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Can we get a moratorium on transgendered slurs? (other recommendations welcomed ITT)

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Junior Member
harSon said:
You're joking right?

That's like telling black people "sticks and stones" simply because as a non-black person, you've been referred to as a Nigger in online video games without being effected emotionally.
Can we stop comparing people with gender dysphoria who choose to get surgeries, to races and religions. Getting treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and plastic surgery is a choice made by the individual. Being Chinese or Polish isn't. When a person chooses to go through gender reassignment, they are made aware of the possible negative aspects. They definitely deserve credit for putting themselves through the ordeal, and they deserve respect as individuals, but ultimately they are just doing something that they think will make them happier in life. Ridicule based on life choices is way different to racial prejudice, IMO.

So sorry, you don't get to use the race card because transsexuality isn't a race. I've been persecuted for my race, my religion, and my immigration status. You don't see me trying to ban the words "Jew" or "Commie."


RiskyChris said:
Ok, so you think we should unban the use of nigger, fag, jap, etc?

No it doesn't go both ways. One group is saying they are sensitive to something and the other group is being reactionary and insensitive in response.

Ironically and somewhat pertinent there's a thread where Zefah got upset with the term Jap.



RiskyChris said:
Ok, so you think we should unban the use of nigger, fag, jap, etc?

No it doesn't go both ways. One group is saying they are sensitive to something and the other group is being reactionary and insensitive in response.
Of course I do.

I don't use the n word simply because I hate the fact that it's perceived that your race governs whether or not it's acceptable to use a word. I'm half Moroccan and it's hilarious what I've been told. I'm either seen as mixed and therefore black and thus people of other races feel uncomfortable to use the word around me. Or I'm mixed and seen of as not black and thus am unable to use the word.
I'm all for everyone being entitled to use the word.
Again it's the intent of the speaker (there are numerous words that could be substituted to hurt a black person other than the n word).


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I'm against anyone using a word to belittle a whole group of people, but why is Risky Chris always acting like an honorary mod? Use PM's and stop grandstanding.
Hex said:
So one group has the right to put out a case for sensitivity but the other side does not have the right to make a case for perhaps over sensitivity?
Not saying either side is right or wrong, but both have an opinion

Yes, one group has the sole ability to judge how offensive and sensitive they feel. Getting hypersensitive about a victim's level of offense is pretty condescending.

mattiewheels said:
I'm against anyone using a word to belittle a whole group of people, but why is Risky Chris always acting like an honorary mod? Use PM's and stop grandstanding all the time.

When am I always acting like a mod? Is this not worthy of debate by the members of the forum? It's going to affect more change than just talking to a mod.


JoeBoy101 said:
I'm really wondering if in this 'discussion' there will come a point when the other Gaffers realize that language can be used as a weapon regardless of the exact term or combination of letters to form said word. Then would come the realization of the complete fallacy of trying to 'police' language effectively and/or fairly, and that one can only 'police' those who use language as a weapon.

I haven't read a lot of the drivel in this thread, but I'm glad I read this... +1

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Gaborn said:
Then you're a fairly unusual person. I can't say I've ever met someone who identified themselves that way.

It's also language based. In mine, there's no word equivalent to straight so for heterosexuals it's shortened to heteros. There's a slang word which would be the equivalent of gay but homosexuals don't like it that much if used in female form. Specifically, since in spanish adjectives often carry different forms depending weither the subject of the adjective is either male or female, the female version of the adjective is frowned upon. A lot. Since it's what it was used for a long time to offend. The male version of the adjective was used normally but it's now fallen out of use - gay is more commonplace these days. Of course it only applies to males, since lesbians suffered worse fate and they pretty much remained hidden even during the surfacing of the GLBT community in the 80's. So for them it's just the equivalent of lesbians these days. Homosexual doesn't carry much of a negative connotation although is considered a way too formal word. It's been replaced by the formula "gays and lesbians" which irates the transgendered who are called transexuals or shortened to trans.

It's a mess ;)

These things here at GAF are often discussed and arguen from an american perspective but this is a multinational community which complicates things. The infamous Zwarte Piet thread put the spotlight on that and some of the arguments in this one are also tainted by this.

Suddenly the UN's problems in their attempt to become an international formal forum are more understandable...


