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Avoid sexual assault by not dressing like a "slut" Says Toronto Cop.

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It pretty much is the same thing as saying that if you don't want your home robbed, You lock your house. It will make a difference.

Other things like self defense and going outside with company help as well of coarse. But dressing promiscuously definitely plays a factor in getting sexually assaulted.


Tence said:
Yeah like not going out because you know, chances are much bigger that you will be sexually assaulted if you go to a bar rather than stay at home.
Women should just become men, that'll lower those chances. Grow a goddamn dick.
Zoe said:
No, we recognize that there are things women can do to decrease their chances of being attacked.

Other things they can do:

- Take self defense classes
- Travel in groups
- Know the people you are socializing with
- Never drink a drink that you did not get yourself or has left your hands

Lets just add to this list of ridiculous bullshit we're supposed to do hmm?

don't live alone.
don't walk anywhere alone, even in broad daylight.
don't wear a ponytail.
carry your keys in your hand.
don't be on a elevator alone with a guy.
don't go to the bathroom by your lonesome.

I could go on for fucking days.

acquaintance rape is actually more prevalent than stranger in the bushes rape, so don't do anything with a guy (or guys) alone, even if you know them.
AAK said:
It pretty much is the same thing as saying that if you don't want your home robbed, You lock your house. It will make a difference.

Other things like self defense and going outside with company help as well of coarse. But dressing promiscuously definitely plays a factor in getting sexually assaulted.

[citation needed]


Inflammable Slinky said:
Of course, it also is terrible that the cop is focusing on something as dumb as dressing scantily. Hell if you want to offer "common sense solutions", at least give sensible and defensible ways to do that like "don't get super drunk at a party!" or "don't walk home alone after drinking at night".

But to focus on clothing is just so dumb and implies so much bigotry on his part.

What makes you think he didn't say those things too?
Mr. B Natural said:
Never been outside huh. Of course wearing "slutty clothing" gets that person more likely to get sexually assaulted, cat called, hit on, etc.

We're not talking running into psycho killers here...and neither was the cop. We're talking a group of 16-30 year olds that are drunk/horny/stupid and don't respect women the way white-knight gaf does. They get certain vibes from what you wear and how you go about yourself. We're talking club/bar/college/house party at night atmosphere...not dark alley. Ya know, the places where women get sexually assaulted that isn't domestic.

But I love morons that go from sexually assaulted straight to rape, show where their heads are at all times. As if it isn't a problem to women unless penetration occurs.

Devolution said:
It would blow some people's minds in this thread if I said that women who get groped, quite often, aren't wearing revealing clothing at all.
after living in a Frat house for 2 years...I'm gonna say that this is not the case. not in my experience.


Koodo said:
Preach it baby.

No matter how the usuals sit in a corner like pre-pubescent boys screaming "NA NA NA white knight lul NA NA," shove it down their throats until they finally swallow it.

Wow. Interesting choice of words.


Ya, "disciplined" my ass. Toronto police are immune to discipline and you certainly can't fire them.

The discipline wasn't revealed because it was probably just a "Bob, don't say that shit around women. Get back to work."

Victims of sexual assault are not to blame, it's the perpetrators. That cop's attitude is the same one that men in the Middle East hold towards women, which is why they make their women bundle up in a desert.


Okay so we're talking about groping , not rape. Well groping is real. Frankly, I think guys who grope are just too pussy to straight up fuck the chick.


I love how the hybrid extremist/feminist GAF have taken over this thread by exaggerating the shit out of what people say who are trying to explain common sense and logic.


Zzoram said:
Ya, "disciplined" my ass. Toronto police are immune to discipline and you certainly can't fire them.

The discipline wasn't revealed because it was probably just a "Bob, don't say that shit around women. Get back to work."

That's all police departments, Canada or not.
Zoe said:
What makes you think he didn't say those things too?

