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Avoid sexual assault by not dressing like a "slut" Says Toronto Cop.

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Subete no aware
Also, children should stop being so young! If they weren't young, pedophiles wouldn't try to attack them!

Ah, I love this thread.


I never really understood why it was so bad to point out the obvious with this subject.

Nobody deserves to be raped but it's complete naivety to act like rapist don't exist. Making yourself stand out in a crowd just increases the likelihood of said rapist noticing you.

Until the day people stop raping one another, this just seems like reasonable advise to me.


Geez, seems people have to be black or white in this thread. I don't think anyone is apologizing for the rapists, just merely stating if you dress to get attention, you get exactly that. Whether that attention is bad or good isn't the fault of the woman.


msv said:
You're a fucking dumbass if you think that will prevent rape. How a woman dresses has nothing to do with it.

What a load of shit. You walk around in next to nothing, a lot of asshole guys will see that as "she wants it" and weak willed, dickheads will end up raping them.
It's not always the case but dressing slutty, yeah, that can make it worse. I'm not saying don't dress like that or they deserved it but it would contribute to it.


Mr. B Natural said:
If you don't want your car to get broken into, stop leaving your desire-ables laying around in the front seat.


Not a single person has said that they're rape apologists or that women should get raped. Not one. Cut the stupid please.
Most sane response in this thread. Anything to do with the term rape brings out the crazy in people.

Hari Seldon

Devolution said:
Yeah slut-shame your female family members. Good for you. Too bad it doesn't prevent rape from happening.

Seems to be good common sense advice. If you don't want to be mistaken for a whore then don't dress like one. Not fool proof of course.
Hari Seldon said:
That is advice that I would give to a loved one. I guess you can't say it in public for some reason.

^ This...If I had a teenage daughter, I will straight up tell her to go back into her room and wear something more appropriate, but I would never use the word "slut" definitely not in front of or (towards) my daughter or anyone's daughter for that matter...


This man needs to define what it means to dress like a "slut". Because I've heard people call certain things women wear as "slutty" and yet, it seems completely and totally normal to me. Perhaps they should wear oversized sweats all day?


Mr. B Natural said:
Never been outside huh. Of course wearing "slutty clothing" gets that person more likely to get sexually assaulted, cat called, hit on, etc.

We're not talking running into psycho killers here...and neither was the cop. We're talking a group of 16-30 year olds that are drunk/horny/stupid and don't respect women the way white-knight gaf does. They get certain vibes from what you wear and how you go about yourself. We're talking club/bar/college/house party at night atmosphere...not dark alley. Ya know, the places where women get sexually assaulted that isn't domestic.

But I love morons that go from sexually assaulted straight to rape, show where their heads are at all times. As if it isn't a problem to women unless penetration occurs.

Nailed it.

Props to the cop for saying what everyone else is too fucking PC-whipped to say.



That's why in certain countries women have to wear burqa's, can't shake hands with a male, can't be alone in a room with a non-relative male.. because if you do, you might increase your chances of being secually assaulted.
Devolution said:
ITT: we put the onus of rape-prevention squarely on would-be victims. Completely ignoring what rape is and entails.

Sexual assaulted != rape. It's gonna take pages of this crap until gaf cuts the stupid, isn't it? Sexual assault can lead to rape and rape is a form of sexual assault, but the person that's going to prevent the drunk douche from leading assault to rape is you, who is hopefully smart enough to bring friends and know when to leave, or get help.

And yes, prevention entails YOU if you want to be prevented something. No one else is going to do it for you.
spiderman123 said:
I know this girl who said "omg I'm cold!!".....well your fucking cold for wearing a skirt that barely covers your ass.

Did you rape her to teach her a lesson? Come on people, you can't be this naive.
polyh3dron said:
I call for mandatory burqas.

Thaat's the spirit! They also have built-in anti-skull fucking technology. Useful when you find yourself on the wrong side of a glory hole.



Tence said:
That's why in certain countries women have to wear burqa's, can't shake hands with a male, can't be alone in a room with a non-relative male.. because if you do, you might increase your chances of being raped.

And it works too...oh wait.


Devolution said:
So you feel like men are sex crazed animals who can't control themselves? Cause that's the flipside of saying women who dress like sluts deserve to get raped.

