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Can we get a moratorium on transgendered slurs? (other recommendations welcomed ITT)

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I didn't know any of the terms in the OP were offensive. I mean, I never use them, but I just can't see how 'Trannie' is offensive. Shit, it's in people's tags and shit.


RiskyChris said:
Why, are you planning on having children with them? This discussion shouldn't be in this thread, and deserves another topic, particularly with input from the TG community.

You really can't figure out why that would bother some people?
mysticwhip said:
Not if serious.
If serious, read the rules
Was being facetious in what was spoilered. I do agree with the post I quoted.

The word isn't offensive unless somebody makes it offensive. I never thought there was any harm in saying it and yes, I've given thought to the word before. Is tranny as bad as saying faggot? I didn't think so. Tranny is short for transexual and faggot isn't short for anything; it's just rude.

But, to ask for a word to be banned on GAF just because you don't like the way it sounds is even more offensive to me. So I was kidding when I said I didn't want the N word to be said here either because it's offensive to me. Humor doesn't translate well in text sometimes. Sorry.


RiskyChris said:
And homo is short for homosexual. Historical intent of the word holds a lot of weight, never mind the fact that tranny today still is used as hate speech towards trangendered individuals.

Banning a word just ensures for all time it will be hate speech. As of right now it's only hateful if you allow it to be. Wear it proudly, don't empower the person using it.
ElJuice said:
I think it also tends to be hypocritical. You could be banned for calling someone 'gay' in a pejorative way, but would you be banned for calling someone retarded? I'm disabled... would someone get banned for calling me a gimp or a cripple? I'd certainly hope not, though some disabled people would find the words offensive.

Censoring language is a tough thing to do in a fair manner.
I have a friend who is somewhat disabled and finds the term "lame" offensive. I'm assuming he would feel the same way if I called something "gimped" as well.
MetalAlien said:
Banning a word just ensures for all time it will be hate speech. As of right now it's only it's only hateful if you allow it to be. Wear it proudly, don't empower the person using it.

The word doesn't have to be banned in the use of reclamation.


BocoDragon said:
Ok fair enough. I actually agree with your position ultimately..

I always saw NeoGAF as a heavily moderated dictatorship, however. Heavily censored. Not "free"... but something that lends itself to peaceful internet discussion. My support of RiskyChris is in the spirit of this understanding. As long as GAF cracks down on ugly speech and trolling: I don't see why "tranny" shouldn't be a part of it.

Should we censor ourselves in our real society? No. But NeoGAF is not real society. It's a heavily pruned virtual community.

Pretty much this. Censoring usually leads to excess and even more Censoring. Freedom of speech is a good thing. Should we claim the rights to say anything even stuff that might hurt people in the name of freedom? This is not for this thread. This is a videogame community where everyone from different origins, religions, races, sexual orientation and so on are welcome to talk about on of their passion : videogames. We already got rid of homosexual slurs and racial slurs so we could have a friendly atmosphere for eveyone. The whole slurs associated with transexuals should be next under that optic.


Fusebox said:
Hold the phone, if we've just been asked not to to use the word "trap", then a discussion as to whether a non-disclosing trans-gender is in fact a trap or not seems absolutely valid in the context of the thread.

Trans-gendered folks' lives involve sex in the same partial way that your life does. There is no defensible reason to orient discussion around bars and pick-ups.


I don't like the word and I don't use it, but having people feel like they need to walk on eggshells isn't good either. I suppose that for now I would draw the line at when it's obviously being used in an abusive way. That's probably where it's drawn anyway.
BlackGoku03 said:
Was being facetious in what was spoilered. I do agree with the post I quoted.

The word isn't offensive unless somebody makes it offensive. I never thought there was any harm in saying it and yes, I've given thought to the word before. Is tranny as bad as saying faggot? I didn't think so. Tranny is short for transexual and faggot isn't short for anything; it's just rude.

But, to ask for a word to be banned on GAF just because you don't like the way it sounds is even more offensive to me. So I was kidding when I said I didn't want the N word to be said here either because it's offensive to me. Humor doesn't translate well in text sometimes. Sorry.

