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David Hayter not reprising his role as Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5? Statement


I asked earlier but I don't think anyone answered, who did Big Boss in MGS4 for the Japanese version, did they get someone different like we had or did the guy who did Snake do it also?

yes, they actually got real father of snake's VA (who is also a VA I think) to do it.
It's so weird that people think of David Hayter as some kind of rogue agent, bent on destroying Metal Gear from within. He's a voice actor. He reads the lines, and then if the people in charge don't like the way he does it they get him to do it again, differently. Admittedly, I don't have any inside sources at KojiPro, but I doubt Hayter was throwing Hollywood Diva tantrums and refusing to read the part any way but his own.

He's obviously capable of speaking with less gravel, but they didn't want him to. The voice changes over the games because so does Snake. He gets older, he changes his outlook on life. He smokes a million cigarettes and gets shot and blown up all day long. He turns into an old man because he's a genetically-engineered clone with an artificially-capped life expectancy. Surely you don't want microwave-corridor-crawling Old Snake to sound like relaxing-with-his-Huskie-team early-30s Snake?

Where are all these emotionally-charged lines of Snake's that Hayter is apparently flubbing anyway? The part where he says "Greargh LIQUID!" a million times in MGS4? The bit where Big Boss shifts around awkwardly as Eva tries to come on to him? The poor guy can only read what's on the page, and (I should mention that I say this as a die hard MGS fan) what's written on the page isn't great.


That's exactly what he sounds like throughout MGS3 to me, the exaggerated and cartoon-like intonation in that clip is pervasive in the entire game.
Maybe this was what the audio director wanted? Not so sure if you can blame it all on Hayter
I guess I agree with kojima on this one. As much as I'm attached to hayters voice work, it's not particularly good. It has to be said that the script he has to work with has never been in any way reasonable but at the same time, his deliveries are just hammy. Id be in favor of them going in a more serious direction with the acting, and if so, I do think they need a new lead.


Is it the absence of the american VA that's making people believe Solid Snake isn't in the game? Or is it Kojimas comments?

I can deal with a new VA but I'm definitely partial to Solid over any other character.


That's exactly what he sounds like throughout MGS3 to me, the exaggerated and cartoon-like intonation in that clip is pervasive in the entire game.

If I wanted to post his worst moment, I would have linked this video:


Stupid. Or any time he calls out to the Boss. Or any line he says, ever, in MGS3.

I've only really liked him in MGS1, post-MGS2 he actually negatively impacts my personal experience.

That's considered bad?

There's obviously a change after MGS1, but I think there's a lot of hyperbole.


How was Hayter in Twin Snakes? Weren't voices redone?
In my opinion, Twin Snakes was when Hayter's Snake started to become a parody of itself. His growling and exaggerated inflection were practically a caricature of the original MGS Snake, and it really bothered me.

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Blaustein's side of the story isn't to be taken as gospel. Chances are Kojima & Dolph had an issue with the nonsense fictional jargon he was making up.

He did pretty well given the circumstances.

Not many would go to the trouble of reading fiction books just for authentic dialogue. You were more than just a localiser.

Exactly, so this was not a case of translating words as much as it was original writing. I could have simply translated things and said I don't really care how the English sounds - it would have been a lot easier, but it would also have been a lot less good. Take the opening sequence for example. Snake asks "is this OSP?" Meaning "On Site Procurement". I totally made that up, you know. That's not a real term. But if you look online now, you will see it's popped up in other games, so I guess you could say that I permanently added a new military term to the lexicon. The Japanese was "genchi choutatsu" which, written in just 4 kanji, has a very concise, military feel to it, but I couldn't think of any way to transmit that same feeling to the English. A direct translation would have been something like "SNAKE: Will I be getting my weapons and equipment at the mission site?", but it had to sound like something Snake and the Colonel had been through before, something part of the plan. So I came up with that "OSP" thing and I think it really worked.
Wasn't he the one that made up ridiculous lines like Ocelot saying, "I love to slip a bullet into a well greased chamber"? I think I read that somewhere. He seems like a dynamite individual.

There's a reason why MGS1 has the most natural-sounding dialogue in the series. And it's not because Kojima's writing skills took a sudden nosedive.


