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52 Games - 1 Year Challenge

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Aye, I remembered that from NSMBU so just kind of powered through the game so I could go back at my leisure later and get the stars. Bit daft though as the stars are the best bit. Still I enjoyed it a lot, I don't want to sound too down on it.

Oh, sure. Did you already get all the stars, then? I really liked the Superstar Road levels in both of those games.


Oh no! Not even close. I have until a week on Friday to get as many as I can I guess and then I need the disc drive for something else :)

The New U games are fun to play while I have a Twitch stream on relaxing after work which is a weird thing I've started doing a lot so I'll definitely get a few. These games get a bit of an indifferent reaction but I have to say I've really enjoyed them a lot more than the three preceding New games.


15) Dark Souls. Took me 60 hours to beat, loved every moment of it. Fuck Ornstein and Smough

16) Don't Take It Personally, Babe, It Just Ain't Your Story.. Another visual novel, and I actually really enjoyed it. Nice and short and has some interesting themes.

17) Metro: Last Light. Unparallelled atmosphere. Exploring the surface alone was just amazing. Didn't really care for the story too much, I was more interested in the Dark Ones than the conflicting political ideologies in the metro and there was a lot of focus on the latter.

18) Little Inferno. Played it after watching the Errant Signal video. It was okay, the message didn't really connect with me as much as I thought it would.

19) Not sure if this counts but Influent. A nice little language learning vocab game on steam. Managed to collect and "master" all 420 words and get all the cheevos. I recommend it if you want a fun supplement to a language your learning.

Currently playing Legend of Zelda OOT on the 3DS that I recently bought. I guess I'll look into playing some more handheld games


Focused more on Board games this month so I was kinda distracted this month

Game 17 : Diablo 3 : Reaper of Souls - 05/07/14
Played through the game as a Crusader. It was better than the first time around, but it's still way too easy to play through and you always feel as a half god and nearly invincible while playing the game.

Game 18: Alien: Colonial Marines - 7:10 - 05/11/14
Not as bad as I thought it would be, they probably fixed a lot of the bugs by the time I played it. Still not a really good game, and do not feel like an alien movie at all. 2/5 I would say, grab it if you like Aliens on the cheap.


Game 17- Batman: Arkham City (PS3)- 8 Hours
I had played through this one back at launch on the 360 about five times, and it coming out on PS+ provided another excuse to just plow through it yet again, except this time it was done in 2014, so it can count for this challenge. I still think Asylum is the better game, I think City tries to do too much and throw too many things in at once, and the overall quality suffers, but Rocksteady's games continue to basically be the top contender for definitive depiction of the Batman franchise alongside the DCAU.

Game 18- X-Men Origins: Wolverine (PS3)- 10 Hours
Clearly I've been on a real comic book game bender lately. I finally found a copy of Wolverine after years of hearing that it was one of the best movie games ever, and it didn't disappoint- everything about this game is what a Wolverine game should be, from the brutal but satisfying combat, the awesome healing factor effect, the extra comic book elements added to the story (
Days of Future Past outta nowhere
), and some really cool setpieces and boss fights. It's a shame Raven never got to expand on this with a sequel or comic Wolverine game, but hopefully one day, when Marvel is doing their own video game universe, they'll use Origins as the blueprint for a new Wolverine game.

Game 19- Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate (PS3)- 35 Hours
A friend and I played through the story mode of this together because we thought it was freaking hilarious. I bought it after trying the f2p game and enjoying it a surprising amount- I had always written the series off as a fanservicey shallow thing, and never thought it could be a legitimately good fighting game, and boy was I wrong. We've been playing an unreasonably large amount of the game since, and I even bought the first DLC character + costumes day one- something I never thought I'd be doing. Crazy, but it's lead to a lot of fun, and has become our go-to fighting game lately, replacing Mahvel and Divekick. Hope we see a DOA6 on next gen sooner rather than later, although I guess another up-port would be fine too.

Game 20- Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories HD- Another Side, Another Story (PS3)- 28 Hours
I was hemming and hawing about whether or not this should count as a game on its own, but I figured, it was a full game's length, and while it was using the same levels, they were remixed and featured a new story, gameplay elements and enemies- I figured it was fine. I didn't enjoy playing as Riku as much as Sora- I feel like by giving you a preset deck each level that varied it limited you too much, and I definitely fudged through some bosses by abusing the duel mechanic instead of proper card management. Still a pretty good time, I think I'm firmly a member of the Chain of Memories defense force, even if I still have reservations about it translated to 3D.

Game 21- Resogun (PS4)- 2 Hours
I'm terrible at games like this, and was trying to force myself to play on normal until I saw all my friends decided to just play it on easy, and I couldn't get past the second level. After saying screw it and switching to easy, I found a groove and really had a good time with the game- its absolutely gorgeous, and while I still have a problem keeping track of everything on screen that's happening, I have a better understanding of the scoring systems and how to play it, and feel like I'll come back to tackle it on non-babby difficulties soon.

Not as much done since the last update as I wanted, my progress has slowed tremendously. Gonna have to really push myself- just bough Killzone Mercenary, Gravity Rush and Arkham Blackgate for my Vita, so hopefully I'll be able to chalk those up to the list.


Thought I would update my post with the latest 4 games. I think I'm on track to hit 52 by the end of the year. I definitely slowed down substantially though since I didn't play anything in April.

Game 17: Stick it to the Man - 5 hours
Free on PS+. It was entertaining for what it was. Not super great, but serviceable.

Game 18: Hotline Miami - 6 hours
I had been meaning to play this game for so long after giving up on the PC version. Played it on my Vita and really enjoyed it. Perfect pick up and play game really.

Game 19: Bastion - 5 hours
I know a lot of people enjoyed this game, but I found it to be kind of boring. It was charming, but really boring.

Game 20: Street Fighter x Tekken - 4 hours
I actually liked this game, even though I wrote it off completely when it first came out. It doesn't feel as deep as Street Fighter 4, but it's in between the Street Fighter series and Marvel vs Capcom series.



21) Batman Arkham Asylum
I usually don't like back tracking in my games, but I thought it was handled well here. The melee fighting was fun, other than trying to dodge Titans and inside of dodging wide you jump over a nearby minion and still get charged. Boss fights were varied and I'm glad there were only a few dual Titan fights, because I hated those.

Well May has been a pheomonial month for me and finishing games. I guess it helps when I don't play 40+ hour RPGs.

Game 37: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS) - 8 hrs 21 mins
Wasn't a huge fan of this one overall. The original DKC trilogy along with DK64 are some of absolute favorite games of all time but this one just fell a bit flat. The soundtrack was nostalgia overload and the levels looked great but it lacked charm in my opinion. At times the controls felt loose and the rocket barrel levels were among the worst levels I've played in any platformer. World 4 was an absolute drag. Maybe platformers just aren't for me anymore. I'd still be up for giving Tropical Freeze a rental if/when purchase a Wii U though.

