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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Plans for the week.

Meet up after work on Thursday. She's going to take me to a few places she really likes.

Saturday I'm taking her to Pasadena. We are gonna spend the day up there and then head back down to my home area. It's going to be a romantic day, I am going to go full fucking charm.
I don't think it was any one thing in particular, but she texted me saying she wants "space" after I asked her how her modeling shoot went (literally, my text was: "so how'd it go??"), so I figure things have been adding up.

We'll see if she wants to talk on Tuesday after class. I'm not going to bother getting in touch with her until then anyway.

I'm kind of annoyed by it but partly because I made an effort to be more outgoing with her because I'm naturally introverted, and that seems to have backfired spectacularly. Sometimes it feels like you just can't win :p

This girl is trouble mang. Been saying.

What about that other girl you went on a date with from the dating site?
If someone is going to cook for you it's just a matter of education to bring something as I see it. And if she was rude for no apparent reason and said she wants space, I think it's normal that he doesn't want to go to see any movie with her.

Honestly, I think he did fine, I'd have probably do the same if I was him. I think you are misunderstanding what the "nice guy" problem thing even mean, It doesn't mean "you behave like a nice human being therefore you're secretly an asshole".

Conspiracy theory. She's a poor student thats struggling finacially and modeling might not have been modelling and she does not want to discuss it. Hence wanting space when asked.

I do know what "nice guy" means and its been discussed at length in the topic. Nothing to do with being an asshole but disengenoius with intentions.

Anyway, lots of girls in the world no need to get hung up on this one.


I've read this thread at times in the past, but I've never had anything to post about until now. After months of self improvement, I finally got my self confidence (or whatever approximation of that I have) to a point where I convinced myself to try online dating. As a result I've been texting with a girl who I'm interested in and seems interested in me. It feels good, and exhilarating, but I'm also quite nervous. Anyway, schedules didn't work out that we could have met up this past weekend, but we texted a lot instead, and now I want to ask her to go out this coming weekend (she lives an hour away so planning something during the week might be harder) while it feels like we've got momentum going.

Unfortunately, I am getting inside my own head and probably way overthinking things. I figure it would be best to start with a more casual setting like coffee, or a more laid back restaurant where we can talk and get to know each other (as opposed to a fancy, romantic restaurant which I think would seem a bit forward). But I figure if I'm offering to take her out, I should go somewhere near her, and I'm not that familiar with the dining establishments near there (plus I'm going back and forth on whether certain places seem cheap as opposed to casual).

Would it be a faux pas to ask her out and ask her if she would prefer coffee or lunch/dinner, and then ask if she knew of a good place near her? On the one hand, it would give her the option to go to a place she likes, but it also kind of feels like passing the buck on making a decision. Or should I just look up coffee shops and restaurants online, pick a place that sounds interesting (one of each I guess), and then when suggesting a location mention that I would also be interested if she knew of a good place to go instead?
I've read this thread at times in the past, but I've never had anything to post about until now. After months of self improvement, I finally got my self confidence (or whatever approximation of that I have) to a point where I convinced myself to try online dating. As a result I've been texting with a girl who I'm interested in and seems interested in me. It feels good, and exhilarating, but I'm also quite nervous. Anyway, schedules didn't work out that we could have met up this past weekend, but we texted a lot instead, and now I want to ask her to go out this coming weekend (she lives an hour away so planning something during the week might be harder) while it feels like we've got momentum going.

Unfortunately, I am getting inside my own head and probably way overthinking things. I figure it would be best to start with a more casual setting like coffee, or a more laid back restaurant where we can talk and get to know each other (as opposed to a fancy, romantic restaurant which I think would seem a bit forward). But I figure if I'm offering to take her out, I should go somewhere near her, and I'm not that familiar with the dining establishments near there (plus I'm going back and forth on whether certain places seem cheap as opposed to casual).

Would it be a faux pas to ask her out and ask her if she would prefer coffee or lunch/dinner, and then ask if she knew of a good place near her? On the one hand, it would give her the option to go to a place she likes, but it also kind of feels like passing the buck on making a decision. Or should I just look up coffee shops and restaurants online, pick a place that sounds interesting (one of each I guess), and then when suggesting a location mention that I would also be interested if she knew of a good place to go instead?

Welcome to the world of online dating!

