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Best Samus/Metroid fanart ever--what a Metroid movie might look like


Metroid fanart is consistently on a level head and shoulders above most other videogame fanart. I guess the suit attracts better artists or something.

I have no problem with Samus being a hot chick, but I've always thought the long flowing blonde hair thing was silly. Someone who has to be in that suit would have her hair cut short to keep it out of the way and keep her head cool. I've always pictured Samus as looking more like Vasquez from Aliens than anything else.

And yes, Vasquez was hot.


shidoshi said:
I know I'm probably the only one who would want to see her done this way, but if I was making a Metroid movie, I'd want Samus - the girl - to be frail, thin, a bit weak, nearly broken by all of the things she's seen and done, somebody who is a total contrast of her suit. Make her strong and resourceful when safely inside of her suit, but in her heart, and when apart from her suit, she's a shell of the person she used to be.

That's why I like this pic, because it gives me that kind of feeling of Samus.


My favorite Samus artwork in the whole thread.


Kevar said:
So anyway, getting this back on-topic after the little trollfest..


This one is by Jason Martin :O His website is pretty awesome. His only Samus picture, though.

Nice find, hadn't seen that one before. I also love the b&w one with the Dachola perched atop the morph ball.
oracrest said:
I find this pic amazing for some reason. I guess that whole sequence really re-enforced the epic feel of Metroid titles. The image also has a lot of emotion to boot.

Probationsmack said:
Does everyone love the metroid universe?

I think Metroid is sort of a "big fish in a small pond" series when it comes to the gaming industry, as it is probably the Nintendo franchise which has come closest to meeting fan expectations with every single entry. Some were definitely better than others, but each Metroid release has still been a good game (not sure about MPH but I hear it's the exception) While Metroid 1 and 2 may not hold up well today, at the time of their release, these games were incredible and later entries have maintained a consistent quality since then. In general, the series shows few signs of selling out and it still holds many of the same values as the original game (ambient music, lot of focus on level design, adventure over action, distinct atmospheres and environments, Samus and the other main characters remain rather mysterious, etc.) Also despite taking place in the future, the games all have a more organic feel which makes the franchise shine while other games focus too much on the technology in their respective universe.

If all 2D franchises had the same calibur as Metroid does, 2D gaming wouldn't be the niche genre it's become today.


EphemeralDream said:
I find this pic amazing for some reason. I guess that whole sequence really re-enforced the epic feel of Metroid titles. The image also has a lot of emotion to boot.
Heh, I know the person who drew that. I'll tell them you said that. :]

Hunters isn't bad but it's Quake with a Metroid skin. If you like that, it is enjoyable. I didn't, but I don't consider it a mark on the series or anything. Fantastic character design in the hunters.


Tellaerin said:
So someone can't be strong, brave, resourceful, and determined and still be sexy now? Interesting.

No, I was referring to the fact that she is strong, brave, etc FIRST. The emphasis is NOT on her being sexy.

Tellaerin said:
She was revealed as a shapely woman in a bikini in the best ending of the NES game. Yes, the graphics were crude, but there's no reason to assume she wasn't intended to be sexy - this is an attribute associated with that particular image in our society, regardless of what you happen to think of it. And later games would bear out the assumption that Samus was meant to be a sexy-looking woman beneath the suit.

Nuts to later games, I was referring to the first game only. Yes, it's a bikini. It's typically a sexy thing. But in that SUIT, it would probably be a FUNCTIONAL choice. No reason for Samus to even think about being sexy when she's in that suit. Who would see? The whole point of the ending was that you finally unmask (and unsuit) the hero.
At the time, the issue was NOT whether or not female characters could be sexy in video games.

The issue was whether or not female characters could be believable main, hero characters in a game. Samus being female, and this being revealed at the end, showed that a serious adventure game and hero role need not be filled by a typical male grunt character.
If you remember the state of gaming pre Lara Croft, you'll know that this is something that had to be said.

Tellaerin said:
There's a very easy way to determine how attractive she is. Look at the endings of Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion for GBA, where Samus is depicted out of her armor as an attractive and - dare I say it - sexy blonde.

Or even the ending of Metroid II for the Gameboy - despite the lack of color and relatively low resolution, it's pretty obvious to anyone (except those in the throes of extreme denial, heh) that the character's intended to be an attractive and shapely young woman.

You can assume whatever you like, but your assumptions fly in the face of canon. Don't be be surprised when others disagree.
Again, I was referring to the first game. I agree that Samus is sexy. My point is this is not, and should not, be the focus. The strength of the character trumps any sexy. Especially when there were only a few pixels. If future games continue to make Samus sexier and sexier without further developing the character, I'll be disappointed. So far, she hasn't been whored out.

