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Clover Studio Dissolution

ram said:
ergh...okami isnt out till spring 2007 ine urope. **** capcom for beeing such lazy dicks. and not to mention god hand, which will be also released in spring 2007.
Apparrently only homeland sales count.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
ram said:
ergh...okami isnt out till spring 2007 in europe.

How convenient for you. Sure Europe, you didn't really do anything bad to Clover Studios, but if you really think about it, you didn't do anything good for them either. You share the blame just as much as Himuro.


I helped.

I bought Viewtiful Joe. Twice.

Didn't buy anything else, though. Might buy Okami at some point, still not sold on the paintbrush.


InsertCredit said:
Devving niche games means ****ing yourself?
In this market? Yeah, pretty much. Also, in the case of VJ, devving games which are terrible (which are, as I said, all I've played, none else being released and all).

Of course, sometimes niche leads to bigger and better things, so the only tragedy is we'll never know. An example - Team ICO makes ICO, turd, not fun, wouldn't have cared if they'd died. Team ICO then makes SOTC. Awesome, original, awesome. Still has its own style, but clearly developed to cater more to the masses (as they admit in the making of movie).

Thats called good business.


BocoDragon said:
How convenient for you. Sure Europe, you didn't really do anything bad to Clover Studios, but if you really think about it, you didn't do anything good for them either. You share the blame just as much as Himuro.



I just bought Okami yesterday and started playing tonight. How sad this is...

Okami is just damn surreal to take in. Long live Clover.


Mejilan said:
In all seriousness, a Wii port of Okami would be a great fit. Nintendo's usual audience would lap it up, graphically they could do wonders, and "painting" with the wiimote could be absolutely amazing.

"A happy little bush here. A happy little tree there..." Etc.

Word is, it'll never happen.


The setup was never going to work -- Capcom starts up a studio to make purely original titles, original titles which have no chance to sell anything like the constant sequels to high profile IP that Capcom churns out at HQ. But the numbers are still being compared on paper by the guys in charge, and of course Clover is gonna look inefficient.

I'm sure the talent will stay in the industry, but it's a sad day when originality is so blatantly shunned.


force push the doodoo rock
cvxfreak said:
Word is, it'll never happen.

Well, thing is now we dont know that for sure. I'm sure the reasoning was because of the lack of sales and the easiest way for capcom to recoup some of their loses is to release it on the Wii.


Has no PEINS
cvxfreak said:
For the record, I'll go on to state that I don't think this is as bad as it may seem. Kamiya did not magically become innovative or stylistic because he was suddenly at Clover. He still created RE2, DMC and VJ at Capcom proper. If Clover Studios never existed, Okami still would have been created. Mikami also... he created something like God Hand, but like P.N. 03 he still would have created it at Capcom itself. (Let's ignore that Clover was a part of Capcom anyway, de facto.)

Capcom's games are the type that don't really rely on the actual developers but more so on the actual thinkers that initiate the projects. If Kamiya gets his next big idea, it's going to get made.
That's a good point but what's so depressing is just the fact that Clover represented a single collective entity where all those awesome thinkers put their heads together and came up with some great stuff. You're right that the individuals will still be around the the great games will still be made, but Capcom slicing up the embodiment of some of the best thinkers in the industry is what's most disturbing here


force push the doodoo rock
Kobun Heat said:
Okay, this is what I just posted. Anybody who's better than me at reading financial statements in Japanese please see if I've gotten anything grossly wrong.


Basically, it seems to me as if they're just bringing everybody from Clover back into the Capcom fold, so as to streamline development processes. It's not like everybody's fired.

...is it?

Isn't that what dissolved means?

Mr Toast

What were all of their games?

Viewtiful Joe 1, 2, Red Hot Rumble, Okami and GodHand?

Did they have anything to do with Killer7?

This better not mean we dont get a PAL port of Okami. Worst news ever if true :(
sp0rsk said:
Isn't that what dissolved means?
I thought they were just killing Clover, the seperate entity, and bringing the teams back into Capcom. That's what all the language about "making development more efficient" etc. seemed to mean.


Jealous Bastard
then it is true.


"god is dead."

...i'm wearing black today.

White Man

Kobun Heat said:
Okay, this is what I just posted. Anybody who's better than me at reading financial statements in Japanese please see if I've gotten anything grossly wrong.


Basically, it seems to me as if they're just bringing everybody from Clover back into the Capcom fold, so as to streamline development processes. It's not like everybody's fired.

...is it?

As crass as it is, I don't think we particularly care if anyone has lost their jobs. We are just concerned that the unique style of Clover has been deemed unprofitable and shelvable.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Kobun Heat said:
I thought they were just killing Clover, the seperate entity, and bringing the teams back into Capcom. That's what all the language about "making development more efficient" etc. seemed to mean.

That's probably Engrish for "your ass is fired".


The thing is, even if the entirety of the studio is being fully merged back into Capcom proper, I can't see that they'll have the same level of autonomy as they did at Clover Studio. So it's still a really big loss.
White Man said:
As crass as it is, I don't think we particularly care if anyone has lost their jobs. We are just concerned that the unique style of Clover has been deemed unprofitable and shelvable.
Is that really what's going on here, though? Maybe Capcom just figured it didn't make any sense to be running a totally seperate company with its own financials and board of directors and shit when all they did was make Capcom games.

For all this press release says on it, there might still be a Clover Studio after March, but it just won't be its own seperate kabushiki kaisha.


If they're bringing the people back in, who knows, maybe RE5 will be a cel-shaded 2.5D sidescrolling beat-em-up.

