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Devil May Cry V was praised for the SAME reasons DmC were by fans and critics alike! (DMC FANS GET ITT!)

It's odd to see how Devil May Cry V was getting praised by critics and gamers for the same qualities that DmC had which were:

  1. Satisfying Combat
  2. Sense of Style
  3. Solid Storytelling

In other words, DmC truly achieved the legendary SSS rating in my eyes and the eyes of those who gave it a chance. How come Devil May Cry fans who hated DmC loved Devil May Cry V even though it was clearly inspired by DmC? Itsuno himself said that DmC was one of his favorite games and half of the dev team wanted to continue on DmC's storyline and approach.

Let me know what you think, NeoGAF.


Golden Boy
How come Devil May Cry fans who hated DmC loved Devil May Cry V even though it was clearly inspired by DmC?

This is the reason for the DmC hate, not really the story, nor the gameplay, nor thr level design. It’s that stupid character who pissed off most true DMC fans because of his design and attitude.
The devs making fun of/insulting traditional DMC with their campaign and the white hair ingame cutscene made it only worse.
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1. Combat is like hundred million times better in V. More complex movesets, more weapons, different characters. DMC V requires that you put some skill in it.

2. I abhorred the art direction in DmC. First, the colors. To me all the levels, despite being varied, had the same color palette and the blue/red thing made my sight tired for sure. Graphics were mediocre. Character design, pretty lame as well. Only the ninja enemy, Vergils coat and the blob (in the factory level)

3. I didn't like either the characters or the story in DmC. Extremely bland and uninspired. I mean, Vergil with a sniper riffle? Seriously? Just an example. It had some kind of good ideas, like the TV set, the multinational conspiracy and all that stuff but it was treated so lightly and superficially that it felt more like an excuse for some of the level designs or bosses. I liked the disco level, though.

Also, the writting is ATROCIOUS. So edgy and out of place. DMC V is epic. DmC feels cheesy.

I'd compare DmC to Sunset Overdrive, they have a lot in common. Those are decent games, easy to pick and play but very nothing memorable.


1. The combat in V is a hundred times better than the reboot.
2. How much of DmC can be summed up with the phrase 'BLUE AND ORANGE FLOATING ROCKS'
3. The story of DmC was hilariously dumb and misjudged.

Also, didn't everyone just find out that DmC almost made Itsuno quit Capcom? I know he said he likes DmC, but it's pretty obvious that he was just being polite.


  1. Satisfying Combat
  2. Sense of Style
  3. Solid Storytelling
You mean those things that make all DMC games good?

My man, this thread is bait disguised as a low-tier gotcha. We've done this topic to actual death across the various DMC5 hype / anti-hype threads over the past few weeks.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DmC does have better level design, I think. DMCV is a letdown there. It’s either plain city or (mostly) demonic tree. It’s great fun but it’s also just a series of combat rooms. It also does that annoying thing at times where you’re handed control, walk a few steps, watch a cutscene, walk a few more steps and then another cutscene before a battle. That kind of thing always drives me nuts.

Still love it, though.


I never touched DmC, I didn't like the look. It seemed to take itself wayyyyyy too seriously. The comments by the director and the fact that he modelled Donte on himself was so conceited .
You mean those things that make all DMC games good?

My man, this thread is bait disguised as a low-tier gotcha. We've done this topic to actual death across the various DMC5 hype / anti-hype threads over the past few weeks.

It's not a bait thread, believe me. I'm just curious to see what people may say about the similarities between both games.


Come on OP, it's pretty obvious.
You just listed a bunch of things people already enjoyed about the franchise far before the reboot.

DmC was always going to have a lot of detractors because Ninja Theory took an established and beloved franchise which was already in its fourth main entry and not only made some big and controversial changes to it but they even went out of their way at some point to let everyone know they thought the original was stupid.

You seem to be a big Kojima and MGS fan. How would you have reacted if after MGS4 they had given the franchise to another studio and they had introduced a Snake that looks like this:

With a presentation that was like:

Come on OP, it's pretty obvious.
You just listed a bunch of things people already enjoyed about the franchise far before the reboot.

