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aquarium-age gaf

Saltwater aquarium with 3 rhinecanthus genus triggers and other assorteds? Can I do it? Will they kill each other in battles to the death?

I don't know what 37% of your post (mainly the fish related stuff) means but I wouldn't risk it based on my ignorance.

I'm just curious as to the memory, perception and routine of fish going about their everyday life.

See, I was looking at some fish the other day and I noticed they don't hit the tank so they must be able to tell where the glass ends. Then I wondered what would happen if one were to have a full tank of water but only allow the fish access to half by blocking it off with some glass.

They would know there is more water there but they would stick to their half of the tank ie. the bit they could access.

Now, here's the fun part - seeing as fish have 5 month memory spans I was wondering which one of the brave souls, after 5 months of partial tank isolation would move across into the newly liberated frontier territory or would they all just keep floating around the same bit, operating off old memories.


Would any of you fish tank owning folk like to help out in a psychological experiment?


I'd like you to take your fish tank and place a sheet of glass inside it to reduce the capacity of the tank and then put all the fish on one side of the glass so the fish only have access to half of the tank they used to.

Then I'd like you to leave it like that for a few weeks and remove it.

I hypothesize that the fish will stay on the side of the invisible divide that they believe is still there.

Anyone care to help out?


Interesting idea and I even have a quarantine aquarium with fish for such experiment, sadly, one of the guys is sick and I won't be able to do such thing for now.


Home shark tank
Looks pretty small for them though.

In my opinion, awfully small. However, some people say that the minimal size for such shark is something around the 250G+, others 800G+. As usual, with this hobby, there is a lot of contradictory advice from the so-called experts... I presume that the 250G crowd don't mind having an Arowana in a 100G tank.


Would any of you fish tank owning folk like to help out in a psychological experiment?


I'd like you to take your fish tank and place a sheet of glass inside it to reduce the capacity of the tank and then put all the fish on one side of the glass so the fish only have access to half of the tank they used to.

Then I'd like you to leave it like that for a few weeks and remove it.

I hypothesize that the fish will stay on the side of the invisible divide that they believe is still there.

Anyone care to help out?

Doubtful. Fish like to swim along the glass all the time, weather it's following a ghost of their reflection of just testing their boundaries. Even if they establish their territories, once you remove that glass, they'll just reestablish them again.


Ugh... I'm trying to control the stupidity, but I really want another tank. (I have an extra canister for mysterious reasons)

Maybe something not too big (50-60G), easy (freshwater and not planted) and cheap ($400-$500). Maybe Carassius or perhaps Cichlids? Can't decide!

Give ideas gentlemen!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Finally took some pictures of our newer Aquarium (90g).

In it are:

The bolded are over 10 years old and Cory is even older, maybe around 13 years old. My mother in law had him in 2000.

Tinfoil Barb
2x Khuli Loaches

Electric Yellow Cichlid (a few months old, 1/6 that survived)
2 new Balas
1 new Angel Fish (other died in a day cichlid killed him)

The lone Angel is doing good now and is very active. He got his two little fin things nipped off, apparently they grow back, and now he dominates the top of half the tank as little as he is. The Cichlid is back to patrolling the bottom and keeping to the hideout as his territory he doesn't go near the angel fish anymore. The bala sharks are doing fine as they usually do from my experience.

Pleco is the fucking boss. He loves his broccoli and will strategically move it with his body and tail to hide it and to keep away from the other fish. Tin Foil is the beast that needs to be tamed. I've tried introducing many fish and they usually die because tin foil is such a savage and eats all the food and scares the small fish. Pleco regulates the tank and will put Tin Foil in his place sometimes if he gets too active. Cichlid is an asshole with balls of steel, he will nip at the Pleco and Tin Foil which doesn't affect them at all.

