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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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I'm wondering if Dalton's "special group" is a CIA taskforce or some other group operating under them. Because Job's superfan mentioned how Job sneaked into someone's database and deleted 94 people (just to delete Hood) but was being thorough. Which is probably referring to the flashbacks when Job said "who do you think created their systems" and made Hood a ghost.

But yeah, Job is being taken back to Dalton. I also wonder if what I was assuming before, Dalton being done kind of CIA operative or having some kind of relationship with them, is what made Hood tell Brock YOU'RE dealing with the CIA when they get there. Because if I Dalton were to come to Banshee, and wanted to speak to the sheriff, be would automatically recognize Hood.
Holy shit....just realized Stowe's partner is the Afro Ninja!



Excellent season finale. This show really knows how to turn the dial to 11 if need be. Brilliant ending, and so many questions that have left unanswered that I'm interesting in seeing play out next season.

On a related note, I'm fine with eight episodes. They should increase the runtime though. Many episodes capped out at 45-47 minutes. Increase the runtime to 55-58, and things will be better and more story can then be packed into the episodes.


Hunky Nostradamus
Holy fuck, Gordon. HOLY FUCK. I've been waiting three years for Gordon to finally break bad, and he did it gloriously.

He went out like a total baller hero:

- Grenaded a motherfucking guard tower
- Sniped a bunch of corrupt mercs
- Took a bullet like a chance
- Blew Stowe's fingers off when Hood choked.

Motherfucking BOSS. And the dude was a legit, straight up hero all throughout.

RIP Gordbro ;__;

I knew there was a super badass inside him somewhere.

P.S. Why was the lawyer lady a series regular this season? I like her, but she was barely there. I think three episodes total? Hopefully her role will expand next season.

She was promoted to regular this year, yeah. For some reason. Hopefully they'll give her more to do next season now that Gordon is dead and also since she formed a bond with Bunker, who's looking to be a major player next season.

And of course a drug lord will be a sword weilding badass, because why the fuck not? It's Banshee after all :D

Damn right! That dude was awesome.

It's barely march, but feel like it will be incredibly hard for anything to top it this year for me.

Quarry brah!

action scenes had too many cuts sometimes.

Yeah, those always disorienting - quick cuts are usually done to mask poor fight choreography, something we know Banshee doesn't have a problem with, so it's especially annoying.


Hunky Nostradamus
Some juicy tidbits:

Jonathan Tropper: Nola's death, as they sometimes are, was born out of logistics. We always wanted her back, ever since we introduced her in the first season, and it was always a question of what else she had going on. And there was a period at which we didn’t even have her in the scripts for season 3 because we didn’t think we could get her. And then when her show got pushed by a few months we suddenly could get her, so we wrote her in, but it’s very hard to go season after season not knowing if we’re going to get her or not. And as much as we love her and she loved doing the show, we decided now that we know we have her for a few episodes, so let’s just give her a great fitting send off so we’re not i playing this game every season of wondering whether we should build story around Nola or not.

Sepinwall: What you’re suggesting is that there’s a chance that we may be watching – maybe not next season, maybe not the season after — a season of “Banshee” not knowing it’s the final season, and then it comes to an end and Cinemax says, “Oh, by the way, that was the final episode ever.”

Jonathan Tropper: Well, I suspect that that wouldn’t happen. I just think that would be an argument between the network and the writers and how they want to present that. Obviously, you have to weigh the recommended marketing reasons to announce this is the final season. And then there are, I think, storytelling reasons to not. And so that’s all stuff that I think needs to get worked out but has not been discussed yet.

Huh. Hrm. Interesting.

Jonathan Tropper: Our show is a pricey show to produce, and I can’t really speak to what the corporate decisions for that were, or what the calculations were. They have their reasons, which are financial and happening above my pay grade, so for whatever reason on certain shows, they’re looking at the eight episode model.


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Banshee is very much a story of a man who was emotionally frozen in time when he was arrested and had to do all the growing up for that time in a very short period of being in Banshee for the last three seasons. We're seeing the most responsible and the best choice that he could be making by putting [this] to bed and moving on from our sheriff premise of the show.

Lucas is [no longer] the sheriff of Banshee. That was legitimate. After a lot of fakeouts with giving up the badge, this is going to stick. We don't want to leave a story on the table, and we go into every season like it's our last. Fortunately, it's not, but we wanted to tell the natural end of the basic premise of the show and also keep people wondering where the show's going to go. As someone who's read the first three episodes of Season 4, I can tell you that the first 10 minutes of Season 4 will have jaws on the floor.

