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Democrats bracing for town hall protests directed at them ask Bernie Sanders for help

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Bernie, an outsider to the party, will be the one to save it. It's ridiculous. How did the Democratic Party lose its way to this degree?!


Fucking start actually representing me and I'll redirect my energy. Start talking and acting like Sanders and I'll redirect my energy. Fuck this centrist shit, fuck trying to "work with" people who were just outright obstructionists for 8 years and are now ramming through some of the worst policy and appointments I could even imagine.

And most of all, fuck a party that's standing around and scapegoating their loss on things like Russia or Comey instead of taking a look in the mirror and realizing they need some dramatic reform.

Push the DNC left and keep pushing. Stuff like this shows they're listening, they're feeling the pressure.

To all the democrat reps: stand up for me and I'll stand up for you.

Then have fun embracing 50 years of GOP rulership. If you stay at home with your lazy ass and dont participate in the political progress, dont be angry when you are not representant. Because the people make the party. Hijack the party with your ideas. If you stay at home infront of your PC, nothing will change.

How do you think the GOP became the racist facistparty it currently is? You think someone flipped a coin and said welp, lets be shitty now? Its because the Tea Party became a thing, GOP-People noticed that these ideas are wanted and adapted.



Ugh, this party sucks so much. Grow some fucking balls and go after them.

And I find it funny that NOW they need Bernie's help.


”Bernie has a voice, and if [protesters] want to be active, then direct them to where the problem may be or where they anticipate a problem."

That IS where the problem is anticipated. Who are they fooling? There are Democrats in both houses of congress that are already starting to fold on some key issues. Now, they're scared because people are starting to hold them accountable and I for one think it's about time. People are tired of the compromising attitude when the other side won't. The takeaway from the protest should be "wipe the yellow streak off your back!". Bernie shouldn't have to tell them that.
The establishment democrats are being dumb on this one.

This didn't work for Joe Lieberman, it won't for a guy like Manchin.

Give it up, and elect better Dems.

And I don't mean the Bernie side of things. I mean straight up better politicians.


If you don't vote Democratic in 2018, I don't care how "moderate" your nominee is then you are just as bad as a hardcore Trump #MAGA supporter.

That is an absolute fact. If you don't vote Democratic in 2018 just go get yourself a MAGA hat and call it a day at that point. This is the only method we have of trying to stop Trump, electing any and all Democrats that we can. Anyone unwilling to try is on team Trump.


Gold Member
Bernie, an outsider to the party, will be the one to save it. It's ridiculous. How did the Democratic Party lose its way to this degree?!

Because they let him run for president as a Democrat despite being an independent? I dunno, just spit balling here.

We dont need a democratic tea party right now.


What exactly do they expect Bernie to do? LOL

Um, what he said he would do? A 50 state strategy and funnel votes into everything from senators to dogcatchers to get the political movement to enact progressive policy.

Butthurt Bernie bros nonwithstanding, this seems smart. Turning that anger into concentrated action and building a coalition that can get back into power and make change is good planning.

Flailing about and eating the person to your right and left won't help a god damned thing.
He's in charge of outreach.

Why shouldn't they ask for him to help out?


Why shouldn't he help out?

Such a stupid argument being played out by everyone involved.


Lauaghable that they want to redirect energy against republicans using the only democrat who has gotten people remotely excited since Obama.

Yet they still don't want to just stand up, stop being "moderates" and fight the wannabe dictator that is trying, poorly, to seize power absolutely.

Buncha fucking losers.

by doing what exactly?

lots of people in these threads mad at the democrats or yelling at them but don't have tangible actions for what they should be doing. they don't have the majority in any branch of government.
A less conservative Democrat can't win in West Virginia. Comparing a WV Dem to the situation in the very liberal Connecticut makes no sense.