Always have a plan for the first date. I like to go to a poppin' locale with options. Can we get a drink there? Is there a cool store to walk around? A park to sit at?

My rule for dating is: Make the other person as comfortable as possible. This means- always having a plan, conversation topics, a smile on your face, offers to help, opening the door for them, asking them questions.

So, have a plan. Ask her to a spot. If she doesn't like your idea, suggest something else, and rinse and repeat. Coffee is a great idea, but if she's driving an hour, have a couple things lined up. Putt-putt and ice cream? Lunch and a show? Batting cages and go-carts?

Just think of what you want to do and then invite her along. No need to get in your head at this phase (I can't listen to my own advice). Just be yourself and let the chemistry fairies take care of the rest.

You just hopped back into dating. The chances of this girl being the one is small. Play it by ear, respect yourself and the other person, and keep looking always with your chin up. Have fun!

PS: Blow up that notion of approximated self-confidence. I know you're just being a goofball, but talk to yourself in the manner you want people to hear you, and it'll become a part of who you are eventually.


I have to say, i just really need something to happen for me in these times. It is such a completely bizarre feeling, like i go out with maybe, only 2 friends i might have from work time and again, and finally reveal to them how fucked i feel, and the best they got is just 'be yourself man it will come'. Like, i try to follow the 'dont say no rule' and just do shit, but the thing with that is you need things to say yes to or they might as well dont exist. So im basically like 'yeah im 33 and only been on 2 dates with the same girl and it was a nightmare' bullshit after a few beers, and of course at that point im just like 'good job loser its a pity party again', and the best people got is to show you videos and photos of literally smoking hot girls they just dated a week ago. Like my immediate reaction is like 'how they hell they pull that off', might as well be rocket science. And the fucked up thing that makes me a weird mess is the guy showing this shit off also is complaining they have it so hard. It really is a nightmare i cant escape from.

People have it so easy with this shit. I mean ive been working out hardcore, i eat and dress well, have my own place, basically check the boxes i am supposed to check but cant overcome the personality/mental issues. I mean i actually can look in the mirror now and think i look good, which must mean a lot cause my negative self image is through the roof. I am such a broken state of affairs i am having a real hard time coping. I mean i know what i guess i would have to do, but just cant. I spent my teenage years with suicide attempts and mental institutions and now im just left a broken person that nobody gives a shit. And a fucking 33 yr old virgin, might as well be a freak of nature. it is really hard to keep moving forward. Im not expecting anyone to give a shit i just felt the need to vent and type it out. I do this like 2 times a year on GAF. neverending nightmare.


Welcome to the world of online dating!

Always have a plan for the first date. I like to go to a poppin' locale with options. Can we get a drink there? Is there a cool store to walk around? A park to sit at?

My rule for dating is: Make the other person as comfortable as possible. This means- always having a plan, conversation topics, a smile on your face, offers to help, opening the door for them, asking them questions.

So, have a plan. Ask her to a spot. If she doesn't like your idea, suggest something else, and rinse and repeat. Coffee is a great idea, but if she's driving an hour, have a couple things lined up. Putt-putt and ice cream? Lunch and a show? Batting cages and go-carts?

Just think of what you want to do and then invite her along. No need to get in your head at this phase (I can't listen to my own advice). Just be yourself and let the chemistry fairies take care of the rest.

You just hopped back into dating. The chances of this girl being the one is small. Play it by ear, respect yourself and the other person, and keep looking always with your chin up. Have fun!

PS: Blow up that notion of approximated self-confidence. I know you're just being a goofball, but talk to yourself in the manner you want people to hear you, and it'll become a part of who you are eventually.

Thanks for the tips. I guess my problem with the "just be yourself" bit is that those kind of date activities aren't the kinds of things I would go out and do an a free weekend, except if my goal is to spend time with someone, at which point I'm more interested in what they would rather do. I would definitely be up for it if I was hanging out with someone and they suggested something some of those activities you mentioned, but they wouldn't be the kinds of things that I would particularly seek out. And for things I want to do, I don't much think "you want to come over and watch me play video games?" is a good first date activity. But either way, you've given me some ideas to mull over.

