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Dinosaur Revolution (Discovery Channel, Sept. 4 & 11, 9-11 PM ET/PT)

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CrazyDude said:
How does a bunch of giant lizards and the date in which terrorists flew planes into things ironic?
Because we all know who the real terrorists were.
Cow Mengde said:
Here's a series of clips gathered from Discovery's website. They should give you a better idea of what they're going for with this show. There's actually a lot of comedy.

Thanks for rounding these up. I've added them to the OP, along with episode synopses.






The revolution will be televised tonight and starts shortly for the east coast. The second episode conflicts with Breaking Bad so you might want to DVR.
Yeah, some of the animation isn't all that great, but it's generally quite good. I knew what to expect since I saw the comic con trailers. They said they wanted to recreate a Looney Toons cartoon, so by then, I already knew what to expect. I am disappointed that they made the trailer so misleading.


Cow Mengde said:
Yeah, some of the animation isn't all that great, but it's generally quite good. I knew what to expect since I saw the comic con trailers. They said they wanted to recreate a Looney Toons cartoon, so by then, I already knew what to expect. I am disappointed that they made the trailer so misleading.

we have to wait YEARS for a dinosaur show and then you get this BS
why even bother at that point
I would rather watch two hour documentary with amazing detail than long series with funny looks and story. I was interested in this.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
MrHicks said:
we have to wait YEARS for a dinosaur show and then you get this BS
why even bother at that point
Still got Planet Dinosaur to look forward to and it should give a more straight edged depiction of Dinosaur life.


Very surprised at the quality. Usually the CG is spotty on these but this was very well done. Wish it was maybe going on time line though showing the Dinosaur age from begging to end. Still liked it though and the disabled Dinosaur bit was kind of funny.

Cow Mengde said:
Yeah, some of the animation isn't all that great, but it's generally quite good. I knew what to expect since I saw the comic con trailers. They said they wanted to recreate a Looney Toons cartoon, so by then, I already knew what to expect. I am disappointed that they made the trailer so misleading.
This thing really was not like a Looney Toons cartoon at all though it had some funny moments at the disabled dinosaur expense.
Dinosaur Revolution's unconventional approach is definitely polarizing and was going to be from the start.

I'm not exactly sold on the amount of humor and the often ridiculously exaggerated interactions between animals, but I appreciate the DR team's desire to do something a little different than the typical "documentary" song and dance. The actual scientific content in these types of shows is invariably hit or miss, and essentially nonexistent if you have access to the primary paleontological literature or even some of the better semitechnical popular works, so I have no problem with the "entertainment informed by, but not grounded in, science" approach the show was originally meant to follow.

I can't help but feel that the series would have been better received if not for Discovery's misleadingly exaggerating the scientific credentials it was never meant to have. The paleontologist "talking head," or ghosts-- WTF?!-- in this case, segments felt needlessly tacked on given the kind of show this is and how little they were allowed to say, and falsely implies that the over-the-top scenes playing out have a basis in reality when in fact almost none of them do. However, given the scarcity of evidence we have for dinosaur behavior and interactions, this is unavoidable and the issue is hardly DR's alone.

LQX said:
Very surprised at the quality. Usually the CG is spotty on these but this was very well done. Wish it was maybe going on time line though showing the Dinosaur age from begging to end. Still liked it though and the disabled Dinosaur bit was kind of funny.

Anatomically, the CG models are among the best I've seen, but the animation, at least in the first episode, was often jarringly bad; the stiffly bounding Saurosuchus was simply cringe-inducing. By the second hour, the animals generally moved with a greater sense of weight and believability, but there were still inconsistencies.

The series will roughly progress in chronological order. The first episode was disjointed in that regard, but after the Late Jurassic fauna in the second, it will progress to the Early and Late Cretaceous ones in the third and fourth episodes.
I watched episode 1 twice in a row. I have to say I liked it. I knew what to expect and was still shocked by how stupid some of the scenes and stories are, but for the most part, this is a story about survival and it's very entertaining. The slapstick humor is out of place and they don't do a very good job of explaining what little science that's there, but Walking With Dinosaurs did the same thing with even less science. Walking With Dinosaurs showed Utahraptor in EUROPE for godsakes.

DR is silly, but we knew in advance. If you only watched the trailers and didn't keep up with the information, yes, Discovery did a bait and switch, and that was wrong.

I wish the stories weren't so disjointed though.

I'm actually more weary of of Planet Dinosaur because of WWD.
Hellsing321 said:
Because we all know who the real terrorists were.

You were right! Fucking tyrannosaurs in F-14s, always up to no good.

Discovery felt that the show was inappropriate for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, so the final two hours of Dinosaur Revolution, "Survival Tactics" and "End Game," will now air on Tuesday, September 13 from 9-11 pm on Science Channel, not Discovery.
The Watering Hole episode was so damn good. Yeah the behavior was way to "humanish" but damn it was entertaining. The relationship between the Allosaurus and Dinheirosaurus, the little raptor guy and the bird he spent the whole show trying to get. Very funny.
IceDoesntHelp said:
I'd like to know where I can watch the first episode. Is it airing elsewhere?

Well, it's done airing... as for another place to watch it, yes, but I can't give you any links. It's probably against the rules.

weekend_warrior said:
The Watering Hole episode was so damn good. Yeah the behavior was way to "humanish" but damn it was entertaining. The relationship between the Allosaurus and Dinheirosaurus, the little raptor guy and the bird he spent the whole show trying to get. Very funny.