DmC was always going to have a lot of detractors because Ninja Theory took an established and beloved franchise which was already in its fourth main entry and not only made some big and controversial changes to it but they even went out of their way at some point to let everyone know they thought the original was stupid.

You seem to be a big Kojima and MGS fan. How would you have reacted if after MGS4 they had given the franchise to another studio and they had introduced a Snake that looks like this:

With a presentation that was like:


I would dismiss the game immediately.....I see what you mean now. It sounds so ridiculous to say this after all these years but now I understand the hate surrounding DmC. It wasn't about the game necessarily, but like you said, the whole attitude that Ninja Theory had towards the franchise. I really wish they'd shut their mouths and just made the game without disrespecting the franchise like that. Again, I honestly never processed this until now after reading what you said.

Do you still think that DMC V took some of the redeeming qualities that DmC had?


A lot if not most of the hate , from what I understand , came from Dante's redesign . He was literally just a fucking asshole..in the other DMC 5 and the others , he comes across as arrogant ,sloppy , broke , smart ass, and a bum even ..but never a malicious , mean spirited asshole . He is very likable
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
It's odd to see how Devil May Cry V was getting praised by critics and gamers for the same qualities that DmC had which were:

  1. Satisfying Combat
  2. Sense of Style
  3. Solid Storytelling

In other words, DmC truly achieved the legendary SSS rating in my eyes and the eyes of those who gave it a chance. How come Devil May Cry fans who hated DmC loved Devil May Cry V even though it was clearly inspired by DmC? Itsuno himself said that DmC was one of his favorite games and half of the dev team wanted to continue on DmC's storyline and approach.

Let me know what you think, NeoGAF.

You are absolutely incorrect. DMCV is not being praised for the same qualities that DmC had.

  1. The combat was not satisfying in DmC. Being forced to use color-specific weapons on color-specific enemies prevented my from truly making me fight in my own style. It inherently restricted self-expression and limited the number of moves you could use.
  2. The "sense of style" was not really there, either. The entire look of the game was a bland and disgusting veneer of garbage. They ruined the style meter with out easy it was to max rank, and many of the unique weapons and abilities were removed. The game made me physically feel dirty while playing. If that was what they were going for, well then good they actually succeeded in something - but I highly doubt it.
  3. The story was not solid. It was baby's first Anti-establishment story with bland and forgettable characters. HyperBitHero did two videos that made fantastic points on *why* the characters were awful compared to their previous entry counterparts.
Come on OP, it's pretty obvious.
You just listed a bunch of things people already enjoyed about the franchise far before the reboot.

DmC was always going to have a lot of detractors because Ninja Theory took an established and beloved franchise which was already in its fourth main entry and not only made some big and controversial changes to it but they even went out of their way at some point to let everyone know they thought the original was stupid.

You seem to be a big Kojima and MGS fan. How would you have reacted if after MGS4 they had given the franchise to another studio and they had introduced a Snake that looks like this:

With a presentation that was like:


I mean we never saw snake as a teenager lol.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
90% of the hate against DmC would have gone away if the devs werent such assholes. They could have just said "yo old dmc was cool and this is our original take on it, give it a chance".

But they insisted on going "lol old dmc was gay ours is gonna be badass"


Meh I replayed DmC just before V and thought it was awesome. Seems many people got offended by the attitude of the devs? Which really to me had no bearing on the game.

The scene where they mock the white haired Dante I thought was funny, mostly because it is a silly haircut, and DmC looked modernized with more realistic non anime graphics. The combat in DmC may not be as refined as V, but story and level design were on par or better. It really is an excellent game tied up in some bad PR and an emotional fanbase. The main problem was that DmC was not worthy as a reboot and people were terrified they would lose the true DMC (very valid concern), much like some of us lament the utter destruction of the fun that God of War was and having it replaced by a walking family simulator.


Meh I replayed DmC just before V and thought it was awesome. Seems many people got offended by the attitude of the devs? Which really to me had no bearing on the game.

