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Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (Wii U/PS4/XBO/PC) info and screenshots


I have volunteered for OT creation, this time I intend to follow the structure and heavy Madueira art approach as my Darksiders II OT, but this time all in black & white.



That's your opinion then. Color Splash looks really really cool to me but I have no "OMGTYYDisdabesss!" nostalgia coloring every new release either. Not saying you do just that that's a popular sentiment.

Shit's expensive. Nordic ain't no AAA(A) publisher.

I hope color splash is good. I'm hoping.


5 hours into Darksiders on PC, really enjoying it.

Guess I'll stop and wait for this version though!


chromatic aberration..... Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Devs, for the love of all that's holy: STOP USING CHROMATIC ABERRATION! It seriously causes eye strain and headaches on top of it looking terrible. I'm not watching real life through a cheaply made lens and neither do I want to play games that mimic that effect.

What is Chromatic Aberration?


I was surprisingly happy with the cheap cash-in remaster of the 2nd game on PS4.
This one being 60fps is pretty much a no-brainer for me. :)

Astral Dog

Huh, I got Darksiders 2 from the humble bundle a while back for Wii U. Might get the Wii U version then since I didn't even start the second one. Isn't there like several titles on Wii U that's 1080p? Why is that a big deal to some?
Because no Wii U 1080p game with this level of detail, no Wii U 460/PS3 port that was upgraded to 1080p.

Other remasters/1080p games are simpler or come from the Game Cube.

Hell i expect some improvments, but still no 1080p.the Wii U has not shown its capable of that.


That CA is next gen as fuck.

I know roght its ugly as hell and takes away from the color and artstyle. Goddamn its annoying, like the new Bloom or whatever.

Thank god a lot of games patch a toggle in later, but for like Dying Light it came what 2 years later?

But it still happened! That patch made me a fan for life.


Do you guys think the wii u version will suck anus? In terms of performance

I'd think they'd drop to 720p if they couldn't do somewhat stable 30 at 1080. I mean, even the Wii U is no mystery box anymore. Just needs someone who knows what they're doing.


Ugh. Already have this on PC and PS3, and it's a damn good game, but I really don't want to buy it a third time. But if enough people don't buy it, then there won't be a true sequel and/or third game. Decisions, decisions.


Hilarious punny subtitle aside I hope a lot of Wii U users get this game because it's a very nice Zelda-esque title and in many ways quite better than the sequel.

It's basically an over the top and grittier Twilight Princess.


Heh, Warmastered. I can dig it.

What is Chromatic Aberration?

A visual effect where you see fringes of colors around edges. You'll probably barely notice it, but people online like to make it a big deal out of it for some reason. It's just another effect like bloom, or lens flare or color filters. i.e it can be overused but there's nothing wrong with in principle. 9 out of 10 times you can just disable it in the options anyway.


Hilarious punny subtitle aside I hope a lot of Wii U users get this game because it's a very nice Zelda-esque title and in many ways quite better than the sequel.

It's basically an over the top and grittier Twilight Princess.

I find this "darker than Zelda" narrative hilarious. Because it really isn't. Just lacks any and all light-heartedness aside from Mark Hamil's character (what's his face? Vergil?) making the occasional joke. The press loved this spin when it came out. Game's still fantastic though. Best thing about it that it has over Zelda is the high agility while climbing walls/vines.


Kind of looking forward to the imminent DF comparison videos. I most likely wont re-purchase it, but I do want to see the full extent of the changes.


Heh, Warmastered. I can dig it.

A visual effect where you see fringes of colors around edges. You'll probably barely notice it, but people online like to make it a big deal out of it for some reason. It's just another effect like bloom, or lens flare or color filters. i.e it can be overused but there's nothing wrong with in principle. 9 out of 10 times you can just disable it in the options anyway.

Look at the last page, here's two pics pointing it out. One from me.

See these colored outlines which make the image look blurry on its sides?


This is chromatic aberration.

Ah, okay. Honestly didn't notice it, thanks.
Kind of looking forward to the imminent DF comparison videos. I most likely wont war-purchase it, but I do want to see the full extent of the changes.

I'm curious about it, too. The first release was neat but I never got a chance to finish it.

On paper, the specs sound good. Really hoping for an option to turn on CA. Have not been able to think of a time where I've enjoyed chromatic ab. on anything that's used it- outside of some limited effects (maybe taking a hit while in a force shield or something?).


Jesus, of all things devs could learn from Bloodborne and they chose to copy the shittiest CA.

Other than that, highly recommend this game, as others have said. Had tons of fun with it 5 years ago.


With GOW seemingly abandoning its genre, this franshise might be the sole champion of its kind. So, buy it people. We need to keep the hack'n slashers alive.


God in glad they anonced the PC version. I wasn't sure since the first thread didn't mention it. Hope they do not introduce stuttering in this one.

It is probably amongst my top 5 Zelda game.


I'm hoping 21:9 Aspect ratio is included. Not sure how often those things are thought of when remastering but it wound up being in the Gears 1 remaster so here's to hoping. That CA is atrocious, hopefully it can be disabled in the options menu.
What is Chromatic Aberration?

It's a thing that happens when lenses don't properly align the waves of light, you get this aberration where one spectrum of light isn't aligned with the, uh, "opposite" spectrum of light, namely an apparent dislocation of red and blue. The kind of thing you pay two thousand dollars not to have in your photos.

It's a staple of old cheap lenses, and generally old photos/videos, so like all kinds of technological artefacts, some people come to find them endearing and meaningful. And, consequently, it becomes deeply ingrained in people's emotional and nostalgic reaction to imagery in general.

An example of a similar situation is field curvature, which many today think of as dat magical swirly bokeh.
Just bought this on PC and played about 3 hours of it. They'd better release this as a free upgrade like Bioshock Trilogy and Skyrim.

If those guys can do it, so should they.


Membero Americo
Okay, I was wondering if people were exaggerating about the CA because I was on my phone and couldn't see it clearly but now that I see the full size screens WOAH you guys where not kidding.

The chromatic aberration is off the damn charts.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Forgot how rough and artistically ugly the first Darksiders looked.

Darksiders 2 remains the better game. The story was disappointing but Death > War and the art and music were vastly improved. Plus there's that terrible final dungeon in the 1st game...


Forgot how rough and artistically ugly the first Darksiders looked.

Darksiders 2 remains the better game. The story was disappointing but Death > War and the art and music were vastly improved. Plus there's that terrible final dungeon in the 1st game...

I liked the first a bit more. it was more focused, and paced better. I loved the ambition of the second, but it felt like it bit off more than it could chew. It was a loot game, but not a very good one.
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