Game 38: Yoshi's New Island (3DS) - 8 hrs 2 mins
Probably the most disappointing game I've played in at least a year or two. I know the general opinion of the game has been generally mixed but a piece of me still wanted to love this one. Not sure what they were thinking with most of the music, difficulty, and level design.
Game 21: Hard Reset (PC)


Steam Review
Went in with no expectations and left 8 hours later think... that was a bloody fun game!

So, imagine a movie from the 1980s, it's about Humans fighting machines, only the movie isn't Terminator, it's some B-Movie Polish Sci-Fi movie starring a guy that vaguly looks like Michael Biehn. They wanted to hire Michael Biehn to be the actor, but sadly the producer had spent the entire budget on the SFX - that's basically Hard Reset.

Forget about trying to make sense of the story, which is pretty off the wall and has liberal use of swear words (like a teenager out of earshot of their parents). For this game isn't about an deep storyline where the plot is a social commentary - no; this game is about one thing... shooting robots. Lots of robots, and causing some really impressive explosions.
That's where Hard Reset excels - making things explode.
It has some of the best lighting effects I've seen in a computer game, which it uses it effectively throughout the game. I'm not one to really care or comment on lighting in computer games, but for once I'm willing to give it a go.

The neon world (insert Blade Runner comparison here) contrasts well with the dark gritty under-streets you start in. Yet that isn't the most impressive part of the lighting, it's the lightning that comes from your gun, or sub-stations that spew out lightning shocks that attack the robots and cause environmental damage. Wonderful stuff. Or the huge fireball explosions that emit from Gas Mains and Pipes. It's all nice stuff.

Also, like all good 80's Movies this game plays host to one amazing soundtrack that underscores the entire gameplay experience. Like classic shooters before it the music kicks in when the action ramps out and dies out as the last robot's motorservers slowly whine down as it dies in front of you. It's hard to describe the soundtrack, but it fits like a glove.

Basically this is a First Person Shooter. It's not ashamed of being a FPS; it grabs the genre and runs with it, only it doesn't stop after the first down... no it continues. It doesn't attempt to re-invent the wheel at any point in the game, so it might get a little stale towards the end, but for me the fun lasted a good 7 hours. It was just refreshing to play a game that knew what it was and tried to be the best it could be at it's genre.
I'm not going to claim it's an 'old school' FPS, as it isn't, but there are some nice nods to previous FPS throughout the game that fans of the genre will pick up on.

The biggest compliment I can really give this game is that I expected nothing, and came away wanting to raise awareness of the game and get more people playing it.

Playthrough Part 1 - http://www.twitch.tv/mrluchador/b/530224519
Playthrough Part 2 - http://www.twitch.tv/mrluchador/b/530340281
Playthrough Part 3 - http://www.twitch.tv/mrluchador/b/530765875
Playthrough Part 4 - http://www.twitch.tv/mrluchador/b/530936889
Playthrough Part 5 - http://www.twitch.tv/mrluchador/b/531169651

First Post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95419354&postcount=65
Three games this past week. Only one of them was good, though.

Game 31 - Starlight Inception (PC): I gave more money to this Kickstarter than to either Star Citizen or Elite: Dangerous. Maybe Escape Hatch can fix the game, but in its current state it's not good. Too many things wrong with the game to list here, and very few of those issues will be addressed in the coming patch. It'll take a long time to fix this, and until it happens I advise you to stay away.

Game 32 - Rymdkapsel (Android): You mostly figure out all the game's little tricks by the time you've played it three or four times, but it's a really neat game otherwise. Surprisingly, it's also a great example of how to make an RTS game (albeit nontraditional) built for touch controls. The aesthetic is great too, and anything that reminds me even a little of Dwarf Fortress can never be bad.

Game 33 - Type:Rider (PC): Ugh. It's gorgeous in places (make a whole game out of the Futura constructivist pop art level!) but the platforming is an exercise in frustration. Reminds me of why I dislike platformers intensely.

Second-half OP.
I've been on holiday so I didn't really have time to update, so here's a bunch of games I've completed during the last three weeks:

Hotline Miami - 4h-ish
When I first booted up this game I hated the art style with a passion, but the gameplay was simply too engaging. Sometimes it felt more like a puzzle game than an action game: a wrong move at the wrong time and you were toast. Fun from start to end, though the game would benefit from better art.

Guacamelee - 6h-ish
I don't usually like metroidvanias, but Guacamelee was pretty fun. While the game is not exactly hard, some of the optional platforming challenges (Like the mask pieces) are nerve-wracking. Also the art style and the humour were a riot, it felt like a party in my pants. The ending was also perfect
everyone lives! Everyone is happy and they marry and have kids! What more you want for a game like this?

Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney - 24:14 hours
Now this is the sort of stuff I like. I'm a big Ace Attorney fan (never played a Professor Layton game). At first the story struck me as odd and sort of OOC-ish, but
after the big reveal everything "clicks" into the Ace Attorney setting.
. The game feels more Level5-ish than Ace Attorney-ish, probably because of the fantasy setting, but it's still pretty enjoyable.

Updated original post.
Game 22: Resogun (PS4)

I feel a little sad to consider this game 'finished', as it's not really something you can finish. It's been such an enjoyable 4 hours of gameplay so far just learning the levels and mob wave patterns, so I'll return to this game to play it correctly for sure.

Resogun is a real nice ode to classic arcade shooters such as defender, and as such should be played as a High Score game rather than a completion game. It's fast, frantic and borderline 'eyes bleed' game, which I've missed over the last 10 years.

Can't say much more than that really.


Previous Games

Playthrough Video 1
Playthrough Video 2
Playthrough Video 3


Go to the actual post to see a screenshot or two.

Weeks gone 20. Games beaten 18

My Backloggery.

Game 13: Alpha Protocol - 15 hours according to Steam.
# Spying games are cool. As a theme it just resonates with me so well. That said Alpha Protocol could have used some more development time. The story behind the game is truly unfortunate because there certainly was material for a great game there. Gameplay is just way too sloppy to overlook. It doesn't kill the experience but the time it was time to roll the credits I was very much finished with the game. Does really cool stuff with player choice and dialogue. More games should learn how Alpha Protocol handles it. The main character is often very hilarious. Over the top and cheesy dialogue was such a good fit. I wish Alpha Protocol 2 came along with proper budget behind it. Sadly I don't think we'll ever see this day.

Game 14: NES Remix - 13 hours 59 minutes (from Wii U's Daily Log so the number is pretty accurate).
# Reached credits. Cleared most games with 3 stars. I just can't stomach playing that Golf game among some others. I think this was a pretty cool game. Anything that resemples WarioWare is good in my books. I like this way of getting know some of the older games I've never played. Not sure if I'd play those games from start to finish this day and age but like this they are just fine. Ice Climbers is still horrible though. Coming from this I'm not sure if I'll get NES Remix 2. Day one purchase is looking unlikely.