The good thing is our relationship with Cinemax is such that when it's time to end Banshee we'll be given an opportunity to end it respectfully. I feel like the show is closer to its end than its beginning, but it's always had a limited premise and lifespan. We always push hard to make sure every episode is better than the one before it, and that takes an enormous amount of energy and creativity and work. I feel like we have a really solid three acts that we told with Lucas' story, and I'm very excited about the next chapter.

I think you're going to see more of an ensemble next year. The show was always conceived to be an ensemble with Lucas Hood heading up that ensemble, and yet I never felt like the show had a lead actor. I felt like it was the kind of show that different story lines can emerge in the foreground much the way you've seen with Brock coming to the foreground this year. I feel that where the show's going will be an even richer, complex, interwoven ensemble, which is something that we really took to this year. It'll be everything that people take from the show, but you're going see a completely unexpected season that will leave people guessing as to where we're going with it, especially after the first 10 minutes.

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IGN: You've got a new episode going live online right after the premiere ends called Banshee Saga. It's at BansheeSaga.com. Can you explain what it is?

Yaitanes: The Banshee Saga is for the die-hard fans, but also an opportunity for people who don't engage in our social content to be able to see what's been happening in the social sphere for Banshee over the last three years. The Banshee Saga takes the promotional material we've created in Banshee Origins, which uses all the main cast and is largely directed by myself and written by Jonathan (Tropper), and then folds those into the flashback footage that we've collected of the past few years from the show. And I sort of started from scratch to re-cut the whole experience.

The Saga takes the essential Carrie/Lucas/Job storyline of thing that was happening in Banshee all during the first fifteen years. So it focuses on the build up to the heist with Rabbit. And it will take you up to the very moments before the pilot begins. It's kind of like a genesis pilot and something that the fans get to geek out on. And if you haven't been watching Banshee Origins online than it will be new content for you. It was part of the three-year vision for the social content to eventually get to this point and create this type of episode. It was a real undertaking. It moves very quickly and it's a very fun story-before-the-story. And it's as much a part of our show as any episode.

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Damn. What a finale. Banshee is pulp, but it is glorious pulp. Strike Back will soften the blow somewhat, but the wait for season 4 is gonna be painful.
Damn. What a finale. Banshee is pulp, but it is glorious pulp. Strike Back will soften the blow somewhat, but the wait for season 4 is gonna be painful.
I was meh on Cinemax season 1. Maybe i'll give it another chance. Writing is eh. And action is better in Banshee. Are two other seasons better?


Holy shit....just realized Stowe's partner is the Afro Ninja!


wait what?????

That Gordon, Hood team up... Well they couldn't resist killing Gordon when he had become god tier badass.

Nice set up for Bunker next season, things will get interesting.

So the big bady next season is Hood recruiter? Ok bring it. I also demand Hector "MacLeod" to be back next season please

What I didn't like was the death of Stoweminator, damn shame he should have gone on a hand to hand combat.

This season was on par with season 1 which is great
Awesome finale. Really glad I started watching this show. Of course, after devouring this show over the past month+ the wait for next season is going to feel so damn long.

-Why am I not surprised Hood's rescue plan involved blowing everything up? I'm glad Hood's no longer sheriff. Now he's free and clear to be as psycho as he wants! Proctor might be pleased Hood has quit, but I think Hood Unleashed will wind up being a nightmare scenario for him. That's assuming Hood remembers he has a Blood Feud with Proctor over the death of his pretend son.

-Gordon finally mans up and eats shit. I will say, having watched so much of Banshee in such a short span of time, I got super used to the idea of Gordon being a worthless sack. It was nice to see him go out like a bad ass. Now who's going to be mayor of Banshee? That gig seems ridiculously high risk. But then again, just living in Banshee seems to guarantee a short life span. We could always end up with Mayor Hood.

-Bummed Stowenator went out so easily. Not nearly horrifying enough. I expected Hood and company to blow him up or something just to make sure he stayed dead. It was pretty funny that Hood literally drove Stowe insane.

-Really curious where they go with the Job abduction thing. I think it's obvious it'll tie back into Hood's past as Jason Bourne. But I wonder how far it'll take the story away from the Banshee setting. It's not like Hood has to stay in town. He's not the sheriff anymore, so he's pretty free to roam.