I know your trying to make some kinda of point, but in reality most crimes can be prevented by using common sense. You don't want your home broken into, then practice basic common sense things like always ensuring doors and windows are locked. Don't want to get mugged, don't pack a big easily seen wallet or purse around. Don't feel like getting jumped for being in the wrong neighborhood. All personal crime prevention revolves around making yourself a less approachable, harder victim to go after. Dressing in a reasonable manner is part of that also, are all men sex crazed animals who cannot control themselves? Of course not, but some are and those who are prone to raping a women are going to go after the easiest prey.

If your wearing a short skirt that bares all and another women walking down the street is wearing blue jeans, who do you think is the easiest target to go after? The one that will involve some work, or the one that just involves bending over and pulling a skirt up a bit? This is all common sense. Is a women wearing slutty clothes asking to get raped? Of course not, but just like someone who keeps their car door unlocked is not asking to have their car broke into, they are making themselves an easier target to go after than others.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Mr. B Natural said:
We're talking a group of 16-30 year olds that are drunk/horny/stupid and don't respect women the way white-knight gaf does. .

White Knight GAF just doesn't UNDERSTAND there are different degrees rapists, what's wrong with them?


Mr. B Natural said:
Never been outside huh. Of course wearing "slutty clothing" gets that person more likely to get sexually assaulted, cat called, hit on, etc.

We're not talking running into psycho killers here...and neither was the cop. We're talking a group of 16-30 year olds that are drunk/horny/stupid and don't respect women the way white-knight gaf does. They get certain vibes from what you wear and how you go about yourself. We're talking club/bar/college/house party at night atmosphere...not dark alley. Ya know, the places where women get sexually assaulted that isn't domestic.

But I love morons that go from sexually assaulted straight to rape, show where their heads are at all times. As if it isn't a problem to women unless penetration occurs.

Quoting this cause the kneejerk reaction people need to read it.
I mean................hmmm. No one is saying that a woman deserves to be raped because of what she is wearing. Gaf is annoying with that type of hyperbolic shit. But it does contribute I would guess. But if a woman wants to wear revealing clothes, I am by no means opposed.


animlboogy said:
There's better ways to say these things. Such as, "if you're dressed for a party, be careful about being alone at night. Your clothes might make you stick out, and therefore make you a more likely target for crime."

Isn't it faster to just tell people not to dress like a slut?

People are taking this the wrong way.

Hari Seldon

Also some people in this thread are yet again confusing rape with sexual assault. The OP says sexual assault. I interpret this as some asshole in a bar coping a feel. That is significantly more probably if the chick is dressed up like a ho. Because in drunk idiot bar logic, ho's want to be felt up by them.


methos75 said:
I know your trying to make some kinda of point, but in reality most crimes can be prevented by using common sense. You don't want your home broken into, then practice basic common sense things like always ensuring doors and windows are locked. Don't want to get mugged, don't pack a big easily seen wallet or purse around. Don't feel like getting jumped for being in the wrong neighborhood. All personal crime prevention revolves around making yourself a less approachable, harder victim to go after. Dressing in a reasonable manner is part of that also, are all men sex crazed animals who cannot control themselves? Of course not, but some are and those who are prone to raping a women are going to go after the easiest prey.

If your wearing a short skirt that bares all and another women walking down the street is wearing blue jeans, who do you think is the easiest target to go after? The one that will involve some work, or the one that just involves bending over and pulling a skirt up a bit? This is all common sense. Is a women wearing slutty clothes asking to get raped? Of course not, but just like someone who keeps their car door unlocked is not asking to have their car broke into, they are making themselves an easier target to go after than others.

I would love to see a study figuring out how much of an impact the clothes a person is wearing factors into their chances of being raped.


Here's some truth: Some things make you a more likely target for certain crimes. Leaving a drink unattended at a bar makes it more likely that someone's going to slip something in it. Leaving your door unlocked and letting newspapers pile up in front of your house makes it more likely to get robbed. Walking in a dark alley at night in a dangerous neighbourhood wearing expensive clothes makes you more likely to get mugged. Yes, the mugger/rapist/robber is still at fault. You should be able to do these things without these crimes being committed. That's great. But if preventing these things from happening to you in the first place is important to you, regardless of who is actually at fault, you should take the obvious precautions.