And yeah, I'm trying not to get my hopes up that this girl is going to be the one. I feel like I'm mostly taking a somewhat realistic approach of "this is probably (statistically) not going to work out in the end, but I'm still going to try my hardest, and hope for the best." And even if things don't work out, it will be a learning experience. But I'm still going to be super bummed if it's over before it really begins. At least that's what I'm telling myself on a logical level; my emotions are another story. But I'm trying to keep that in check at least.

As for self-confidence, I've been working on it a lot, and I'm much better off than I was. I was mostly exaggerating, but it's also not something that I expect will just be fixed overnight. I know "fake it 'til you make it" is the conventional wisdom, but I'm not much for false bravado. Especially since it rings hollow to talk confident if it's not backed up by actions. But I'm taking steps toward pushing myself out of my comfort zone (slowly), in more ways than just dating, and I can see some real improvements, but I've still got a long way to go. But in the meantime, self-deprecating humor is sort of my fallback, I just try to steer clear of self-pity.


Well, one wants to gain more but has trouble gaining just due to genetics, and the other wants to gain more but she has Crohns so it's like double hard mode since her colon doubles her over in pain if she tries to eat anything more than unbreaded chicken thighs. So technically also genetics. and once again, they're both really really short.

either way it was supposed to be an example of how large my cabeza is, not really inviting remarks on the size of my friends.

I'm not trying to be rude, just that they are super small and no one should be jealous of them... I mean, they're even trying to gain weight! Since many people are overweight, they tend to not realize that chronically underweight have their own sets of problems, just that the thin ones are "so lucky" they aren't fat. It's sort of weird when it comes down to it.

That first girl should get tested for hyperthyroidism though. An overactive thyroid causes just as much damage as an underactive one! Stupid sensitive thing it is.

My lady friend knows my dilemma. She said to just take it day by day and we'll cross that bridge (introducing her to my family) when it comes to that. That was 2 months ago. But I think it's coming to that now.

You're right about wanting to have my cake and eat it too. The annoying thing is, I could actually see myself living a happy life with this girl if my family were not a factor. Like both my parents had cancer 2 years ago and thank goodness nothing happened to them. (I sincerely mean that). But if, heaven forbid, they didn't make it I would probably not hesitate to just be with her with her right now. She's that great.

I was hoping to get my sister on my side about things first (that would make things easier) but I no longer think that will be possible.

This is probably going to should extremely rude, but why do you care so much about what your parents (hypothetically, I might add) think? Does their happiness/approval come before your own? Will they immediately disown you if you don't find a girl you approve of? Something really makes me doubt all that.

It's been 5 months, bro, it's time to make the decision of if this girl is worth it all, potential problems aside. Continuing it and not being exclusive at this point (when it seems like she wants more) is just selfish at this point.

I have to say, i just really need something to happen for me in these times. It is such a completely bizarre feeling, like i go out with maybe, only 2 friends i might have from work time and again, and finally reveal to them how fucked i feel, and the best they got is just 'be yourself man it will come'. Like, i try to follow the 'dont say no rule' and just do shit, but the thing with that is you need things to say yes to or they might as well dont exist. So im basically like 'yeah im 33 and only been on 2 dates with the same girl and it was a nightmare' bullshit after a few beers, and of course at that point im just like 'good job loser its a pity party again', and the best people got is to show you videos and photos of literally smoking hot girls they just dated a week ago. Like my immediate reaction is like 'how they hell they pull that off', might as well be rocket science. And the fucked up thing that makes me a weird mess is the guy showing this shit off also is complaining they have it so hard. It really is a nightmare i cant escape from.

People have it so easy with this shit. I mean ive been working out hardcore, i eat and dress well, have my own place, basically check the boxes i am supposed to check but cant overcome the personality/mental issues. I mean i actually can look in the mirror now and think i look good, which must mean a lot cause my negative self image is through the roof. I am such a broken state of affairs i am having a real hard time coping. I mean i know what i guess i would have to do, but just cant. I spent my teenage years with suicide attempts and mental institutions and now im just left a broken person that nobody gives a shit. And a fucking 33 yr old virgin, might as well be a freak of nature. it is really hard to keep moving forward. Im not expecting anyone to give a shit i just felt the need to vent and type it out. I do this like 2 times a year on GAF. neverending nightmare.

