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Black Tusk Studios renamed to "The Coalition"



People does not understand that a company needs to grow to be profitable in order to explore other formulas.... what if they make a lot of money and then they go bigger? If this happen there is a chance of 100% that they will work in multiple projects at the same time.... and of course multiple IPs.....THEY ARE NEW!! not even a single game released.! Just after 3 Uncharted Games ND had the resources to work in multiple projects at the same time. Think before bulshiting everything!

I'll be waiting for that Non-Halo game from 343.


I'm guessing the name change was done for legal reasons...cause Coalition sounds lame compared to Black Tusk IMO.
Why did they put the word "The" at the front. I personally think just "Coalition" would have sounded better. In all honesty I don't care nearly as much about the name of the studio as I do the quality of games they make. If the games are good they can call themselves "The Super Duper Pooper Scoopers" for all I care. :p

Because they suck at names lol

Coalition Studios would have been fine but no


To be fair, Fable: The Journey was most certainly not an expensive game to make and I doubt any of Rare's 360 games were either. Not anything on the level of a Gears game at least.

Because that worked for Bungie, right? Or Turn 10... or Lionhead...

A bit disingenuous to be comparing one of Sony's studios (their top studio no less) to them. You should be basing your theories off of other Microsoft studios.

Lionhead is making a new IP actually, Turn 10 is comparable to Polyphony ( which last i checked aside from Omaga Boost on the PS1, makes nothing but GT games) Santa Monica though they have their hand in helping other studios are still pushing out nothing but GOW games in house,, Bungie is no longer MS and yet they are STILL going to be making Destiny for the next Decade. But yes continue to ignore this to make the same silly points over and over.

It's funny to me how many other publishes including Sony does this but it is only a Bad thing with MS. Whats even funnier is watching people bitch about new IP's when you actually have new IP's already out and coming down the pike, as in first party MS owned IP's. So what are people even bitching about if one developer is making Gears of War?

Is this supposed to bad series now or something? Because last i checked other than Judgement Gears is fairly critically acclaimed and sells damned well so what is the issue here? People still crying over something ( Shangheist) that wasn't even a game, all they showed was a CG trailer, that's all.

Again people want to make up fan fiction about the "EVOL M$" cracking whips and forcing people to make games they don't want to make , and continue to be divorced from reality.


Junior Member
"So, what're your team names?"
"We're Dynamic", "we are The Coalition"


Oh yes.. working on one of the best IPs of last generation is a downgrade xD

Turn 10 had a colaboration to develop Horizon

Or Polypony

Really? starting the "Pony" talk? You'll make it far on here /s. This isn't gamefaq or youtube posts.This is a childish way to try to discuss a topic.

Lionhead is making a new IP actually, Turn 10 is comparable to Polyphony ( which last i checked aside from Omaga Boost on the PS1, makes nothing but GT games) Santa Monica though they have their hand in helping other studios are still pushing out nothing but GOW games in house,, Bungie is no longer MS and yet they are STILL going to be making Destiny for the next Decade. But yes continue to ignore this to make the same silly points over and over.

It's funny to me how many other publishes including Sony does this but it is only a Bad thing with MS. Whats even funnier is watching people bitch about new IP's when you actually have new IP's already out and coming down the pike, as in first party MS owned IP's. So what are people even bitching about if one developer is making Gears of War?

Is this supposed to bad series now or something? Because last i checked other than Judgement Gears is fairly critically acclaimed and sells damned well so what is the issue here? People still crying over something ( Shangheist) that wasn't even a game, all they showed was a CG trailer, that's all.

Again people want to make up fan fiction about the "EVOL M$" cracking whips and forcing people to make games they don't want to make , and continue to be divorced from reality.

Polyphony has made 4 IP's, Motor Toon Grand Prix, GT, Omega Boost and Tourist Trophy.