Game 15: LUFTRAUSERS - 20 hours 16 minutes according to in-game counter but this includes quite a bit of idling.
# I think I did everything in this game except beating one final challenge. It just felt too frustrating for me to finish the game which is sad because apparently you get some cool plane for unlocking everything. Largely this is because of the RNG nature of the game which I feel is one of its biggest faults too. Basically getting a good score in this game largely depends on how enemies spawn. Same goes for completing challenges. Despite a few grind oriented challenges rest of them are completely tied to RNG which doesn't make for a good experience. All of this is such a shame. The core gameplay is pretty damn fun. I really liked how the game felt. I just feel that after solid core they didn't have what it takes to build good meat around it. Unlockables are largely consisting of different color schemes (all of them unplayable except the default one which is dumb) and new ship parts (after 1 hour of playing you have unlocked everything but the last 3. To get those you need to beat every challenge in the game which is not easy nor is it completely up to you like explained before). Music was cool at first (kudos to how it changes with each ship part) but it got repetitive towards the end. Essentially there's one tune in the game (plus another that plays in menus) and that's it. As it is now I find it hard to recommend this game for more than a few bucks. This game definitely deserves to be a success but unfortunately it didn't quite come together for me in the end.

Game 16: You Have to Win the Game - 30 minutes~ according to in-game timer so it's rather accurate
# Well it was a free game and it took me 30 minutes. Closest to cheating I'm going to get with this challenge. That said it was a rather fun game all things considered. Reminded me of VVVVVV a bit. Not much else to say. It really wasn't all that challenging to beat but all things considered I can recommend this to everyone that even remotely likes retro influenced platformers.

Game 17: Persona 4 Arena - Probably took me like 20-30 hours.
# Got every ending in Story Mode (99% with that remaining 1% being something really minor). Bought it because I wanted to see more of Persona story. I'm not a fan of fighting games like this and I didn't have much fun with this game in particular either. The Persona side of things was a bit of a let down too. While there was some good writing it was extremely repetitive to go through the story mode with each character. Most of the content is just the same thing over and over again from a different perspective. While I like Persona I just feel I'm not a big enough fan to truly enjoy a package like this. It was way longer than How Long To Beat indicated too.

Game 18: Legend of Grimrock - 23 hours according to Steam (includes basically 1.5 playthroughs)
# Game beaten on normal. Legend of Grimrock is a game I bought at the release day but didn't beat until now. I'm glad I did though. It's something I had to get done well before the sequel so that I can have a better go at beating that game closer to the release day. I did like my time with Legend of Grimrock. It ended at the perfect moment. If it would have gone for longer then I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it. Combat was pretty bad. The only times it got challenging was when there was an ambush and even then it wasn't the kind of challenge I'm looking from my games. Very repeating tilesets too (grand total of 3 environments in the game: stone, lighter stone and metal which is used in the last level). My favorite part was finding secrets. You really felt like you achieved something when you found one. Puzzles were just challenging enough too.

Next up: Bravely Default, Advance Wars and Transistor.

Progress is real right now.


Game 31: 3D Dot Game Heroes - 30 hours

Don't really have a lot to say about this one. The artstyle works incredibly well, but it plays incredibly simplistically, and being an over the top retro throwback isn't an excuse for boring dungeon design. Not a bad game, though.


33: Dust: An Elysian Tail (360) - 8h (05/17/14 - 05/24/14)

I had actually been looking forward to playing this game for quite a while now, which made it all the more disappointing that it didn't blow my mind.

The biggest thing I disliked about it was that the combat was repetitive. Holding Y to kill things got dull quite quickly, and no amount of pyrotechnics or flying through people really ameliorates that. It also doesn't help that every grounded dust storm reminded me that I wasn't playing a DMC game.

On the bright side, it looked nice.
Game 52: You Have to Win the Game

I can't describe the frustration I felt when I chose to grab the LOSE orb just cause I thought it was being meta, only to force myself through the stupid game again....had positive impressions before!

Oh well! I did it! Back to Mario's Picross 2, I'm in a gaming slump at the moment, Dark Souls 2 drained me.

Full list


Game26: The Sea Has No Claim (Link is Full List)

Halfway done! This year has really been a transition period for me. Over the past couple of years I've moved away from giant console made games to smaller independent ventures on steam, but in 2014 I've been actively seeking out much shorter free games with interesting concepts. I think the change came about due to this challenge, looking for interesting ideas, and limited time. I was a full time student last semester and worked for 24 hours between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday coupled with relationships and studying left very few opportunities to sit down and go through large games. It's summer now, but I now have 2 jobs, so still limited time. I'll probably start looking through the mobile game catalogue because there have been some pretty interesting titles I've seen recently, but I've always thought they were for iOS (turns out a lot of them were ported to android such as monument valley).


Congrats to The Illiterati who has completed the 52 games 1 year challenge!

The Illiterati: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=100878086&postcount=681

Welcome to the hall of fame :)


Gaffers who have met this challenge will be displayed in full glory here.
Please send a PM with a link to your post of 52 games with comments when completed.

donny2112: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95492179&postcount=203

RavenValor95: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=104524566&postcount=866

Knurek: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=95470189&postcount=179

The Illiterati: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=100878086&postcount=681

Please send a PM with a link to your post of 52 games with comments when completed
Game 23: Stick it to the Man (PS4) [Played: 4.5 Hours]

A super whacky and weird platformer/puzzle game, which was free via PS+ (and currently on sale via Steam). I really enjoyed it, even if at times it felt like you were watching and directing a cartoon rather than playing a computer game. The puzzles were fairly easy, and are little more than trying to match the stickers to the right people to trigger events to help you progress, but they were done in such a way it was fun.

If anything the main draw of this game was the writing, which kept going through to the end. The story is whacky, which combined with the voice acting and art style made me go back in time to all those 90's Cartoons I used to watch - Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Rocco's Modern Life, etc. So if you were a fan of those cartoons and their humour you'll probably relate to Stick it to the Man fairly easily.

All in all a fun experience.

Playthrough Part 1
Playthrough Part 2

Previous Games


Game 27: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS) 25/5/14. 23:06

Was really excited for but left disappointed by this. Two of my favourite DS serieses together at last! How could I lose!? Well the setting is really dull for one, and the characters are no better. This is what gets me through Ace Attorney games, the wit and energy, none of which is here and though the puzzles which would punctuate the average Layton game are present, and on the whole of the best quality, they're spread sooo thinly. Add in the most excruciatingly drawn-out ending to a game I can recall finishing in the last several years and you have this. Not bad but easily the weakest entry from either series in my view.

Game 28: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (DS) 26/5/14. 1:24

This is the best DS game, cannot believe it's been nine years since I bought it and beat it for the first time. I still remember the songs, it's still great and I have Osu 2 which I've never played sitting around here somewhere so I'll get into that later.