-Well, I guess I don't have to feel bad about lusting after Bunker's Nazi tattoo covered body anymore. Too bad he's gonna look like Cropsey now. :(


-Burton takes his glasses off, ain't nobody in the state of Pennsylvania, or the eastern half of the US really, safe.

Now the long wait for season 4 begins...


Hunky Nostradamus
What I didn't like was the death of Stoweminator, damn shame he should have gone on a hand to hand combat.

There's no way anyone on the team could beat him one on one though, and it wouldn't make sense for a 3-on-1 melee brawl when a gun would do just fine ;)

I loved the music that started when Gordon walked back into the bar with the rifle.

My boy.

That ish was hype as fuck!


special needs, sexual needs
Bunker noooooooooo. Burn his tats but please leave that gorgeous face :( I'm really looking forward to his story line in Season 4.

But my man Job...damn you Hood!

Stowe was legit cray cray in a good menacing-take-me-now kinda way.

That Proctor smirk at the end. I am ready fro Proctor/Hood team up when they take on the special coop Dalton guy.
wait what?????

That Gordon, Hood team up... Well they couldn't resist killing Gordon when he had become god tier badass.

Nice set up for Bunker next season, things will get interesting.

So the big bady next season is Hood recruiter? Ok bring it. I also demand Hector "MacLeod" to be back next season please

What I didn't like was the death of Stoweminator, damn shame he should have gone on a hand to hand combat.

This season was on par with season 1 which is great
I was so hoping Stowe would get back up in the stinger "tis but a scratch" and pull that knife out, but nope. Dude should've went out in an epic fist fight, but Hood and Gordon wasted their time shooting at 2 people like COD noobs.
I just remembered something, during the stinger when we briefly saw Job and heard those footsteps, right at the end there was a voice, but it did not sound like Job. It almost sounded like Hood to me. Am I imagining that?
I was meh on Cinemax season 1. Maybe i'll give it another chance. Writing is eh. And action is better in Banshee. Are two other seasons better?

I think so, but then again, those are the only two seasons I've seen. I prefer Banshee as well, but the bromance, hot girls and action in Strike Back are no slouch.


I think so, but then again, those are the only two seasons I've seen. I prefer Banshee as well, but the bromance, hot girls and action in Strike Back are no slouch.

Each season of Strike Back is noticable improvement over previous ones. But it's still the same deal, just executed better. I doubt anyone who didn't at least like Cinemax's S1 would love later seasons.
Good episode.

Disappointed that Stowe is already dead. I mean they built him to be some insane tank in episode 8 and then he's temporarily taken down by a vagina choke? I mean, I can't think of a better way to go out, but come on...

So we're getting more about Hood's past. I would have preferred some of his history remain mysterious, but I do like the idea of Hood working for some CIA black team.

Goddamn at Bunker - GODDAMN.

Kai fucking shit up. I don't like the new sword wielding gangster though, I hope he doesn't feature too heavily in season 4.

Gordon. Gordon, you magnificent bastard. Where the fuck was this guy for nearly 3 seasons? And when he does finally awaken, he's just as quickly killed off. To say I'm pissed off is an understatement. I wanted to see this new kick arse Gordon taking names in season 4.

Hood giving up the shield was interesting. Let's hope it sticks and it's not some fake out again.

Job - well he's fucked. I also find it hilarious that everyone was standing literally a few feet away and didn't notice some guy run up, shoot him and then carry him away until the chopper was in the air.


With everything that happened in the finale, I mostly ended up feeling bad for Brock.

Dude has just buried two deputies and friends, another deputy in hospital, his latest recruit has just been mutilated with a blowtorch and the sheriff has just left him with a massive mess to clean up.

Oh, and his ex wife is in love with a psychopath.
With everything that happened in the finale, I mostly ended up feeling bad for Brock.

Dude has just buried two deputies and friends, another deputy in hospital, his latest recruit has just been mutilated with a blowtorch and the sheriff has just left him with a massive mess to clean up.

Oh, and his ex wife is in love with a psychopath.

I wonder if Brock will just straight up murder Kai at some point if his ex wife is hurt by his extra curricular activities?

Although I suspect that relationship is dead at this point. (between Kai and the ex wife)

Speaking of Kai, I loved that smile when he was talking to Hood. The realisation that the one man who could take him down is no longer sheriff...

