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653,000+ DS sold last week in US




oo Kosma oo said:
That's all fine and dandy chap, but in the end that doesn't do shit for me. Those casuals buying Brain Training and little girls buying Nintendogs and Hamsterz aren't going to get another Advance Wars made if you catch my drift. And that's all I care about.

The good thing about this is that the DS really is brining gaming out of the ghetto. I don't have to feel awkward playing on one in public nowadays.

It's not all about you, you know. Give everyone else (casuals) a chance to taste the sweet sweet taste of gaming. 'Hardcore' gamers aren't born, they are made. Welcome to the expansion of the demographic. And it's absolute nonsense to think that just because one particular genre is selling very well, all others will be forgotten. If that were the case we'd be playing nothing but fps's on consoles.
oo Kosma oo said:
That's all fine and dandy chap, but in the end that doesn't do shit for me. Those casuals buying Brain Training and little girls buying Nintendogs and Hamsterz aren't going to get another Advance Wars made if you catch my drift. And that's all I care about.
But...they did get another Advance Wars made.

You think AWDS2 is selling on the back of the first game's sales?


Arthas said:
It's not all about you, you know. Give everyone else (casuals) a chance to taste the sweet sweet taste of gaming. 'Hardcore' gamers aren't born, they are made. Welcome to the expansion of the demographic. And it's absolute nonsense to think that just because one particular genre is selling very well, all others will be forgotten. If that were the case we'd be playing nothing but fps's on consoles.
Well said. And holy shit at the Nintendo sales. Insane.
By the way BUY ZACK & WIKI... and Trauma Center (Unless you suck as much as 1Up at playing games)


Jeff-DSA said:
Mine is signed by Shiggy!


Arthas said:
It's not all about you, you know.


Arthas said:
Give everyone else (casuals) a chance to taste the sweet sweet taste of gaming. 'Hardcore' gamers aren't born, they are made. Welcome to the expansion of the demographic. And it's absolute nonsense to think that just because one particular genre is selling very well, all others will be forgotten. If that were the case we'd be playing nothing but fps's on consoles.

I don't think these older people buying Brain Training will convert to real gamers and buy real games. Not a chance. The young girls buying Nintendogs may though. But these old folks are lost to the cause.


just for comparison..how many ipods are sold a week in the US? but anyways,those numbers are just gaudy. its well deserved though,my psp has been collecting dust while my DS is played everyday. phoenix wright is quickly becoming one of my favorite franchises. too bad he's gonna get replaced by some tool named apollo justice? the fuck?
oo Kosma oo said:
That's all fine and dandy chap, but in the end that doesn't do shit for me. Those casuals buying Brain Training and little girls buying Nintendogs and Hamsterz aren't going to get another Advance Wars made if you catch my drift. And that's all I care about.

The good thing about this is that the DS really is brining gaming out of the ghetto. I don't have to feel awkward playing on one in public nowadays.

Advance Wars Days of Ruin (darker approach) comes out in a month and a half. So your theory holds no weight.
The hardcore games are still getting made.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
"All I want for Christmas is a a P-S-P...
All I want for Christmas is a a P-S-P...
All I want for Christmas is a a P-S-P...
All I want for Christmas is a a P-S-P...
All I want for Christmas.."


Those numbers are simply mind blowing.

Iwata sought to legitimise that unquantifiable quirky electronic quiz/mini-game market populated by numerous no name companies making low-volume tacky products. He saw the potential, delivered a great product and capitalised.

I don’t even think this will be the peak. Bigger numbers next year. Normal predictions based on the traditional big game release/price-drop spurring demand go out the window


DevelopmentArrested said:
Advance Wars Days of Ruin (darker approach) comes out in a month and a half. So your theory holds no weight.
The hardcore games are still getting made.

I know there is another AW coming man >< It was just an example. Read between the lines.


a friend of mine who a month ago had said something like: "games are all about violence and blow up things" bought a DSL last week and messaged me: "What's that game with brain exercises?"