Original post.


Dot Hacked
Wows 4 people won already?! Nice nice, keep on reaching 52 peeps! Maybe I oughta aim to be the 52nd winner >.>

ONE HOUR OF GOLF. One hour of me learning how to read basically and get what the games telling me. "Hole X, Par X" No one wants ta know how it took me to even notice those things were always on the screen an then how much longer it took for a lightbulb to go off in my head! All to unlock a sub-story! Oh thats right I wasn't playing a golfing game, it was Yakuza 3! After all that I equipped a golf club and Heat action'd the next thug I came across! Well worth the effort cause for the first time in any Yakuza game I got the chance ta face Amon! Woohoo! This dun excuse Segac for the butchered localization btw.

Games Beaten: 23 / 52
Total Playtime: 322 hours, 33 minutes

Wows 4 people won already?! Nice nice, keep on reaching 52 peeps! Maybe I oughta aim to be the 52nd winner >.>

ONE HOUR OF GOLF. One hour of me learning how to read basically and get what the games telling me. "Hole X, Par X" No one wants ta know how it took me to even notice those things were always on the screen an then how much longer it took for a lightbulb to go off in my head! All to unlock a sub-story! Oh thats right I wasn't playing a golfing game, it was Yakuza 3! After all that I equipped a golf club and Heat action'd the next thug I came across! Well worth the effort cause for the first time in any Yakuza game I got the chance ta face Amon! Woohoo! This dun excuse Segac for the butchered localization btw.

Games Beaten: 23 / 52
Total Playtime: 322 hours, 33 minutes


Yakuza 3 is a fun game, I should really return to that sometime soon.


May is my month! And Mario Kart on Friday which I can say with some certainty I'll be seeing the credits of in short order, nice.

Game 29: Guacamelee! (PS3) 27/5/14. 5:30

I bought this at launch and played right up to the last level at which point I found the combat became too hard, frequent and tedious to be worth persevering with to reach more of the platforming sections which I had greatly enjoyed. Picked it back up yesterday and somehow stumbled through to the final boss who's taken me about an hour in two sittings to beat and it's a real stretch to remember how much fun I had in the first half of the game (and I really loved it!) compared to what it became at the end. And then it gave me a bad ending. In conclusion - fuck this game.

Original post.


Game 19 : Far Cry [PC] - 12:50 - 05/27/14
Pretty fun game, expected a open world game, and got a Crysis type of game instead. It's a brutal game where you have to use strategy and cant just go around like crazy most of the time. Enemies can snipe you easily and from across the map, and your health is falling really fast even at normal. Pretty frustrating but fun. The ending cinematic is REALLY rushed out though. 3/5


Dot Hacked
Why does the floor in Bowser's final room have 2 different layouts? Why has I never noticed this before? With alil help from Fake Mario 2 turnips, Mario World feathers, Warp Whistles, and NG+ features I beat Mario 3!

TM:HO:ETE also beat w/cheat! I dun understand Krista/Grasshoppers ending o.o?

Games Beaten: 25 / 52
Total Playtime: 323 hours, 17 minutes


Yakuza 3 is a fun game, I should really return to that sometime soon.
It really is fun even with the cut content an missing features from Y2. Just being able ta store/retrieve items from phone booths was a huge boon to this game!
Yeah, you made it! Congratulations!


Game 53: Always Sometimes Monsters

So far, GOTY for me. Simply because it does so many of the things I'd like a game to do, and continues to push the medium. It's far from perfect, and I've only played it through once, so I really can't tell the depth of branching in the storytelling, but I got a very dark and very unique ending that I'm not sure I deserved. Kind of like life, I guess. I really hope upon further prodding this game continues to reveal the promise inherent in the setup. I'd like to know if it's even possible to get a happy ending, and how, for instance. Very intriguing!

Edit to add: Wolf Among Us Ep 4, added to its already listed entry. I love Fables, loved this. It was incredibly short however. Don't care too much cause I get the pass for these things when its down to 12 bucks or so, but they are really getting shorter and shorter.
Big update. Seems like I spent a little bit too much time gaming in May. Might explain my bad degrees.

Game 17: South Park - Stick of Truth
I was a bit disappointed as it didn't take me more than 2 days to finish it, including all side missions.

Game 18: Stanley The Parable
My GF sent it to me via Steam gifts a while back, but never got to actually play it. Extremely funny game. The
Portal and Minecraft minigame
was so hilarious haha

Game 19: Torchlight II

After disliking Torchlight 1, I followed a GAFFERs advice and tried Torchlight 2. Now this is something I'll gladly keep playing for as long as it continues to be fun.

Game 20: Last Chaos

Some random f2p mmorpg my friend got me to play, a private server, it's actually just a grinding MMO, almost no questing or story. Still enjoyed it. We spent 2 weekends playing every now and than, mostly at nights.

Game 21: Quantum Conuntum
It's like Portal, just for kids with cartoon graphics. At some parts I really had to think hard to get past walls/traps/whatever

Game 22: Alan Wake
I'm at Chapter 3 so far, but damn, I'm too much of a chicken to play it. I only play it during the day, with my TV running to distract me and sound volume down a lot. I had a gut feeling while playing Gears Of Wars, but nothing compared to this game. I'm scared for my life to even go around a corner.

Game 23/24/25/26: Ratchet & Clank Series PS2
This is where I spent most of my gaming time in May. Played through* R&C1, 2 and 3 in around 3 weeks, and Deadlocked in almost 2 days.
*I cheated, wasn't a new play-through, but used old saves so I had all my weapons maxed out
Now I want a PS3 to play ToD, QfB, CiT, and Nexus.. Let's hope E3 gives us a cheaper PS3, might jump on one just for R&C.

Game 27: NFS Most Wanted Black Edition PS2

After watching Fast'n'Furious, I felt like pimping cars and racing haha


Game 19: Torchlight[/B]
Not sure if it counts, stopped after 2 hours as I didn't like it at all..

I wouldnt count Torchlight since you never beaten the game, but hey not my list. Torchlight 1 is to Torchlight 2 what Diablo 1 is to Diablo 2. You should try Torchlight 2, you might like it more. Depend if it was because of the cartoony graphics or not.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 24 - Fly, Catbug Fly - Android.
Consider it beat since unlocked all the levels, upgrades and accessories.


Game 32: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - 9 hours

This was actually my first CV game back when I got my DS all those years ago, and it's still a treasure, one of the best games in the series after SotN. The soul system is cool in that it gives you a huge arsenal to customize Soma, but the downside is that most of the souls are useless and all the best ones require ridiculous grinding.


I made a few adjustments to my list, breaking out The Walking Dead Season 2 by episode and moving currently unfinished games to the bottom of the list and numbering them 'X'.