Having an unreliable vote hiding in a Democrat costume is great when you need party unity. If they will break rank, they aren't useful. Let him run as a republicunt. The republicunts understand unity. Democrats have some foolish idea that diversity in voting is helpful. In a two party system, those that break ranks and vote for the dark side are just as culpable.
A less conservative Democrat can't win in West Virginia. Comparing a WV Dem to the situation in the very liberal Connecticut makes no sense.

That's not what I said. I said get better politicians, not a more left leaning.

Manchin, blue dog or not, did not play his cards right. There are times to follow party lines, and times to not. Knowing when is part of the game. The part he clearly messed up on.
by doing what exactly?

lots of people in these threads mad at the democrats or yelling at them but don't have tangible actions for what they should be doing. they don't have the majority in any branch of government.
Book TV appearances the same way republicunts did back in the 90s. Make this shit blow up. Don't let the message be controlled by the GOP.
Lol OK? Who had a more positive approval rating leading into the ACTUAL Election? Even over Hillary? Who is currently leading the country?

I mean, the evidence is pretty tangible at this point.
No, it isn't. Bernie flounders pretty much every debate he gets in to and the republicans never bothered spinning up the shit machine for him because encouraging BoBs to split from the dems was beneficial for them.

Bernie also completely lost the south & met an unenthusiastic response from PoCs, who ended up being the only ones stacking up Clinton cus lol white people.


by doing what exactly?

lots of people in these threads mad at the democrats or yelling at them but don't have tangible actions for what they should be doing. they don't have the majority in any branch of government.

The same thing the GOP did when they had no majority. What they did or rather didn't do (cooperate) prevented a lot from happening. That sword can cut both ways.


Mr.Shrugglesツ;230358334 said:
He's in charge of outreach.

Why shouldn't they ask for him to help out?


Why shouldn't he help out?

Such a stupid argument being played out by everyone involved.
You're actually right, to a point.

But I think there's bigger meaning, here. Just the week, it was reported that the DNC wants Bernie's email list so desperately to understand his secret sauce (hint:not secret).

They want his sword, but want to continue using their busted ass shield.

No, it isn't. Bernie flounders pretty much every debate he gets in to and the republicans never bothered spinning up the shit machine for him because encouraging BoBs to split from the dems was beneficial for them.

Bernie also completely lost the south & met an unenthusiastic response from PoCs, who ended up being the only ones stacking up Clinton cus lol white people.
Were you watching the same debates I was? Lol

And Hill supporters keep straw-manning the south as if it were ever going to go blue in the GE. Dems ain't winning the Bible Belt any time soon. I'd be interested to see what a 50 state strategy looks like post-Trump though.

And let's just rip off that minority bandaid, shall we? From where I'm sitting, people were either too obsessed with shattering that ceiling with a candidate with a questionable track record. (Hell, is vote my own mom into office if I could.) and not paying attention to the absolute fact that Bernie was the better candidate for those groups. But when "Bernie bros" or "Bernie stans" suggested it, they were shamefully called racist and/or sexist, While hypocritically demanding we fall in line. It's like everybody was wearing fucking blinders. Including Trump supporters. It's not like the proof wasn't there. It's not like Bernie wasn't straight up broadcasting it.

And keep writing off those "lol white people", the majority voters, while not trying to reach out to them. 2018 is lookin real good.


Do you think the Russia shit will help Democrats grow a backbone? They've been a fucking JOKE with rare exceptions here and there. If the fucking intelligence community is leaking on this treasonous fucker I'd hope they'll finally realize he's not someone they want to cooperate with.

Americans aren't big fans of collaborators.

by doing what exactly?

lots of people in these threads mad at the democrats or yelling at them but don't have tangible actions for what they should be doing. they don't have the majority in any branch of government.

I mean, the Republicans did EXACTLY what the democrats aren't, but should be doing, when they were bitching about Obama. They were just mad at healthcare instead of treason and unconstitutional orders which made them look stupid at the time. It's quite valid now.


If you don't vote Democratic in 2018, I don't care how "moderate" your nominee is then you are just as bad as a hardcore Trump #MAGA supporter.