I said wow


mj1108 said:
Took a while before this one showed up, I expected it by post #3.

jj984jj said:
No, that's when the price will drop to $99.

That´s one very scary thought. DS at that price point would surely bring forth SKYNET or some other world ending shit.

But as long as Capcom keeps pumping out Ace Attorneys, I will continue to bow to our dual screened overlords and won´t mind it one bit.


Jeff-DSA said:
Mine is signed by Shiggy!

Nice, you clearly win. I've always wanted to meet Shigs, but I assume an actual meeting would be a massive letdown based on the language barrier.

I don't even have my signed NDS anymore. My buddy was scraping up cash for a used NDS, so I just gave him my "valuable" one. I only use my DSL anyway.


Gigglepoo said:
Nice, you clearly win. I've always wanted to meet Shigs, but I assume an actual meeting would be a massive letdown based on the language barrier.

I don't even have my signed NDS anymore. My buddy was scraping up cash for a used NDS, so I just gave him my "valuable" one. I only use my DSL anyway.

I'm sure he speaks English, but is more comfortable speaking Japanese.

I never knew Hideo Kojima spoke English until he asked me how I liked MGS3.


Wii sold over 650k for the last two weeks:

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -- Nintendo Co. sold more Wii game consoles last week than in any week since the popular gadget launched in late 2006, but executives warned Tuesday that Wiis would be scarce through the end of the year.

Nintendo sold 350,000 last week, when many stores were closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, compared to 300,000 the previous week. The only time with higher sales was an eight-day period in late November 2006, when the Wii debuted and more than 600,000 units sold.

The company is on track to sell 17.5 million Wiis in the fiscal year ending March 31. Last fall, Nintendo executives predicted they would sell 14.5 million Wiis.

They were producing roughly 1.2 million units per month at the time.

Nintendo has ramped up production to about 1.8 million per month, but its manufacturers cannot increase production again, said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime, who spent Friday and Saturday spot-checking Wii supplies at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, GameStop, Target and Toys R Us stores in Erie, Penn., and Redmond, Wash.

"I couldn't find a single Wii system on the shelves - literally as I was walking into a Wal-Mart at 11 a.m., someone was walking out with the last one," Fils-Aime said in an interview at the company's new office here. "Consumers are buying every game we can put into the system."

Fils-Aime predicted a new sales record the week before Christmas, despite being "very concerned" about the U.S. economy and the rising price of gasoline. About 40 percent of Wii sales have been in North America and Latin America, while 35 percent were in Asia, primarily Japan, and the rest came from Europe and the Middle East.

He dismissed speculation online that the Kyoto, Japan-based company - maker of Pokemon and Super Mario games - is deliberately constraining supply of the $250 console to generate buzz.

"A shortage benefits no one," he said. "We're disappointed. This was all about how we didn't accurately estimate demand. We need to be more bullish about the potential for the Wii."

Unlike consoles with joysticks that players operate with their thumbs, the Wii responds to the user moving a wand-like wireless controller strapped to the wrist.

Wii games including tennis and bowling appeal to children, parents, hardcore gamers and even senior citizens.

Sony's top-line PlayStation model, with an 80-gigabyte hard drive, costs $499 in the U.S., down from the original price of $599. A new low-end model with a 40-gigabyte drive will go on sale Nov. 2 for $399.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 costs $350 in the U.S.

The Wii has been a tremendous boost for Nintendo.

In the quarter ended Sept. 30, it more than doubled its sales to $6.1 billion from a year earlier, when the Wii has not yet launched.

It has sold 5.5 million Wiis in the U.S. since it went on sale on last November.

So maybe will be:
1.2 millions for DS
800k for Wii.


This is insane.
What was the biggest number in Japan?
Wasn't it about 550k for the week?

Wii sold over 650k for the last two weeks:
Just how can they keep selling so much?

"Consumers are buying every game we can put into the system."
I wonder how much truth there is in that.
Seems pretty great.