Game 18: Wolfenstein: The New Order - 12 hours - Completed
Best shooter I've played in some time. Played on PS4, so not nearly as good with sticks as with kb/m, but still solid gunplay with way more story and heart to it than what I initially expected. A must play, not only for Wolfenstein fans, but fps fans as well.

Updated Post Here


Game 9: Dark Souls II - 58 hours, May 9th
It's not bad, just not particularly memorable. It's missing the things that made Dark Souls a classic. Everything from the NPC dialogue to the encounter design is a step down. Also did an SL1 run which took another 60 hours, but counting a game twice seems like cheating.

Game 10: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - 5 hours, May 29th
Sadly not as good as I remembered. It's fun in spots, but the supernatural stuff is still tedious, there are stealth sections with insta fails and there's a bit too much of getting shot by snipers you couldn't have known were there. I forgot how much damage you take in this game, quite often you have to take it real slow.


Dot Hacked
For all the easy modes, new game+'s, cheat codes, an other cheesey stuff I've pulled... I just got done with a game that can't not be finished! Yup, a visual novel! Hakuoki PS3 main story mode is beaten! An since I'm at the halfway point of this challenge, lets see whats been the shortest & longest things that've brought me this far!

49:54 | Yakuza 3
46:45 | Brain Age: Concentration Training
41:46 | Final Fantasy X HD Remastered
00:18 | Twisted Metal: Black
00:18 | Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition
00:11 | Super Street Fighter IV
00:03 | Donkey Kong Jr.

Less then 20 minutes vs over 40 hours! What a spread!

Games Beaten: 26 / 52
Total Playtime: 330 hours, 35 minutes



(Wanted to wait till a new page again, since it's less scrolling to find the post to update.)

Games 1-25 (Hit the character limit for the post.)
Games 26-42 (Hit the character limit for the post.)
Games 43-63 (Hit the character limit for the post.)

Game 64 (May 14, 2014): Mario Golf: World Tour (3DS) - 115:36 (126:39 through 8/28)
OP (May 14, 2014):
I'm nowhere near done with this game, but I wanted to go ahead and put it in the record and spend more time with some other games. :lol Will update the time throughout the year, as I remember to check it, but for the record, it's over 34 hours 12 days out from release. :p
Man, this game is awesome for Mario Golf lovers. So many unlockables, uses same skill set as trained on since Mario Golf 64, exciting online tournaments and fun DLC. The game that keeps on giving! Um, don't know where to begin. Will say if you've ever played and liked Mario Golf before, buy this game now. Strategy, planning, tons of courses with different winds making each time through a different experience (and that you almost never hit the ball the exact same way through the course each time due to having to time your button presses). The first three Castle Club tournaments are fine, but it really opens up when you get into the Mario Golf single-player side and start going through all the Challenges. At this point, I've beaten 110 Gold Coin challenges, unlocked all the wearables on the right side of the in-game item shop and a lot on the left side, unlocked tons of extra costumes,
learned how to find mulligans and realize that that's what you're supposed to spend all these tournament coins on
, played through maybe 8 tournaments (2 gold trophies, 2-3 silver, and a bronze) with more tournaments each week, beat the infuriating 1-on, 1-putt 9-hole challenge three stinking times
with the help of some mulligans :p
, reminisced of time spent with Mario Golf 64 in the Toad's Highlands DLC, and realized I have just a freaking ton of more stuff to play through, if I wanted to spend all my time playing this game. :O Wonderful, wonderful game, but I have to get back to playing more of other stuff to get ready for MK8 coming later this month!
Update (May 28, 2014):
Have gotten all costume challenges complete, 140 Star Coins (all currently available),
100 Moon Coins
, every purchaseable piece in the shop except for clubs, and a whole stinking lot of frustration but even more fun! :lol All that's left is some expected frustration that I want a lot of Mulligans available for before even attempting. Therefore, I need to wait for a few more tournament rounds to have enough coins to purchase a good amount of those. Will continue to play the tournaments, of course, though. They've been great. :D
Final Update (July 14, 2014):
115 hours later ... :p Got all Star
and Moon
Coins in the game and have just been playing tournaments the last few weeks. Will probably just coast on from here going back just for the weekly tournaments, but this should be sufficient for a final update. 115 hours in Mario Golf. Unthinkable with the backlog looming over my head last year. This is great!!! :D
If not for this 52-game year challenge, I probably wouldn't have been in a position to throw myself into this game like I have (would've had too many other games looming in the backlog), so thank you again for coming up with this idea for us to really trim that backlog and free us up to majorly dig into good games like this again!

Game 65 (May 19, 2014): New Super Luigi U (Wii U) - 12:33
Such a great game. The best part of Super Mario Bros. games is when you get into a rhythm, and you're just flying past stuff at crazy flights and speeds. That's this game! Not 100%, but more than the previous New Super Mario games, for sure. DLC? Man, Nintendo knows how to do DLC. Can see why this was a separate retail release, too. Game needs to be played by as many as it can be. Finding the hidden Luigis was a great game within the game, too. Luigi's physics may have been too flightly for Mario's games, but this game was designed around it, which made it smooth like butter! :lol
Was thinking that 75 games for the year would put me in a nearly caught up state with games, but now I'm thinking more like 100. 100 games in a year. Wow. This has been a good year for gaming (for me). :)

Game 66 (May 22, 2014): The Bridge (PC) - 4.4 hours
Another PC indie puzzle platformer and another good one (if a little less meaty). Fun game, spurred by Playfire rewards to actually start it up which isn't a bad thing. :lol A bit of play between 2-D screen and 3-D architecture causing some twisted play. Definitely had to use some guides for a few of the puzzles to get me at least started in the right direction (and for the Playfire Garden-Inverter achievement). Once started, could usually keep going from there, which was good, though. Didn't really "get" what the story was totally about, but the story's not really crucial to these kinds of games. ;)

Game 67 (May 27,2014): Star Trek (2013, PC) - 9.8 hours
Okay, this game is nothing earth-shattering. Not going to redefine any genres or something. But for a Star Trek fan, this was one fun trip! Yes, the Gorn are a totally different setup than in TOS, but it's not like they're that concerned with making the new Star Trek a carbon copy of the old one, since the old one doesn't even get new movies nowadays. Considering the last movie didn't do astronomically ( ;) ) and the director has moved on to Star Wars, this may be the last chance to see this new Star Trek crew done well for a long time, too. :( The game itself was nothing too frustrating, as it was just working through, seeing the story, enjoying the dialogue with similar repartee as the new Star Trek movies. Very worth it, if you enjoy the banter in the new movies while getting through this pretty straightforward game. :)
Also, just had to give a shout-out to the arena achievemnt "Are you not entertained?" Love Gladiator and love the reference! :lol