Gold Member
I think this is a good thing, it was kinda wierd to hear him as old Snake in MGS4. His voice sounded way too young for the age of the character.
That's exactly what he sounds like throughout MGS3 to me, the exaggerated and cartoon-like intonation in that clip is pervasive in the entire game.

If I wanted to post his worst moment, I would have linked this video:


Stupid. Or any time he calls out to the Boss. Or any line he says, ever, in MGS3.

I've only really liked him in MGS1, post-MGS2 he actually negatively impacts my personal experience.

Really, you're linking to comedic scenes in the game. Truly a fair comparison. Definition of cherry picking right here.
I think the voice direction for every character has gotten more and more cartoon-ish and over the top with each game. Its not just Hayter.


King Snowflake
Voice Actor's voicing of a character always changes, even if the character is being voiced frequently for a very long time. Compare the early Simpson's voices to those 10 years ago and again to the voices today. It's not just due to the people themselves aging, it's due to the fact that voice actors are not perfect machines.
I love how polarizing every single thing ever has to be. Either Hayter is terrible, or the game is going to suck and not be Metal Gear without him.

I'm completely indifferent about it. I don't think either are true at all.
However... IF this is just to transition BB to his Richard Doyle voice going forward and when Solid Snake eventually shows up, he's voiced by Hayter, that's cool.


benevolent sexism
I love how polarizing every single thing ever has to be. Either Hayter is terrible, or the game is going to suck and not be Metal Gear without him.

I'm completely indifferent about it. I don't think either are true at all.

It's probably not actually as polarizing as it appears. People who don't care just aren't posting about it nearly as much.


I don't think this change has anything to do with Hayter's mild public criticism of MGS4's shit, cop-out ending. If so, why would they have continued using him in Peace Walker?

I think it's as simple as Kojima being willing to throw anybody under the bus for a more famous name.


I love how polarizing every single thing ever has to be. Either Hayter is terrible, or the game is going to suck and not be Metal Gear without him.

I'm completely indifferent about it. I don't think either are true at all.

I will miss Hayter, but still think this will be fuck awesome.


I don't think this change has anything to do with Hayter's mild public criticism of MGS4's shit, cop-out ending. If so, why would they have continued using him in Peace Walker?

I think it's as simple as Kojima being willing to throw anybody under the bus for a more famous name.

Youre basing this on what, though? TAPPY? Who else has Kojima thrown under the bus for a more popular name?


Youre basing this on what, though? TAPPY? Who else has Kojima thrown under the bus for a more popular name?

Well, this makes two, doesn't it? I'm basing it on casting a Hollywood star and not bothering to tell the original voice actor of 15 years about it. If this isn't all a misdirect of some kind. You can never be sure it isn't.
This and deep-sixing the original MGS theme really are a one-two punch of fuck, aren't they?

They've dropped the theme as well? Completely?


Personal theory based only on the Hayter situation and changed game design: Kojima was unhappy with the medium/long-term reception to MGS4, and has gone about making changes in a scattergun way, needlessly removing things that people still enjoyed along with things they didn't. Franchise fatigue or no, Hayter's voice and the central theme are iconic for the series.

Throwing the Hayter out with the bathwater?


Well, this makes two, doesn't it? I'm basing it on casting a Hollywood star and not bothering to tell the original voice actor of 15 years about it. If this isn't all a misdirect of some kind. You can never be sure it isn't.

I just dont feel like TAPPY was just dumped for a bigger name. MGS1 came out, saw great success, so he shot for a Hollywood guy for the next soundtrack because Kojima himself was always into Hollywood. I never took it as TAPPY being thrown under the bus but, like you say, we can never know for sure.

The Hayter thing, I dont know. Maybe Kojimas reasons are valid. I dont like jumping the gun and just blindly accusing him of ditching Hayter because Sutherland came along. Its not like Sutherland was never around before. And Im sure if Kojima wanted to use Hollywood types for the voice roles, he would have done so when the series was at the height of its popularity in 2001.

They've dropped the theme as well? Completely?

Theme was dropped due to legal issues because it bears some striking similarities to another piece.
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