I'd be in the dick
Wow. This holiday season is going to be very strong all around it seems. Out of curiosity, how many of you haven't abandoned your DS phats? I'm still loyal to mine, even if she is a bit more full bodied than some of the younger, prettier Lites. We've had too many memories for me to abandon it over some homewrecker jailbait like the Lite. *hugs ol' faithful*


Go, DS, go. Best system on the market. Ten times better than Wii, although unfortunately sales can't possibly reflect that.

Edit: Ironically, DS was the first Nintendo system other than Virtual Boy that I didn't buy on day one... I didn't pick it up until June 2005, and I might have waited until August if I hadn't managed to get Mario 64 DS with it for free. But I guess it worked out in the long run since it's going to be besting the SNES soon enough.

RoboPlato said:
Wow. This holiday season is going to be very strong all around it seems. Out of curiosity, how many of you haven't abandoned your DS phats? I'm still loyal to mine, even if she is a bit more full bodied than some of the younger, prettier Lites. We've had too many memories for me to abandon it over some homewrecker jailbait like the Lite. *hugs ol' faithful*
I use my DS Phat for touch screen games and GBA (I hate the cartridges sticking out of the Lite), and my Lite for non-touch screen DS games. I'd be hard-pressed to say which one I use more.


oo Kosma oo said:
I don't think these older people buying Brain Training will convert to real gamers and buy real games. Not a chance. The young girls buying Nintendogs may though. But these old folks are lost to the cause.
The old geezers are responsible for buying the consoles for the lil brats so that they can graduate into core gamers real soon.


I just get through reading Wii sales and think damn, thats f'n amazing I come in here to find out DS did 2x that:lol :lol
Wait! The GBA sold 600k Thanksgiving week in 2005!?
And That's more than the previous years? NPD has sales that month at 820k - so it sold only 220k during the other 3 weeks? Talk about a spike!

The Hermit

mj1108 said:

You know, this was posted back when the DS begun to have great sales, endless easter, Nintendogs and all that...

I think there should be a new one to represent the holy fucking shit moment now... that gif seems , although awesome, small in comparisson of what Nitendo gave been doing latelly.


Innotech said:
Me and my brother still dont have a DS. I guess Ill have to eventually get one.
Take your time - everyone in the whole world knows it's just a matter of time before Ninty takes your soul via DS.


So awesome.

Just imagine all those DS owners who will eventually catch wind of that new Wii Channel that'll let you download demos (and maybe even entire games) onto your DS.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Wow, what the frick?

The scary part is that it isn't even december, and Nintendo stocked a hell of a lot of DS consoles. I see 10 get sold, the guy in the back brings out 30.
Square2002 said:
Wait! The GBA sold 600k Thanksgiving week in 2005!?
And That's more than the previous years? NPD has sales that month at 820k - so it sold only 220k during the other 3 weeks? Talk about a spike!

I wonder if they ran out. I don't recall a GBA shortage, but that high of a spike, even for Black Friday, seems out of place.


RoboPlato said:
Wow. This holiday season is going to be very strong all around it seems. Out of curiosity, how many of you haven't abandoned your DS phats? I'm still loyal to mine, even if she is a bit more full bodied than some of the younger, prettier Lites. We've had too many memories for me to abandon it over some homewrecker jailbait like the Lite. *hugs ol' faithful*

I still have my phat DS (bought from a fellow gaffer btw)

I don't feel like upgrading the system yet, and i'm saving money for an iPhone anyway.


*Guaraná said:
Wii sold over 650k for the last two weeks:

So maybe will be:
1.2 millions for DS
800k for Wii.
So heres what we SUPPOSEDLY know.

November NPD numbers for Wii

Week 1 : ?????
Week 2 : 300k
Week 3 : 350k
Week 4 : ?????

Total that we know of 650K

Obviously week 1 is less than week 2 and we dont know by how much. It only needs another 350k to break 1 million for november. Obviously it matters a lot though when shipments came in the last week and how much week 1 got though.

Adjust your predictions accordingly!
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