The scene where they mock the white haired Dante I thought was funny, mostly because it is a silly haircut, and DmC looked modernized with more realistic non anime graphics. The combat in DmC may not be as refined as V, but story and level design were on par or better. It really is an excellent game tied up in some bad PR and an emotional fanbase. The main problem was that DmC was not worthy as a reboot and people were terrified they would lose the true DMC (very valid concern), much like some of us lament the utter destruction of the fun that God of War was and having it replaced by a walking family simulator.
To be fair, as a fan of the character action game genre i think Dad of War is a better game than all of its predecessors, if only because how much stranded from the foundations of the original DMC which GoW used to borrow. As where old GOWs used to have a lite version of the combat of the likes of DMC, Dad of War has very unique combat with very different reasons to make it engaging. Game gets stupid fun and hard on high difficulties which the old GOWs never did, old GOWs on max dificulty were parry simulators.

On topic tho, i'm not fond of the reboot because everything, the combat was trash on release date, the dev made hate them because of how they talked about the old games, the characters and story are pretty uninspired and cringy, it's not B horror movie horrible like original DMC but more like a high budget bad movie. If DMC is evil dead 2, DmC is Twilight...but worst.
The memories...betweet DmC and RE6 i though i would never again buy a Capcom game...how wrong i was, i'm loving them since RE7, MHW, REmake2 and now DMCV.

Edit: Maybe the key words to describe why i don't like de reboot are Self Awareness and Authentic, the reboot it's neither of those things, while all other DMCs including the worst one are.
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Meh I replayed DmC just before V and thought it was awesome. Seems many people got offended by the attitude of the devs? Which really to me had no bearing on the game.

The scene where they mock the white haired Dante I thought was funny, mostly because it is a silly haircut, and DmC looked modernized with more realistic non anime graphics. The combat in DmC may not be as refined as V, but story and level design were on par or better. It really is an excellent game tied up in some bad PR and an emotional fanbase. The main problem was that DmC was not worthy as a reboot and people were terrified they would lose the true DMC (very valid concern), much like some of us lament the utter destruction of the fun that God of War was and having it replaced by a walking family simulator.
The question is though, was the version you played the fixed Definitive Edition or the original 360/PS3 version?

Definitive Edition is mostly fine and is a good Western action game, despite some still questionable decisions held over from the original, like how alt weapons are handled and more limited attack canceling, especially with dodging. OG version is pretty bad bad though, not Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge vs Ninja Gaiden 3 bad, but still pretty bad.


It's odd to see how Devil May Cry V was getting praised by critics and gamers for the same qualities that DmC had which were:

  1. Satisfying Combat
  2. Sense of Style
  3. Solid Storytelling

In other words, DmC truly achieved the legendary SSS rating in my eyes and the eyes of those who gave it a chance. How come Devil May Cry fans who hated DmC loved Devil May Cry V even though it was clearly inspired by DmC? Itsuno himself said that DmC was one of his favorite games and half of the dev team wanted to continue on DmC's storyline and approach.

Let me know what you think, NeoGAF.

1. The combat in DmC was no where near what it was in previous DMC games or DMC5. It did not have satisfying combat and that was the biggest complaint that fans had. It was super easy and you could button mash your way to S ratings.

2. The style was shit. They tried to completely change the style of the characters into some Emo try hard "Fuck you" fest.

3. Fuck you, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU - Is not solid story telling. It had interesting ideas with jumping between realms/worlds, but the story itself was really a bad driving force and not a reason to play.

The game tried to be a reboot and completely change every element of the previous games including the gameplay. DMC5 doesn't try to reboot the series or change the gameplay style or charcters up.


It's odd to see how Devil May Cry V was getting praised by critics and gamers for the same qualities that DmC had which were:

  1. Satisfying Combat
  2. Sense of Style
  3. Solid Storytelling

In other words, DmC truly achieved the legendary SSS rating in my eyes and the eyes of those who gave it a chance. How come Devil May Cry fans who hated DmC loved Devil May Cry V even though it was clearly inspired by DmC? Itsuno himself said that DmC was one of his favorite games and half of the dev team wanted to continue on DmC's storyline and approach.

Let me know what you think, NeoGAF.

1- While the combat itself was decent, it was a huge downgrade from previous games and it had also problems with forcing us to use only certain weapons to defeat certain enemies.