Allosaurus dick must be a Jurassic delicacy.

But yeah, it was a nice episode. I was rooting for the Allosaurus in that episode.

Stage On

Spaceman Spiff said:
You were right! Fucking tyrannosaurs in F-14s, always up to no good.

Discovery felt that the show was inappropriate for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, so the final two hours of Dinosaur Revolution, "Survival Tactics" and "End Game," will now air on Tuesday, September 13 from 9-11 pm on Science Channel, not Discovery.

That's strange. Those episodes aired just fine last night here in Canada.

The End Game episode is the only one with a graphic warning before the show, thought it didn't really do much to earn it other then one nasty but brief impalement moment
Solid two hours tonight. As expected from the early reviews, the "Watering Hole" and "End Game" episodes were the strongest of the four. The storytelling approach of the show definitely works best with focused locales and faunas.

Tonight's "End Game" was a standout in terms of modeling and animation. Even among Dinosaur Revolution's universally excellent designs, the T. rex clearly got some extra TLC courtesy of David Krentz-- his tyrannosaurs have always been my absolute favorites. I only wish the villain T. rex was around longer, but goddamn, what a way to go! It's getting to be a rather tiresome cliche to end a dinosaur show with the "Asteroid Impact Ruining the Dinosaurs' Good Times" scenario, but DR continuing the story for a bit during the fallout of the impact was most welcome. The Troodon sheltering its egg inside the jaws of the dead juvenile T. rex was a nice scene.

As much as it pains me to see how much Dinosaur Revolution has changed from the original concept, the end result was a nice change of pace and I'm glad the team chose an unconventional approach. The upcoming BBC Planet Dinosaur series isn't at all comparable in terms of tone, style, or content, but certainly looks wonderful and I'm very much looking forward to watching it. It's a good time to be a dinosaur enthusiast, that's for sure.
I wrote a lengthy impression of the first 2 episodes else where. But here it is again. The last 2 parts will come later. BTW, Planet Dinosaur airs on the UK tonight.

Personally, I'm keeping my expectations low for Planet Dinosaur. The original Walking With Dinosaurs was nothing but hyperbole back up by little to no science, and Dinosaur Revolution is no different. I kept my expectations in checked and came away very happy with the first 2 episodes of Dinosaur Revolution. In fact, I'm surprised just how much I ended up enjoying Dinosaur Revolution.

This show has some of the very best looking CGI dinosaurs ever seen on television AND FILM, but also some out of place slapstick humor and anthropomorphized behavior. Don't get my wrong, the dinosaurs aren't like Disney's 2000 movie Dinosaurs. There are only certain instances where they felt like cartoon characters, and moments where they felt like real animals. You can tell this show has a very big budget behind it -- with all the dinosaur models lovingly crafted with tessellated surfaces and displacement mapping on every inch of their skin. I mean, they created 2 different Allosaurus models for the second episode, when other shows would just recycle the same model; and sometimes even reusing them for a different species. Not in Dinosaur Revolution. Sure, many of the designs are very wild, but since we'll never know what a real dinosaur looks like, might as well be wrong with style, and man are they over flowing with style. All the models are beautifully lit with global illumination and high dynamic range to make them fit in the the live action environments. There are one or two shots where the CGI doesn't blend in very well with the live action backgrounds, but those are very minimal, and nowhere near as bad as the older shows.

The animation is the most disappointing part of this series; with shots that are spotty and downright ugly. There are also really well animated scenes, but again, the difference is jarring. The animation also plays a part in the slapstick humor, like an Eoraptor's struggle with a Probelesodon (early mammal) only to accidentally fling the mammal into the jaws of a Saurosuchus (ancestor of crocs). There are some genuinely laugh out loud moments along with moments that feels out of place.

Dinosaur Revolution also likes to mix things up with their stories. The first episode is a series of shorts jumping all over the place, but generally focused on mating and rearing their young. Nothing mind-blowing, just the usual survival stories and with good action throw into the mix. I loved the Cryolophosaurus fight scene. The violence is surprisingly... violent . The second episode focuses on the life of an Allosaurus instead of a series of shorts. The Allosaurus being the underdog in this episode actually got me to root for him, especially when he goes up against the tyrannosaur size Torvosaurus.

That said, both episodes contain mind boggling logic in their storytelling as well. A Saurosuchus bites an Eoraptor, then lets it go so it can chase another pair of Eoraptors. WHY!? Why did the Torvosaurus bite the Allosaurus in the pubis? Was he trying to castrate him (assuming it was a he)? How the heck could a baby with a broken jaw that can't even hunt for itself survive to adulthood without its mother? None of these problems have anything to do with science. It's just poor writing.

As for science, well, it's what you'd expect. Animals without vocal cords chirping, out of place dinosaurs, and exaggerations galore. It's on par with the other shows so I wasn't too bothered by them.

Yeah, Dinosaur Revolution has its ups and downs, but everything was within my expectations. Deep down, while I was hyping up the show in Dinosaur News Center, there was also a sense of dread. I gathered a collection of clips to let my viewers know this is what you'd expect, and I was prepared for the worst. Having the right expectations in the end helped me enjoy the show for what it is. Hopefully, the last 2 episodes will be just as entertaining.


I just watched it and damn, I think my favorite episode is probably the first one.
Those Eoraptors are so friggin cute. <3
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