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Digital Foundry VS Bethesda: PS3 Skyrim is still shit


Fuck Bethesda, they are a bunch of fucking lieing bastards. "oh hey ps3 players patch coming in january to stop all your problems and make us play our unplayable game!"

January ends... "cricket sounds"
Fuck Bethesda, they are a bunch of fucking lieing bastards. "oh hey ps3 players patch coming in january to stop all your problems and make us play our unplayable game!"

January ends... "cricket sounds"

The further we get from the game's release, the more uninterested they're going to be in fixing this.

If the "gaming press" had any real journalists they'd be working this story weekly.


The further we get from the game's release, the more uninterested they're going to be in fixing this.

If the "gaming press" had any real journalists they'd be working this story weekly.

Yup sadly the "gaming press" is mostly only interested in cool trips overseas to catch a few minutes of the latest game while they salivate over the cocks of the developers/publishers.


so is the game unplayable or how did i see a guy on the PS3 with a platnium for skyrim. I get that it seems to build up into longer hour game saves. I saw a youtube of a guy saying his 120hour save file got corrupted and simply would not load up Whiterun.

I'm confuzzled.How a guy could platnium game yet everyone else's view is never ever buy it for PS3 and Bestheda is completely scamming everyone.
It doesn't take that long to platinum at all really and even if there are trophies left over when the game starts screwing up one can always create a new character to clean up (as long as it's not the level trophies). Bethesda are still scamming people because the game still becomes unplayable. A platinum trophy is not the be all and end all of a game.
All of the media sites that tried to run a story on this late last year, IGN For Example, still have incredibly High Scores for their review scores for this game.

IGN tried to act like they were fighting for gamers, and being one of the first to blow this story open. They even admitted that Bethesda wouldn't flat out give them a PS3 version of the game to review. However, their PS3 review of the game is still well over a 9 and you would think these problems dont really exist.
Not even the least bit surprised. This next patch (when ever the fuck it drops) is likely going to slightly reduce save files sizes and probably implement more aggressive script resets so world continuity will probably be reduced on PS3 version to help keep the rate of growth down. It will still be breakable and will probably fix nothing on the majority of players with +10MB save files. It will then fade even more into obscurity only to be exacerbated when DLC is released and then once again forgotten until the next Bethesda game is released on PS3.

Or, it fixes everything and I gleefully bound thorugh skyrim again with a frame rate that isn't epileptic.


Fuck Bethesda, they are a bunch of fucking lieing bastards. "oh hey ps3 players patch coming in january to stop all your problems and make us play our unplayable game!"

January ends... "cricket sounds"

They say the patch will be submitted to Sony this week.
Not even the least bit surprised. This next patch (when ever the fuck it drops) is likely going to slightly reduce save files sizes and probably implement more aggressive script resets so world continuity will probably be reduced on PS3 version to help keep the rate of growth down. It will still be breakable and will probably fix nothing on the majority of players with +10MB save files. It will then fade even more into obscurity only to be exacerbated when DLC is released and then once again forgotten until the next Bethesda game is released on PS3.

And Elder Scrolls VI will come out and everyone will still buy it again, and it will get 10's across the board again. Because fuck it, it's Elder Scrolls.


does anyone know if it possible to fix a Corrupted Skyrim Savefile..? a firned of mine was 4 trophies away form his Platinum trophy.. when he started the game today it says

Save file corrupted.

he has more than one savefile, but they all seem to be corrupted.. anyone can help..?


When I saw this thread I decided to man up and apologize to everyone for the totally shitty troll post I made earlier. It was inappropriate, misplaced and utterly stupid. I understand that these are legitimate complaints about the state of the PS3 version of the game and should have restrained my impulse to drop a turd in the punchbowl. I genuinely hope that Bethesda has found a way to squash that save file bug for you folks. If they can optimize the code like they did with the PC version you might even get a performance boost as well. In any case, sorry again for shit posting and good luck.
Surely now its time for either refunds or class action lawsuits.

Yeah, sadly not going to happen. Fallout 4 and the next Elder Scrolls will be hyped up to no End again, and asuming they come out on PS3 will still have the same problem, and will still be ignored by the PR outlets... errh I mean Game reviewers.


PC patch is out.. so I guess we can expect a patch next week for the PS3...

hanmik said:
does anyone know if it possible to fix a Corrupted Skyrim Savefile..? a firned of mine was 4 trophies away form his Platinum trophy.. when he started the game today it says

Save file corrupted.

he has more than one savefile, but they all seem to be corrupted.. anyone can help..?

I actually solved this for him.. The game kept saying his gamesaves where corrupted when he loaded skyrim. But on his XMB they looked normal (normally a corrupted file shows up on the XMB as corrupted too).. So I made him do a manual backup of his gamesaves, and then he deleted all skyrim gamesaves on his ps3. He then started Skyrim, and checked that the game could not find any gamesaves.. Then he just transfered the latest gamesave back from the USB drive (where he backed it up to) to his PS3. Started Skyrim again, and the gamesave worked fine again..