I am at Starbucks right now. and earlier I needed to use the bathroom so I took my computer with me rather than leaving it on the table. This is because I knew it was more likely to be stolen if I left it there than if I brought it with me. If it had been stolen, it would have been the thiefs fault, but I'd rather not let it get stolen at all than let it get stolen and then blame the guilty party.

Sure, my house might be getting robbed right now, and I might get mugged the second I step outside, but I, and most people, do obvious things to avoid those things from happening.

Nobody is saying women in little clothing deserve to be raped or are even at fault if they do get raped, but if they don't want to get raped in the first place, they should be careful. I can't believe there are people who don't understand this.


I don't get this mentality and so some of you will have to explain it to me:

So let's say some guy, call him R, is a rapist. He's stalked and raped women before and he is prone to do it again. For the sake of argument can we all agree that R has serious mental and emotional issues? I think of how messed in the head R is and then I think about women's clothing. So if R is ginned up to rape but a possible victim is wearing a full-length coat then he'll give her a pass in favour of attacking a girl in a mini-skirt? Can he control his sick desires until the right 'trigger clothing' is presented to him?

Looking at it the other way we have some guy who does not rape but as soon as he sees a 'slutty' looking girl he all of a sudden goes through the massive mental transformation that makes him capable of rape, again all on account of women's clothing.

Both instances make absolutely no sense to me. I see the mental state itself being such a huge issue that the women's clothing scenario is utterly overshadowed.

What am I missing? Why is clothing so important to the act of rape that any rational person can uphold this idea every time the topic comes up?
It would blow some people's minds in this thread if I said that women who get groped, quite often, aren't wearing revealing clothing at all.

I wish I could simply turn a bunch of you into women and force you to ride subways and busses during commuter hours.

Respect for women's bodily autonomy is something men (and other women) need to learn. I don't give a fuck what someone is wearing, respect their god damn space.


I'm just waiting for Obama to speak up against this "rape" myth. It's not real. People are biologically wired to have sex.


Devolution said:
ITT: we put the onus of rape-prevention squarely on would-be victims. Completely ignoring what rape is and entails.

No, we recognize that there are things women can do to decrease their chances of being attacked.

Other things they can do:

- Take self defense classes
- Travel in groups
- Know the people you are socializing with
- Never drink a drink that you did not get yourself or has left your hands

When I went to a wedding reception in Japan, I wore a party dress that was probably a bit more revealing than most girls in Japan would wear. I'm not going to blame the people who stared at me (and some people on the subway did). I recognize that my clothes were the kind that would attract attention.


Hari Seldon said:
Also some people in this thread are yet again confusing rape with sexual assault. The OP says sexual assault. I interpret this as some asshole in a bar coping a feel. That is significantly more probably if the chick is dressed up like a ho. Because in drunk idiot bar logic, ho's want to be felt up by them.



Dyno said:
I don't get this mentality and so some of you will have to explain it to me:

So let's say some guy, call him R, is a rapist. He's stalked and raped women before and he is prone to do it again. For the sake of argument can we all agree that R has serious mental and emotional issues? I think of how messed in the head R is and then I think about women's clothing. So if R is ginned up to rape but a possible victim is wearing a full-length coat then he'll give her a pass in favour of attacking a girl in a mini-skirt? Can he control his sick desires until the right 'trigger clothing' is presented to him?

Looking at it the other way we have some guy who does not rape but as soon as he sees a 'slutty' looking girl he all of a sudden goes through the massive mental transformation that makes him capable of rape, again all on account of women's clothing.

Both instances make absolutely no sense to me. I see the mental state itself being such a huge issue that the women's clothing scenario is utterly overshadowed.