2-What sense of style? Everything looks dirty and ugly. Visually, the only good thing in the game was when the levels morphed, everything else was god awful, and was probably designed by an angsty teenager.

3- HAHAHAHAHAHA... wait, are you serious? None of the main characters were good, hell, not even decent. They were all either horrible people or simply forgetable. While the basis of the story itself might have some qualities, the execution and all the characters around it are awful. The dialogue was cringy for the most part.

Op, comparing the reboot to the original series is an insult in itself, because that thing took everything good about the series and either downgraded it from the previous games and took all the characters we all loved and made them some of the worst characters i had ever seen in any game. Byt the end of it, i was rooting for Mundus to just kill Donté and Vergin, and no, i won't call them Dante and Vergil, they dont deserve to have the names of characters we all love, when the only thing the reboot tried to do was destroy them.

I truly hope we never get a sequel to that, we shouldnt have had the first one to begin with, but capcom made so many mistakes last gen... at least they are getting back in their feet with the latest games.


Dante in real DMC games has been mostly an endearing idiot like Goku whereas Donte in DmC is just a douchbag.


You can definitely feel the DmC influence in DMC5.The game has a more western feel to it than 4.
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For me they're both tied for worst.If you're going to have vocals make sure you have someone who can actually sing...
Is this a joke? Combichirst style fit extacly the theme of DmC. They had strong and powerful growl vocal. Compare to the shity edm mix with some hard rock, weak vocal, some emo wannbe Hollywood song we have in DMC 5, its a disgrace.
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Is this a joke? Combichirst style fit extacly the theme of DmC. They had strong and powerful growl vocal. Compare to the shity edm mix with some hard rock, weak vocal, some emo wannbe Hollywood song we have in DMC 5, its a disgrace.
Was talking about DMC5 specifically, Nero's theme is the worst, that woman cannot sing.


People like to ignore how corny and overall fucking lame Dante and co have always been.

Is this a joke? People LOVE them because of how corny and overall lame Dante and co are.

We acknowledge it all the time.

Also, I thought DMC was a good game and I feel like this thread is dumb bait.


The music and environment design in DmC is excellent. Also, I would take the functional outfit of DmC Dante over the crappy bare chested leather strap crap Dante wore in DMC3. However, I still like the outfit Dante wore in the anime the best overall which was a hybrid of his DMC1+2 look.

I still maintain Nero is the worst thing to happen to mainline DMC. What a terrible character he was in DMC 4 and the only reason he is bearable in DMC5 is because he is Dante-lite. Worst part is how him being in the story has led to Dante getting sidelined.


DmC does have better level design, I think. DMCV is a letdown there. It’s either plain city or (mostly) demonic tree.
In terms of visuals, I agree. I said it before, but I think it's the only gripe that I have with the game.
On another hand, I think from a level structure standpoint (diverging paths, secrets and how well they are hidden, checkpoints) DMCV is the best of all DMCs.
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Satisfying Combat
You mean color coded enemies, no lock-on, two dodge buttons, separate button for launcher (because idiots removed lock-on button), laughable bosses, SSS via demonic dodge, punch-weapon is trash and literally Hulk fist, angel scythe is also trash and completely overshadowed by shurikens or whatever the fuck they were.
Sense of Style
I guess main hero in wife beater, his brother with katana, trenchcoat and fucking fedora (I know it's a different type of hat, but they removed it in DE for a reason) being served to you with a completely straight face is somehow stylish. Where are my slow-mo cutscenes, where are the taunts? Oh right, they are too gay for our serious commentary of fuck you.
Solid Storytelling
I mean, Shakespearean fuck you. That's all you have to say and it would completely invalidate anyone who tries to argue that DmC had good story. But we can also look at Dance saying "what it means to be human" while he is not human at all, Vergil keeping his ambitions on human race after Mundus defeat a secret .As a result conflic is forced so we can have our DMC3 moment but with no build up, no hype, just fight someone who is supposed to be weaker than you (game is constantly reminding you about it, that's why they needed Dante in the first place).
There are shitload of not plot holes, but dumb story reasons in the entire franchise (Sparda in DMC4 comes to mind) but those games never attempted Serious Social Satire.
In other words, DmC truly achieved the legendary SSS rating in my eyes and the eyes of those who gave it a chance.
I gave it a chance on release and it was trash. Thank god for Itsuno. Speaking of which...
How come Devil May Cry fans who hated DmC loved Devil May Cry V even though it was clearly inspired by DmC? Itsuno himself said that DmC was one of his favorite games and half of the dev team wanted to continue on DmC's storyline and approach.
Being inspired doesn't somehow validates DmC existance. It was Inafune's fault that this trashfire exists, thank god that hack fell into obscurity. Not to mention DMCV directly takes the piss of DmC, with Faust hat, "not in the million years" line and good usage of "fuck you".
Also, Itsuno doesn't like DmC
He was clearly forced to be polite about that game, as a corporate japanese man. Now that DMCV is a success we can finally drop the charade.
You mean color coded enemies, no lock-on, two dodge buttons, separate button for launcher (because idiots removed lock-on button), laughable bosses, SSS via demonic dodge, punch-weapon is trash and literally Hulk fist, angel scythe is also trash and completely overshadowed by shurikens or whatever the fuck they were.

