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Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) |OT| MMA Ultra(spider)man (NO MANGA SPOILERS)

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Same director as Death Note, and that had a lot of shouting too.

I don't feel it did or not to any extent where it stood out as a negative. The only real shouting in that was Light's outbursts/declarations of creating a utopia and they were pretty minimal. It doesn't come close to Eren or the other whiny characters blowing their nuts so regularly. I realise things are tense but fuck, they could give it a rest and find other ways of conveying the same emotion.


These reactions.



I have to agree with some of the comments about Eren. He seemed like a great protagonist. I am still not sold on Mikasa. She just seems lifeless to me. However, my opinion may change once we find out more about her.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
The constant angry yelling/shouting/whining/tantrums is really putting me off this show.

Like I said, the last five minutes of episode 5 makes up for the previous episodes.

There was just a stunned silence in the Panda household when the credits started rolling ...


Finally got around to watch the latest episode, it's great but the reations of non manga readers made it even better :D
As for Mikasa being a bland character, that will be addressed.


This show is amazing! From the super-get-hyped intro music to the awesome animation, everything about this show is top shelf. The Titans are probably the best villains I've seen in an anime in a long while. Their design is seriously unsettling and they really instill a feeling of dread in the viewer.




I fully expect Eren to emerge from the back side of the giant's head. I'm actually a bit disappointed that didn't happen this episode and they'll most likely shower us with exposition before showing us how he emerges all badass-like and pretend I should be surprised

though. Wow.

Edit: added spoilers to that last line. I mean, that doesn't give anything away, does it? Meh, just to be sure.

Yes it did. I saw your post before you spoilered it. I watched episode five waiting for it to happen and wasn't surprised when it did. Thanks. :/


someone wanted me to check this series out a while back, I didn't pay much attention to it, found out the anime came out, hesitated to check it out until last night ..first 3 episodes were good and then BAM episode 4 his with dat ending and episode 5 was all WTF

I'm hooked

my only complaint is the main character Erin, he's too hotheaded and a prick always yelling shit.. ...but he too seems to be developing too so can't wait!! might go ahead and give the manga a try..so

question: is there any bit of romance in this series?

btw <3 sasha


Mikasa is awesome. The main female character is not useless or helpless! I also like her somewhat stoic (except when it comes to Eren) personality.


Mikasa is definitely my favorite but even I can admit that none of the characters are that particularly noteworthy. Though on that note, none of them have really bugged me all that much.

I just come for the action, the considerably realized world and the constant tension, and this series has been delivering in spades in those departments.


Tell that to all the haters who thought Eren should just get over seeing his mother eaten alive and stop crying and whining already.

I thought that scene added a lot to Eren's character development. It became his driving force for wanting to become stronger and when it looked like he was going to get his revenge the harsh reality that he was still useless against the Onslaught made his death much more effective.

I am really looking forward to seeing how things play out especially with Armin and Mikasa.


What I don't understand is the following:

You can blow off a titan's entire head + neck with a cannon,but it will regenerate.
Yet if you cut into his neck with a sword, he will die.

How can the neck be a weakpoint but at the same time it doesn't matter if you COMPLETELY OBLITERATE it?

In the manga it's clarified that they die about half of the time when their heads are blown off.

Of course hitting their heads with a cannonball isn't exactly easy.


Catching up with ep 5. I think I see where this is going. Going to spoiler just in case.

They spent a good amount of time talking about titans regenerating. This with the bit we saw that showed Eren's pop seemingly doing some kind of experiment on him makes me assume that he's got some of that ability in him. Either that or they're just going to leave him missing limbs which would be crazy.


Although I would love for Eren to come back I think it would take away from the impact
of his death.

However, I am interested to see what is in the basement that his father had promised to show him before he left.


Just watched Ep 5, DAMN SON.

Some dark shit.

Some speculation (I haven't read the manga, also Game of Thrones series/book 1 spoiler):
I don't think Eren will die. I mean sure they've shown they don't mind killing off characters but Eren is like the main guy... right? I know this sounds like Ned Stark all over again but... come now.


I'm going to guess a few things here, just based off of prior anime experience.

We didn't actually see Eren die. All we saw was him getting swallowed and losing an arm/leg. I'll assume based off of these two things that he isn't dead.

If we assume he isn't dead, then what was the point of his arm/leg getting chomped off? Just so he can be a cripple for the rest of his life/remember his failures? He already has his dead mom for that. He doesn't need a missing limb to make himself stand out even more. Even then, him missing limbs wouldn't really do quite as much for him in this show.

On top of that, there wasn't necessarily any real need for them to announce why they cut the titans where they do. They could've pointed that out to us ANYWHERE in the previous four episodes. So why then, did they decide to do it now?

Moreover, why did they have that whole scene with Eren's dad injecting him with something? We KNOW his dad is experienced in Biological Sciences due to him curing some plague or something like that. There would be zero point in killing him off this early and leaving that entire tangent unvisited, and there's very few things it could be that would be relevant AFTER Eren were to die.

So I'll assume that all of these things are connected, and that the thing Eren's dad injected him with will give him the Titans regenerative ability.

