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Can we get a moratorium on transgendered slurs? (other recommendations welcomed ITT)

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I think this is going a bit far and being a bit asinine.
Trannie as a slur?
Political correctness *sigh*
RiskyChris said:
The idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is pretty derogatory itself.

They're not trapping people, the person posting a transsexuals image without warning is trying to trap the viewer. I completely agree that the joke is bad and shouldn't be used, I just don't think the word "trap" should be considered derogatory since it seems like pretty legitimate usage. At least that's how I always understood it.

SnakeswithLasers said:
Now you're opening up the thread to the floodgates of whether someone should be required to tell their sexual partner whether they're "really" a girl. Classic debates on that one in the past.

Yeah, that's a conversation I don't want to be a part of. I was referring to a very specific scenario where it would be used, I agree calling a transsexual a "trap" is bad. I never really thought it was a general term.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Himuro said:
I just don't like censorship period, so you won't find an ally in me.
Should we be able to say the N word here too, in your estimation?

(I'm not asking facetiously)
Puncture said:
How about you and the guy who ruined that thread just take the shit to PM's next time instead. Seriously. PM the mods, keep this nonsense off the freaking board.

Oh please, it was ruined by a repeat-bigot. Please don't call the calling out of hate speech fucking nonsense, and in that thread alone plenty of people were educated. I'm sorry your very precious Wesley Snipes talk was ruined. I don't know why people get so defensive about threads going off topic. It's a forum, lighten up when the discussion takes a turn.

Burger said:
I do not agree at all. I find any sort of censorship to be abhorrent. Maybe you feel the someone using the word 'Tranny' is offensive, but I feel that censoring the word (or any word) is offensive.

I'm usually quite vocal on this board about banning websites or words. It's like putting a blanket over a problem.

Also, I wouldn't consider Tranny or Shemale to be slurs, but slang instead. Perhaps you disagree, but I don't see any hate behind them, unlike say Faggot, or Chink.

Well then would you have us unban the use of other slurs like fag or nigger or chink? They are absolutely just as hateful as tranny.

Atrus said:
He/She is a pejorative?

What's supposed to be the correct pronoun? Wouldn't it be presumptuous to simply assign one specific gender pronoun to someone that could want either?

Do we make one up? Shim? Shem?

TG don't generally want either, they want one. You use the pronoun that matches their chosen gender identity.

There are individuals that express as both genders or neither or a third gender, but that's kind of another topic in itself.

GillianSeed79 said:
I'm all for sensitivity to members of the LGBTA community, but for those of us who are less educated on the finer points of the subject could you possibly list what is deemed okay and what's a no-no. Like for example is trans-gendered more PC than trans-sexual and what's the difference? Also what does one call someone who has already made the switch physically so to speak? I'm not being ignorant, I'm generally curious as my experience with such groups of people is limited and I don't want to offend anyone of said group or groups.

TG is more PC generally speaking because members of the community find that transsexual focuses too much on sex, as if people transition just to get dick in their new pussy. I can't speak for the community, but from what I've researched the desire to transition genders is based on a much wider set of criteria than their sexual desires.


*I may accidentally post a quote and reply by accident twice. I have a lot of tabs juggling and a lot of replies to get to.


PhoncipleBone said:

But the way you used "queer" was not a slur? That word in and of itself is not a slur, but in certain uses it is.

I do agree that a good chunk of words for transponders that are slurs should be beanned, but we should examine other slurs that should be banned as well.

We should also ban the word 'gay'. It's often used as a slur, and we should censor it completely.


StoOgE said:
Sorry dude. I support your right to be whoever you want.

But as a straight guy, I have no interest in dating a biological male that is living as a female, pre-op or post-op. So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

Agreed, it should be a LAW to announce the fact before any engagement from the desired sex takes place, that's a pretty messed up practice, it would be like not telling someone you have herpes and then finding out later.

As for this thread, I don't agree with censorship, but reading the other thread I got the impression this was already a rule.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
grumble said:
We should also ban the word 'gay'. It's often used as a slur, and we should censor it completely.
If you use gay in the highschool "that's so gay" manner... you probably will be banned around here.


I will agree with this. I've seen it quite a few time used with a prejorative meaning in some threads here. If we are banning racial and homophobics insults/meme/slurs, we have to be fair to everyone else. No one checked the Negative Mario Galaxy 2 review thread? Some guy said the reviewer was a tranny because she poorly rated the game. Trap meme is also used a lot.