Well the fact that he used the word "slut" implies a huge lack of professionalism on his part. It also implies a great amount of prejudice towards women exhibiting their sexuality. Plus, the fact that he was invited to this event and gave this sort of advice implies a pretty shitty understanding of social mores.

If it walks like a dumbfack, talks like a dumbfuck, and acts like a dumbfuck, chances are...well you know.


AAK said:
It pretty much is the same thing as saying that if you don't want your home robbed, You lock your house. It will make a difference.

This is not the same at all. There is no societal pressure on people to leave their houses unlocked, but there is a pressure on young women to dress in a way that is pleasing to men, lest their sexuality be under scrutiny. The horrible double standard is that women are taught they must dress, act, speak, etc. in certain ways that have been constructed as "feminine" in society. Women are basically put under the mercy of the standard in such a system, which is why you have idiotic statements like that of this cop.
dojokun said:
Okay so we're talking about groping , not rape. Well groping is real. Frankly, I think guys who grope are just too pussy to straight up fuck the chick.

EvilMario said:
If you don't want pedophiles in your neighborhood, stop having kids.

About the same amount of logic.
SamuraiX- said:
I love how the hybrid extremist/feminist GAF have taken over this thread by exaggerating the shit out of what people say who are trying to explain common sense and logic.

Exaggerating what? There is victim blaming up and down this thread, when it's apparent it hasn't crossed some of your fucking minds that groping/raping come from the same lack of respect of women's bodily autonomy and consent. And what do we have here? A bunch of people blaming women for the breach of boundaries done by others who lack that respect.
Inflammable Slinky said:
You guys realize the very fact the cop said slut implies that those who have been sexually assaulted are bad people, right?

Slut is a very loaded term, and to associate sexual assault victims with being a slut is wholly irresponsible.

Of course, it also is terrible that the cop is focusing on something as dumb as dressing scantily. Hell if you want to offer "common sense solutions", at least give sensible and defensible ways to do that like "don't get super drunk at a party!" or "don't walk home alone after drinking at night".

But to focus on clothing is just so dumb and implies so much bigotry on his part.

The dude is an idiot. I don't think I saw anybody defending him.

But minimizing unwanted attention is a legitimate way of avoiding sexual harassment/assault.


EvilMario said:
If you don't want pedophiles in your neighborhood, stop having kids.

About the same amount of logic.

Ya this.

Women can't help but wear less clothes in the summer when it's hot. We aren't some backwards Middle Eastern country that forces women to cover every part of their body except their eyes in 40C weather.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
White Knight GAF just doesn't UNDERSTAND there are different degrees rapists, what's wrong with them?

1 more time. Not all men that treat women with no respect are rapists. Some just assault and thanks to our culture, it's not really all that abnormal or frowned upon. That's all they do. They do it 10...15 times a night to every "slut" they can find. They do it every friday night at the clubs or house parties. They seek out the ones that seem to him will "put-out."

They aren't gonna pyscho-random rape any time soon, but they will take advantage of the woman with too many drugs in her system. He will seek out the one that may seem desperate or with loose sexual morals. They will rub against a woman, they will try to touch her butt or whatever, they will sexually assault until they find someone that doesn't mind it and will go with it.

You will in fact attract these morons by dressing slutty just like you attract birds when you thrown bread on the ground. Doesn't mean birds won't show up regardless, but you will attract plenty more when you do. I do not sympathize with sexual assaulters. They make me sick to my stomach and make men look bad, but prevention is in the responsibility of the person that wants something to be prevented. It's your job, if you want to prevent birds from coming up to you, to know what a bird is, what they're attracted to, what their motives are and prevent yourself from being an attraction to a bird. You are only in control of yourself at all times. And no, that is not the definition of blaming the victim. It's clearly the assaulters fault and always at the end of the day will be. Again, it's not my fault some jerk robbed my valuables that was in the front seat of my car, but it was up to me not to give the robber sight of my valuables in my car.
CrankyJay said:
Uh no. YOU are making that implication.