That is an absolute fact. If you don't vote Democratic in 2018 just go get yourself a MAGA hat and call it a day at that point. This is the only method we have of trying to stop Trump, electing any and all Democrats that we can. Anyone unwilling to try is on team Trump.

Agreed but as always lot of these purists would rather eat their own alive than fight for the greater good.

Mr.Shrugglesツ;230358334 said:
He's in charge of outreach.

Why shouldn't they ask for him to help out?


Why shouldn't he help out?

Such a stupid argument being played out by everyone involved.

Because this narrative of Bernie vs the Democrats fuels a lot of people. I still see posts on my FB about how Bernie would have done this or that or beat Trump easily.
Lol OK? Who had a more positive approval rating leading into the ACTUAL Election? Even over Hillary? Who is currently leading the country?

I mean, the evidence is pretty tangible at this point.

But the person with the lowest approval rating in the history of presidential elections won. How is higher approval any sort of evidence at all given who won?


This thread is sad. You can't beat Trump and the republicans when you're still fighting among yourselves. Get your shit together already.


Book TV appearances the same way republicunts did back in the 90s. Make this shit blow up. Don't let the message be controlled by the GOP.

The same thing the GOP did when they had no majority. What they did or rather didn't do (cooperate) prevented a lot from happening. That sword can cut both ways.

But they are? I see Democrats all over tv and social media going crazy on Trump.

Another point is here why do the Democrats have to ask for Bernie to help with anything? Why isn't this automatic? Why is there this wedge still between them? At this point you would think both sides would put their differences aside and work together.

And yes that puts blame on Bernie and his camp too.
Mr.Shrugglesツ;230358334 said:
He's in charge of outreach.

Why shouldn't they ask for him to help out?


Why shouldn't he help out?

Such a stupid argument being played out by everyone involved.

Yeah, agreed. This seems like a good thing that's being spun in to a reason to hate the Democratic party by a group of people who, according to this article, are getting what they want! I'm thrilled the Democratic Party wants help from Bernie Sanders, and wants to use him as an asset to guide the direction of the party and the actions of the passionate, young base. Hopefully Sanders tells them 'If you want these people to protest Republicans instead of you, stopping voting with the Republicans', and the whole party ends off better for it.

Like, if you want a party that moves towards these young people on the left, this is sort of what a first step has to look like.


Bernie, an outsider to the party, will be the one to save it. It's ridiculous. How did the Democratic Party lose its way to this degree?!
Read Sheldon Wolin's 'Democracy Incorporated', where he describes the USA as a "managed democracy" where there's an illusion of participation in politics but in actuality both major parties do corporate bidding. Wolin describes the shift from this corporate coup d'etat to a state of inverted totalitarianism, where unlike traditional totalitarian regimes that are characterized by charismatic leaders and the violent rift of traditional values, inverted totalitarianism finds itself in the anonymity of the corporate state where politics are subservient of the economy, while pledgeding allegiance to democratic values while manipulating the internal levels of power for their benefit. Political discourse is co-opted and has both opposition parties differ on "moral" positions like abortion, perpetuating political opinions at all time but without actually participating in power, having "politics that are not political".

In short, both parties don't actually respond to their constituency but do so to corporate powers. Republicans being taken over by energy companies like oil and coal and democrats by financial institutions.


But they are? I see Democrats all over tv and social media going crazy on Trump.

Another point is here why do the Democrats have to ask for Bernie to help with anything? Why isn't this automatic? Why is there this wedge still between them? At this point you would think both sides would put their differences aside and work together.

And yes that puts blame on Bernie and his camp too.

There are Democratic senators that are starting the push over routine. Manchin, Durbin, Tester to name a few.


They handed out candy hearts with slogans like “Filibuster Me” and “Be My Accountable Democrat,” and a sign that read “Roses are red, violets are blue, supporting Trump’s cabinet makes you guilty too.”

That's some good shit.