While some studios for Microsoft probably do have more freedom, their big IP's and the studios associated with them clearly don't. Sure, Twisted Pixel can go make whacky games, but it's no Halo (sales or cache wise). If we look at the situation with Bungie it might be a little more clear. Before they were bought by MS, Bungie was known for Marathon and Myth (and Oni but I don't really count that). Their buyout had to have made the top guys at Bungie a lot of money, enough that they could eventually buy themselves back from MS. According to a gameinformer article (that I can't reach but is discussed here http://www.dailytech.com/Report+Bungie+Studios+Departing+From+Microsoft/article9139.htm)

Game Informer checked with its own sources and reports that Bungie and Microsoft separated on October 1, 2007. According to the magazine, Bungie did not wish to be tied down to indefinitely making Halo games. As a result, shareholders of Bungie bought the studio name back from Microsoft for “an unstated, but significant amount of money.”

(I can't verify the link in that article that links to gameinformer cause it leads to a 404, but for the time I will go with it)(archive.org link https://web.archive.org/web/2009022...com/News/Story/200710/N07.1002.1438.22348.htm)

You kinda have to admit, if a studio/management/original owners under Microsoft were given a lot of freedom they wouldn't want to rebuy themselves (with their own money that they got from the original sale). A lot of people assumed it was because Bungie wanted to own their own IP again because that would make them a lot more money than just working on an IP that someone else owns, but the heads of Bungie already had a lot of money, buying themselves just to own the IP and make a lot of money again seems like a roundabout way to go. Some motivation had to come from from wanting to branch out to something else.
Lionhead is making a new IP actually, Turn 10 is comparable to Polyphony ( which last i checked aside from Omaga Boost on the PS1, makes nothing but GT games) Santa Monica though they have their hand in helping other studios are still pushing out nothing but GOW games in house,, Bungie is no longer MS and yet they are STILL going to be making Destiny for the next Decade. But yes continue to ignore this to make the same silly points over and over.

It's funny to me how many other publishes including Sony does this but it is only a Bad thing with MS. Whats even funnier is watching people bitch about new IP's when you actually have new IP's already out and coming down the pike, as in first party MS owned IP's. So what are people even bitching about if one developer is making Gears of War?

Is this supposed to bad series now or something? Because last i checked other than Judgement Gears is fairly critically acclaimed and sells damned well so what is the issue here? People still crying over something ( Shangheist) that wasn't even a game, all they showed was a CG trailer, that's all.

Again people want to make up fan fiction about the "EVOL M$" cracking whips and forcing people to make games they don't want to make , and continue to be divorced from reality.

Lionhead working on a new IP is news to me. A breath of fresh air considering they've been on Fable for almost 10 years straight. Fair enough with the Turn 10/Polyphony comparison. SSM WAS working on a new IP, but it had to be scrapped because of internal mismanagement, but they were at least given the chance. Bungie signed that 10 year contract on their own volition, and only after Microsoft denied them the chance to make Destiny as a first-party title. But yes, continue to ignore these points as well.

And personally, I don't think that "Shangheist" thing ever even existed. That trailer was probably nothing but lip service; a knee-jerk reaction to the criticism of the Xbox reveal. I agree that the game probably didn't exist.

And are you seriously trying to say that Sony does this as much as Microsoft? With the exception of Polyphony, it seems that Sony has at least given the chance to let their studios do different things. Microsoft wouldn't even let their Star Developer (Bungie) make Destiny under them. Only very recently has Microsoft seemed to change, and that's only a little.

I never said Gears was a bad series. In fact, I didn't bring up Gears at all. But if you must know, it's one of my favorite franchises of last generation and I do look forward to seeing the new one.

And I don't even know what you're on about with that "EVOL MS" bit. I never said anything of the sort. Sounds like a lot of projecting to me.


Woooooooo!!!!! Studios

You can overthink it even though it fits with the IP but usually sucks in the end. Doesn't really matter though, just one of those things you might not care for.
This is crazy talk. They are a new studio with no games under their belt lol. Why do you think the new IP got canned? Because MS is evil and doesnt want a new budding studio creating brand new hotness and only wants Gears and hates new IP?
I'm curious to know the running philosophy here...