Cory is just awesome and hardy as are the two Loaches. None of the fish we've ever had has messed with them. Very passive and cool. One loach is fat but he was hidden when I took the pictures since they don't always come out. Funny story about Cory, my fiancee had drained a tank and left it for a week or two, she didn't know he was still alive. When she came back to the tank Cory was still alive in the rocks which had about an inch of water in the bottom.



So i noticed i have some corydoras eggs the first time! I have a shoal of 6 albinos and they have been living together for around 3 months now, pretty excited to see if they hatch!


Finally took some pictures of our newer Aquarium (90g).

In it are:

The bolded are over 10 years old and Cory is even older, maybe around 13 years old. My mother in law had him in 2000.

Tinfoil Barb
2x Khuli Loaches

Electric Yellow Cichlid (a few months old, 1/6 that survived)
2 new Balas
1 new Angel Fish (other died in a day cichlid killed him)

The lone Angel is doing good now and is very active. He got his two little fin things nipped off, apparently they grow back, and now he dominates the top of half the tank as little as he is. The Cichlid is back to patrolling the bottom and keeping to the hideout as his territory he doesn't go near the angel fish anymore. The bala sharks are doing fine as they usually do from my experience.

Pleco is the fucking boss. He loves his broccoli and will strategically move it with his body and tail to hide it and to keep away from the other fish. Tin Foil is the beast that needs to be tamed. I've tried introducing many fish and they usually die because tin foil is such a savage and eats all the food and scares the small fish. Pleco regulates the tank and will put Tin Foil in his place sometimes if he gets too active. Cichlid is an asshole with balls of steel, he will nip at the Pleco and Tin Foil which doesn't affect them at all.

Cory is just awesome and hardy as are the two Loaches. None of the fish we've ever had has messed with them. Very passive and cool. One loach is fat but he was hidden when I took the pictures since they don't always come out. Funny story about Cory, my fiancee had drained a tank and left it for a week or two, she didn't know he was still alive. When she came back to the tank Cory was still alive in the rocks which had about an inch of water in the bottom.

At 10 years old, I'm surprised the Pleco doesn't span a quarter of the tank's floor.
So my tank has been in pretty sad shape since my post from the end of June. In that post I showed how I moved around all my crypts and added driftwood to my tank. It looked great... but then ALL of my crypts melted. My water was stained dark green for months, and I just barely got it (almost) clear again. There will likely always be a little green tint, due to the driftwood, but that's fine. It looks like tea.

My crypts are slowly growing back, but my tank still looks pretty bare. My Malaysian Trumpet Snail population has blown up, which isn't a problem except that I think my Assassin Snails died. I haven't seen them for at least a month and a half. I think I'm gonna go to my LFS and buy at least 4 Assassin Snails and also some Pond Snails, because they were better at eating algae than my MTS. The 4 Assassins should keep both the Pond Snail and the MTS populations manageable.


From my post in June

After the crypt melt

That picture doesn't really do justice how murky the water looked.
I am having a problem with my Goldfish at the moment. His scales have been raised for about 2 weeks (Dropsy, I think).

I've tried aquarium salt, and even Maracyn Two, and his condition is still the same. He is eating however.

I am stuck now. Can anyone provide advice?


relies on auto-aim
Yeah, I boiled all my wood before I put it in my tank. Some like the tannins, some don't. I like my clear water!

Photos from my 6 months of no maintenance tank. Just add water! No really, that's it.

The medium light plants aren't doing so ok, but that's because I haven't been good with my lighting and often leave the lights off. Not worried since the shrimp just eat the decaying plants. The fern has been doing great, maybe too great.
There's some BBA on the sponge filter, but that's about it!

Shrimp have been doing fine.

Yeah, I boiled all my wood before I put it in my tank. Some like the tannins, some don't. I like my clear water!
Haha yeah, it's definitely a matter of preference. I think it looks a little more natural to have a slight green tint. Slight is the key word though. Straight up green water just looks gross.