AVclub said:
Can we stop comparing people with gender dysphoria who choose to get surgeries, to races and religions. Getting treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and plastic surgery is a choice made by the individual. Being Chinese or Polish isn't. When a person chooses to go through gender reassignment, they are made aware of the possible negative aspects. They definitely deserve credit for putting themselves through the ordeal, and they deserve respect as individuals, but ultimately they are just doing something that they think will make them happier in life. Ridicule based on life choices is way different to racial prejudice, IMO.

So sorry, you don't get to use the race card because transsexuality isn't a race. I've been persecuted for my race, my religion, and my immigration status. You don't see me trying to ban the words "Jew" or "Commie."

Know anyone who is born Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Confucian, Buddhist, etc?
Furret said:
Okay, I find the word "potato" offensive.

I demand that anyone that uses it be banned or I will start self-obsessed threads in which I post every other minute with detailed discussion on how I am morally superior to everyone else and why my lifestyle is the most fascinating subject matter on the Internet.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
i_am_ben said:
Ironically and somewhat pertinent there's a thread where Zefah got upset with the term Jap.


How is that ironic? It was used heavily as an insult against Japanese people.

I'm against any personal insult that target a person's race or sexual orientation. I definitely think it shouldn't be allowed to call a transsexual person "a fucking tranny" and I assume the mods would treat it similarly to calling a woman a "bitch", etc...


AVclub said:
Can we stop comparing people with gender dysphoria who choose to get surgeries, to races and religions. Getting treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and plastic surgery is a choice made by the individual. Being Chinese or Polish isn't. When a person chooses to go through gender reassignment, they are made aware of the possible negative aspects. They definitely deserve credit for putting themselves through the ordeal, and they deserve respect as individuals, but ultimately they are just doing something that they think will make them happier in life. Ridicule based on life choices is way different to racial prejudice, IMO.
What if someone made a similar argument for sexual orientation?

'Can we stop comparing sexually comfused people who choose to have sex with people to the same gender, to races and religions. Sticking your penis in another man's ass is a choice made by the individual. Being Chinese or Polish isn't. When a person chooses to have sex with someone of the same gender, they are aware of the possible negative aspects. They definitely deserve credit for putting themselves through the ordeal, and they deserve respect as individuals, but ultimately they are just doing something that they think will make them happier in life. Ridicule based on life choices is way different to racial prejudice, IMO.'

The ideology in your post reminds me of how others use the description 'homosexual lifestyle' to disparage homosexuality.

(Also, "religion" isn't a 'choice made by the individual'?)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
scotcheggz said:
Why do you need to call someone out about it though? At the end of the day, why does it matter to you?

My first reply was in response to the use of the word "trap", which I don't find entirely inappropriate unless the transsexual in question is broadcasting that they are indeed a transsexual.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Tntnnbltn said:
What if someone made a similar argument for sexual orientation?

'Can we stop comparing sexually comfused people who choose to have sex with people to the same gender, to races and religions. Sticking your penis in another man's ass is a choice made by the individual. Being Chinese or Polish isn't. When a person chooses to have sex with someone of the same gender, they are aware of the possible negative aspects. They definitely deserve credit for putting themselves through the ordeal, and they deserve respect as individuals, but ultimately they are just doing something that they think will make them happier in life. Ridicule based on life choices is way different to racial prejudice, IMO.'

The ideology in your post reminds me of how others use the description 'homosexual lifestyle' to disparage homosexuality.

(Also, "religion" isn't a 'choice made by the individual'?)

Obviously sexual orientation isn't a choice either. Religion definitely is, though.


Zefah said:
I definitely think it shouldn't be allowed to call a transsexual person "a fucking tranny" and I assume the mods would treat it similarly to calling a woman a "bitch", etc...
Do nothing? Check the thread about the Megan Fox replacement for examples.


JoeBoy101 said:
I'm really wondering if in this 'discussion' there will come a point when the other Gaffers realize that language can be used as a weapon regardless of the exact term or combination of letters to form said word. Then would come the realization of the complete fallacy of trying to 'police' language effectively and/or fairly, and that one can only 'police' those who use language as a weapon.

I wonder when people who are entirely used to words being banned on this forum will stop making this stupid argument. This is a private forum that bans a number of words and phrases. RC is simply trying to get a class that's already mentioned in the FAQ the same protection other classes, such as race, gender, and orientation.