Therapy can help anyone you know, professional help can get you through your social and personality issues. We really can't do much to help here, you seem to be doing stuff to make yourself more attractive, but yes, the way you get while you drink is likely scaring everyone away (friendships included). If you really get that way, maybe it's best to not drink? I mean I'm a horrible horrible bitch when I drink, so I just tend to... not to, it's not a big deal if you're around mature people.


Therapy can help anyone you know, professional help can get you through your social and personality issues. We really can't do much to help here, you seem to be doing stuff to make yourself more attractive, but yes, the way you get while you drink is likely scaring everyone away (friendships included). If you really get that way, maybe it's best to not drink? I mean I'm a horrible horrible bitch when I drink, so I just tend to... not to, it's not a big deal if you're around mature people.

well im like a teddy bear when i drink. Friendly to everyone. But yeah ive made it a rule to just not drink when im alone. Unfortunate all social situations involve drinking.


I'm not trying to be rude, just that they are super small and no one should be jealous of them... I mean, they're even trying to gain weight! Since many people are overweight, they tend to not realize that chronically underweight have their own sets of problems, just that the thin ones are "so lucky" they aren't fat. It's sort of weird when it comes down to it.

That first girl should get tested for hyperthyroidism though. An overactive thyroid causes just as much damage as an underactive one! Stupid sensitive thing it is.

Haha, I know it's hard for women who are underweight, and overweight, but I'm still jealous... Would love to be smaller than I am... sigh.

Sounds like you will be fine. Listen, its like you said, you have something most people wish we had at the moment, you can look in the mirror and say "hey I look pretty dang good", you "checked the boxes" for all the stuff people say you should. Independent, got a job, and probably not a loser in any regard.

If your whole goal or deciding factor of life success is going to be sex... I hate to tell you this but its not that special. Is it good, sure, but I will tell you straight up, your day to day life is still the same after.

It sounds like your physical areas are all a'ok, but like you said your mental and personal issues need to be taken care of as well. Having a girlfriend or sex friend isn't making that stuff go away. Also if after a few beers you think you are becoming insufferable or someone told you so, you definitely need to consider what your limits are on drinking or flat out refuse to drink any alcohol. I do it regularly, sometimes you just don't want to drink. Say it. Be adamant about it. Heck maybe a lady will think its cool that your taking a break. The world won't end if you say no to a drink. If people ask why, just be honest that your not great with drinking or just not up to it currently. It's more than ok to refuse to drink.


On my end... guys how do I get out of a birthday get together with the lady i've been trying to avoid. Shes not good for my mental health or attempts to meet other people. But I already said I would probably be free....


I have to say, i just really need something to happen for me in these times. It is such a completely bizarre feeling, like i go out with maybe, only 2 friends i might have from work time and again, and finally reveal to them how fucked i feel, and the best they got is just 'be yourself man it will come'. Like, i try to follow the 'dont say no rule' and just do shit, but the thing with that is you need things to say yes to or they might as well dont exist. So im basically like 'yeah im 33 and only been on 2 dates with the same girl and it was a nightmare' bullshit after a few beers, and of course at that point im just like 'good job loser its a pity party again', and the best people got is to show you videos and photos of literally smoking hot girls they just dated a week ago. Like my immediate reaction is like 'how they hell they pull that off', might as well be rocket science. And the fucked up thing that makes me a weird mess is the guy showing this shit off also is complaining they have it so hard. It really is a nightmare i cant escape from.

People have it so easy with this shit. I mean ive been working out hardcore, i eat and dress well, have my own place, basically check the boxes i am supposed to check but cant overcome the personality/mental issues. I mean i actually can look in the mirror now and think i look good, which must mean a lot cause my negative self image is through the roof. I am such a broken state of affairs i am having a real hard time coping. I mean i know what i guess i would have to do, but just cant. I spent my teenage years with suicide attempts and mental institutions and now im just left a broken person that nobody gives a shit. And a fucking 33 yr old virgin, might as well be a freak of nature. it is really hard to keep moving forward. Im not expecting anyone to give a shit i just felt the need to vent and type it out. I do this like 2 times a year on GAF. neverending nightmare.

I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh, but you've manufactured your own nightmare, bud.