Bungie says hello.

To be fair though, yes they are a new studio that hasn't put out a single game, but has had three cancelled titles and three different studio names. Maybe there is something wrong with the studio, or maybe there is something wrong with Microsoft. Having a studio that is unable to put out a single title though is troubling for everyone involved.


Gold Member
I like this more. Black Tusk reminded me of a mammoth found in the arctic.

Mammoths working on the next Gears was doable, but this is better.
"Instead of taking chances and making new IPs, we'll just keep making all the old ones instead!"

What do you expect ms to do with a new franchise they probably paid a lot of money for?

Gears was huge for them on 360, it's silly to think they won't milk it dry, like all publishers do from their franchises


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Initially, I was hoping that Black Tusk wouldn't be confined to Gears alone since I think it would be interesting given the team that Black Tusk is (a large amount of the original Gears team is in Coalition now), but the upside with Microsoft creating studios with the purpose of shepherding flagship titles is that you theoretically will get people who know what they are in for (and who have to be passionate about the franchise in question). It works better that way then expecting a studio like Bungie to constantly make one franchise if that's Microsoft's vision of a studio. With that said, I think the concept of its initial stealth game could easily be retrofitted within the Gears universe.

I'm fine with this transition as long as the team is passionate about it as well, and as long as Microsoft invests in other AAA-equipped studios with the purpose of tackling new IP. I think Rare could transition to a studio like this, given its history. It would be a great start. Lionhead is another that can now start shifting away from Fable and onto something else (especially since Molyneux is no longer overshadowing Lionhead).
I gotta say, the new logo looks ace.

That's not fair. He's had some misses lately but he's also had some hits (like the Halo 5 subtitle before it was properly announced.)

Yeah, but AFAIK basically all his big misses have come from Xbox-related doomsaying, including the one that got him banned. At some point it starts to look like a pattern :p


When people hear 343 Industries, they associate it with Halo; when they hear Turn 10 Studios, they know that’s who makes Forza. Moving forward, when you hear The Coalition, we want you to think of Gears of War.

This makes no sense. Why not just make Gears games then be known as "Black Tusk, the studio that makes Gears games"?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
This makes no sense. Why not just make Gears games then be known as "Black Tusk, the studio that makes Gears games"?

The idea is that 343 is a reference to Halo lore, while Coalition is also a reference to Gears lore as well.
Eh, it's not bad but it doesn't pique my concern. But If what Rod means by a "Gears Studio" is just plain GoW games (sequels/prequels/spinoffs) from now on and not giving a shot at other past stalled IP's of the studio like the UE4 based Project Shangeist, I'm going to be really disappointed.
Eh, it's not bad but it doesn't pique my concern. But If what Rod means by a "Gears Studio" is just plain GoW games (sequels/prequels/spinoffs) from now on and not giving a shot at other past stalled IP's of the studio like the UE4 based Project Shangeist, I'm going to be really disappointed.

You're going to be really disappointed!


"The Coalition" is kind of a bad name. I think I would have rather had "Coalition Studios" or plain old "Coalition". I find names like this and "343 Industries" a little too on the nose for my liking, but as long as the games they produce are good, I probably won't care what the studio's name is in the end.
Bad studio name, but I'm excited to see a new Gears game. Gonna have to innovate now that everyone and their dog has made a Gears-esque game, though. Judgment was nowhere close.
Yeah, okay, whatever. It's a name loosely connected to their current work. Doesn't stop them from doing non-Gears stuff in the future, anyway. Liked Black Tusk as a name more, though.


Also, what's the likelyhood of Coalition and Volition getting mixed up in the future?

Fake Edit: Probably slim since Coalition will only be about Gears and Volition being Saints Row.


Who gives a shit what the name is. I just want next gen Gears of War. I miss online so and want to bleed with my other gears of war brothers on Raven Down in 2015
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