Game 68 (May 29, 2014): Another World 20th Anniversary Edition (2013, PC) - 2.4 hours
Okay, this is one of those old games where there are no instructions and you're just supposed to, through repeated (repeated) trial and error stumble through the game until you get to an end. These are not my types of games. :/ Interesting story and how the randomness of stuff fits together is interesting (with a guide). However I was going in the "wrong" direction for like 20 minutes of repeated frustration and dying (and no saving, so kept having to repeat that crap) because I was *supposed* to go another direction that seemed less promising at the time. Such game design may have been great and fresh back-in-the-day, but if you don't have any nostalgia for it, would imagine it wouldn't be your cup of tea today. This particular port also crashed several times, but it restarted each time fine. Just something to be aware of. Eh, 'nother game off the backlog. :p

Game 69 (June 5, 2014): Kirby: Triple Deluxe (3DS) - 21:06
That was a good game! Having acquired an appreciation for Kirby games from playing through most of the Wii Kirby Collection, was really looking forward to this game's release. Mario Golf sort of absorbed 90% of my time in May ( :D ), so really got serious about this game in the last week or two. Did not expect it to take this long, but that's a nice surprise, as it was a pretty fun ride without much in frustration and no anger-inducing final bosses this time around! The bosses might've taken a few times to beat, but I felt like I was making progress each time vs. feeling like it's almost random how to hit some of the previous final Kirby bosses. After beating the main game, it unlocks
where you play as
in a modified retelling of the game. That took me about 2.5 hours of the playtime, and it was actually a really fun ride, in itself! Got all the keychains, Gold 2 out of 3 DeDeDe's Drums, beat The Arena, and ended up with 92% completion on the save. Very nice. As to the actual game, exploratory platformer. Not as many "you must have this hard to carry ability at this point to get this item" areas as in past Kirbys, which also reduced the brief amount of frustration typically present in Kirby games. The new Bell ability seems kind of throwaway but love the Beetle. Also, The Fighters mode (Super Smash Kirby) really helps teach you all the moves for each ability-type, which can really lead you to preferring to hold onto particular abilities that you're very familiar with from The Fighters in the main game. If you're thorough with your environment searches, you should find about everything. Only a couple of items might require a bit of help in a guide to get. Like the story, the 3-D effect (played in 3-D the whole way), Hypernova Kirby, the Bosses (except that recurring cloud guy but no
Sun and Moon
this time!), the extras, and the collectibles. If you have a soft spot for Kirby games, this one will be right up your alley. :)

Game 70 (June 11, 2014): Kameo: Elements of Power (360) - 9:20
So this finishes off the old-RARE Xbox/360 games that I wanted to play. Can see why people want to see a sequel considering the open doors at the ending. Reminds of Dinosaur Planet/Star Fox Adventures with the air ships in the final level (first level in SFA) and the collectables (not near as many as SFA, though). Using the creature transformation to get around and fight enemies opened up a lot of freedom to tackle stuff in different ways, even if there was one preferred path. Nice touch there. Remember this was used early on to show off the 360's power to have tons of enemies on the screen, and while present, those portions were basically just transitions to the next battle area as opposed to an important part themselves. Fun game, shows its era of creation a bit, but still nice to finally play this old RARE semi-classic. :)

Game 71 (June 18, 2014): LEGO: The Lord of the Rings (PC) - 39 hours
Man, I love this game! Love the Lord of the Rings movies (having watched the extended versions multiple times), so that plays a big part in it. Previously played the 3DS version to 100% (last year sometime) and loved it. Played this one to 100%
including the special ending
, as well, and loved it even more! The graphics are amazing. The scenery, vistas (i.e. the non-LEGO objects) look stunning. The depth of field could be annoying when standing on top of Isengard and trying to get a clear screenshot of the view with Edoras, Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Minas Morgul, and Mt. Doom all in a row, but it was still a nice effect to have. They made some entertaining cuts through storyline to get through quicker, but they still threw in stuff from the books like Tom Bombadil (like the 3DS version) and a bit more with Bill than the movies. As with the best LEGO games, you can tell the designers/writers really had fun with the subject matter. Especially love the Mithril Disco Phial that
makes most enemies and friends instantly start dancing
while a techno beat rocks on with quotes from the movies that just work so well with the
and beat! The bonus level where you
play as Sauron on a mini version of the full LOTR landscape and finally get to fulfill Lord Sauron's goal of destroying Middle Earth
was pure genius! That also opens up the ability to play the Prologue against Sauron as
Little Sauron
, which was surreal. :lol This is a huge collectathon, so if those turn you off, then you already know you don't like LEGO games. :p Also really enjoyed all the little shout-outs to other games/media like Resident Evil (
combining Red and Green Herbs to make a first aid item
), Assassin's Creed (
climbing up the tower of Minas Tirith certainly reminded me of climbing towers in AC, and I think that was by design
, and even Goonies (
playing the skeleton piano to get an item in Mines or Moria
)! Wonderful, wonderful game (if a bit long to 100% complete :p ). :D

Game 72 (June 23, 2014): Gunpoint (PC) - 4.5 hours
Okay, now this is a choose-your-own-path moral puzzler done right.
Can't think of any other choose-your-own-path moral puzzler games out there, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.
The puzzles were fun without being pedantic and a level editor makes this a game you can do forever, if you wanted. Ignoring the level editor, playing through it once and seeing the (sometimes) tragic results of your choices makes you want to play it again to try for a "better" result. And at 4.5 hours (and my times seem to be consistently higher than most on howlongtobeat.com), it's actually doable to play it again just because (are you paying attention ridiculous 50-hour main quest in Skyward Sword that I'll likely never, ever, ever play again for how long it was!?!). Despite being called "Gunpoint", I never even used a gun until the last level, so don't think this is a shooting-fest. Story was intriguing and, as said, makes you want to play through again to see more of it. Would definitely recommend this game. :)

Game 73 (June 24, 2014): Adventure Island (GB, 3DS VC) - 2:17
Had seen the Adventure Island games in Nintendo Power growing up, but this is the first one I played. This GameBoy one was essentialy a succession of ~40 short levels where you just try to get through before your health runs out (takes place of timer, but you can grab food along to way to increase it) and without getting hit. One hit takes away your animal buddy, and another takes away your life. Minimalistic, kind of fun in a simple way. Have Adventure Island 2 (NES on 3DS VC) to play, too, so that should be a more full-featured Adventure Island game. This was one was still fun, and was a nice break to play for a few minutes at a time in between other games. :)

Game 74 (June 25, 2014): Contra III: Alien Wars (SNES, Wii U VC) - 4:39
Beat it once on Normal
and saw the message to play it again on Hard for a real ending
and then beat it again on Hard
to see the real ending
. Restore points to the rescue! :lol Had beaten this back on SNES (think difficulty was 'Normal'; definitely wasn't 'Hard') and beat it on Wii (not on 'Hard' either), but this was the first time to beat it on 'Hard'
and see the real, full ending
. Props to whoever beat this on 'Hard' on the SNES back in the day! :lol For the game itself, still a great game. Love the Contra games to play Co-Op with. Trading out with different people to see who all can get the farthest was always fun. If you're not familiar with Contra, it's a run-and-gun shmup with one-hit kills and weapons like Homing, 'C' (explosive shells), Laser, Flame, and Spreadshot. It's a series worth playing the earlier ones on, particularly with Restore Points. One side effect of not having Restore Points is that you replay the earlier levels tons since you die and have to restart so much, so you get to know them really well! After a while, they start to feel a little homey, since you know everything that's coming up in them. :p
Really wish they'd release the GameBoy Contra games, too. :)

