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A game so amazing it spoils others games


I'm much more critical of games with bad AI and combat ever since Dark Souls.

Going from the gunplay and controls of MGSV to Uncharted 2 (ND collection demo) was pretty rough too.


Had a hard time playing any other Action RPG after Bloodborne. Dragon's Dogma is the only other one I've been able to play lately.


Batman Arkham City ruined open world games for me.

The tightness of a linear game combined with the freedom of a (small but dense) open world. No one has done it better since. All other open world games just feel like a chore by comparison... looking at you Ubisoft.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Uhm... Titanfall, I'd say. So much fun, it spoiled me other FPSs.

Yep. Titanfall has made all other FPS multiplayer look like fucking garbage. Halo and CoD included. That's despite both those games taking so many elements from Titanfall.
Surprised by the low number of Souls/Bloodborne posts; considering how often players cite them as spoiling other games for them (most often The Witcher 3, ironically enough) I expected every other post to be one of them.

So, um... Bloodborne for me. :D
This isn't quite the same because I would not consider the game amazing or even this particular part of the game amazing.

SWTOR's story focus absolutely ruined other MMOs for me. And though there are a few standout story lines, overall the story content isn't even that good. Lots of it is sort of rushed and awkward. There are clear parts where you notice they had to cut certain features (like killing your companions). It was less that it was good and more that they at least tried.

But I've been unable to level in MMOs since. Even in games that tried to make story more important than most MMOs. And I no longer play SWTOR either, so it somehow managed to ruin itself and every other MMO for me.
Bayonetta. I can't play God of War or Batman style games anymore without being be left cold by their combat systems.

The Souls games even spoil a game in the same franchise, I'm replaying Dark Souls 2 now and all I can think of is how imperfect it is and how far better designed Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are compared to it. Of course it also no contest between that series and most other action RPGs for me.


The facial animations from LA Noire. Makes every other game since look crap. Why is this tech not used by everyone?

I can't stand LA Noire's facial capture. They are pushing far too high resolution animations on far too low resolution assets. It's just upsetting.


The Last of Us did that to me for a short while. As far as modern games with high production values are concerned, that is. It made them seem less interesting.
Tactics Ogre ruined SRPGs for me. Everyone I play I just wish it took TO's core gameplay and expanded it. Most of the time they either dumb it down or try to make their own system that is inferior.
The Last of Us for being such a complete game. It gets a lot of praise for the story but really the game has a lot things that make it work. The visuals, the music, the writing, the acting, and the gameplay fit together very well.

Most recently the only game that's spoiled others for me is MGSV in regards to the gameplay feel and responsiveness.
Don't think I've ever experienced that before. I tend to look at games for their merits and what they do well rather than compare games that much.


F-Zero GX killed racing games for me . I've played tons of racers since 2003 and not one of them is half as good as GX.
I think every time a game sets a new good standard it kind of spoils eventing else because, hum, it is the best thing now.

I recent memory :

Xenoblade, X, Persona 3 & 4 and Shin Megami Tensei 4 are my best RPGs right now.
MGSV is the best stealth game ever.
Witcher 3 for WRPGS.

These are the games I think make all the others in sale category worthless of how good they are.
For the longest time the answer was Dead Space. I'm still not over how the games UI was natural, seamless and built into the narrative. It wasn't just menus on our screen.

I wish a lot more games used this same technique.


God Hand. I just wanted every other third person game with melee combat to play the same way. I dream of a world where Madworld was basically God Hand 2 with more stylish graphics.

I would ask how nobody has flat out copied it yet, but I think the sales answer that pretty well.

Alternatively I don't think any other game has matched Killer7 in terms of weird intrigue it's given me. Perfect music, graphics, and story for me at the time. I also thought it was pretty fun to play, but I guess I'm in the minority on that one.


Neo Member
I know this is a common and hated sentiment here, but my love for soulsborne games is currently making it really hard for me to enjoy the witcher 3.


Neo Member
Honestly, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is going to make it hard to enjoy Pokemon again unless things change. It's basically everything I've ever wanted out of a mainline Pokemon game, except with Digimon.


Soulsborne are excellent games but the only thing they ruined for me are each other. Except Demon's to Dark 1. DaS 2 was ruined by how good DeS and DaS were. BB was kind of ruined by Souls with the whole builds and magic thing. But then BB kind of ruined going back to Souls because of the speed and trick weapons.