What am I missing? Why is clothing so important to the act of rape that any rational person can uphold this idea every time the topic comes up?
Not all rapists are serial rapists. And it's really inconclusive if it's really a mental/emotional issues thing, since the recidivism rate for other crimes is often much higher.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Advance_Alarm said:
everyone knows its true, still makes the idiots cry every time
Yea, it's pretty dumb to assume what a woman wears really has any effect on the sober/tipsy/drunk individual who is already beyond understanding that feeling her up is the wrong thing to do. She shouldn't have made herself a target by going out in public in the vicinity of this person!
Mr. B Natural said:
Never been outside huh. Of course wearing "slutty clothing" gets that person more likely to get sexually assaulted, cat called, hit on, etc.

We're not talking running into psycho killers here...and neither was the cop. We're talking a group of 16-30 year olds that are drunk/horny/stupid and don't respect women the way white-knight gaf does. They get certain vibes from what you wear and how you go about yourself. We're talking club/bar/college/house party at night atmosphere...not dark alley. Ya know, the places where women get sexually assaulted that isn't domestic.

But I love morons that go from sexually assaulted straight to rape, show where their heads are at all times. As if it isn't a problem to women unless penetration occurs.



Devolution said:
It would blow some people's minds in this thread if I said that women who get groped, quite often, aren't wearing revealing clothing at all.

I wish I could simply turn a bunch of you into women and force you to ride subways and busses during commuter hours.

Respect for women's bodily autonomy is something men (and other women) need to learn. I don't give a fuck what someone is wearing, respect their god damn space.

We understand that these things happen regardless of what people are wearing, but it's hard to deny that dressing provactively somehow doesn't increase your odds.
Devolution said:
How do you disagree that a rapist is someone who disregards consent? Because that's what rapists do. What a woman is wearing is of no consequence to someone like that.
I agree with all but the bold. I'm not sure that's as true as you state. Are we really sure that all rapists ignore the attractiveness of a woman? and if not, are we sure that said "attractiveness" is not directly affected by attire?

I agree that it's not an "if a, then b" scenario, but I think it might be somewhat ignorant to completely rule it out as well. no?

Generally speaking, I agree that nobody is asking to be raped and it's ridiculous to draw a straight line between attire and rape-willingness or some shit. At the same time, there seems to be something to be said about not painting any bigger a target on your back than you already do. In that context, it's good for women to (1) not walk places alone, (2) be extremely careful about their drinks and alcohol consumption, (3) understand who they're attracting by acting and/or dressing certain ways.

Such analysis is about safety, not blame. As much as you can't totally keep someone safe from becoming a victim of rape (sometimes just being a female is enough), it seems like you can certainly aid in keeping a loved one from becoming a bigger target. (?)

but idk.
Tence said:
That's why in certain countries women have to wear burqa's, can't shake hands with a male, can't be alone in a room with a non-relative male.. because if you do, you might increase your chances of being secually assaulted.

I'd say burqas are just as bad as any 'slutty' clothing, just in a different way - I can imagine men in these countries probably get insanely desperate from having zero female presence. And of course thanks to the religion, if a sexual assault does occur then the men's word will always go above the woman's. A balance must be struck between conservative dress and teasing.


Devolution said:
It would blow some people's minds in this thread if I said that women who get groped, quite often, aren't wearing revealing clothing at all.

I wish I could simply turn a bunch of you into women and force you to ride subways and busses during commuter hours.

Respect for women's bodily autonomy is something men (and other women) need to learn. I don't give a fuck what someone is wearing, respect their god damn space.
Preach it baby.

No matter how the usuals sit in a corner like pre-pubescent boys screaming "NA NA NA white knight lul NA NA," shove it down their throats until they finally swallow it.


Aren't more women raped by people they know, though? So don't wear slutty clothes around your creepy housemates I guess.
You guys realize the very fact the cop said slut implies that those who have been sexually assaulted are bad people, right?

Slut is a very loaded term, and to associate sexual assault victims with being a slut is wholly irresponsible.

Of course, it also is terrible that the cop is focusing on something as dumb as dressing scantily. Hell if you want to offer "common sense solutions", at least give sensible and defensible ways to do that like "don't get super drunk at a party!" or "don't walk home alone after drinking at night".

But to focus on clothing is just so dumb and implies so much bigotry on his part.


Zoe said:
No, we recognize that there are things women can do to decrease their chances of being attacked.

Yeah like not going out because you know, chances are much bigger that you will be sexually assaulted if you go to a bar rather than stay at home.
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