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A game so amazing it spoils others games


I'm actually experiencing this right now, and it's never happened before. I am playing God of War on PS4 right now, and I wish it played more like a Platinum game. I wouldn't say it's been ruined, but it does detract from it a bit.

Man, no rpg even comes close to this games combat.





And I didnt even show the magic yet...................


Planescape: Torment has made it hard to play other games honestly, RPGs especially. Never have I felt so invested in a game's story, the superior writing featured elevated the overall quality of the game to the next level. Characters felt more fleshed out and interesting than in other games, the dialogue options were extremely rich and rewarding, the overall narrative felt incredibly compelling, and the atmosphere was so well defined that I became completely immersed in the world of Sigil. Witcher 3 and Sunless Sea are the only things I've played since I beat Planescape in 2014, that have scratched that same itch. And still, they fall short of what Planescape delivered through pretty much it's writing alone. Story can drive a game alone, that's what Planescape taught me, and I am very appreciative of that fact.


Can't really go back and play too many older JRPG's after Xenoblade Chronicles.

I would appreciate 3D World more if it wasn't for Galaxy.

I had the opposite effect.....xenoblade only made me want to go play old school JRPGs.

Witcher 3 fucking ruined every open world game out there.


Gold Member
titanfall movement and traversal did this at the time

other fps games just felt slow as fuck and tank like but other games pretty much followed suit just like every true infinity ward game tends to do.


I went through a period circa 2005 when I played beyond good and evil, Oddworld Stranger, metal gear solid 3 and resident evil 4 in a short space of time.

Nothing was the same until the Mario galaxy/portal combo.


Tactics Ogre absolutely slayed every SRPG not FFT. I can't help comparing any I play to its greatness. It's a sickness actually.
Monster Hunter ruined combat satisfaction for any other action rpg, save perhaps the souls games (but they still aren't in quite the same league as MH)


For the longest time the answer was Dead Space. I'm still not over how the games UI was natural, seamless and built into the narrative. It wasn't just menus on our screen.

I wish a lot more games used this same technique.

actually, this is a great answer. I had this with Dead Space 2 actually. Changed A LOT from the first game, but I still felt it was a more competent game. First Dead Space is still great tho


Funny because for me Bloodborne spoiled my enjoyment of TW3.

Pretty much this. I played Bloodborne DLC right before TW3 and the combat felt horrible. Like, really horrible. Never went back to it after that.

But no other games inmerse me like the Souls games. They've ruined everything else for me. I'm pretty much obsessed with them.


F Zero GX. nothing else has come close to it.

This. The game is perfection, there is no racer that even comes close to it in how good it is.

Super Metroid as well for the genre it's in for exploration.

Bayonetta games for the action, though at least Platinum is getting a lot of work so we can get the itch scratched in other games.


Sonic Unleashed absolutely makes even the best of the othe Sonics look lacking in comparison.

It is that good.


Popularity for Bioshock Infinite sank like a rock when Last of Us came out. I was letting some casual gamer friends borrow my games and they played Last of Us and then Tomb Raider 2013 back to back. Yeah, they though Tomb Raider was pretty stupid.

So yeah, The Last of Us.


Mass Effect 2 made other third person shooters dull with the wide variety of powers and classes it has. This considerably hurt the Uncharted games for me which I didn't play until late last gen.


MGSV was the most recent one, it was just on another level in so many ways.

FFXII also spoiled me on rpgs after I first finished it, couldn't get into another rpg for quite a while back then.


Sonic Unleashed absolutely makes even the best of the othe Sonics look lacking in comparison.

It is that good.

You don't like Generations as much? Loved the Day stages of Unleashed to death, and found Modern Sonic in Generations to be just as fun.
I've been a huge Nintendo fan since I was a little kid but then Bloodborne came along and now that's the only kind of experience I want
The Last of Us: The Thread

For a period of time I had to take a break from games after beating TLoU because I found everything to be a bit lackluster.

The same happened with Bloodborne.
Agreed with TLoU. It reignighted my love for video games while at the same time I found myself comparing every game after to it. I've learned to accept that most games aren't TLoU. Playing Tomb Raider 2013 after was a laughable experience.

Also, The Witcher 3 has ruined open world gaming for me by raising the bar so damn high.

Edit - I will add that Bloodborne nearly spoiled Witcher 3 for me. Going from Bloodbornes perfect combat to W3 took awhile to get over. In the end I feel like I mastered W3s combat and I actually enjoy it now :)
The Last of Us: Pretty much my standard for narrative driven and TPS games.

The Souls series and Dragons Dogma: Raised my standards for combat in RPGs far beyond the typical trash you usually see.

Persona 4: The perfect JRPG for me in a lot of ways.
Dark Souls. I became engrossed with the lore and spent so long exploring everything I could to try and understand everything. As a result, everything else became uninteresting.


OPs example of comparing Witcher 3 to TR seems like trying to compare a game of type X with a game of type Y (Unless the new Tomb Raider is really that much different than the first game). Takes me back to when Witcher 3 came out and the OT was full of people complaining about how it wasn't playing as smoothly as Bloodborne, and it's kinda mindblowing how many people say things like, "Souls games totally ruined [insert game that isn't even in the same genre as Souls games]".

With that being said, Witcher 3 has definitely raised the bar for what I expect from an open world RPG going forward.


I know very few agree, but GTA IV + Episodes really got me through a lot. I even can appreciate the fact that games like Vanquish and Max Payne 3, hell even Red Dead had better gunplay by a mile. That GTA V offers a much more expansive open world and so much more freedom. It ruined driving for me in any other open world title. I love the heaviness.

But nothing hit me like GTA IV. It's to the point now that I'll load it up on the 360 just to drive around even with a gigantic backlog. The last game that captivated me like that in any fashion was Hitman Blood Money. Yakuza 2 ruined a lot of open hubs for me because it felt so dense and so alive. But GTA IV, I never put down.


Another vote for Witcher 3. I didn't even noticed bad characters and writing before, but after seeing how amazing Witcher was on that front, I can no longer get over that in games like fallout 4 :(


ctrl+f "vanquish" and nothing

Not that I was a huge fan of shooters before, but vanquish made me realize why I wasn't a big fan, and angry that no one else would do it right. For a while I was hoping that Titanfall or CoD:AW would reach for those heights, but they didn't even come close.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Killer Instinct has sort of ruined other fighters for me too.

Every other fighter now just seems a bit slow and cumbersome in comparison.


It was hard to play Witcher 3 and that gameplay when I could just boot up my Bloodborne digital copy any time.

That's what ended up happening every time I tried playing TW3 so I sent it back to Gamefly and kept playing Bloodborne.

ctrl+f "vanquish" and nothing

Not that I was a huge fan of shooters before, but vanquish made me realize why I wasn't a big fan, and angry that no one else would do it right. For a while I was hoping that Titanfall or CoD:AW would reach for those heights, but they didn't even come close.

Sadly I think Resident Evil 6 is the closest thing to it.
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