcount=1655


I did it! It's unofficial because I can't remember my playing order or playing hours but I definitely played 52 games and have time to finish few more. Next year I write everything down more carefully.

Still, here is the list of games I played:


*Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
*Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
*Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
*Konami Krazy Racers


*Yoshi's Island DS
*Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
*Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia


*Castlevania Bloodlines
*Gunstar Heroes


*Diddy Kong Racing


*Bucky O'Hare
*Contra (KC)
*Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest


*Sonic the Hedgehog 1
*Sonic the Hedgehog 2
*Sonic 3 & Knuckles
*Sonic CD
*Sonic Adventure
*Shovel Knight
*Shantae: Risky's Revenge


*Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
*Castlevania Chronicles
*Spyro 2
*Spyro 3
*Ape Escape
*Metal Gear Solid
*Crash Bandicoot: Warped


*Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
*Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (counts as 3 games)


*Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep


*TLoZ: A Link to the Past
*Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
*Super Castlevania IV
*Goof Troop
*Mega Man X3
*DoReMi Fantasy
*Demon's Crest
*Magical Pop'n

PC Engine CD:

*Castlevania: Rondo of Blood


*Metroid Prime

Wii U

*Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
*Mario Kart 8
*The Wonderful 101
*Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U
I wasn't really trying but saw this thread and I was able to do 52 games. Woot woot. Didn't keep track of time played, but here is the list.

Zelda: ALBW
Final Fantasy 13-2
Tales of Xillia
Crysis 3
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Kid Icarus: Uprising
God of War 2
Lightning Returns
Ground Zeroes
Infamous: Second Son
Final Fantasy X
Persona 4: Arena
Binary Domain
Remember Me
Drakengard 3
Shovel Knight
Y's 7
The Last of Us: Remastered
Dark Souls
Muramasa Rebirth
Senran Kagura Burst
Velocity 2X
Batman: Black Gate
Akiba's Trip
Valkyria Chronicles
Devil May Cry
Batman:Arkham Origins
Final Fantasy X-2
Deadly Premonition
Dragon Age : Origins
Dragon Age Inquisition
The Binding of Isaac
Bravely Default
Dragon Age 2
Dynasty Warriors Gundam

Congrats to all those that were able to do it.


gaffers, send a PM with a link to the 52 games.

I am not going to check this thread on a regular basis to see who has or not reached the target. that's the main reason why some people never got added to the hall of fame.


VisceralBowl has offered to run the: 52 games - 1 year Challenge 2015 thread.

Thread will be coming at the end of the year/


A thread for gaffers who are trying to play 52 games in 1 year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next, claim a post and update us on your progress.

Previous threads:


How do I tale part?
Claim a post (you may need two later). Write down each game and your thoughts about each one. Use this format for your post:



How do I know when I completed a game?
That's up to you, it could be completing the game or playing 10hrs+ if it has no ending or a MP game. PS: You can do replays, as long as all the games are completed in 2014.

What should I do when I completed the challenge?
Talk to the person in charge so you can be added to the hall of fame.

Is there a deadline?



People who have completed the challenge will be posted here, please remember to send a PM once you completed!


I am excited for the 2015 challenge. This really helped me knock down my backlog this year instead of just getting paralyzed by too many choices.
I'll probably throw in my hat again for 2015 but I do plan to scale back a bit on the game-playing so we'll see if I make it to 52 again or not. It was a fun challenge, though!
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