This makes me believe that there is so much more wrong than the memory problem, with the ps3 version of skyrim.. ..



So the PS3 version is still not fixed yet? -_- Hopefully when it does(or maybe they won't fix it)it'll bomba, and I can get it cheap.
I cannot believe Bethesda has not been more proactive about this, and the media has not been more harsh on them about it.

This business of everyone giving them a pass on glitches, bugs, oddities, etc on every game they release is bizarre. If any other company did this 4 times in a row, they would be lambasted, and no one would buy their games anymore.

I guess maybe this speaks to the overall quality of the games when they actually work - But releasing a patch 3 months after the fact is too little, too late in my opinion.
I really hope it gets fixed this week. Only about 20hrs in so I haven't had any of the framerate stuff yet but did run into my first quest bug. It's a Companions quest that's suppose to get fixed the next patch.


Too late. I waited patiently. I'm picking up Amalur on Tuesday.

Same here. I put Skyrim on the back burner til the patch, and with Amalur coming out I probably wont get back to it for months. Too bad for Bethesda, they would have had all my monies for DLC but they shipped a fucked up game and sat on their thumbs for 3 months. Now I will just wait for a used copy of the eventual, patched goty edition.


Yeah I'm thinking about selling this POS now. Still no decent patch/fix three months later, no word from them to the consumer from either them or the "gaming media". I will pick up Amalur and never look back.

Fuck you bethesda, I will never EVER purchase a game from your shitty ass development house again on a Sony system, hell maybe I wont even buy any of your games ever again.

I seriously CANNOT believe the "gaming media" in this fucking debacle.


If you've waited this long it seems silly not to wait a few more days as the latest patch is being submitted for certification. I'm really hoping this will finally fix the problem, I really want to play this game. :'(


GAF parliamentarian
Yeah I'm thinking about selling this POS now. Still no decent patch/fix three months later, no word from them to the consumer from either them or the "gaming media". I will pick up Amalur and never look back.

Fuck you bethesda, I will never EVER purchase a game from your shitty ass development house again on a Sony system, hell maybe I wont even buy any of your games ever again.

I seriously CANNOT believe the "gaming media" in this fucking debacle.
Oh boy. I understand that it's normal to go all hyperbole and ignore shit when you're cranky, but come on.

No word from the gaming press? Ignoring Digital Foundry and 1UP's posts about it? Or Giantbomb's disqualification of the PS3 version from the awards?

Ignoring Bethesda's blog posts about the patch progress, and it being sent to console certification last Thursday?

Round it all off with a 'I'm selling this and buying x instead', you've got one hell of cookie-cutter a reply.


True..It's just I don't feel like I want to go back into it.. I dont know how many hours I spend in Skyrim so far, but it's quite something. I put it aside a month an a half ago because I wanted to wait for the patch. I'm just fed up the way they have been handling this entire situation and also the gaming "press/media"

Oh boy. I understand that it's normal to go all hyperbole and ignore shit when you're cranky, but come on.

No word from the gaming press? Ignoring Digital Foundry and 1UP's posts about it? Or Giantbomb's disqualification of the PS3 version from the awards?

Ignoring Bethesda's blog posts about the patch progress, and it being sent to console certification last Thursday?

Round it all off with a 'I'm selling this and buying x instead', you've got one hell of cookie-cutter a reply.

Yeah I am cranky and maybe it is a bit hyperbole, but ehm dude DF and 1Up are just a very few outlets that make a difference. Giantbomb did the right thing but like IGN they sent out some words, but the ps3 version still gets a 9 or whatever in their review. Fuck that, new customers look towards the grades and nothing else, no blog posts and no news three weeks old.

We were told the patch would arrive in january, while it is already February 6th. Who honestly knows when the patch will come? I can't trust Bethesda's word anymore. Not on anything really. Oh yeah guys we are using a totally new engine ( everybody knew this was bull though ), no problems with the Ps3 versions this time guys!

Who cares if it's a cookie cutter reply? That I dont want to make the time to make a long ass blog like post on why I think Bethesda is a POS company and the gaming "press/media" have done maybe 1 small ass thing to cover their asses with the fanbase, but also decide to keep that A+ or 9 grade up as not to fuck up their relationship with Bethesda.

I'm not concerned with myself playing this game anymore, I'm concerned with people in netherlands buying this game so much on Ps3 it's on the number 5 for this month. Customers who don't know jack shit about a clearly BROKEN game.


GAF parliamentarian
Because ignoring a version and giving a game goty for the other versions is really showing the company.
What else is the press supposed to do? Flood their e-mail accounts, or ask the post launch support crew to take time off working on the patch to repeat what the community team has mentioned in blog posts?


What else is the press supposed to do? Flood their e-mail accounts, or ask the post launch support crew to take time off working on the patch to repeat what the community team has mentioned in blog posts?

Let them know this is unacceptable. Take a fucking stand for once in their lifetime.