Come to think of it, I really only compare games to other games in their series. New Vegas ruined Fallout 4 for me, not the Witcher 3.


I'm much more critical of games with bad AI and combat ever since Dark Souls.

Going from the gunplay and controls of MGSV to Uncharted 2 (ND collection demo) was pretty rough too.

hmmmm.... HMMMMMMM..... what.

souls games are all about powerful super-dumb enemies that comes at you full strengh and really well placed in the map (well, DSII aside.)
there isn't really any kind of IA in souls games


The Last of Us for being such a complete game. It gets a lot of praise for the story but really the game has a lot things that make it work. The visuals, the music, the writing, the acting, and the gameplay fit together very well.

The Last of Us: The Thread

For a period of time I had to take a break from games after beating TLoU because I found everything to be a bit lackluster.

The same happened with Bloodborne.
So much this!
Games sucked ass for maybe a year after finishing TLOU. Solution? Playing TLOU again and again and again. And then... a quick break from gaming.


Quake 3 arena for online play, especially competitively. Nothing has came close

The Witcher 3 for open world games, has definitely pushed the envelope for the way they should be designed.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, still the best video game story( sorry TLoU fans, it's just a generic zombie story with too much combat/guy play)


Witcher 3 the thread. I couldn't even play any other games for a week after I beat it. I felt like nothing I could play could match up with it for a little while.
Bayonetta 1/2 and Bloodborne pretty much ruined other action games and ARPG's for me. To me they're the gold standard for those genres, and I have a hard time not comparing other games to them because there's so much that those games get right.


Played through Witcher 3 (loved it) and recently tried playing rise of the tomb raider

I can see it is a well made game but the dialogue, story, world. It just feels stupid and not believable at all. Bad cutscenes move into cover based shoot outs. Exploration is more like a tutorial (ohh look here a "hidden" tomb). Design just lacks heart but ticks boxes.

I would have been fine with most of this stuff. But witcher just raised the bar in so many ways i cannot enjoy rotr. Dont even get me started on fallout 4, witcher made me loose all interest in bethesdas games.

This happen to anyone else?

Are you me OP? Because as soon as I saw the title Witcher 3 came to mind.


After Dark Souls I felt empty whenever I tryed playing other games for a few months. The Witcher 3, I'm still trying to enjoy other games.
Legend of Grimrock 2 for puzzlin' and dungeon crawling. The level design is EXEMPLARY.

Demon's Souls for risk/reward, pvp/pwp interaction and encouragement, mystery and level design (full 3D ARPG version of the above)

Trails games for narrative, dialogue, and music

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne for art, crushing atmosphere, indifferent balancing, music.

Yasumi Matsuno games for realistic darkness (Witcher matches this), airtight complexity, and being the path cinematic shoulda took.

Divinity: Original Sin for sheer jaw-dropping amounts of agency. You. Can. Do. It. You can do it and it shoulda done been doable years ago.

Tales of Graces f gameplay is too good.

There's another. It's just "shit is known people!" things.


TLOU, Uncharted 2 and beyond.......spoils narrative story telling for an overwhelming number of games. So coherent. Then you have the Rocksteady's Batman for super-hero's.... hard to digest poor performers.
I don't remember what game it was, at this point in time, but whatever point-and-click adventure game I first played that had the functionality to highlight active regions forever soured my view of games that do not have this feature. Pixel-hunting has never been an interesting part of adventure games, and does not belong in a well designed game (IMO, of course), so there is no excuse not to have this functionality.

Other than that, there are simply games that are rarely matches, even if they did not spoil my experience of other games. The way you had to navigate in Morrowind was amazing, often based only on a crude map and verbal descriptions, and right now I am enjoying the same experience in Firewatch, where I am navigating by landmark, and in-game map and compass (having turned off way-points and notifications before I started). I wish more games would do that.


The Last of Us is the first game that made me feel that. The acting was probably the biggest factor: every other game felt extremely amateur next to TLOU in this aspect. But the thing that stands out its the cohesiveness of everything. The characters, the gameplay, the visuals, the soundtrack, the pacing, the storytelling, the writing... everything blends perfectly. I have never found any game that came close to TLOUs consistency. Especially a storydriven game.
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