Game 75 (June 25, 2014): Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PC) - 4.5 hours
The first couple of hours left me incredulous. The boys are supposed to be getting some medicine to heal their Father, but every path they take seems to be a one-off opportunity. How are they supposed to get back? Also with how perilous the journey is, what kind of doctor in his right mind would send two young boys to get this stuff for their dying Dad when the kids are most likely to die in the process? After the
Giant's castle and bird
where they find the giant corpses after battle
, though, I stopped worrying about the logistics and started just enjoying the game. Adventurous explorations are fun and the reason for the explorations are just a side thing in games, even if the reasons here fail so hard on so many levels. Anyways for the game itself, it was very interesting gameplay mechanic to control the two brothers with the two control sticks. When you can only control the little brother for some reason with just the right control stick, it even feels like you're missing something (i.e. your "brother"), since the left control stick usually controls games. Don't know if that part was intentional, but it worked well. :) Also, the end game section was done well with using the controls to make you feel more affected by the events on the screen.
Want to give a shoutout to the developers who made it possible to pause during cutscenes without then causing you to skip the cutscene. All games need to be that way! :D

Game 76 (July 14, 2014): Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) - 27:49
Haven't put this much time into a Mario Kart since the first Mario Kart I played (i.e. N64). Man, this has been fun! Got all 90 stamps (beating Grand Prix with each character and beating Staff Ghost on all Time Trials), got 3 star rank on every Grand Prix through 150cc (holding off on Mirror until after an upcoming tourney, as don't want to mess up my course memory :p ), and messed around with the parts to find a combo that works for me (and some alternate racers with same stats in case mine gets taken in a tourney :p )! Course design-wise, love the new Mario Kart 8 courses more than most of the remakes, but the remakes are lots of fun, too. Just less shortcuts to find than the new ones. ;) Anti-gravity was a nice thing a bit, but really just enjoyed the flying most (again, after MK7). Great, great game. Hope it stays in rotation for a long, long time. :)
This is yet another game I've been able to actually take the time to sink my teeth into that wouldn't have happened without the massive backlog shrinkage this year. Love this 52-game in a year challenge thing!!! :D

Game 77 (July 18, 2014): Adventure Island II (NES, 3DS VC) - 5:21
Very, very, very similar to the GB Adventure Island game. Very straightforward game of going from left to right, avoiding/attaching enemies, while your food reserve (i.e. timer) runs down. A few secrets here and there, but a very straight-forward game. Not aware of this being an arcade game originally, but with so many NES games being arcade ports and this "quarter eating" easy to die mindset, wouldn't surprise me if it was (or at least inspired by some arcade game Hudson Soft made at the time). Not terrible, but not a good game, either. Just hard, hard, hard made doable with save states. Did try to limit them to between levels mostly, but still a hard game just to get through, even if running out of lives wasn't really going to happen with save states. Think I'm done with this series, but glad to have played what I have, since I had read about this series back in the day with Nintendo Power and with a name like "Adventure Island," it's got to be fun, right? Um, no. :lol

Game 78 (July 24, 2014): Castlevania III (NES, 3DS VC) - 9:45
Loved this game back on the NES and have played through it multiple times. Think this was the first time to play through with every possible character combination (4 times through), though. Great fun and classic Castlevania. Love Metroidvania, too, but classic Castlevania still rocks!

Game 79 (July 24, 2014): Super Castlevania IV (SNES, Wii U VC) - 4:13
This game has some awesome music in parts and some really clever level design in parts, but despite loving this game since release, my current eyes see this as a rushed launch game (at least it was rushed to make the U.S. release in Dec-91, meaning them pushing it out after Black Friday but before Christmas, i.e. a rushed game location). Really wish they could've let this bake some more particularly since this was the last classic Castlevania on Nintendo platforms. Still a fun game, but Castlevania III is the way more fleshed out gaming experience with branching paths and multiple characters/endings. Also had heard before that Super Castlevania IV was a sort of remake of Castlevania 1. In that case, where's my SNES remake of Castlevania III?!? :lol
That makes 4 in July, so at least keeping up with the monthly backlog thread. Binge-watching Netflix for the first two weeks of the month kind of slowed me down. :p

Game 80 (August, 7, 2014): Game & Wario (Wii U) - 6:32
Fun selection of slightly larger mini-games! Never should've been sold for $40, but $15 or so would've been great for it! Love the characters in the Wario Ware series, so that probably helped. Unlike most other, I didn't love the 9-Volt portion much (the one where you play normal Wario Ware games while avoiding your mom's sneaking up on you). Didn't like the split attention required and kept giving me a headache to switch back-and-forth between the screens at a distance so much. Liked the Ashley side-scrolling shooter a lot, though. She's always an interesting level. Definitely worth trying out, and glad Nintendo gave it away to their Platinum members this year. :)

Game 81 (August 11, 2014): Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) - 23:30
Overall, this was a much better game than New Super Mario Bros. U. However, one thing that SM3DW could really learn from NSMBU is to not leave a bad taste in the player's mouth at the end of the game. I'm talking about Champion Road and the remorseless final Mystery House with
required rooms to clear perfectly, since there are no mid-level checkpoints. Left me frustrated and raging at what should've been a wonderful cherry on top of the SM3DW gaming experience. In contrast, NSMBU was a fairly bland game, but the final Special Levels consistently put a smile on my face with their wonderful flow/pacing and clever design. Champion's Road is just a war of attrition in comparison, and it leaves a bad final taste in this gamer's mouth for it.
End of Game issues aside, love this game! So fun in single and multi-player (though if you're wanting all the collectibles, single-player is the way to go). Cat suit and
lucky cat suit
really add a bunch to the playstyle. To contrast to NSMBU again, the squirrel suit is a forgettable item for the most part. Hope the cat suit stays around going forward, though. Love EAD Tokyo, and hope they learn some of the experience driven lessons like main EAD has when it comes to the endings, as the main game is purely superb! Miiverse really added a lot, too, with people passing on questions about missing stars and people answering making it like an in-game FAQ, if you were trying to find everything. Very nice. :)

Games 82-92
Games 93-111
Games 112-127


I'm going through Ridiculous Fishing right now. I got to a credits screen, but I still have 14 more fish to catch to complete the encylopedia and I have a couple more things to buy in the store. I really want to 100% this one because it's really fun. It was brought to us by the guys who made Luftrausers.


| MY COMPLETE LIST | This is Game 20 of the list, but only 12th Completion.

