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Democratic Senators feeling trepidation towards HRC's declining poll numbers.

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All of the underestimation happening in this thread worries me. Trump brings out all the racist, angry, anti-establishment, gullible fucks in America. I'm cringing at the amount of people who smugly respond with "He'll lose, /shrug" or "it means nothing", etc etc. These are the same folks that discount Trump in the Primary, and were subsequently surprised that he kept winning states.

Even from the shitty source, it doesn't make it not an issue.

And even worse, what I keep seeing, even AFTER the primary is over, are people passive-aggressively treating dissenters with smug snipes, rather than helping them understand the facts, and learning to understand them yourself.

You are overestimating the straight white male racist vote.

Not saying people should be passive, just reasonable
All of the underestimation happening in this thread worries me. Trump brings out all the racist, angry, anti-establishment, gullible fucks in America. I'm cringing at the amount of people who smugly respond with "He'll lose, /shrug" or "it means nothing", etc etc. These are the same folks that discount Trump in the Primary, and were subsequently surprised that he kept winning states.

Even from the shitty source, it doesn't make it not an issue.

And even worse, what I keep seeing, even AFTER the primary is over, are people passive-aggressively treating dissenters with smug snipes, rather than helping them understand the facts, and learning to understand them yourself.

People firmly behind trump at this point aren't going tobchanhe their minds. There are a number of people that don't want to vote for either candidate that I would be willing to try and convince.
I would be worried if I was in her campaign. The gap has been shrinking, not because Trump is doing any better but because of increased negative attention on Hillary. I think the FBI decision to not recommend indictment after presenting a long list of things she did wrong has been really quite damaging as it feeds directly into the "Crooked Hillary" meme that she's corrupt and can get away with it. Not to forget that she's still under FBI investigation for the Clinton Foundation, which, regardless of what's found there will provide ammunition to Trump.

As much as "Shy Tory" is a phenomenon in the UK, you can bet "Shy Trump supporter" is a thing too and the race may potentially be closer than the polls indicate.

I would also be worried about the debates because as we've seen, Trump doesn't actually need to take them seriously and actually present coherent arguments and can still "win". The debates will be watched by millions of people which could either mean millions of people see Trump get schooled or see him walk all over her.

Bear in mind, Hillary's had several (at least three) long coughing fits during rallies in the primaries, if that happens on stage during a debate, well, it won't look good.

Lastly violence at RNC protests this week could be undermining for the Democrats as well.


All of the underestimation happening in this thread worries me. Trump brings out all the racist, angry, anti-establishment, gullible fucks in America. I'm cringing at the amount of people who smugly respond with "He'll lose, /shrug" or "it means nothing", etc etc. These are the same folks that discount Trump in the Primary, and were subsequently surprised that he kept winning states.

Even from the shitty source, it doesn't make it not an issue.

And even worse, what I keep seeing, even AFTER the primary is over, are people passive-aggressively treating dissenters with smug snipes, rather than helping them understand the facts, and learning to understand them yourself.

Trump will be a bigger force that what some of you are willing to admit. Even right now, it's too close for comfort.

yeah, no. You aren't going to change the mind of a trump supporter with things like facts and kindness, so all they get and all they deserve is mocking and derision.

Applying Trumps primary win to anything beyond that is political naivety to the extreme.


Even right now, it's too close for comfort.

Maybe if this is your first election? The aggregates aren't even particularly close in modern political terms.

I mean I'm all for people being vigilant and not getting complacent, but Trump is currently losing badly, the polls show that, and trying to play concern troll about then situation is just bull. Nobody should be worried based on the current trajectory.


Trump will lose but if he loses in the McCain/Romney range, that's actually pretty scary after the things he has said. If he wins then smh lol.

Debates are vital, and I'm pretty sure Hillary will smoke him.

What debates? You think Trump is gonna talk seriously about issues? nah, he is gonna make fun of Clinton and have people laughing. It's why he is where he is.


Reminder for legacyzero and others:
a decent-sized subset of us did indeed call Trump's nomination correctly. You can check the record yourself.


a decent-sized subset of us did indeed call Trump's nomination correctly. You can check the record yourself.

I didn't, but that's because I underestimated how horrendous the Republican party has got.

But all political observers know that Republican primary != general electorate and that the standards are ridiculously different. So even if you failed to call Trump in the primary, it says nothing as to your ability to read polls and understand how poorly he is doing in the general.
All of the underestimation happening in this thread worries me. Trump brings out all the racist, angry, anti-establishment, gullible fucks in America. I'm cringing at the amount of people who smugly respond with "He'll lose, /shrug" or "it means nothing", etc etc. These are the same folks that discount Trump in the Primary, and were subsequently surprised that he kept winning states.

