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Dead Island 2 Announced (Yager/Deep Silver, UE4, Spring 2015)


I'm not sure why this game even exists. The first Dead Island was below mediocrity. Riptide was downright shitty.

Still, a very nice trailer. And I am willing to change my mind when game play surfaces.

Also, never forget:


seems to have very different tone, Dying Light is all serious, survival horror and grim isn't it? while these seems more fun light hearted vibe.

ignoring the gameplay, I prefer Dead Island 2 tone.
The first 2 werent really light hearted, this trailer seems to be a new direction for the franchise.


Gold Member
all i know is that whoever makes their trailers needs to be promoted.

seriously some of the best in the industry. the last dead island trailer was just as impressive.


Techland are really going all out with their Zombie titles. Dead Island 2 was a pleasant surprise so that's two new Zombie games to get.

Any news on Hellraid apart from the small bit of footage during Sony conference?
Both were rough round the edges, but neither were mediocre.

They're the definition of mediocre. They're average at best. The first game blew its load in the first stage after that it was a steady downhill decline. Quests are pointless and merely there to give you something to do. Characters were weak or downright laughable in terms of trying to appeal to our emotions (jin) or npcs that just stick around and do nothing after finishing their quests. Yea guys just sit around and do nothing, its not like theres a zombie outbreak-- oh wait. Game only really got any real press for being an open world zombie fps game with co-op. Yet it sold fairly well enough to get a sequel. People think its good because they had fun with it. I mean i had fun with it too at times but come on people should really take note of whats good or bad in a game.
They're the definition of mediocre. They're average at best. The first game blew its load in the first stage after that it was a steady downhill decline. Quests are pointless and merely there to give you something to do. Characters were weak or downright laughable in terms of trying to appeal to our emotions (jin) or npcs that just stick around and do nothing after finishing their quests. Yea guys just sit around and do nothing, its not like theres a zombie outbreak-- oh wait. Game only really got any real press for being an open world zombie fps game.

I was going to say "epitome of mediocre", but yeah this gets how I feel pretty much. And it wasn't "open world" per say.
I quite enjoyed the first one, even with all its flaws it was pretty fun, especially in Coop. Looking forward to seeing more of the game.
8 Player Co-op sounds very exciting! Yager developing this also piques my curiousity. Spec Ops may not have played well, but the way it presented its story was very interesting. Maybe we'll see a more harrowing side to a zombie outbreak? (Though the trailer would explicitly imply the opposite!)

Also, I'm pretty sure the other voice in the van was Troy Baker?


For all its faults, Dead Island was one of my greatest experiences last gen - but only because of the coop. I'd never play it alone, but with others it was absolute hilarity.

The end game super weapons really were icing on the cake. I had the super baseball bat, and I could send enemies flying ridiculous distances. The friends I was playing with could always tell where I was when they saw zombies rocketing into the sky.

To top it off, after watching the final boss's intended intimidating
, I smacked him with my uber-bat, the crazy physics kicked in, and he went flying into the side of a helicopter - literally one shotted. We had never laughed so hard in our lives, LOL!

What adds even more humor is the fact that larger enemies were immune to the weapon's ridiculous knockback - but not the final boss!


I loved both Dead Islands, not sure if another dev could do this justice.
Spec Ops was enjoyable though.


I played the first one on the PS3 once and then helped a friend with some quests too after beating the game. I also have the PC Edition to check it out but I never played Riptide.

Definitely interested in this one since Co-op can be great fun and melee was good in the past game, also loot! :)


This was the most surprising announcement for me, and I'm really looking forward to the next one, as I loved the previous entries. Hopefully having a new developer behind the game won't mean the series will change drastically.


Not at all hyped for dying light, but would love me some dead island 2. Earned every damn achievement in the first one. Riptide was decent but still enjoyed the first better.


Watching it for a third time,I just realized that he had bicep implants. Haha.

I've watched it 3-4 times and I have always focused elsewhere when that happens, too gross for me. Makes the "get the body you deserve" billboard even funnier though.
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