I'm not asking for it to be banned because of the way it sounds, but because yes, it's just as hateful of a word as faggot.

Again, homo is short for homosexual but that doesn't make it some how de facto not hateful compared to faggot.


I didn't read through the thread as I really don't care much so this may have been debated, but overall I can understand "it" as that just seems to dehumanize the individual. What I don't understand is "tranny," "shemale," "he/she." I may be missing something but none of of those seem particularly rude to me.
Well, like my mama always told me, "Always think of what you say to people before you say it, because some people may find offense to something."

She also told me to not trust the white devil so ehh..


MetalAlien said:
Banning a word just ensures for all time it will be hate speech. As of right now it's only hateful if you allow it to be. Wear it proudly, don't empower the person using it.

This is awful gibberish. Really, you should stop.


First tragedy, then farce.
Van Owen said:
Well, the transgendered people on this forum don't believe either of those things are what make someone a woman, so by their definition it's still not a trap!

I know RiskyChris wants to stop this conversation from hijacking the thread but I'm just going to reply one more time and stop. :lol

I get that the TG community doesn't think either of those things is what defines someone as male or female.. but I think it's somewhat selfish that one person gets to define gender for both people in a relationship/casual sex. The other person likely has their own definition and I think both people should have a say in whether or not they are comfortable with the situation.


Trurl said:
I don't like the word and I don't use it, but having people feel like they need to walk on eggshells isn't good either. I suppose that for now I would draw the line at when it's obviously being used in an abusive way. That's probably where it's drawn anyway.

Exactly, it's a non issue. These things sort themselves out. You can turn any word into hate speech and when you do, the mods swoop in.


samus i am said:
This thread feels like a trap.


user-friendly man-cashews
goldenpp72 said:
Agreed, it should be a LAW to announce the fact before any engagement from the desired sex takes place, that's a pretty messed up practice, it would be like not telling someone you have herpes and then finding out later.

Not it's not. Just think about it two seconds dude, you can't catch "teh tranny". And I seriously encourage TG people not to divulge it if their looking for casual sex, if you look good enough as a woman to bed an hetero sexual man why the fuck would you mess with it? People need to get laid.


StoOgE said:
I know RiskyChris wants to stop this conversation from hijacking the thread but I'm just going to reply one more time and stop. :lol

I get that the TG community doesn't think either of those things is what defines someone as male or female.. but I think it's somewhat selfish that one person gets to define gender for both people in a relationship/casual sex. The other person likely has their own definition and I think both people should have a say in whether or not they are comfortable with the situation.

Yep, even if you believe one way, you can't be stupid enough to think most do, tell em, and if they are game who cares.


RiskyChris said:
Again, homo is short for homosexual but that doesn't make it some how de facto not hateful compared to faggot.

Ok that's just stupid Chris. That would come down to the tone and use of the word, not the word itself.
I think a chart should be commissioned. That will make it easy. We can refer to it when an "offensive" word comes up every time in a post to make sure the correct context is being used and no other negative connotations can be brought in.

We can have MSFT or Sony do it.


Lately I've been agreeing more and more with RiskyChris.

What the fuck is in the water?

Tranny surprise is tired and not funny. And the people that say the word isn't offensive and it's only a shortening of a socially acceptable word are stupid because many slurs come from other words. Sincerely, a stupid Paki.


thanks for the laugh
RiskyChris said:
Nope. That's total bullshit. Not all female-identifying people choose to fully transition, and people who have yet to transition in many (most?) cases absolutely wish to be called by their presented gender.

you're getting to the point where anything along the lines of "chick with a dick" becomes derogatory, despite it being a blunt statement of perceived facts along the lines of "dude who likes to fuck dudes in the ass", which i can't imagine too many gay guys having contention with, however vulgar.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
pakkit said:
Lately I've been agreeing more and more with RiskyChris.

What the fuck is in the water?