Even from the shitty source, it doesn't make it not an issue.

And even worse, what I keep seeing, even AFTER the primary is over, are people passive-aggressively treating dissenters with smug snipes, rather than helping them understand the facts, and learning to understand them yourself.

Trump will be a bigger force that what some of you are willing to admit. Even right now, it's too close for comfort.

Until there's genuine reason to believe that there's enough racist, angry gullible people in America to make up an entirely new demographic in key swing states where he needs them (nobody gives a shit if he pulls in 5 million new votes in Texas), I remain un-freaked out. Primaries don't mean anything to predict the general election. There's always one candidate who wins their primary who then loses the general, so "but he won the primary!" doesn't mean anything.


Honorary Canadian.
So in a presidential election year, already with shitty numbers and high unlikeable numbers, and after a 3 week span in which there were 4 Dallas police officers shot, a terror attack at an Orlando nightclub, and the FBI telling her she's irresponsible...

Trump is still only leading in a couple swing states by 3?

Yeah. I've said it before... this thing is over after Hillary destroys him in the first debate. Nothing I've seen has changed my mind from that.
a decent-sized subset of us did indeed call Trump's nomination correctly. You can check the record yourself.

Yeah once you got to November/ December of last year things became a lot more clear. Trump dominated the primaries from the time her got in to the end. There was a small time when Carson came close but the media destroyed him.

Compare that with him struggling to even pass Hilary in most polls and that makes this completely different already. Now it's important to win as big as possible to ensure a Senate win.


I didn't, but that's because I underestimated how horrendous the Republican party has got.

But all political observers know that Republican primary != general electorate and that the standards are ridiculously different. So even if you failed to call Trump in the primary, it says nothing as to your ability to read polls and understand how poorly he is doing in the general.

True; I'm more taking-apart the idea that those of us who giggle at Trump's G.E. chances largely overlap with those who were skeptical of his primary chances.

And I wish we had a sticky about your GOP electorate!= GE electorate point. For some magical reasons, this key point hasn't sunk-in.


So in a presidential election year, already with shitty numbers and high unlikeable numbers, and after a 3 week span in which there were 4 Dallas police officers shot, a terror attack at an Orlando nightclub, and the FBI telling her she's irresponsible...

Trump is still only leading in a couple swing states by 3?

Yeah. I've said it before... this thing is over after Hillary destroys him in the first debate. Nothing I've seen has changed my mind from that.

This year does read like a Right Wing fanfic, crazy how Trump have been given so much ammo and miss uses it.


So in a presidential election year, already with shitty numbers and high unlikeable numbers, and after a 3 week span in which there were 4 Dallas police officers shot, a terror attack at an Orlando nightclub, and the FBI telling her she's irresponsible...

Trump is still only leading in a couple swing states by 3?

Yeah. I've said it before... this thing is over after Hillary destroys him in the first debate. Nothing I've seen has changed my mind from that.
Lol destroy him in debates? He hasnt "won" a single debate in his life, but he makes enough quips to "win" the meme debate and dominate news cycles non stop. Never underestimate celebrity mixed with anger and a apathetic/got it in the bag democratic voting base combined with a dumb casual celebrity one. Don't sleep on Trump or we end up scratching our heads november 8th.


formerly sane
They were warned and instead of even borrowing from burnie they have let hillary get trolled away to this point by trump. Not only that she made matters worse with email situation. Regardless of charges a good part of the population sees what she did as shady, sorry hilldog gaf that's reality. She needs to hitback not just warren.

Most youth don't trust here, which is how obama won. She will not own up to youth, black or lgbtq issues in any real way maybe if she did she could convince more around me to vote for her. I'm voting for america through her but to be straight up like most others I would sit or not vote if it wasn't for trump.


They warned and instead of even borrowing from burnie they have let hillary get trolled away to this point. Not only that she made matters worse with email situation. Regardless of charges a good part of the population sees what she did as shady, sorry hilldog gaf that's reality.

Most youth don't trust here, which is how obama won. She will not own up to youth, black or lgbtq issues in any real way maybe if she did she could convince more around me to vote for her. I'm voting for america through her but to be straight up like most others I would sit or not vote if it wasn't for trump.

They were warned and instead of even borrowing from burnie they have let hillary get trolled away to this point by trump. Not only that she made matters worse with email situation. Regardless of charges a good part of the population sees what she did as shady, sorry hilldog gaf that's reality. She needs to hitback not just warren.