I don't quite know how you intend to solve your problems when you're spending every day of your life trapped in your own head, which is apparently filled to the brim with irrational beliefs of not only yourself, but of the people around you. Take this whole "people have it so easy with this shit" shit. Care to point me in the direction of these people? Am I mistaken, or is this thread filled with countless posts from other guys facing dating troubles, too? So, what makes your case so different? What is it that polarizes you from everyone else in the world that fights the same fight as you do?

The answer to that question is that you've convinced yourself that you are on a different level of failure than anyone else, but that's not true at all. Lots of other men that are your age struggle just the same. Like you, they've allowed one challenging facet of their life define their happiness, and the pain they feel is excruciating to a degree that no message board post could properly describe. Just because those people aren't in your social circle or on your social media feeds doesn't mean they don't exist. So, stop pretending you're on an island. It's the biggest lie human beings could ever tell themselves.

Venting about this imaginary island of yours will solve nothing. The only purpose it serves is a means to bring you back here again with the same old story. And why? Because you'll have never saw through your self-made illusion of hopelessness. You'll just keep racking up more days of forfeit until you need to vent again. You're your own vicious cycle.

I think it's about time that you put the pity party down and start picking up some fucking pieces. It's not as daunting as your mind wants to make it out to be, either. You just need to learn where to start healing.

I can tell you where you shouldn't start, though... and that's with hinging your healing on women. What you need to do is heal for yourself. Find your trigger points. Discipline your mind. Filter your thoughts. Get to the bottom of some shit. And most of all, quit sitting around and allowing yourself to get frustrated just because you're late to the dating party. Everyone's late to something in life. We have our tribulations, and you have yours. It's not a fucking competition about who has it the worst. It's life, and we're all in this shit together.

So, snap out of this rut. Start the process. Quit looking at dating, relationships, and pussy as a magical cure-all for your pain. It's not. This is about you stepping out of that island and grabbing hold of your life again, so do it. And maybe then, you won't be back here with the same sad story anymore. You got this.


well im like a teddy bear when i drink. Friendly to everyone. But yeah ive made it a rule to just not drink when im alone. Unfortunate all social situations involve drinking.

All social situations may involve drinking (they don't) but that doesn't mean you have to drink. And you don't need to drink to the point of drunkenness or lost inhibitions. I am no fan of drinking...my family has a history of alcoholism and it contains a ton of empty calories. When I'm hanging out with friends, I have maybe one drink before switching to water. My friends don't give a shit.


I thought you had something good going? It's impossible to keep up to date with you.

She was very nice but I haven't heard from her in a few days now after our last date, just very short non-replies to my texts.
I assume she lost interest, odd considering she kissed me first etc. but it happens.

I'm just going from a date to a date.
Fantastically convenient date tonight. Got home from work, napped, and she showed up with a bottle of wine and cooked me dinner (although admittedly, I had the ingredients all ready and apportioned). And I helped.

Or rather, she showed up, we hooked up, and then she cooked me dinner before we had ice cream and watched a few episodes of Master of None.

(I kinda like her. But we'll see.)

Incidentally, she gave me jenlawrenceokay.gif about hooking up but not going all the way. Maybe I'm an aberration!
Are you only doing things for her because she is a girl? How many poor guys have you brought groceries for? You also considered inviting her to a movie and changed it "Im not going to invite her now, if shes going to be like that!"

Looks like nice guyism to me.

If a guy was gonna cook me dinner, sure, I'd buy the groceries. I've done that before, though I guess it was back in college. And I'm not really sure why I should still invite her to a concert if she thinks I'm crowding her. The whole point is if she thinks I'm trying to just buy my way into her pants then my only move is to stop paying for stuff. It's not a revenge thing.

This girl is trouble mang. Been saying.

What about that other girl you went on a date with from the dating site?
Yeah she probably is, just sucks I find her so attractive.

As far as the other girl, I'm seeing her again Wednesday night :)
No thank you I've made other plans. It's not difficult.

It is when either way I will end up in that area/place shes having her get together or her little after second party. Not a big city and I don't think skipping out on this weekend is an option either with her group or my usual one lol.

-sigh- I want to be nice but I also... kinda don't want to see or think about her ever again, but you know nicely.


After going on several dates with different women I've come away reeling a bit. I'm in the middle of me time/self improvements, but I'm also about 2-3 months out of my last relationship. I forgot how crappy dating can be haha.
OKCupid has a height filter, I thought everyone knew that. It's also in the free version because it's very demanded. Tinder doesn't but most women ask for height literally in the first message.