Tranny surprise is tired and not funny. And the people that say the word isn't offensive and it's only a shortening of a socially acceptable word are stupid because many slurs come from other words. Sincerely, a stupid Paki.


I'm starting this thread is a traa.....a preconcieved tactic whereby people might me lured to do things they might not have done otherwise in other situations.


RiskyChris said:
It was pointless to you because you are not transgendered or know someone who is or apparently care about how the word affects them.

I've known several transgendered individuals in my life. I never knew them before they made the change but in the time I did know them I found each one of them to be very happy and well adjusted.

I'm not sure were I'm going with this, but yeah, you can go to hell telling me that I don't care about how insults affect my friends.


there is joy in sucking dick
I find it hilarious that RiskyChris is complaining about thread diverting discussion when he's done so himself to various threads in the past


MetalAlien said:
No it's not, you should wake up.

Your best advice to abused communities is to 'own' hate-speech and derogatory language ?

It's cretinous. Everybody has a right to draw a line.
ghst said:
you're getting to the point where anything along the lines of "chick with a dick" becomes derogatory, despite it being a blunt statement of perceived facts along the lines of "dude who likes to fuck dudes in the ass", which i can't imagine too many gay guys having contention with, however vulgar.
:lol :lol
RiskyChris said:
I'm not asking for it to be banned because of the way it sounds, but because yes, it's just as hateful of a word as faggot.

Again, homo is short for homosexual but that doesn't make it some how de facto not hateful compared to faggot.
Okay I see where you are coming from but nobody I know (myself included) uses the word tranny as a hateful word. I find it hard to find examples of it being used hatefully here, on GAF. I think if you label the word taboo and hateful, it'll create more problems than good.

Also, if there's one thing I hate, it's pussyfooting around people. I have to walk on eggshells around your friend because "lame" is offensive to him? Really? At some point one has to just get over it. I can't live my life that way man!


Parmesan et Romano
BlueTsunami said:
I find it hilarious that RiskyChris is complaining about thread diverting discussion when he's done so himself to various threads in the past
Yeah, it's pretty ironic.
Trurl said:
I don't like the word and I don't use it, but having people feel like they need to walk on eggshells isn't good either. I suppose that for now I would draw the line at when it's obviously being used in an abusive way. That's probably where it's drawn anyway.

Agreed, but you'll find there's almost no need to use the term ever, just like fag and homo and queer (except in cases of reclamation!).

JBaird said:
Ok that's just stupid Chris. That would come down to the tone and use of the word, not the word itself.

Yes, but you'll find pretty much no reason to ever use tranny. Of course the tone matters.

ghst said:
you're getting to the point where anything along the lines of "chick with a dick" becomes derogatory, despite it being a blunt statement of perceived facts along the lines of "dude who likes to fuck dudes in the ass", which i can't imagine too many gay guys having contention with, however vulgar.

How am I getting to that point by stating that you shouldn't call someone a shemale b/c she has a dick when I state that plenty of female-identifying individuals do have a dick, and some of them choose to keep it while others intend to remove it?


Salazar said:
Trans-gendered folks' lives involve sex in the same partial way that your life does. There is no defensible reason to orient discussion around bars and pick-ups.

Why are you mentioning bars and pick-ups? You're projecting a sleazy atmosphere onto the trans-gender scene which I certainly haven't implied or suggested.

I'll paraphrase the question again for you, "Can a non-disclosing trans-gender be considered a trap to a heterosexual male?"

Taking into account my personal sexual preference (which, naturally, I was born with and have zero control over) I have to answer honestly and say yes, I would consider them to be a trap.


I only skimmed the thread for the word banned, but didn't see anyone explicitly recognise this yet...

Banned sites\memes\words that will most likely get you banned.