Junior Member
Gaborn said:
Know anyone who is born Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Confucian, Buddhist, etc?
From http://www.jewfaq.org/whoisjew.htm :
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox.

From "Every Child Is Born a Muslim"
The Prophet Muhammad said, "No babe is born but upon Fitra (as a Muslim). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist." (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426)
Islam is the religion of all Prophets, Adam to Muhammad. Children are not born out of any sin, original, inherited or derived. They are born on the religion of their nature, i.e., Islam.

Way to nitpick my point without actually addressing it though. :lol


Himuro said:
Can we close this thread now? This thread is a trainwreck and 95% of it is ganging up on Risky Chris and RC just not backing down. AT ALL. instead of discussing the issue.

Honestly without getting to much into this discussion, I feel that this thread will be a dead end road. From reading some of Risky Chris's previous post it is very clear that RC is very opinionated and will not back down when he has made up his mind on an idea, and I respect the will to fight till end. But without a firm rule being made, or a solid discussion being formed this thread will probably devolve into slandering RC.
besada said:
I wonder when people who are entirely used to words being banned on this forum will stop making this stupid argument. This is a private forum that bans a number of words and phrases. RC is simply trying to get a class that's already mentioned in the FAQ the same protection other classes, such as race, gender, and orientation.

You know I figured the logic was a slam dunk and not particularly "super opinionated RC style prosthelytizing" but I should've known better.


Zefah said:
Obviously sexual orientation isn't a choice either. Religion definitely is, though.
But where is the line between sexual orientation (as in one's personal feelings, thoughts and emotions), and the actions/choices they make because of their sexual orientation (i.e. having same-sex relations)?

i.e. Is it wrong to call a gay person a 'faggot' (because they didn't choose to be gay), but it's okay to call them a 'fudge packer' (because they choose to have sex with members of the same sex).

I would ask a similar question, asking for the distinction between someone who is transgendered, and someone who chooses to go on hormone therapy because they are transgendered.


I just don't see how the word tranny is derogatory, i can see dickgirl or shemale but even then it's not that big of a deal. Tranny is just short for transexual.
Calantus said:
I just don't see how the word tranny is derogatory, i can see dickgirl or shemale but even then it's not that big of a deal. Tranny is just short for transexual.

I don't see how homo is derogatory, it's just short for homosexual.

You see, the rub lies in how the victim perceives it and how historically the word has been used. Those are your litmus tests of offensive speech.


besada said:
I wonder when people who are entirely used to words being banned on this forum will stop making this stupid argument. This is a private forum that bans a number of words and phrases. RC is simply trying to get a class that's already mentioned in the FAQ the same protection other classes, such as race, gender, and orientation.

Talk about stupid argument, I'm just trying to point out the focus should be more on the poster making hateful postings regardless of the exact content. Might be more effective for the mods than trying to run down every use of a particular word.

But I guess suggest a FAQ change is fucking silly in a thread suggesting a FAQ change, eh?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Gaborn said:
Your point was addressed by others. I'm still trying to figure out why you threw in religion. It seems to me the parallels between religion and transsexualism are obvious and clear cut assuming you believe being TG is a choice.

Being a transexual is not a choice, but undergoing the process is.

Nitpicking and irrelevant, I know :lol


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
RiskyChris said:
When am I always acting like a mod? Is this not worthy of debate by the members of the forum? It's going to affect more change than just talking to a mod.
I'm just saying that I'd personally bug the mods about it privately and leave it there, since they're pretty good about making public statements and smacking down idiotic behavior.


besada said:
I wonder when people who are entirely used to words being banned on this forum will stop making this stupid argument. This is a private forum that bans a number of words and phrases. RC is simply trying to get a class that's already mentioned in the FAQ the same protection other classes, such as race, gender, and orientation.

I don't see how it's a stupid argument. I understand it's a private forum and they can ban whatever words they want, and to use said forums I have to comply. I can deal with that, I comply with things I don't agree with all the time in order to enjoy the benifit of other things. What would be wrong with there being a rule for being respectful to other people? How's that for a rule? It would probably be more useful than banning a long list of words...
mattiewheels said:
I'm just saying that I'd personally bug the mods about it privately and leave it there, since they're pretty good about making public statements and smacking down idiotic behavior.

Plenty of people don't even know the word is perceived as offensive by the trans community, a public thread and discussion is good for helping spread the word.