GAF parliamentarian
Well, we're in a Eurogamer vs. PS3 Skyrim thread and I just mentioned the PS3 version being disqualified, so I don't know what else you're expecting. This isn't the UN Human Rights convention.


Passing metallic gas
I really loved skyrim but ultimately my brain could only take so much. Extremely disappointed about how Beth handled the whole thing.


This thread started 2 months ago, when the fabled "Fix the ps3 version lag" patch was just out..

2 months later and we are still waiting... and what is worse is that the patch notes mention this.

Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)

and the patch that came out when this thread started had this note:

Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3)

isn´t that that the same..?


Well, we're in a Eurogamer vs. PS3 Skyrim thread and I just mentioned the PS3 version being disqualified, so I don't know what else you're expecting. This isn't the UN Human Rights convention.

I know, I'm just saying that a small part of the gaming media isnt enough. Also, in terms of IGN, putting up a story saying the game is broken while maintaining the score for the Ps3 version is just ridiculous.

I'm just annoyed by the fact that Bethesda seems to be getting away with this, since the Ps3 version is selling like hotcakes ( at least in the EU ).
What else is the press supposed to do?
I dont know. I would start with stop enabling them by excusing this shit with an asterisk and then showering them with awards with an asterisk, cause that criticism falls on deaf ears when youre simultaneous praising them.


GAF parliamentarian
They were supposed to submit the patch last week, I could be wrong but I don't think they've updated, so I assume they haven't yet, lol.
"As an update to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 users, we’re submitting 1.4 to the console manufacturers this week. When these updates are available, we’ll let everyone know." That was posted last Wednesday, so it looks pretty clear.

I dont know. I would start with stop enabling them by excusing this shit with an asterisk and then showering them with awards with an asterisk, cause that criticism falls on deaf ears when youre simultaneous praising them.
Why? Skyrim didn't make my GAF GOTY list at all because I only had it on PC, where it wasn't performing very well and looked pretty sub-par given the framerate I was getting. I started playing the Xbox version last month, and had I started playing that at launch, it probably would have been a different story. One version doesn't invalidate the other, same as my experience with Xbox/PC. Luckily, most of my issues with the PC version are fixed as of last week, so I'll be able to play it again. And I'm excited to do so, because it was a great game on Xbox.


"As an update to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 users, we’re submitting 1.4 to the console manufacturers this week. When these updates are available, we’ll let everyone know." That was posted last Wednesday, so it looks pretty clear.

Yeah that's the last update I mentioned in my post, Bethesda usually update their blog when they have already submitted the patch for certification, and they update again when the patches are available, but they haven't this time, so we could probably assume the patches hasn't been submitted yet, or they just haven't updated, but I would think it's the former.

Edit: This is usually how they update their users on their forum in the past with patches, they post and update their sticky when a patch is confirmed to be done, and another post when it is submitted and on the hands of Sony, and a new post when it's available:

No word from the gaming press? Ignoring Digital Foundry and 1UP's posts about it? Or Giantbomb's disqualification of the PS3 version from the awards?

IGN, CV&G and Eurogamer are the only major gaming sites that i've seen give this any real attention. I haven't seen the 1up posts you're talking about, so i'm not sure if they really went after Bethesda or not. The Giant Bomb thing is worthless. Isn't that the same site that wrote a story on the Uncharted 3 review thread on this board? But they couldn't be bothered to write a story about Bethesda lying to PS3 gamers (unless I missed that article)? It is pretty amazing that the majority of the gaming media has given this little to no attention. And now everyone has pretty much moved on even though it's been nearly 3 months since Skyrim was released and it still hasn't been fixed.
I have no confidence in the PS3 version ever being fixed. Bethesda has your money already, and is laughing all the way to the bank. What incentive to fix it do they have when they continually release broken products, and gamers always buy them?


I have no confidence in the PS3 version ever being fixed. Bethesda has your money already, and is laughing all the way to the bank. What incentive to fix it do they have when they continually release broken products, and gamers always buy them?

Not everyone. This would have topped my most anticipated game list throughout most of last year (luckily I don't pick much up on day one, otherwise I'd have been screwed with all of the other early adopters in here), but I'm still waiting to pick it up.

Even if this patch fixes it I STILL might wait for the inevitable GOTY version. Also fed up with getting the shaft on DLC from Bethesda.


I just went to the Bethsoft forums.. saw a guy from Sweden had written a lengthy letter to Bethesda.. He posted the letter in the forums.. yesterday he wrote back and told that he got an response from Tech Support


We thank you for your input. Bethsoft does monitor their forums, even if they aren't posting responses. Just so you know, Skyrim, as well
as our other titles released on consoles were approved by Sony and Microsoft Quality Assurance before their release.

Best Regards
His/Her Name
Technical Support

(you can read the thread here : http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1341643-an-open-letter-to-bethesda-freezing-and-lag/page__st__30 )

WTF..? if this is a real response from Bethesda Tech Support, then they pretty much do not care about their customers at all..
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