Banned Memes:

1. Shoop da Woop(firin mah lazor) -- It's racist, you'll get banned.
2. Nicole Bass -- Long story, avoid at all costs
3. Rape time!!! -- It's not funny
4. Rickrolling -- 1 month ban.
5. So basically X is better than Y (X = Game Reviewed 1, Y = Game Reviewed 2)
6. Caturday (unless specifically sanctioned by a mod or admin)
7. WEEKEND GAF LOL (and ALL its variants. If you call weekend GAF on a thread to dismiss or derail it, you will be banned. Let mods and admins decide what is not worthy of a thread)
8. Blame Wii Fit (you know why)
9. Posting in a Legendary Thread
10. tl;dr (including variant "BOLD PLEASE")
11. PM begging in all its guises
12. The "Cool story, bro." meme. You better bring something more to the table or else get a foot in the ass.
13. Tranny Surprise. Will get you banned

Banned words\phrases:

1. Racist vocabulary (Nigger, Kike, Jap, Chink, Frog so on..)
2. "Fag", "Faggot", "That's gay!" -- This is not middle school. NeoGAF has a sizable gay community, and if that bothers you, go somewhere else.
3. Misogynistic remarks or jokes.
4. Tranny jokes or remarks. For people who are transgender this is just as hateful as any of teh words above.

'Tranny jokes' were added to the bannable list over three months ago.


Salazar said:
Your best advice to abused communities is to 'own' hate-speech and derogatory language ?

It's cretinous. Everybody has a right to draw a line.

..and shortened versions of proper word/term describing the condition is the line? That is far too broad.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Dude, blowing a tranny really fucking sucks. I mean, seriously, there is nothing worse than dropping a tranny. Thankfully my car is under warranty.


MetalAlien said:
Exactly, it's a non issue. These things sort themselves out. You can turn any word into hate speech and when you do, the mods swoop in.
Well, I wouldn't say it's a non issue exactly. Right now transexuals seem to be a punchline for a lot of people, existing in a world of bizarre porn that teenage boys love telling stories about--like dirty sanchezes. I think that's something that will only go away with time.

Tntnnbltn said:
I only skimmed the thread for the word banned, but didn't see anyone explicitly recognise this yet...

'Tranny jokes' were added to the bannable list over three months ago.
*M Night Shyamalan*


BlackGoku03 said:
Okay I see where you are coming from but nobody I know (myself included) uses the word tranny as a hateful word. I find it hard to find examples of it being used hatefully here, on GAF. I think if you label the word taboo and hateful, it'll create more problems than good.

Like I posted it earlier. Some people here use it in a prejorative way to bash people. When one female reviewer gave a poor review to SMG 2, there was a thread here where someone said she was tranny because she did not like the game. Saw it too in some threads in OT where some not so pretty girls were labeled as trannies.
The backlash against the word tranny reminds me of the backlash against the word midget. The word midget was coined back in the 1860s and was what you called any small adult that wasn't a dwarf. That was just the way it is, no one complained.

Then all of a sudden in the 1990s someone decided the word midget was derogatory. They decided that "small person" was a lot nicer than midget. Well I have news for you, "small person" sounds a lot worse than midget ever did.

In the same way, a few people decided that the word "tranny" was offensive. From now on the correct term is trans-gendered. Where did the term tranny actually come from though? Well it came from the word trans-gendered. Instead of focusing on names and terms we need to focus on more important issues, like how the trans-gendered community is actually being treated.
BlueTsunami said:
I find it hilarious that RiskyChris is complaining about thread diverting discussion when he's done so himself to various threads in the past

Yes, I'm not dumb and see the irony, but this is a meta-thread about forum etiquette and the diversion will necessarily get very ugly.

BlackGoku03 said:
Okay I see where you are coming from but nobody I know (myself included) uses the word tranny as a hateful word. I find it hard to find examples of it being used hatefully here, on GAF. I think if you label the word taboo and hateful, it'll create more problems than good.

Also, if there's one thing I hate, it's pussyfooting around people. I have to walk on eggshells around your friend because "lame" is offensive to him? Really? At some point one has to just get over it. I can't live my life that way man!

Right, but no one on GAF calls black people niggers or asians chinks or japanese people japs and tries to hide behind "oh I don't mean insult."

Tranny is just like that. The word absolutely does not need to be in your vocabulary to discuss transgendered people.
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