RiskyChris said:
The idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is pretty derogatory itself.

As long as there are "transexual" or whatever is the pc term people out there playing female or male in clubs and bars without full disclosure, the trap term is valid.
And you can not say that it does not happen or is a myth.
PhoncipleBone said:

But the way you used "queer" was not a slur? That word in and of itself is not a slur, but in certain uses it is.

I do agree that a good chunk of words for transponders that are slurs should be beanned, but we should examine other slurs that should be banned as well.

The whole Foucault/Queer Studies thing has essentially claimed the term queer as more of an inclusive umbrella of gender and sexual nonconformity. ie: genderqueer. I didn't have any problems with its use in that post, a little diminutive, maybe, but that fits fine with the casual tone.


Unconfirmed Member
RiskyChris said:
I don't know why people get so defensive about threads going off topic. It's a forum, lighten up when the discussion takes a turn.

People get so defensive because all they see you do is argue and get off topic.


sparkle this bitch
Honestly, I would rather not see us have to play games with more, What word should be allowed and what word shouldn't.

But at the same time, I do believe a bit tighter leash on "It's a Trap" or Tranny surprise gags wouldn't be too much to ask for either. Basically when it develops into idiotic spam.
Burger said:
I do not agree at all. I find any sort of censorship to be abhorrent. Maybe you feel the someone using the word 'Tranny' is offensive, but I feel that censoring the word (or any word) is offensive.

I'm usually quite vocal on this board about banning websites or words. It's like putting a blanket over a problem.

Also, I wouldn't consider Tranny or Shemale to be slurs, but slang instead. Perhaps you disagree, but I don't see any hate behind them, unlike say Faggot, or Chink.
Agree whole heartedly.

If tranny is banned I want the N word and all varients to be banned too. I'll make a thread. >_>


Trucker Sexologist
The thing that really surprised me is that the word "queer" is now considered to be acceptable in the LGBT community as a self-affirming umbrella term. This really proves that the attitude behind the word is more important than the word itself.


Can we stop saying butthurt as well? I mean, I know anal rape is hilarious and all, but this has just become a catch all, automatic response (along with 'u mad') to anything and everything, fucking irritates the shit out of me. And yes, please quote my post and either say lol ur just butthurt or u mad. It's still funny and quite witty, not at all old and tired.


StoOgE said:
Sorry dude. I support your right to be whoever you want.

But as a straight guy, I have no interest in dating a biological male that is living as a female, pre-op or post-op. So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

You said it better than I could have.

goldenpp72 said:
Agreed, it should be a LAW to announce the fact before any engagement from the desired sex takes place, that's a pretty messed up practice, it would be like not telling someone you have herpes and then finding out later.

You've just gone too far, that's not what it'd be like at all.


well not really...yet
StoOgE said:
Sorry dude. I support your right to be whoever you want.

But as a straight guy, I have no interest in dating a biological male that is living as a female, pre-op or post-op. So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

I know I just opened a shit storm, but your sexual identity doesn't get to dictate how I feel about my own sexual identity.
Pretty much this.


StoOgE said:
Sorry dude. I support your right to be whoever you want.

But as a straight guy, I have no interest in dating a biological male that is living as a female, pre-op or post-op. So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

I know I just opened a shit storm, but your sexual identity doesn't get to dictate how I feel about my own sexual identity.

Lighten up! If they're fit in your eyes, do the specifics really matter?! :D


RiskyChris said:
Oh please, it was ruined by a repeat-bigot.

He only repeated because you started a pointless argument with him.

RiskyChris said:
Please don't call the calling out of hate speech fucking nonsense, and in that thread alone plenty of people were educated.

Please stop acting like what you did in the other thread was anything more than you being a twat.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Himuro said:
Sure. Whatever.

That makes it easier to detect the jackasses.
Ok fair enough. I actually agree with your position ultimately..

I always saw NeoGAF as a heavily moderated dictatorship, however. Heavily censored. Not "free"... but something that lends itself to peaceful internet discussion. My support of RiskyChris is in the spirit of this understanding. As long as GAF cracks down on ugly speech and trolling: I don't see why "tranny" shouldn't be a part of it.