Do you understand the english language? Would you call a female relative a slut? Would you call a female friend a slut when she talks about her sexual history?

To repeat, slut is an extremely loaded term. It is a slur for whore, which means when you call someone dressing like a slut, you imply that they are offering sex to anyone who wants it.


It might be a trigger but give me a break in trying to make excuses for a fucking rapist. Moreover some people are just fucking animals. A women could be dressed in some baggy pants or tights with everything poking out and she still has the same chance of getting raped by some animal because she is alone and is a woman regardless of what she is wearing.


SamuraiX- said:
I love how the hybrid extremist/feminist GAF have taken over this thread by exaggerating the shit out of what people say who are trying to explain common sense and logic.
Yeah, we're such fucking extremist/feminists, man. Fucking liberals and shit. Keeping it real, right?

Come the fuck on. 77% of rape is committed by non-strangers. Take that shit to "sexual assault" and just plain groping and the number goes even higher. If a ton of women were just getting dragged into a car and raped because their fucking skirts were riding halfway up their asses, sure, you'd have a point. But it's not.

All this 'common sense' bullshit is just the usual urban myth trash that gets perpetuated non-stop.


CrankyJay said:
Some GAFers employ the "all-or-nothing" slant to their logic. It's incredible.

Sexual Assault can be as "little" copping a feel.

On GAF it means raping by psychopathic serial rapists.
AAK said:
A woman can still look feminine without dressing promiscuously.

A woman can also look appealing by dressing scantily! Some people, men in fact, appreciate women showing skin without assuming they can fuck them right then and there!


Inflammable Slinky said:

Do you understand the english language? Would you call a female relative a slut? Would you call a female friend a slut when she talks about her sexual history?

To repeat, slut is an extremely loaded term. It is a slur for whore, which means when you call someone dressing like a slut, you imply that they are offering sex to anyone who wants it.

I know enough about the English language to understand that people use slang words to mean different things all the time. Plenty of words in the English language have multiple meanings.

And furthermore, girls dress that way on purpose to gain attention. Unfortunately, sometimes it is attention they don't want.
AAK said:
A woman can still look feminine without dressing promiscuously.

A woman can still be raped wearing a garbage bag. Because it's not about what she's wearing. It's about a lack of respect and consent for women.
Mr. B Natural said:
1 more time. Not all men that treat women with no respect are rapists. Some just assault and thanks to our culture, it's not really all that abnormal or frowned upon. That's all they do. They do it 10...15 times a night to every "slut" they can find. They do it every friday night at the clubs or house parties. They seek out the ones that seem to him will "put-out."

They aren't gonna pyscho-random rape any time soon, but they will take advantage of the woman with too many drugs in her system. He will seek out the one that may seem desperate or with loose sexual morals. They will rub against a woman, they will try to touch her butt or whatever, they will sexually assault until they find someone that doesn't mind it and will go with it.

You will in fact attract these morons by dressing slutty just like you attract birds when you thrown bread on the ground. Doesn't mean birds won't show up regardless, but you will attract plenty more when you do. I do not sympathize with sexual assaulters. They make me sick to my stomach and make men look bad, but prevention is in the responsibility of the person that wants something to be prevented. It's your job, if you want to prevent birds from coming up to you, to know what a bird is, what they're attracted to, what their motives are and prevent yourself from being an attraction to a bird. You are only in control of yourself at all times.

Isolated-GAF just needs to go to a packed college frat party. Hard to help people "get it" by explaining it; some people need to see it.


SamuraiX- said:
I love how the hybrid extremist/feminist GAF have taken over this thread by exaggerating the shit out of what people say who are trying to explain common sense and logic.
No different from any other thread.


Well I kinda agree. If you walk around in a short skirt and half a top, you're going to attract unwanted attention.

Saying that, I don't think there is a dress code when it comes to rape. You either get raped or you don't, but it definitely helps if you don't dress butt-naked.
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