Anyway, someday I'll gather the courage to create a profile I guess, I just don't think I can at the moment. Too self-conscious for that.
I can say I don't experience this at all. I honestly can't remember the last time I was asked this.

I will say now I have a picture with Elijah Wood so it's pretty easy to figure out, but even before I was never asked.
Fantastically convenient date tonight. Got home from work, napped, and she showed up with a bottle of wine and cooked me dinner (although admittedly, I had the ingredients all ready and apportioned). And I helped.

Or rather, she showed up, we hooked up, and then she cooked me dinner before we had ice cream and watched a few episodes of Master of None.

(I kinda like her. But we'll see.)

Incidentally, she gave me jenlawrenceokay.gif about hooking up but not going all the way. Maybe I'm an aberration!
Hopefully she doesn't take that personally. As much as you may like her that could stick in her head. I say this strictly as someone who has no idea how she is. You're probably totally fine.

I need to get a Netflix sub again to watch Master of None season 2. I've heard amazing things.
Oh my god this Master of None First Dates episode.

This is like PTSD for me.

Hopefully she doesn't take that personally. As much as you may like her that could stick in her head. I say this strictly as someone who has no idea how she is. You're probably totally fine.

Oh, I am. You know, oral examinations and such. And if I'm not, I'm okay. I don't apologize for who I am. And anyway, she left me leftovers for lunch.

I'm also kind of tiring of dates (although tonight was actually really nice). Hooked up with 3 different girls in 3 days, and I got pasta out of it! That's winning. Besides, I'm probably in this Brazilian clique now, and GAF knows how I am with that.
I've read this thread at times in the past, but I've never had anything to post about until now. After months of self improvement, I finally got my self confidence (or whatever approximation of that I have) to a point where I convinced myself to try online dating. As a result I've been texting with a girl who I'm interested in and seems interested in me. It feels good, and exhilarating, but I'm also quite nervous. Anyway, schedules didn't work out that we could have met up this past weekend, but we texted a lot instead, and now I want to ask her to go out this coming weekend (she lives an hour away so planning something during the week might be harder) while it feels like we've got momentum going.

Unfortunately, I am getting inside my own head and probably way overthinking things. I figure it would be best to start with a more casual setting like coffee, or a more laid back restaurant where we can talk and get to know each other (as opposed to a fancy, romantic restaurant which I think would seem a bit forward). But I figure if I'm offering to take her out, I should go somewhere near her, and I'm not that familiar with the dining establishments near there (plus I'm going back and forth on whether certain places seem cheap as opposed to casual).

Would it be a faux pas to ask her out and ask her if she would prefer coffee or lunch/dinner, and then ask if she knew of a good place near her? On the one hand, it would give her the option to go to a place she likes, but it also kind of feels like passing the buck on making a decision. Or should I just look up coffee shops and restaurants online, pick a place that sounds interesting (one of each I guess), and then when suggesting a location mention that I would also be interested if she knew of a good place to go instead?

Women like decisive men, tell her where you are taking her. Start with a coffee shop date just to check each other out that the online persona matches the real person.

They also like to go somewhere they like to go.

Good middle ground is ask if she has any preference for a place. If not, pick something.
I'll PM it, but it's not filled it in yet. I'll look up other profiles and just copy and paste from those tomorrow, changing details to match me.

Getting an account not found.

And what's the point of doing this exactly? You were going to copy and paste other people's profiles and you think you'll get responses? Are you devoid of any personality? Do you just sit at home at wallow in self pity that you're ugly and you'll never have a relationship?

Your entire attitude is wrong my dude. Instead of saving up for surgery, use some of that money for therapy instead, because no amount of filling out cheekbones is going to fix the issues you have. .
Yeah she probably is, just sucks I find her so attractive.

As far as the other girl, I'm seeing her again Wednesday night :)

Yeah you know, just because someone is hot doesn't mean they don't suck ass. Think with your head and I don't mean the one between your legs.

This girl been bad news from the jump. All you have done since mentioning her is bitch and bitch about how she is this and that.

Just let go man, this aint the foundation of a good relationship. You know that. Focus your efforts elsewhere.

I need to get a Netflix sub again to watch Master of None season 2. I've heard amazing things.