I don't want to smack down idiots, hell I don't even pretend to suggest that everyone who uses this word is an idiot. Many just are unaware of the implications of their speech. I would like people to come to these conclusions themselves instead of having big daddy come down on them like a ton of bricks.


Bitmap Frogs said:
Being a transexual is not a choice, but undergoing the process is.

Nitpicking and irrelevant, I know :lol

Either way, religion IS a choice, and race isn't, and both are protected and DESERVE protection, so being TG or transsexual doesn't BECAUSE...

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Gaborn said:
Either way, religion IS a choice, and race isn't, and both are protected and DESERVE protection, so being TG or transsexual doesn't BECAUSE...

Not true.

If you are a born Muslim in Saudi Arabia religion is not a choice. As long as live there, at least.


I don't see the big deal to be honest.

It might be because I'm one of those weird black guys that thinks everyone should be able to say the n word, or no one at all. And I'd rather keep using it myself so a free for all sounds pretty good.

I also get harassed on the street frequently, called gay/homo and laughed at, etc for the way I look/dress. Ironically, all the racial abuse I've endured has been through black people, who maybe don't see me as black enough. Maybe I've just got thicker skin, I dunno.

I do know that haters gonna hate.


At the end of the day, you can't tell people what to do and what to think. All you can do is not hang out with them. This forum is more accepting of the transgender issues than pretty much any other place I've seen. Just because we make fun of tranny-surprise doesn't mean that we don't support those issues (or care one way or another).

They are just words, and while some may be so sensitive as to take offense at just words, it is rarely used for the purpose of offense. Here, at least. And when there is intended cruelty, that cruelty is what must be dealt with. No innocents should be put in the crosshairs by accident or proximity. I'm offended that you are trying to turn me (and others) into a monster for things I didn't think because you are reading contempt into words I didn't mean.

Let's face it. The word "tranny" is funny and it conjures up a funny image. So does "ladyboy". They've been used in comedy for, like, ever. Laughing at Alan Patridge's love of ladyboys doesn't mean I want to oppress an entire group of people. I can make the distinction between play and serious, and in a forum that fawns over violent videogames, I would hope you can too.

I don't have the energy or the desire to be politically correct. I don't want to watch every word coming out of my mouth and worry if that is going to offend someone. So the end result is that I would rather offend you than live in fear of offending you.


Bitmap Frogs said:
Not true.

If you are a born Muslim in Saudi Arabia religion is not a choice. As long as live there, at least.

No, you do have a choice in Saudi Arabia. The other choice is death, but it's still a choice. You still understand what I'm saying.
Sqorgar said:
Let's face it. The word "tranny" is funny and it conjures up a funny image. So does "ladyboy". They've been used in comedy for, like, ever. Laughing at Alan Patridge's love of ladyboys doesn't mean I want to oppress an entire group of people. I can make the distinction between play and serious, and in a forum that fawns over violent videogames, I would hope you can too.

I don't have the energy or the desire to be politically correct. I don't want to watch every word coming out of my mouth and worry if that is going to offend someone. So the end result is that I would rather offend you than live in fear of offending you.

I don't live in fear of anything. Do you not moderate you behavior in plenty of other countless, maybe subconscious ways to not offend the hell out of everyone? It's just a word, it doesn't take much effort to expunge it from your vocabulary.


As much of a cluster-f as this thread is, I'm glad it's still open, because I think that any discussion on the topic is better than none.

I'm just about to leave, so I can't say much, but there is one thing I wanted to mention, something that has legit bothered me in these latter pages of the thread: can we please stop with the "men who become women aren't real women" thing?

Somebody who was born as a male physically, but who is mentally and emotionally a woman, can never truly become a woman, no matter how many hormones they take, how much surgery they get, how much money they spend, or anything else. Until sciences comes up with some amazing new breakthrough in technology, or until magical wishes are finally granted, no matter how many steps a person takes they can never fully change what they were given by nature.

And you know who is aware of that the most? That person. Every single day, of every single week, of every single month, of every single year of their life, they wake up in the morning and go to bed at night knowing that. Unlike becoming rich, or landing that dream job, or marrying a hot porn star, or whatever else, the thing they want most in life can never, ever truly be realized. There is never a point of "I'm done, I'm who I really am supposed to be now"; the only point they'll ever reach is "at least now I feel more comfortable in my own skin than I did before."