Should we censor ourselves in our real society? No. But NeoGAF is not real society. It's a heavily pruned virtual community.
StoOgE said:
Sorry dude. I support your right to be whoever you want.

But as a straight guy, I have no interest in dating a biological male that is living as a female, pre-op or post-op. So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

I know I just opened a shit storm, but your sexual identity doesn't get to dictate how I feel about my own sexual identity.

I don't disagree, and I can find you posts on this forum that corroborate that
, but it's kind of a sticky subject, and it gets into situations where a guy might meet someone at a bar, then get very upset and disgusted that he was "tricked." I really don't think we should discuss this ITT.

Byakuya769 said:
My initial reaction to RiskyChris bringing this up in another thread was, "what?? come on, lighten up." Looking a little outside myself, I saw that it didn't strike me as immediately offensive because it was about a very small and marginalized group. I'm not in association with any transgender people (that I know of), so I didn't really put it into their perspective.

After reflecting on it, I don't see how it could not be offensive.

See, this is why I don't understand why people literally shit their pants when I bring these up in threads where someone maybe says something offensive. It's like, hello, get angry at the person saying offensive things, particularly when after being educated he continues to be ignorant and petulant.

SapientWolf said:
The thing that really surprised me is that the word "queer" is now considered to be acceptable in the LGBT community as a self-affirming umbrella term. This really proves that the attitude behind the word is more important than the word itself.

umop_3pisdn said:
The whole Foucault/Queer Studies thing has essentially claimed the term queer as more of an inclusive umbrella of gender and sexual nonconformity. ie: genderqueer. I didn't have any problems with its use in that post, a little diminutive, maybe, but that fits fine with the casual tone.

Yes, there was no issue in how I used that word, particularly as a member of the queer community itself. Reclaiming words is one of the best ways to fight derogatory speech.
BocoDragon said:
If you use gay in the highschool "that's so gay" manner... you probably will be banned around here.
Agreed, but saying that you are having a gay old time is referring to happiness. It is sad when a normally safe word gets twisted into a slur.


Shemale being derogatory is news to me admittedly. I've never heard that term used purely as a hateful way. I always thought that was the term. I think you are jumping the gun a bit.

Even tranny is just short for transgendered. It's not hateful or an automatic insult


StoOgE said:
So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

If you are preoccupied by it, then I wouldn't be so sure that you're part of a large crowd.

RiskyChris is right.


Neo Member
leroidys said:
Can we stop saying butthurt as well? I mean, I know anal rape is hilarious and all, but this has just become a catch all, automatic response (along with 'u mad') to anything and everything, fucking irritates the shit out of me. And yes, please quote my post and either say lol ur just butthurt or u mad. It's still funny and quite witty, not at all old and tired.

I don't like using butthurt either, but I didn't even make the anal rape connection.
I always just thought of butthurtness in a "Their sphincters are too tight, they need to loosen up and shit a little like normal, non-constipated people" kind of way.


First tragedy, then farce.
scotcheggz said:
Lighten up! If they're fit in your eyes, do the specifics really matter?! :D

Well, a lot of people are frankly off put by the fact that the person they were with used to be a guy. I guess that might make me less than open minded, but that's fine. That's just how I feel. I support your right to be whoever you want or feel like you should be, but it's something I frankly find off-putting.

Then there is the question of having biological children which is a big deal to a lot of people and not possible without jumping through some crazy hoops involving surrogates in a situation like that.

Salazar said:
If you are preoccupied by it, then I wouldn't be so sure that you're part of a large crowd.

RiskyChris is right.

I'm not preoccupied by it or anything since it's a statistically unlikely event especially given my lack of picking women up at bars (at least successfully) , I'm just talking hypothetically. I have a female friend that dated a guy who was still biologically female and was fine with it. More power to her and maybe she's a better person than I for it, but I just have my feelings on the matter.
Rickard said:
He only repeated because you started a pointless argument with him.

Please stop acting like what you did in the other thread was anything more than you being a twat.

Dude, I've seen people group tackle racists in this forum.
How is what I did any different? Justjohn had been a bigot towards transgendered people before, hence the repeat-offender. Then, when he was presented with the suggestion that he not use a hateful word, he acted like a child.

It was pointless to you because you are not transgendered or know someone who is or apparently care about how the word affects them.


scotcheggz said:
Lighten up! If they're fit in your eyes, do the specifics really matter?! :D

No more than finding out your wife is your long lost sister I suppose ^_^

RiskyChris said:
The idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is pretty derogatory itself.