Tellaerin said:
One, the character is already sexy, unless you define the word differently than the rest of us.

Two, the notion that sex appeal is inherently degrading to a woman and that female characters need some overwhelming reason to justify having it is ludicrous.

I'm not saying sex appeal is degrading to women.
I'm saying it's insulting to me when developers throw polygonal breasts and asses all over the place and expect me to buy it based on hormonal urges. Lara Craft. Dead or Alive. BMX XXX. Those are a far cry from Samus. My concern is that Samus will develop into that kind of sexy. This doesn't by itself degrade the character. But we all know that games that have to focus on sex appeal usually suck in terms of being a game.

Tellaerin said:
If you have no problem with the way Samus has been portrayed in the games - that is to say, as a shapely, athletic, sexy young woman - then I don't see what you're griping about. Some of you seem to have a problem with the idea of a woman who's sexy and kicks ass, but those attributes aren't mutually exclusive. Deal with it.

I don't have a problem.
I have a problem with the way it could potentially go.
Some of the fanart and comments here show there is potential for Samus to head in this dierection. Certainly in a movie, and possible gradually, a few games down the line.

Sexy is fine. Good even. It just shouldn't be the focus.


Another awesome piece of work by Transfuse (creator of the images in the first post of this thread):


On his deviantart page he hints that more Metroid fanart may be forthcoming--so cross your fingers. I'm thinking of buying a print from him to hang on my wall.


Not to beat a dead horse here, but this is seriously some of the best fan art I've ever seen! Props to the artist and I hope he has more!



A great stylish pic by Sander Dijk over at cgsociety.org:


This next pic is one of my absolute favorites. I love the classic Metroid door, and the way the light comes through it:


Also, according to the artist's website the image is unfinished:

"Another videogame-inspired image. This is Samus Aran from the Metroid series. Unfortunately, I never completed this image. She was supposed to be putting on a boot but, as you can see, both the hand and the foot remain unfinished. Someday I'll get around to finishing the image, but the perspective is wonky and her hair needs to be completely redone, so I just haven't gotten around to it yet."


Can't wait to see his work on MP3. There must be a website somewhere that has all the unlockable art galleries from Metroid Prime and Echoes--I know I've seen them for download before.


I kinda want to do a fanart myself when scrolling through these pictures. There's some incredible stuff in this thread.
Rindain said:

What kind of art supplies do you use?

These are the kind of arts i really dig the most. And it's mindnumbing on how you can excel this talent. I hope i get to see more of your wonderful arts in the future!

I envy you! :p :p :p


effzee said:
any update on the movie status? i remember there being some talk about it but then it was canceled?

I remember John Woo optioned the rights back in 2004 (to produce with an option to direct), but nothing has happened with it since then. His option on the property may have expired by now anyway.


_dementia said:
I can't believe this wasn't posted yet.


Anyone have a higher-res version?

That's the same size pic that is on the artist's website, so unfortunately there's probably no higher-res version. Here's his site, with some awesome work: (some NSFW stuff in the galleries): http://samael.cool.ne.jp/

I also don't think a John Woo Metroid would be good, especially given the press release the producers put out when they announced his involvement:

"The movie will center on the origins of the game's female protagonist, sexy bounty hunter Samus Aran, and relate her adventures battling the insidious life-sucking Metroids and their controlling force, Mother Brain. We have to assume the mainstream audience is unfamiliar with the property," Foxhoven said. "As for the rest of the film, we will stay true to the game and have Samus battling the Metroids and Mother Brain in a fight for control of the galaxy."

I think going too much into Samus' backstory would be a mistake, plus it sounds like they want to make it a by-the-numbers action movie. They would need to keep the mood and atmosphere of the games, the sense of discovery and exploration on an alien planet.


Mejilan said:
Em... there is no human beneath Dark Samus' suit... ;p
I can't think of a reason why there couldn't be... It is just a Phazon copy of her... It is probably the whole package


Worships the porcelain goddess

I like the concept of this one alot. Mainly because of the whole "rolling into a ball" thing would make more sense in a Mech type of suit. Barring the ball thing, I always saw Samus and her suit akin to the suits the Knight Sabers wear in Bubblegum Crisis.




Running off of Custom Firmware
ant1532 said:
I can't think of a reason why there couldn't be... It is just a Phazon copy of her... It is probably the whole package

Not really, it's the Metroid Prime with the essence of Samus' old Phazon Suit, not Samus herself. And it's pretty clear what's under the suit-like outer shell... if you've beaten MP2E.
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