Another thing,
I'm going to assume that there's a drastic difference between the death of Eren's mother by the Titans and the newbies by the Titans. In the case of Thomas, Eren, and a few of the others we either didn't see them get eaten in the first place, or they were swallowed whole, whereas we actually saw the mother get bitten in two(Or at least Eren and Mikasa saw it). The difference between these eatings and the mother's eating leads me to believe that just about everyone is actually still alive.

So, thoughts? No spoilers though. I haven't read the manga, looked up any info, or anything of the sort. All I have to go off of is these five episodes.


relies on auto-aim
I'm going to guess a few things here, just based off of prior anime experience.

We didn't actually see Eren die. All we saw was him getting swallowed and losing an arm/leg. I'll assume based off of these two things that he isn't dead.

If we assume he isn't dead, then what was the point of his arm/leg getting chomped off? Just so he can be a cripple for the rest of his life/remember his failures? He already has his dead mom for that. He doesn't need a missing limb to make himself stand out even more. Even then, him missing limbs wouldn't really do quite as much for him in this show.

Moreover, why did they have that whole scene with Eren's dad injecting him with something? We KNOW his dad is experienced in Biological Sciences due to him curing some plague or something like that. There would be zero point in killing him off this early and leaving that entire tangent unvisited, and there's very few things it could be that would be relevant AFTER Eren were to die.

So I'll assume that all of these things are connected, and that the thing Eren's dad injected him with will give him the Titans regenerative ability.

Another thing,
I'm going to assume that there's a drastic difference between the death of Eren's mother by the Titans and the newbies by the Titans. In the case of Thomas, Eren, and a few of the others we either didn't see them get eaten in the first place, or they were swallowed whole, whereas we actually saw the mother get bitten in two(Or at least Eren and Mikasa saw it). The difference between these eatings and the mother's eating leads me to believe that just about everyone is actually still alive.

So, thoughts? No spoilers though. I haven't read the manga, looked up any info, or anything of the sort. All I have to go off of is these five episodes.
I'm with you on Eren here, but not so sure on everyone else.


Well, (episode 5 spoilers)
one guy turned into a tomato flying into a titan's hand. I think it's safe to say he's dead.


Well, (episode 5 spoilers)
one guy turned into a tomato flying into a titan's hand. I think it's safe to say he's dead.

Well, yeah.
You clearly saw him go "splat", even moreso if you paused it at the right time (All you see is a bunch of blood on the Titan's hand). I'm pretty sure he's actually dead.

Yeah, I don't buy for a second that Eren is actually dead. Echoing the "he'll totally rip the Titan apart from the inside and emerge from the neck" sentiment. As an aside, who the hell creates an entire squad of only rookie dudes and sends them out on the frontline?

That said, HOOLY SHIT. Can't wait until the next episode.



Yeah, I don't buy for a second that Eren is actually dead. Echoing the "he'll totally rip the Titan apart from the inside and emerge from the neck" sentiment. As an aside, who the hell creates an entire squad of only rookie dudes and sends them out on the frontline?

That said, HOOLY SHIT. Can't wait until the next episode.

Well they said all the best soldiers are in the rear guard.


relies on auto-aim

Yeah, I don't buy for a second that Eren is actually dead. Echoing the "he'll totally rip the Titan apart from the inside and emerge from the neck" sentiment. As an aside, who the hell creates an entire squad of only rookie dudes and sends them out on the frontline?

That said, HOOLY SHIT. Can't wait until the next episode.
Rookies are middle, right? Experienced are in the back. Frontlines are the non incompetent.

Eren's fault for chasing a single Titan and getting everyone followed and getting messed up.
Rookies are middle, right? Experienced are in the back. Frontlines are the non incompetent.

Eren's fault for chasing a single Titan and getting everyone followed and getting messed up.

I didn't even think of that. They all followed trying to catch up with him because he just charged immediately. He basically led them to their deaths.
Rookies are middle, right? Experienced are in the back. Frontlines are the non incompetent.

Eren's fault for chasing a single Titan and getting everyone followed and getting messed up.

But it still sort of compounds everything, why is Eren LEADING in any sort of situation where he has no leadership experience and is literally like a day out of military training? I guess I'm running under the assumption that there should be a more senior officer to guide these guy's through a battle with Titans so they don't royally fuck up like they did.
But it still sort of compounds everything, why is Eren LEADING in any sort of situation where he has no leadership experience and is literally like a day out of military training? I guess I'm running under the assumption that there should be a more senior officer to guide these guy's through a battle with Titans so they don't royally fuck up like they did.

I'm guessing because
he was one of the top 10 graduates? You would think he might be a good leader with his ability to inspire others like in the previous episodes. The other members on the squad didn't seem like they would be good leaders based on what we saw of them imo.


But it still sort of compounds everything, why is Eren LEADING in any sort of situation where he has no leadership experience and is literally like a day out of military training? I guess I'm running under the assumption that there should be a more senior officer to guide these guy's through a battle with Titans so they don't royally fuck up like they did.

The military really wasn't kidding when they called them titan food. The middle guard is basically just a giant human shield designed to slow down the titans enough to make it easier on the rear guard.
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