The medium light plants aren't doing so ok, but that's because I haven't been good with my lighting and often leave the lights off. Not worried since the shrimp just eat the decaying plants. The fern has been doing great, maybe too great.
There's some BBA on the sponge filter, but that's about it!

Very easy fix: Go to your local hardware store and buy a plug timer. I forget what section it was in, but it cost me like $5. The nicer digital ones were around $10-15, so still pretty cheap. Here a pic of my cheap one:



relies on auto-aim
Haha yeah, it's definitely a matter of preference. I think it looks a little more natural to have a slight green tint. Slight is the key word though. Straight up green water just looks gross.

Very easy fix: Go to your local hardware store and buy a plug timer. I forget what section it was in, but it cost me like $5. The nicer digital ones were around $10-15, so still pretty cheap. Here a pic of my cheap one:
I have one I just don't use it.

Probably something to do with the apartment next door burning down.


So my tank with my black and white angelfish is doing rely bad. One of the black ones has been lying on the bottom of the tank for weeks, and now two of the white ones are starting to do it (one has. cloudy eye). All my gold and blue gouramis died too.

We tested the water yesterday and apparently the phosphates are really high. Not sure if that's whats making my fish sick though.

Sad because this tank never has any problems until a month or so ago :(
Sorry to hear, Natetan. :( I've found that with aquariums, when it rains, it pours. Like when I got Ich and algae outbreaks back-to-back.

I have one I just don't use it.

Probably something to do with the apartment next door burning down.

Well jesus christ, now I'm paranoid because my tank is at my office. If my office burned down, my whole family would be ruined...



relies on auto-aim
So my tank with my black and white angelfish is doing rely bad. One of the black ones has been lying on the bottom of the tank for weeks, and now two of the white ones are starting to do it (one has. cloudy eye). All my gold and blue gouramis died too.

We tested the water yesterday and apparently the phosphates are really high. Not sure if that's whats making my fish sick though.

Sad because this tank never has any problems until a month or so ago :(
Nitrate levels?

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Yeah, I boiled all my wood before I put it in my tank. Some like the tannins, some don't. I like my clear water!

Photos from my 6 months of no maintenance tank. Just add water! No really, that's it.

The medium light plants aren't doing so ok, but that's because I haven't been good with my lighting and often leave the lights off. Not worried since the shrimp just eat the decaying plants. The fern has been doing great, maybe too great.
There's some BBA on the sponge filter, but that's about it!

Shrimp have been doing fine.


Oh those shrimp are so cute. Crystal reds/blacks? I really need to get around to getting some, but my cherry population has exploded. Literally hundreds :/ Maybe I should think about selling some


relies on auto-aim
Oh those shrimp are so cute. Crystal reds/blacks? I really need to get around to getting some, but my cherry population has exploded. Literally hundreds :/ Maybe I should think about selling some
Yup CBS/CRS. You might want to look at some quality Blue Tigers / OEBT for color contrast with your cherries.

I like my setup with yellows (started with cherries) +CBS/CRS with my green plants and black/brown substrate.

I actually started with only CBS but some of the recessive red got out and two generations in I have some nice CRS :D


Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Six months later and I finally lost my first fish. I know it's a part of fishkeeping but my butthole still puckers whenever it happens because I'm terrfied of a disease or parasite wiping them all out. Far as I can tell, however, it was just old age. He seemed sluggish and uninterested in food the past few days but otherwise no signs of distress.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Yup CBS/CRS. You might want to look at some quality Blue Tigers / OEBT for color contrast with your cherries.

I like my setup with yellows (started with cherries) +CBS/CRS with my green plants and black/brown substrate.

I actually started with only CBS but some of the recessive red got out and two generations in I have some nice CRS :D


Oh he's pretty. I've been looking around for different colored shrimps but I've never seen blue or yellow :( I know where to get crs/cbs though


Brian Burke punched my mom
Has Mr. Tinfoil Barb ever attempted to eat the tiny Kuhli loaches?