I watched the first 4 episodes yesterday. Show is legit hilarious. And like real as fuck. Get on it. After watching 13 Reasons Why on the weekend this is like the perfect mix up.

Oh my god this Master of None First Dates episode.

This is like PTSD for me.

Bruh. I was fucking dying. Funniest most real shit.


Bruh. I was fucking dying. Funniest most real shit.

"Well they should make an app for that"
That = finding friends
. We've definitely had that conversation in either this or the Online Dating thread.

I feel like a schlub for having never worn a dinner jacket on a first date now...
"Well they should make an app for that"
That = finding friends
. We've definitely had that conversation in either this or the Online Dating thread.

I feel like a schlub for having never worn a dinner jacket on a first date now...

Ayyyyy Lmao. We have had many of the same conversatuons here that were in that episode




OKCupid has a height filter, I thought everyone knew that. It's also in the free version because it's very demanded. Tinder doesn't but most women ask for height literally in the first message.

Anyway, someday I'll gather the courage to create a profile I guess, I just don't think I can at the moment. Too self-conscious for that.
You can leave the height section blank.

Message girls shorter than you. If they bring up height and it's a dealbreaker, so be it. If you meet and you're taller than her and she doesn't care by how much and you win her over with your charming personality, then super!

I've never had anyone online ask me my height. Ever. And I am 5'6"(and a half!!)
Not him but this + I also play videogames and watch anime with schoolgirls in, this is enough right

I mean maybe do other things to up yourself? Like work out, redo your wardrobe, take up an activity? I love video games as much as the next guy but I can't form a convo over that with most women so yeah, I kind of do have to expand my interests and try new things.

I dunno, moping about being ugly is not helpful. If all you do is that plus gaming amd anime what exactly are you expecting to find out there?
I need a stuffed animal cow by Saturday. I need it by Saturday.

I was hoping for a cute cartoony one. Like the cows from harvest moon.



I need a stuffed animal cow by Saturday. I need it by Saturday.

I was hoping for a cute cartoony one. Like the cows from harvest moon.


Go to a department store or Toys R Us, look at the stuffed animals.

Also TIL (or YIL) that OKC has a height filter. Crazy! Still if you're a shorty there's plenty of other app options anyway.
I need a stuffed animal cow by Saturday. I need it by Saturday.

I was hoping for a cute cartoony one. Like the cows from harvest moon.


I stopped giving out those plush gifts as soon as I realised those positive sounding baby noises that came out the recipients mouth made no difference at all to the outcome of the dating. Do you think Johnny McSwing dick is rushing to give plushes because the person he was interested mentioned it in passing and he needs to show he listens to her every word?

This is one of the lessons I learned to get out of the nice guy territory.


Go to a department store or Toys R Us, look at the stuffed animals.

Also TIL (or YIL) that OKC has a height filter. Crazy! Still if you're a shorty there's plenty of other app options anyway.

there's an absurd amount of constrains for paid accounts. height, size, rating, it's like breh
I stopped giving out those plush gifts as soon as I realised those positive sounding baby noises that came out the recipients mouth made no difference at all to the outcome of the dating. Do you think Johnny McSwing dick is rushing to give plushes because the person he was interested mentioned it in passing and he needs to show he listens to her every word?

This is one of the lessons I learned to get out of the nice guy territory.

It is more of an in joke than anything. We have this thing going about how I am going to buy a pet cow since my parents moved to Wisconsin.

Personally I don't care what Johnny McSwing dick's strategies are, because I'm not him. He has his methods and I have mine.


I stopped giving out those plush gifts as soon as I realised those positive sounding baby noises that came out the recipients mouth made no difference at all to the outcome of the dating. Do you think Johnny McSwing dick is rushing to give plushes because the person he was interested mentioned it in passing and he needs to show he listens to her every word?

This is one of the lessons I learned to get out of the nice guy territory.

Oh don't be such a sourpuss, random gifts can be fun! Provided you're, like, in an actual relationship lol, otherwise you're right about the nice guy stuff xD

Though admittedly Mega's attitude that he NEEDS it by Saturday is a little weird... I honestly assumed he needed it for some weird/funny date idea, or maybe they're going to a donation event for kids or something. A gift didn't even cross my mind, for some reason, lol.