I guess main hero in wife beater, his brother with katana, trenchcoat and fucking fedora (I know it's a different type of hat, but they removed it in DE for a reason) being served to you with a completely straight face is somehow stylish. Where are my slow-mo cutscenes, where are the taunts? Oh right, they are too gay for our serious commentary of fuck you.

I mean, Shakespearean fuck you. That's all you have to say and it would completely invalidate anyone who tries to argue that DmC had good story. But we can also look at Dance saying "what it means to be human" while he is not human at all, Vergil keeping his ambitions on human race after Mundus defeat a secret .As a result conflic is forced so we can have our DMC3 moment but with no build up, no hype, just fight someone who is supposed to be weaker than you (game is constantly reminding you about it, that's why they needed Dante in the first place).
There are shitload of not plot holes, but dumb story reasons in the entire franchise (Sparda in DMC4 comes to mind) but those games never attempted Serious Social Satire.

I gave it a chance on release and it was trash. Thank god for Itsuno. Speaking of which...

Being inspired doesn't somehow validates DmC existance. It was Inafune's fault that this trashfire exists, thank god that hack fell into obscurity. Not to mention DMCV directly takes the piss of DmC, with Faust hat, "not in the million years" line and good usage of "fuck you".
Also, Itsuno doesn't like DmC
He was clearly forced to be polite about that game, as a corporate japanese man. Now that DMCV is a success we can finally drop the charade.

Lol, why are you ignoring the fact that the voice actor's statement was taken out of context or just plainly bullshitting? Read the MAtt Walker follow-up on his Twitter. The majority of those who played DMC V already said how Itsuno placed several nods to DmC in the game. It's very clear that Itsuno loved the direction that Ninja Theory took with the franchise. Him saying this exact sentiment in the past year would've been a PR disaster since fans of the franchise would've flipped out but he still continued to compliment DmC. To say he was lying to please Capcom is illogical to say the least. Explain to me how would that make any sense when DmC almost destroyed Capcom's beloved IP?

Regarding your opinion on DmC, it's your right to have that opinion and I'm not going to disagree with you either. Not because you're right but because I started to understand why DmC is hated by fans of the franchise. So I'll respect your opinion, even if it veers towards extremely harsh criticism or incorrect statements.
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Lol, why are you ignoring the fact that the voice actor's statement was taken out of context or just plainly bullshitting? Read the MAtt Walker follow-up on his Twitter.
That was my bad, I haven't seen follow-up, only original statement. I still believe that Itsuno is just being polite.
The majority of those who played DMC V already said how Itsuno placed several nods to DmC in the game.
I haven't seen any nods, only directly making fun of, which I already listed.
Him saying this exact sentiment in the past year would've been a PR disaster since fans of the franchise would've flipped out but he still continued to compliment DmC. To say he was lying to please Capcom is illogical to say the least. Explain to me how would that make any sense when DmC almost destroyed Capcom's beloved IP?
My guess would be to please the shiteaters that are critics. I mean, for some reason we are still quoting them in trailers and on game boxes. But I understand that at this point it is just speculations on my part. I deeply despise that game and will latch on to anything just to shit on it.
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I liked DMC as much as dmc5, half of the ppl that trashed the game never played it imo. Sorry about muito english.