Most youth don't trust here, which is how obama won. She will not own up to youth, black or lgbtq issues in any real way maybe if she did she could convince more around me to vote for her. I'm voting for america through her but to be straight up like most others I would sit or not vote if it wasn't for trump.

"formerly sane"

bruh, at the very least, black voters and LGBT voters are the ones coming out this year to vote because the stakes are too high.



They didn't borrow from Bernie don't you see despite giving him more concessions on the Democratic platform than essentially any Democratic primary loser in history i mean this is why Hillary is ahead in virtually all aggregates and battleground states because she didn't listen to the vot--oh


They were warned and instead of even borrowing from burnie they have let hillary get trolled away to this point by trump. Not only that she made matters worse with email situation. Regardless of charges a good part of the population sees what she did as shady, sorry hilldog gaf that's reality. She needs to hitback not just warren.

Most youth don't trust here, which is how obama won. She will not own up to youth, black or lgbtq issues in any real way maybe if she did she could convince more around me to vote for her. I'm voting for america through her but to be straight up like most others I would sit or not vote if it wasn't for trump.
You are confusing your opinion with reality. Hillary is fluent in all major youth, poc, and lgbtq issues and has overwhelming support among those demos. It's not hard to find out these things.
Voters believing Clinton has this in the bag is one of the worst things that could happen for Democrats. I appreciate Alucard doing his best to insure we all stay alarmed, alert and fired up until Nov. 8.
Agreed. The only way Trump will win is if voters don't get out there because they think Hilary is a sure-win. What an embarrassing fuckup that will be for this country if it happens.


What debates? You think Trump is gonna talk seriously about issues? nah, he is gonna make fun of Clinton and have people laughing. It's why he is where he is.
I hope he does because it will be a wake up call for many Republicans who will choose country over party. I believe Americans become kinda serious around Sept-Nov, so if he does what he did in the primaries he will be in big trouble. I still kinda expect him to get around 40-50 million votes and as I said before, that's pretty depressing.


Lol destroy him in debates? He hasnt "won" a single debate in his life, but he makes enough quips to "win" the meme debate and dominate news cycles non stop. Never underestimate celebrity mixed with anger and a apathetic/got it in the bag democratic voting base combined with a dumb casual celebrity one. Don't sleep on Trump or we end up scratching our heads november 8th.

This is somewhat my view.

I don't fear Trump winning at all. But I don't want an uncomfortably close election. If Trump only loses by Romney margins, it'll still be an indictment of the country we live in.

I want Hillary to blow him the fuck out. So I do hope the campaign is looking at these close numbers and thinking seriously about how to counter them. Counter Trump's ability to dominate the news cycle, and keep the fear of God in the left.


Until there's genuine reason to believe that there's enough racist, angry gullible people in America to make up an entirely new demographic in key swing states where he needs them (nobody gives a shit if he pulls in 5 million new votes in Texas), I remain un-freaked out. Primaries don't mean anything to predict the general election. There's always one candidate who wins their primary who then loses the general, so "but he won the primary!" doesn't mean anything.

TBH, I'm shocked to see as many as there are coming out of the woodwork. Hell, even my own father (who is a 50+ crotchety old man now apparently) Who didn't raise me to be any of those things, is now one of those annoying fucks spamming my Facebook feed with anti-islam, pro cop/ anti BLM, build that wall!, bullshit. And it's strange because since his popularity has spiked, so has the amount of bullshit in my feeds.


They didn't borrow from Bernie don't you see despite giving him more concessions on the Democratic platform than essentially any Democratic primary loser in history i mean this is why Hillary is ahead in virtually all aggregates and battleground states because she didn't listen to the vot--oh

I must be crazy cause Hillary stay surrounded by Mothers of the movement and other groups.
Your desperation is showing, OP.

Can't blame em, I'd probably be feeling pretty desperate today if I was a Trump supporter after the garbage fire that was/is Trump's VP selection process.

Man, all the things that have happened:

Trump being forced into picking Pence.
Trump trying to get out of it at the last second.
And the apparent nightmare that was today's rally with Pence.
"DEMS IN DISARRAY" - excited media.

No one gets scared faster than democrats in Washington. Hillary had a terrible week but that doesn't change the reality on the ground: she has significantly more money and resources than her opponent, who literally has no ground game right now in mid July. I think Hillary is an incredibly flawed candidate who could be beaten in a primary or general election by a great candidate...but no such candidate exists. Instead she's running against arguably the worst general election candidate in modern history.

Show me a logical path to 270 for Trump. I wouldn't be stunned if he doesn't get to 206 (Romney 2012).
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