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
One of the best shows on TV, I just wish we got me of it!
Good episode.

Disappointed that Stowe is already dead. I mean they built him to be some insane tank in episode 8 and then he's temporarily taken down by a vagina choke? I mean, I can't think of a better way to go out, but come on...

They establish in the first scene of the first episode that the vagina choke was his weakness. Hahaha.


Passing metallic gas
I like Kai. He and hood basically seem like the same character. This season was just not good for Kai though. There's nothing new to be learned about him.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Love this Show. Great Ending to a Great season. Glad the show found a nice pace after shaky last season.

Random thoughts and mild spoilers. So don't scroll down if you haven't seen the episode.

So it seems like they are setting up the Hood was in some kind of elite kill squad. The only thing that bothers me is that he had to train so hard for the fight against the Albino while he was in solitary. I guess we are to assume that he let himself go soft while working for Rabbit, yet Job maintains the skills to take down a merc.

Maybe we will find out what Hood was doing after working for Dalton and before working for Rabbit in an upcoming season

Easily the best Banshee finale we've had so far and one of the better episodes period. So good.

I have season 1 finale slightly ahead simply because of the great use of Madonna by Jude Christodal. It was the perfect song choice.


Hunky Nostradamus
Maybe we will find out what Hood was doing after working for Dalton and before working for Rabbit in an upcoming season

Anthony Starr is 39 irl, so I'm assuming Hood is around that age too. Hood was in prison for 15 years, so he was around 24 when he was arrested. I think the timeline is thus:

Kid/Teen Hood is a petty thief -> Young adult Hood goes into the military -> Joins Dalton's team for a couple years -> Teams up with Job and together they ditch Dalton -> Hood immediately joins Rabbit's crew at around age 23 and meets Carrie -> gets arrested and spends the next 15 years in prison -> Banshee's pilot

I don't think there are a lot of gaps in his history left to fill, really.
I'm a little late but I enjoyed the action packed finale and the season as a whole. Definitely one of the most entertaining action shows on TV right now (although tbh I can't think of anything else on air that is quite like this). Like others have mentioned in this thread, I like how the show proudly embraces pulp and wears it like a badge of honor.

Some juicy tidbits:

Huh. Hrm. Interesting.


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Interesting and informative interview. One other quote that caught my attention was their approach to planning a season:

Jonathan Tropper: Forget planning a season. Even in the way we write our episodes, I really try to stay away from conventional episodic structure. The typical episode structure would be build, build, build in about 46 minutes and hit the big climax and then give yourself five minutes to wrap it up. And what we try to do is really surprise. A big setpiece like the Nola-Burton fight might happen 15 minutes into an episode instead of 40 minutes. And what I like about that is if you have a huge explosive moment at the 30 minute mark or at the 35 minute mark or the 25 minute mark it feels like the culmination of an episode and then suddenly you’re like, “Oh shit, there’s more story.” It’s this rewarding feeling that there’s more story to tell when you think you’re done with the story. And so we approach the season the same way. The obvious finale is going after Chayton. Let’s tell that story in episode eight and then when fans are feeling, “Wow, that was the end of the season – oh wait a minute, we still have all this other stuff to get solved.” And it was just a way to make the season feel less predictable and ultimately, I think, more rewarding.

On one hand, I do feel that having some structure and planning to a season is important and there were times in the past where I felt certain story arcs didn't pan out as well as I hoped. But on the other hand, I do like how this approach gives them more freedom to be creative and unpredictable and that is one of Banshee's biggest strengths when it comes to storytelling, action scenes and set pieces.


Good finale. It set up a nice storyline for season 4. Can't wait to see Bunker fuck shit up. Too bad Gordon died this soon, he started to become a badass after being a miserable guy and now they kill him.

I did like the over the top sword wielding dude.


I've rewatched it and now I'm happy with how easy they took out Stowe (well..relatively easy). Because Dalton will be exact same type of big bad, only far far worse. So they can't really spend too much time on meek T800 when there's a fucking T1000 coming up in S4 :D


Hunky Nostradamus

Episode 1 - 547K
Episode 2 - 439K
Episode 3 - 588K
Episode 4 - 662K
Episode 5 - 583K
Episode 6 - 610K
Episode 7 - 547K
Episode 8 - 588K
Episode 9 - 564K
Episode 10 - 692K
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