Completion #12 : Game #20 : Hatsune Miku : Project Diva f (Vita | ~75hrs | Trophies - 100%)
I haven't played rhythm game for sometime, this game really dug the claws into me and stopped all progress on any other game.

This is one of those games that you will either like or not, the music isn't for everyone, technically it should really be for me either, seeing as I don't know a single word of any foreign language, I have no idea what they are singing about! The songs are ridiculously catchy though and so here we are!

I've labelled it as complete for the sake of the Trophies, I have obtained Perfect on Easy, Normal and Hard, but I have yet to really try and attempt Extreme. I just need a break from it for now, but this is something that I will eventually come back to time and time again.

There is a demo available for either PS3/Vita on the Store and really is the best way to find out if you Miku! :)

I now Miku, along with all the others, Project Diva 2nd f can't come soon enough.


Finally at the final stretch!

Game #42: Deus Ex - 23 Hours
That main theme is godlike. Anyways, I can't believe I waited so long to play this game. I should have played it sooner. This game has by far the best level design than any game on my list. I had so much fun with exploring every inch of each level and completing each objective with the freedom to handle the situation any way I see fit. Best part of the game for me was being creative whenever I don't have the preferred tools to handle a certain situation. Don't have any EMP grenades or multitools to deal with laser tripwires? No problem, use some pepper spray or use a physical object to get by.
Or use the quicksave trick :p
. Don't have any lockpicks to open a door? Be simple, just find a window and break it. There were a couple times when I had to redo a section over because the game crashed. But to be honest, I didn't really mind. It was pretty fun to redo sections and see if I can handle a situation in a different way. The story was enjoyable was well, it really adds to the atmosphere of the game. I will definitely play Invisible War soon. Hopefully it isn't as bad as everyone says it is.

Updated Post

Currently, I'm working on Final Fantasy III (DS) and Tales of Symphonia.


I'm taking part in this as well. I'm quite a ways behind schedule, unfortunately. Too many irons in the fire.

1. Pokemon Y (Grade: B. Good but not big enough.)
2. Metal Gear Rising (Grade: A+. My first Metal Gear game, inspired me to buy the whole series.)
3. Metal Gear Solid (Grade: A. Really good, really difficult.)
4. Risk of Rain (Grade: B. Great atmosphere. Surprised I beat it all by myself.)
5. Skyrim (Grade: C. I had enough fun just exploring. Too bad most of the areas are boring as hell.)
6. The Walking Dead Season 1 (Grade: A. Fun and engaging. Fuck Kenny.)
7. Gunman Clive (Grade: C. Unfortunately not a TTGL game.)
8. Bayonetta (Grade: A. LET'S DANCE BOYS.)
9. Fire Emblem Awakening (Grade: B. Fun gameplay and characters, boring story.)
10. Zone of the Enders (Grade: D. Fun, I guess? It lost its charm quickly. Great stylistically, snore worthy gameplay. Seems like it'd go well on iOS or something nowadays.)
11. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (Grade: B+. Awesome level design, dumb blowing mechanic and terrible final boss stage.)
12. Halo 4 (Grade: D. Good visuals and sound design, boring gameplay and terrible story. It made me not care about one of my favorite franchises ever. Sad.)
13. Metal Gear Solid 2 (Grade: A+. My favorite in the series, despite its odd design choices. Love the story, love the characters, love the postmodernism. LOVE the gameplay. Most fun I've ever had with a stealth game.)
14. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (Grade: A. A good follow up to MGS2, but not the masterpiece everyone hyped it up to be. I found most of the boss battles to be kind of lame in comparison to MGS1. Great boss design, but a tad stuttered in execution.)
15. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Grade: C+. Fun little time waster. The missions definitely feel like a handheld game in scope. Boss battles are terrible, but those cutscenes are radical.)
16. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (Grade: B-. Killer gameplay, awesome hypebuilder, and overall just an insanely impressive game. Replayable as hell. The length is a bit of a bummer, but I don't think it matters that much.)
17. Tomb Raider 2013 (Grade: C. A drag with some fun cinematic platforming and terrible combat, which took up 70% of the game.)
18. Mass Effect 3 (Grade: B, A with DLC added. I loved the game up until the anticlimactic vanilla ending. Extended cut gives it a lot more closure and the DLC adds a lot of fun situations. Not as grand as ME2, but a good sequel nonetheless. That being said, I think it could have ended better.)
19. Dark Souls (Grade: A. Really fun but feels like it's missing meat on the last half of the game.)
20. Devil May Cry (WIP)
21. Bastion (WIP)
22. God of War (WIP, also why do people like this game pls explain it to me cuz I realllly want to like it but it just seems like a house of the dead tier character action game.)

I'll update as I go, I suppose.


Haven't posted here in a while but I've made quite a bit of progress through my backlog recently.

16. Touch my Katamari: 1/4/14
17. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 5/4/14
18. Metal Gear Solid 13/4/14
19. Elite Beat Agents 20/4/14
20. OlliOlli 23/4/14
21. Sleeping Dogs 3/5/14
22. Deus Ex 5/5/14
23. Catherine 11/5/14
24. Castlevania 14/5/14
25. MotorStorm RC 17/5/14
26. Bastion 17/5/14
27. Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 24/5/14
28. TxK 29/5/14


45. Mario Kart 8 (Finished 5/31/14 - total time 11hrs +)
Comment: Picked up this game the other day and while I did actually beat/unlock all the cups on the day it came out (did it in about 2 - 3 hrs) as well as see the end credits I decided that since this game doesn't have a traditional story mode that the 10 hr rule applied. As for my thoughts on the game well, overall I am (for the most part) really enjoying the game (enough to want to try to 100 % it) though racing in the later cc's (especially 150cc) and online can be infuriating at times.
I wouldnt count Torchlight since you never beaten the game, but hey not my list. Torchlight 1 is to Torchlight 2 what Diablo 1 is to Diablo 2. You should try Torchlight 2, you might like it more. Depend if it was because of the cartoony graphics or not.
A friend of mine who owns Torchlight 2 gave me his STEAM to try it, well that's for sure better than the first one!
I edited my post.

Also, just finished Deadpool.

Game 28: Deadpool
That's one weird game. This superhero is like a mix between Hancock and a perverted little kid in my eyes. Nonetheless a funny game


First game of June done:
Game 17: Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars - 35h01m (Finished June 1)
# Pretty mediocre game overall. Dungeon crawling was repetitive and tedious, despite the somewhat interesting battle system. The story was generic and rather uninteresting and very few of the characters were particularly appealing, although the voice acting was actually good in general. I'm not one for this kind of dating sim that seems to revolve around pandering more than anything, so I wasn't too into that major aspect of the game, next to the boring dungeon crawling.

I'll have a lot more time to play through some games now that I'm on vacation.
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