EDIT: whoops I'm apparently a little too late lol


no joke, if you have a local farm/landscaping place like Tractor Supply they might have plush farm animals. otherwise just check all the big box stores


This is probably going to should extremely rude, but why do you care so much about what your parents (hypothetically, I might add) think? Does their happiness/approval come before your own? Will they immediately disown you if you don't find a girl you approve of? Something really makes me doubt all that.

It's been 5 months, bro, it's time to make the decision of if this girl is worth it all, potential problems aside. Continuing it and not being exclusive at this point (when it seems like she wants more) is just selfish at this point.

I care about what my parents think not because their approval is important, but rather because I want them to get along with someone important in my life. It's a subtle, but important distinction. I see the way they treat my brother in law (like he's their son) and I want the woman I end up with to be treated just as well. It more that I don't want to put a girl I care about through any sort of unnecessary heartache because even though I don't need their approval, I'm unwilling to cut my parents out of my life. They've done too much good for me to treat them like that.

If I am going to be with someone who they don't approve of she needs to be very special to be worth all of the stress and aggravation of having them in the same room on a frequent basis. I'm not saying this girl is or isn't that person. I'm saying, I really don't know after 5 months.


I care about what my parents think not because their approval is important, but rather because I want them to get along with someone important in my life. It's a subtle, but important distinction. I see the way they treat my brother in law (like he's their son) and I want the woman I end up with to be treated just as well. It more that I don't want to put a girl I care about through any sort of unnecessary heartache because even though I don't need their approval, I'm unwilling to cut my parents out of my life. They've done too much good for me to treat them like that.

If I am going to be with someone who they don't approve of she needs to be very special to be worth all of the stress and aggravation of having them in the same room on a frequent basis. I'm not saying this girl is or isn't that person. I'm saying, I really don't know after 5 months.

Okay I get the first part, but after five months, other than your parents, what are your hangups on this relationship? Five months isn't a particularly long relationship, no, but is she wants to take it to the next level and you don't, there's something going on.

Is this really JUST about your parents? It's a problem easily rectified by having her meet them a few times (and again you're only *assuming* they won't like her right off the bat, you don't know for sure). Or are there additional issues you're not stating (or maybe even ignoring) that are causing your hesitation?

I mean it's fine to have hangups, but you need to be able to communicate those with the woman you're with. If you can't that's a problem all in its own.


I care about what my parents think not because their approval is important, but rather because I want them to get along with someone important in my life. It's a subtle, but important distinction. I see the way they treat my brother in law (like he's their son) and I want the woman I end up with to be treated just as well. It more that I don't want to put a girl I care about through any sort of unnecessary heartache because even though I don't need their approval, I'm unwilling to cut my parents out of my life. They've done too much good for me to treat them like that.

If I am going to be with someone who they don't approve of she needs to be very special to be worth all of the stress and aggravation of having them in the same room on a frequent basis. I'm not saying this girl is or isn't that person. I'm saying, I really don't know after 5 months.
What are these criteria that she doesn't meet? Religion? Skin color? Profession?
I care about what my parents think not because their approval is important, but rather because I want them to get along with someone important in my life. It's a subtle, but important distinction.

I just want to point out that these 2 things are not different. If your parents are not going to get along with someone you are dating (as in they are the source of the conflict) and that is reason for enough for you to call it quits with someone or search for someone whom you know they will like how is that not approval seeking?

There is nothing wrong if family is important enough to you that this matters. However what you wrote here isn't some adult way of making it seem like this isn't approval searching. It is. You haven't even introduced her to your family yet to see if she is causing conflict and you have already started thinking of how not to hurt anybody.

Those aren't the actions of someone who isn't seeking approval.


No girl, I bought your groceries because you're gonna cook for me and because you're poorer than I am

Kinda hoping you didn't actually say this (or anything like it) to her, it's a bit condescending despite good intentions

Women like decisive men, tell her where you are taking her. Start with a coffee shop date just to check each other out that the online persona matches the real person.

100% this
I think I found the one. Buckle up, mother fuckers
Don't get too excited, just chatting and will meet up in a couple days. If she looks like her photos, I may be in love. Don't laugh at me Vern.

That Master of None episode was on point. Also I need to move to Italy to meet a girl like Francesca.

Edit: goddamn, top of page?
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