I'm glad the Democratic base is holding the party leaders feet to the fire. Do not let them work with Trump to make our county worse for all of us.


But the person with the lowest approval rating in the history of presidential elections won. How is higher approval any sort of evidence at all given who won?
Because people were ashamed to admit they were Trump supporters? I mean, what elother explaination could there be? And also, what does that have to do with Bernies significantly higher approval rating? We're people lying about that too?
the democratic party as a whole is solidly right-wing
But people got pissed if you said that about Hillary; a centrist AT BEST.


What do Democrats need to be held to account for? They all voted no on DeVos and Price, and all but Manchin voted no on Sessions and Mnuchin, who are the four most controversial and obstruction-worthy cabinet picks so far. We know they're going to act similarly toward Puzder, Mulvaney, and Pruitt, and Schumer has already said that Gorsuch will need 60 votes to get on the Supreme Court. They have voted yes on a handful of cabinet picks, too, but they're far more responsible and qualified for their jobs and have actually upheld what we'd consider to be Democratic priorities (Kelly fighting for green card holders to be exempt from the Muslim ban, Haley taking Russia to task over Crimea and other foreign interventions, Pompeo rejecting security clearance for a top Flynn aide, etc.).

Unless this is about mobilizing a hidden population of West Virginia progressives to primary Manchin, I'm not sure what is being protesting at these town halls. Democrats have been holding the line where it counts.

No I will call myself a socialist and hope for the best

Or you could actually do some organizing and grassroots legwork to build up whatever your local socialist party presence is (and if there isn't one, build it from scratch). Giving yourself a new label and hoping it all works out on its own somehow is not how politics works and, frankly, is just fucking lazy.
So...listen to your constituents? Even if you fail, it's better to have the story be that you did your best against shitty odds rather than just keeling over. It's not like anybody in Trump's cabinet is worth a shit, anyways.

The game plan here is to get left leaning voters fired up for 2018/20. That story of Warren being shouted down when she attempted to read Coretta King's letter for example made a lot of people rightfully upset. I'm still seeing people on social media post "she persisted" as a rallying cry.


the democratic party as a whole is solidly right-wing
And you don't make them any more left by trying to have a purity test for all candidates. This shit takes time, doing it too quickly just makes you lose elections which has the opposite result of what you want.


Bernie also completely lost the south & met an unenthusiastic response from PoCs, who ended up being the only ones stacking up Clinton cus lol white people.

Bernie was me with lack of interest from 40+ PoC voters. He was enthusiastically supported by younger and prime age voters.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What do Democrats need to be held to account for? They all voted no on DeVos and Price, and all but Manchin voted no on Sessions and Mnuchin, who are the four most controversial and obstruction-worthy cabinet picks so far. We know they're going to act similarly toward Puzder, Mulvaney, and Pruitt, and Schumer has already said that Gorsuch will need 60 votes to get on the Supreme Court. They have voted yes on a handful of cabinet picks, too, but they're far more responsible and qualified for their jobs and have actually upheld what we'd consider to be Democratic priorities (Kelly fighting for green card holders to be exempt from the Muslim ban, Haley taking Russia to task over Crimea and other foreign interventions, Pompeo rejecting security clearance for a top Flynn aide, etc.).

Unless this is about mobilizing a hidden population of West Virginia progressives to primary Manchin, I'm not sure what is being protesting at these town halls. Democrats have been holding the line where it counts.
A certain segment of the internet believes these people exist and are just to disenthused to turn out for anyone who doesn't meet their standards


So...listen to your constituents? Even if you fail, it's better to have the story be that you did your best against shitty odds rather than just keeling over. It's not like anybody in Trump's cabinet is worth a shit, anyways.

The game plan here is to get left leaning voters fired up for 2018/20. That story of Warren being shouted down when she attempted to read Coretta King's letter for example made a lot of people rightfully upset. I'm still seeing people on social media post "she persisted" as a rallying cry.

I mean... Joe Manchin is?
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