So please, I wish we could get over that argument. Transgender people who transition aren't delusional or kidding themselves; they know they aren't biological women, and they never will be. They'll never be able to experience some of the things that real women do, they'll never be able to fully find acceptance and just blend into society like real women do. Their main hope, their goal, is to at least be able to live a life where they don't want to slash their wrists and end it all because their physical side and their mental/emotional side are so incompatible with one another. All they want is to at least be accepted as a woman, even if they know, and everybody else knows, who they were in the past. That isn't meant as any offense to genetically-born women, it isn't meant to take anything away from them or at all diminish their own worth and value as women.

It's not a question of asking you to accept the fact that a few surgeries can turn a man into a women, it's asking you to just have enough respect for the person to accept them for who they are now and not constantly remind them of who they once were.

(And, of course, this goes for the other way [female to male] as well.)

Edit: Oh, and for the comments of "transitioning is a choice"... when the choice is undergoing something that is painful, expensive, and which may end up alienating you more in society, or killing yourself because you cannot go on any longer in a situation where it is absolutely impossible for you to have even a small amount of happiness, I don't know that that's really much of a "choice".


Fixed1979 said:
I don't see how it's a stupid argument. I understand it's a private forum and they can ban whatever words they want, and to use said forums I have to comply. I can deal with that, I comply with things I don't agree with all the time in order to enjoy the benifit of other things. What would be wrong with there being a rule for being respectful to other people? How's that for a rule? It would probably be more useful than banning a long list of words...

:lol :lol The first NPD after a rule like that would be EPIC.


What I don't understand, is that if gender is a purely societal construct, then isn't gender a choice?

Societies roles for men and women have changed, even in my lifetime. Allot of people don't follow the "rules" set out by society, they are clearly making a choice to live how they want and not be defined.

I cook far more often than my wife, and am a better interior decorator... am I transgendered? Or just an individual?

She will often say things like "taking out the trash is a mans job" or doing the laundry is "her job". I really don't think I was born with a predisposition to garbage hauling anymore than she was born with a special talent for laundry.

We have to divide the chores somehow, and I really don't care one way or the other, but to me gender and gender roles seem like such an outdated concept.

If someone is insulting you for the way you choose to live your life, you can either ignore them or insult them back.

Banning words is for pussies IMHO.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
DR2K said:
It's still a choice.

The word choice is insufficient to the point is no longer accurate to describe the situation.

Short coffe or long coffe for breakfast is a choice.

Not being able to see your family ever again, step into the house you were born and raised not visit your friends is not at the same level.

Not a choice anymore.


Flo_Evans said:
What I don't understand, is that if gender is a purely societal construct, then isn't gender a choice?

Societies roles for men and women have changed, even in my lifetime. Allot of people don't follow the "rules" set out by society, they are clearly making a choice to live how they want and not be defined.

I cook far more often than my wife, and am a better interior decorator... am I transgendered? Or just an individual?

She will often say things like "taking out the trash is a mans job" or doing the laundry is "her job". I really don't think I was born with a predisposition to garbage hauling anymore than she was born with a special talent for laundry.

We have to divide the chores somehow, and I really don't care one way or the other, but to me gender and gender roles seem like such an outdated concept.

If someone is insulting you for the way you choose to live your life, you can either ignore them or insult them back.

Banning words is for pussies IMHO.


I feel your pain on the cooking part. She keeps talking about wanting to cook more, yet somehow it still me in front of the grill or behind the skillet or throwing the broiling pan in the oven. Yeesh.


RiskyChris said:
I don't live in fear of anything. Do you not moderate you behavior in plenty of other countless, maybe subconscious ways to not offend the hell out of everyone? It's just a word, it doesn't take much effort to expunge it from your vocabulary.

So we definitely need to stop using the word pedo because it's offensive to pedophiles.


Fixed1979 said:
I don't see how it's a stupid argument.

Because it's predicated on the idea that GAF is suddenly going to radically alter its FAQ and get rid of the already extant language bans, which isn't going to happen. The reality is that GAF bans certain kinds of language. If that's too upsetting for people, there are other forums available that will allow you to call people all sorts of names.

I'd like to note here that "tranny jokes and insulting remarks" are already bannable offenses listed in the FAQ.
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