If that question is for me...

He hasn't eaten or harmed any fish we've owned on purpose. Most have died in fear and stress because he is active and swims too much for the smaller fish to handle. When I feed them he likes to eat all the food by himself which sucks when introducing new fish. We plan on starting the 30g for this reason. The picture perspective makes him look small, he's around 13-14" in length and 1.5" thick.

Loaches and Cory have always been left alone from our experience and we've had Tiger Barbs and Cichlids paired with them.


If that question is for me...

He hasn't eaten or harmed any fish we've owned on purpose. Most have died in fear and stress because he is active and swims too much for the smaller fish to handle. When I feed them he likes to eat all the food by himself which sucks when introducing new fish. We plan on starting the 30g for this reason. The picture perspective makes him look small, he's around 13-14" in length and 1.5" thick.

Loaches and Cory have always been left alone from our experience and we've had Tiger Barbs and Cichlids paired with them.

I think a Clown Loach or two would make a great addition, especially if they grew big.



relies on auto-aim
*Sigh* probably. I was reading other forums that said sometimes cherries will produce blue and yellows so I may get lucky.

Yeah I can definitely get cbs/crs


They're the best I've found. Will grab some eventually.
Buying 'A' and 'S' grade off the internet (stock on websites / auctions) usually doesn't turn out well.

If possible check out something like shrimpscape.au (Just from googling) and see if you can find a local meetup in your area from some website/club.

And I started with 10 CBS, easily became 60 in a short while so you don't need that many.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Buying 'A' and 'S' grade off the internet (stock on websites / auctions) usually doesn't turn out well.

If possible check out something like shrimpscape.au (Just from googling) and see if you can find a local meetup in your area from some website/club.

And I started with 10 CBS, easily became 60 in a short while so you don't need that many.

Ooh they have yellows for sale! Will definitely investigate this site further and will check back when my shrimp collection grows. Cheers


Nice shrimps Hazaro, I always wanted to keep some, but my tanks usually have guys that will make a nice dinner of those little dudes.

So my tank with my black and white angelfish is doing rely bad. One of the black ones has been lying on the bottom of the tank for weeks, and now two of the white ones are starting to do it (one has. cloudy eye). All my gold and blue gouramis died too.

We tested the water yesterday and apparently the phosphates are really high. Not sure if that's whats making my fish sick though.

Sad because this tank never has any problems until a month or so ago :(

Always check the Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates. The first 2 should ALWAYS be at 0 and the later shouldn't exceed the 20ppm.

I am having a problem with my Goldfish at the moment. His scales have been raised for about 2 weeks (Dropsy, I think).

I've tried aquarium salt, and even Maracyn Two, and his condition is still the same. He is eating however.

I am stuck now. Can anyone provide advice?

If I recall correctly Dropsy is a symptom and it's usually fatal. Sadly, there are a lot of potential reasons for this "disease", but in general, all of them are related with the quality and parameters of the water.

Treatment is difficult for the reason above... setting up an hospital aquarium with controlled parameters, applying broad spectrum antibiotics and medicated food is all I can think. And yes, applying medications without knowing exactly what you are dealing with is ALWAYS dangerous. In this case, you are betting for a non viral infection.

Six months later and I finally lost my first fish. I know it's a part of fishkeeping but my butthole still puckers whenever it happens because I'm terrfied of a disease or parasite wiping them all out. Far as I can tell, however, it was just old age. He seemed sluggish and uninterested in food the past few days but otherwise no signs of distress.

Someone told me once that at some point all Aquarium aficionados will fall into some sort of denial about the lost of one of their fish, and curiously, age is usually attributed. Now, age is possible, but in general we should always be extremely cautious about the lost of a fish. It is recommended to monitor all the usual parameters and the behavior of the other fish for at least a couple of weeks. Take this advice from someone who lost quite a bit of guys from a nasty case of the "old tank syndrome". (AKA the arrogant amateur aquarist disease)
If I recall correctly Dropsy is a symptom and it's usually fatal. Sadly, there are a lot of potential reasons for this "disease", but in general, all of them are related with the quality and parameters of the water.