In other words,


No one has bee fired. And the "unique" concept of Clover wasn't just DEEMED unprofitable, it was proven unprofitable. They had enough years to prove otherwise, and they didn't. :p


ethelred said:
The thing is, even if the entirety of the studio is being fully merged back into Capcom proper, I can't see that they'll have the same level of autonomy as they did at Clover Studio. So it's still a really big loss.
Well, remember the explosion of creativity the Sega studios had in the DC era, when they were semi-autonomous? And then Sega merged some and re-absorbed a few others into the mothership... compare their output before and after that shakeup.


Such a shame. Even though I didn't think that highly of Okami (didn't even consider getting God Hand), it's pretty easy to see that they had talent.
..... 0_o

I bought 3 Viewtiful Joe games, all VERY good - I especially enjoyed Joe on DS.... which remains one of the high points for DS achievement in my book.

I will be purchasing Okami - that puts my total up to 4. 4 Clover games out of... let's see:

Viewtiful Joe 1
Viewtiful Joe 2
Viewitful Battle FX or whatever they called it
Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble

Did I miss anything?

I will miss Clover, a lot. I hope that for Mikami, this is the last straw and he finally defects from Capcom and runs into the loving arms of Miyamoto and Nintendo. Mikami should bring Kamiya and Inaba with him.

Capcom sucks!


Striek said:
In this market? Yeah, pretty much. Also, in the case of VJ, devving games which are terrible (which are, as I said, all I've played, none else being released and all).
Were you ever going to elaborate on how VJ was "terrible"?

Striek said:
Of course, sometimes niche leads to bigger and better things, so the only tragedy is we'll never know. An example - Team ICO makes ICO, turd, not fun, wouldn't have cared if they'd died. Team ICO then makes SOTC. Awesome, original, awesome. Still has its own style, but clearly developed to cater more to the masses (as they admit in the making of movie).

Thats called good business.
So catering to the masses makes something less "turd-like"? No wonder you don't like Clover. I bet you thought Okami sucked too.


beat said:
Well, remember the explosion of creativity the Sega studios had in the DC era, when they were semi-autonomous? And then Sega merged some and re-absorbed a few others into the mothership... compare their output before and after that shakeup.

Yes... that's exactly what I was thinking of when I was making that point. It's not an encouraging historical precedent.


Gaia Theory said:
I will miss Clover, a lot. I hope that for Mikami, this is the last straw and he finally defects from Capcom and runs into the loving arms of Miyamoto and Nintendo. Mikami should bring Kamiya and Inaba with him.

Capcom sucks!

Yeah I'm sure making Mario Party games will be right up Mikami's alley.

White Man

duckroll said:
No one has bee fired. And the "unique" concept of Clover wasn't just DEEMED unprofitable, it was proven unprofitable. They had enough years to prove otherwise, and they didn't. :p

It could've been a different story if they didn't put so much effort into Viewtful frickin Joe.


nooooooooooooo!!!! :( what a shame. what a goddamn shame. everyone, buy a copy of god hand. maybe there's hope.


So to everyone going "OH CAPCOM SUX LOLZ", etc. How exactly do you propose that Clover will survive in the next-generation? They've already been accumilating losses as a seperate company, and next-generation development will have even larger r&d costs. Capcom is the 100% shareholder in Clover, and they have shareholders of their own. Clover is considered a Capcom investment. As a responsible shareholder in the investment what do you propose they do? :p

Oh yeah, I forgot. This is the world where "WE DON'T CARE ABOUT BUSINESS, ORIGINALITY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!'. Sorry guys, harsh reality once again! :p
sp0rsk said:
Well, thing is now we dont know that for sure. I'm sure the reasoning was because of the lack of sales and the easiest way for capcom to recoup some of their loses is to release it on the Wii.
Yes, this makes sense, because they released it on a console with a 100 million+ installed user base and it didn't sell enough, so they should spend extra money to port it to a system with no user base whatsoever so far!


If you have the resources who made the multimillion sell like Kamiya or Mikami, It's for sure you won't let them die for creating games that sell 100k or less. I think God Hand is the big point for them to made this dicision. Or even okami which took around 3 years to finish with the sell of 145k in japan :/ . Just take them back to the main company and create good games with good sells. It's not like capcom games were suck. Business wise.
After VJ1 I was expecting them and Nintendo to have a long relationship, just seemed right.

Didn't they release PS2 games cause thats where the sales were gonna come from? And this still happens wtf, someone f*cked up.


duckroll said:
So to everyone going "OH CAPCOM SUX LOLZ", etc. How exactly do you propose that Clover will survive in the next-generation? They've already been accumilating losses as a seperate company, and next-generation development will have even larger r&d costs. Capcom is the 100% shareholder in Clover, and they have shareholders of their own. Clover is considered a Capcom investment. As a responsible shareholder in the investment what do you propose they do? :p

Oh yeah, I forgot. This is the world where "WE DON'T CARE ABOUT BUSINESS, ORIGINALITY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!'. Sorry guys, harsh reality once again! :p
As long as it's the same Capcom who made/making Dead Rising and Lost Planet, I personally don't see the problem with the re-merger.
All the best things in this indutry always goes to shit. Thank the idiots that buy nothing but roster updates and movie license games. :(


Still Tagged Accordingly
this blows and sucks.

welcome to the future of our industry where studios that develop creative and unique games get shutdown.


The whole point of the Clover subsidiary was to allow teams to have more autonomy and freedom to develop original IP ...which apparently didn't quite sell. (I do blame FF12 for burning out the 1.5million+ gamers for Okami's poor JP sales. Released within weeks of each other.)

So what does this mean? Well, simply that new ideas will now have to return to the formal approval chain. Recall how Lost Planet was not approved at first, but the team laboured in secret, then presented it again and gained unanimous approval.
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