I think DMC had some ok mechanics, and I would say I enjoyed it more than 2 but less than any of the others. I didn't enjoy the developer/tone/style changes at all. Devil May Cry was already cheesy anime, but DMC was an insane cringefest. Didn't like the character designs really.

I still maintain Nero is the worst thing to happen to mainline DMC.

Did you even play 2? Nero added some really fun mechanics at least. 2 was a shit show.
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I'm probably in the minority, but i liked DMC more than DMC5. I can't really explaint, but for now DMC5 didn't no click for me. It's great, but it feels way more like a "button masher" (don't kill me for this statement :messenger_mr_smith_who_are_you_going_to_call:) than prior titles.


Let's not forget how Itsuno was brought on to DmC at last minute to FIX the wreck that Ninja Theory had after the backlash, even on shipping day the game was barely OK mechanic wise and the tone constantly struggles between the original vision of Ninja Theory and the fixes brought by Capcom to respect the franchise's legacy because of the backlash.


DmC's digital level was different and good. Other than that, the Twilight reboot of Dante can really go to hell and stay there.


I'm probably in the minority, but i liked DMC more than DMC5. I can't really explaint, but for now DMC5 didn't no click for me. It's great, but it feels way more like a "button masher" (don't kill me for this statement :messenger_mr_smith_who_are_you_going_to_call:) than prior titles.

Your statement makes no sense.



Go Go Neo Rangers!
I don't understand this war of DmC fans vs DMC.

DmC is very simply put a bad imitation game. It felt like a game trying to be devil may cry but failed. It's a decent action game that if it wasn't trying so hard to be something it's not would of done better.

The combat is fine but its missing the crucial piece of what makes DMC better which is style. To achieve a SSS in DmC it's not difficult. To maintain even an SS in DMC requires a lot of practice and skill. Skill isn't something I'd considered needed to be good at DmC.

Dante and Vergil were just flat out bad characters. In DMC they embrace the goofy aspects and in DmC it felt like they believed their own hype which results in a bad retelling of characters we already know.

Plus the utterly pointless shit with Mundus. Like the scene of him having sex with with some random character.....uh ok?

The level design you can argue is good. There's some parts I wasn't a fan of but it's the saving grace of that game.


Plus the utterly pointless shit with Mundus. Like the scene of him having sex with with some random character.....uh ok?

Ugh the scene of him porking that demon with the stapled on face is so gross, and out of place. The game tries so hard to be edgy.

I mean really? Vergil snipes said demon right in her pregnant belly, the story is like teenage fanfiction sometimes.


lol the DMC fanbase is the worst. They treat DmC like it's lost planet 3, deadrising 4 or yaiba. Ninja theory delivered the closest thing to the games that came before while trying to shake up the series which is what they were hired to do!


Man the hate is real for a game. I actually liked DMC myself, and haven't played 5 yet. I guess because I didn't swoon over OG Dante the shift in style didn't bother me as much as some did. At the end of the day DMC was a fine video game. Bottom line.


Do you still think that DMC V took some of the redeeming qualities that DmC had?

DMCV didn't "take" what you listed in the OP from DmC. DmC attempted to do those things- Two of which are series staples so I'm not sure why you're acting like it invented them- And failed horribly. DMC V was just a DMC that did things right.


Your statement makes no sense.


Let me rephrase it. Maybe it makes more sense. If you want to string awesome combos together DmC5 is far superior compared to DmC. But being a "normal" gamer and not a die hard genre fan for me DmC5 is way too easy and the game evolves more around fighting in style than providing a challenge. That you have to unlock the harder AND WAY MORE FUN difficulties first feels like a drag to me, because the game is too easy and you can almost always get away with spamming a single button.

TL;DR: Most of the game is more about combos than a real challenge, which i do not like. It just feels artificial and doesn't click FOR ME (<- that means it's my opinion). Harder unlockable difficulties fix this, but right now i don't have that much time and i hate it, when you must finish a game first to have fun with it.
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