Treatment is difficult for the reason above... setting up an hospital aquarium with controlled parameters, applying broad spectrum antibiotics and medicated food is all I can think. And yes, applying medications without knowing exactly what you are dealing with is ALWAYS dangerous. In this case, you are betting for a non viral infection.


I have two other treatments at hand called eSHa EXIT and Anti Internal Bacteria, but am hesitant to use them. I am just treating with salt now.

What is a non viral infection, if I may ask?


I'm having to move house in 3 weeks and it's suddenly hit me that I have a 110litre tank to move!

Population is 3 cherry shrimp, 2 amano, 6 cardinal tetras, 5 harlequins and 6 panda corys. It's a sand substrate with quite a lot of plants, tank has been established for 6 months now.

Does anyone have advice for how to do the move? I have a spare small 40litre tank that I could set up as a holding tank, or my father in law has a very large tank I could use (but he has so many fish I'm not confident I could ever catch mine again...)

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I'm having to move house in 3 weeks and it's suddenly hit me that I have a 110litre tank to move!

Population is 3 cherry shrimp, 2 amano, 6 cardinal tetras, 5 harlequins and 6 panda corys. It's a sand substrate with quite a lot of plants, tank has been established for 6 months now.

Does anyone have advice for how to do the move? I have a spare small 40litre tank that I could set up as a holding tank, or my father in law has a very large tank I could use (but he has so many fish I'm not confident I could ever catch mine again...)
I had to move my 4ft tank a few months ago so I feel your pain. I grabbed some plastic bags from a fish store and just put everyone in them. Emptied out the water and put all my plants/ bits and pieces into containers. Moved the tank and began refilling it asap. Probably not the best thing to do considering I didn't cycle the water but I still had a fair bit of water left in the bags/ containers and ended up with only 1 casualty out of 20.


I'm looking into grabbing a betta fish and maybe a few neon tetras. Question is, would a 35 gallon just be overkill only having that many fish? I don't want or need any more than that. I want some fish that don't require much maintenance.


I'm looking into grabbing a betta fish and maybe a few neon tetras. Question is, would a 35 gallon just be overkill only having that many fish? I don't want or need any more than that. I want some fish that don't require much maintenance.

Should be ok for a betta and maybe 6 neons. I recommed adding a couple Kuhli loaches or Corydoras catfish too.


I'm looking into grabbing a betta fish and maybe a few neon tetras. Question is, would a 35 gallon just be overkill only having that many fish? I don't want or need any more than that. I want some fish that don't require much maintenance.

I don't think it is overkill, and at that size, there is little chance of aggression.
With that said, you should get some bottom dwellers to help with you the left over food. (Corys are pretty good at that)

And remember, you can reduce much of nuisances of keeping an aquarium with good planing, research and money.


So, just finishing up a major house remodel, and built in a large saltwater tank. Got it filled and pumping right now, and the live rock is in, but it won't be primed for at least another month, so I don't think photos of it will be interesting right now. Mostly just posting here so that I don't forget to when it does become showable.

Though now I suppose we have to start choosing what to put in...


relies on auto-aim
I'm looking into grabbing a betta fish and maybe a few neon tetras. Question is, would a 35 gallon just be overkill only having that many fish? I don't want or need any more than that. I want some fish that don't require much maintenance.
Fish are dumb, get shrimp!
So, just finishing up a major house remodel, and built in a large saltwater tank. Got it filled and pumping right now, and the live rock is in, but it won't be primed for at least another month, so I don't think photos of it will be interesting right now. Mostly just posting here so that I don't forget to when it does become showable.