It is? I want to know if a person I'm going to have sex with has female reproductive organs and two X chromosomes.

StoOgE said:
Sorry dude. I support your right to be whoever you want.

But as a straight guy, I have no interest in dating a biological male that is living as a female, pre-op or post-op. So yes, the idea that transgendered people can "trap" people is very real and my mind, and I suspect I'm not alone.

I know I just opened a shit storm, but your sexual identity doesn't get to dictate how I feel about my own sexual identity.




Unconfirmed Member
I'm fully in support of this. Laziness doesn't make it okay to say "tranny," just like it doesn't make it okay to say "Jap."

While we're getting rid of shit, let's stop the constant flood of rape jokes please. Please.
Future said:
Even tranny is just short for transgendered. It's not hateful or an automatic insult

And homo is short for homosexual. Historical intent of the word holds a lot of weight, never mind the fact that tranny today still is used as hate speech towards trangendered individuals.


If you have a penis, while having the physical features of a women ( an ACTUAL boob job), then I have the right to call you a shemale, tranny, or whatever. I'm pretty sure they're okay with that.


Hex said:
I think this is going a bit far and being a bit asinine.
Trannie as a slur?
Political correctness *sigh*

I think it also tends to be hypocritical. You could be banned for calling someone 'gay' in a pejorative way, but would you be banned for calling someone retarded? I'm disabled... would someone get banned for calling me a gimp or a cripple? I'd certainly hope not, though some disabled people would find the words offensive.

Censoring language is a tough thing to do in a fair manner.

spindashing said:


Damnit, I should have just said that :lol
leroidys said:
Can we stop saying butthurt as well? I mean, I know anal rape is hilarious and all, but this has just become a catch all, automatic response (along with 'u mad') to anything and everything, fucking irritates the shit out of me. And yes, please quote my post and either say lol ur just butthurt or u mad. It's still funny and quite witty, not at all old and tired.
How does "butthurt" = rape? Can't anal sex in general hurt even if consensual?

Anyway, I think this type of censorship is impossible and unwieldy to try to enforce. If someone is offending you so much and takes away from the main discussion at hand, why not place them on the ignore list?

Like someone else said, people making "derogatory" statements out in the open make it plenty easier to weed out as people that are not worth listening to.


Neo Member
spindashing said:


Wooorrrrd! Except the Juggalo part... I think a communal bong would be enough :D


Door2Dawn said:
If you have a penis, while having the physical features of a women ( an ACTUAL boob job), then I have the right to call you a shemale, tranny, or whatever. I'm pretty sure they're okay with that.
this post came off extremely rude. i'm not sure if you intended it to be that way?
Door2Dawn said:
If you have a penis, while having the physical features of a women ( an ACTUAL boob job), then I have the right to call you a shemale, tranny, or whatever. I'm pretty sure they're okay with that.

Van Owen

Trent Strong said:
It is? I want to know if a person I'm going to have sex with has female reproductive organs and two X chromosomes.

Well, the transgendered people on this forum don't believe either of those things are what make someone a woman, so by their definition it's still not a trap!


RiskyChris said:
it gets into situations where a guy might meet someone at a bar, then get very upset and disgusted that he was "tricked." I really don't think we should discuss this ITT.

Hold the phone, if we've just been asked not to to use the word "trap", then a discussion as to whether a non-disclosing trans-gender is in fact a trap or not seems absolutely valid in the context of the thread.
Trent Strong said:
It is? I want to know if a person I'm going to have sex with has female reproductive organs and two X chromosomes.

Why, are you planning on having children with them? This discussion shouldn't be in this thread, and deserves another topic, particularly with input from the TG community.

Van Owen said:
Well, the transgendered people on this forum don't believe either of those things are what make someone a woman, so by their definition it's still not a trap!

Yea this too. This discussion needs it's own thread, and has little bearing on whether tranny is a slur.

Door2door said:
If you have a penis, while having the physical features of a women ( an ACTUAL boob job), then I have the right to call you a shemale. I'm pretty sure they're okay with that.

Nope. That's total bullshit. Not all female-identifying people choose to fully transition, and people who have yet to transition in many (most?) cases absolutely wish to be called by their presented gender.
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