Though now I suppose we have to start choosing what to put in...
Very nice.
Got a 10 gallon tank two weeks ago and it's been utter hell. We got 3 fish, a goldfish (which we were t told we needed a 20 gallon tank for but we will be getting in a few weeks), a guppie and a red velvet swordtail. The guppie died about two days after having him and the goldfish was covered in anchor worms. She's so sweet and happy (despite the worms) that I couldn't return her, so instead we've been treating her with copper safe and dabbing hydrogen peroxide on the worms. Just started the peroxide dabbing Monday and out of the 9 worms attached to her since then, only one remains, though it looks like its pretty much gone. Because she's a goldfish in oy a ten gallon tank, I've been doing frequent water changes. Hoping to find a 30 gallon tank cheap... My swordtail bullies my poor goldfish so I'm planning on just moving her to the bigger tank along with a new goldfish friend.

Now this morning, while checking up on them, I notice a hairline crack in the tank. Have to see if I can exchange the tank this evening for another 10 gallon. It's just one thing after another...
So, can anyone on here try my experiment?


A couple of have theorized that they will try and push against the edge and will swim through once the block is removed but I think not, anyone up for it? It's science people, think of the children.

Miles X

Just downgraded from a 160 liter to a 25 liter, had to take my pleco back to the shop but it was just too much to handle >< (the tank).


Got a 10 gallon tank two weeks ago and it's been utter hell. We got 3 fish, a goldfish (which we were t told we needed a 20 gallon tank for but we will be getting in a few weeks), a guppie and a red velvet swordtail. The guppie died about two days after having him and the goldfish was covered in anchor worms. She's so sweet and happy (despite the worms) that I couldn't return her, so instead we've been treating her with copper safe and dabbing hydrogen peroxide on the worms. Just started the peroxide dabbing Monday and out of the 9 worms attached to her since then, only one remains, though it looks like its pretty much gone. Because she's a goldfish in oy a ten gallon tank, I've been doing frequent water changes. Hoping to find a 30 gallon tank cheap... My swordtail bullies my poor goldfish so I'm planning on just moving her to the bigger tank along with a new goldfish friend.

Now this morning, while checking up on them, I notice a hairline crack in the tank. Have to see if I can exchange the tank this evening for another 10 gallon. It's just one thing after another...

Guppies and Swordtails are tropical fish, Goldfish aren't. I know it's common for some local fish stores to sell them together, but it isn't recommended.

On the other hand, I'm a little bit worried about the medications you are using. If I recall correctly, copper based medications are extremely toxic for plants and invertebrates what I can't remember is if they are safe for the bacterial colonies.

Also, 10g is ok for a young goldfish. Keep in mind that the fancy varieties of goldfish (Orandas, Ryukin, Ranchus, etc.) require "only" 10 g for each fish. The common goldfish requires 20g for each one. Naturally, the bigger the tank, the better. (If you can maintain it properly)

Just downgraded from a 160 liter to a 25 liter, had to take my pleco back to the shop but it was just too much to handle >< (the tank).

I know the feeling, without the gear, time or patience keeping an aquarium becomes a real problem.

Right now I'm dealing with a tank with nasty levels of nitrates and a quarantine tank, both requiring almost daily water changes... and everything has to be done when I get home from work.
So, can anyone on here try my experiment?


A couple of have theorized that they will try and push against the edge and will swim through once the block is removed but I think not, anyone up for it? It's science people, think of the children.

Sorry mate, I can guarantee you that they will try and push against the edges, as fish always do.
Plus, they will feel that the flow of current by the filter is different and go investigate.

Shrimp-GAF (especially Hazaro): what are good plants for shrimp tanks, apart from moss and moss balls? Seeing how 100% of shrimp readily available in europe are from asia, I was thinking cryptocoryne? I don't want to mix plants/animals from different continents...

Can red fire shrimp be kept in a 60l aquarium without water changes, if there is a filter and lots of plants?
Would you recommend red fire or crystal red for beginners?
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