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Dragon Age: Inquisition | E3 2014 Coverage


Day 1 on this, but extremely disappointed that they gave a "Powerpoint Slide" (thanks Giant Bomb) to showing off the tactical view and pause feature instead of giving it even 30 seconds of footage.
Im super excited for this. I am a sucker for Bioware games but I'm a little disappointed with the Xbox DLC timed exclusivity. I hope it won't be too long
The battle UI and font looks really out of place too. Just looks like its placeholder or something but BioWare rarely does a nice job with their UIs of late.


No bald cap? Lies!
The battle UI and font looks really out of place too. Just looks like its placeholder or something but BioWare rarely does a nice job with their UIs of late.

It was rather busy looking, wouldn't mind seeing some changes, I hope we can control what is on and not, but they've been pretty good with UIs in the past. DA2's was pretty great. Might not have fit stylistically but it was super crisp, easy to read and well organized. DAO's was nice in theory but the whole book style and everything was pretty bland and annoying to use.
It was rather busy looking, wouldn't mind seeing some changes, I hope we can control what is on and not, but they've been pretty good with UIs in the past. DA2's was pretty great. Might not have fit stylistically but it was super crisp, easy to read and well organized. DAO's was nice in theory but the whole book style and everything was pretty bland and annoying to use.

I thought Origins was nice on PC anyway, whereas DA2 was terrible. I actually don't mind Inquisition having the party portraits in the upper left- that's better IMO than the lower left like they were in DA2.

Just the big chunky white font for FRONT RIGHT LEG seemed horribly in your face and out of place.


No bald cap? Lies!
Trailers looked great.

But damn it I'm so annoyed that timed exclusive DLC is still an issue.

Thought we were sitting pretty with DLC when BioWare said no DLC characters or launch content, but nothing in life is free. MS offers the $$ and EA can't help themselves but take it.


Looked a little Dragon's Dogma-ish. We'll have to see more.

I thought the same thing. Especially the spell casting. I mean, that is exactly how you cast spells and that same firewall spell is in Dragon's Dogma. Not that it's entirely exclusive, but it definitely didn't help the Dragon's Dogma vibes.

I'm interested to see who else thought the same.
If this were a new IP, or if Dragon Age 2 had never happened, I would be unbelievably excited for this game. Everything I've seen of it looks fantastic. As it stands I'm cautiously optimistic. It's clear that Bioware understand the magnitude of their fuckup with DA2, but quite frankly I'm not sure I can have confidence in a team that fucked up that bad in the first place. Still, the series has always had a lot of promise.


Underwhelming trailer.

It was neither touching, nor entertaining, or particularly informative. Only thing I get is that Morrigan will appear -with an even worse clothing design-, that walking/jumping animations are not up to par with the graphics, and (that) good written dialogue does not go with Bioware yet.

- and that comes from someone that loved part of the conversations in DA 2 (banter, sarcastic Hawke and the whole Arishok deal).

We already knew the rest of the info (main character surviving the first "tear", power to close it, companions), so hope there is more to come. Dragon age keep?


The presence or absence of friendly fire informs both encounter design and skill design, which are pretty much the core of the tactical gameplay in a party-based CRPG. It's decidedly not something you can make optional and expect unchanged encounters and skills to work with.

The only thing they need to do to immediately get me back on board with this game is announce that FF is on at the default difficulty level.

But that won't happen, since you can't have FF on and have people fighting action-packed battles as a single character -- at least not while maintaining any semblance of overall difficulty.

Man, I doubt that even if FF is on by default this game will have a worthwhile combat system. The way they talk about the tactical view reminds me of those dumb "old school" difficulties found in may modern games.


No bald cap? Lies!
I like how the best piece of content we got was at the MS conference, which we weren't expecting anything. Yet the two big events that were supposed to have stuff were completely worthless. The EA demo was like barely a minute long, then the Spike/GT segment which was supposed to have new stuff was Geoff being a dick asking about ME and then showing b-roll of the crummy demo we just saw from EA.

I hope Twitch or IGN has something not totally shit tomorrow.


Dragon battle looked bad. Just swapping characters on the fly and firing at the boss. No pause for simultaneous command issues and positioning. I suppose they just put it on easy and tried to make an "actiony" video for E3. Can't judge this game unless a crpg player gets hands on and reports on how well the tactical view functions.

Graphics are fine of course.


Uhm, the trailer from april was better than the one they showed today.

I'm not surprised at how underwhelming and short was the demo, RPGs always do poorly on this kind of conferences.

I guess the large trailer will be tomorrow at IGN?
What they need to do is just show an extended gameplay video like they did back before Origins came out that was basically just somebody playing through the Ostagar part of Origins. It showed off just a little bit of everything .

Unless EA/BioWare are saving more meaningful gameplay for later? Seems odd considering the game is coming out in about 4 months.

You can only get away with sterile environment flythroughs so many times.


No bald cap? Lies!
Even more character info on the DA website, so far today Sera:

Character Profile: Sera


It’s on the streets of Orlais that the Inquisition finds Sera—or rather, she finds them.

Sera‘s an outsider, a rogue elf who senior writer Luke Kristjanson describes as a “troublemaker.” She brings to the Inquisition the perspective of the little people caught between powerful factions as the world spins out of control.

“Sera is brash and fun,” Kristjanson says. “She takes nothing seriously until it deserves to be taken seriously, and not much does. She’s only seen power from the underside, a view that gives her an almost complete lack of respect for the arrogance behind authority.”

The Inquisition is the fastest Sera's ever seen someone “in power” move. She's never had the chance to get in early and make sure those heading to the top stay humble. But there are also big questions that she needs to answer for herself—“hole in the sky” big—and the Inquisition seems like the place to do it.

“The phrase I keep going back to is ‘she's not about what's right, she's about what's right now’,” Kristjanson says. “Doing something for the ‘greater good’ makes her angry, because she thinks that's shorthand for ‘let's hurt people who don't deserve it because it's easier.’ But she's got her own reasons for helping too. Play nice with the vulnerable and you’ve always got friends, and friends are better than power.”


During 18 years at BioWare, Kristjanson has written many memorable characters for nearly all of BioWare’s franchises from Baldur’s Gate to Inquisition. It’s different every time, but he says it’s always fun.

“Sera is raw and genuine,” says Kristjanson. “I’ve written plenty of characters who were too clever for their own good. Sera hasn’t had to test her beliefs, so she brings a level of honest discovery that is cutting and refreshing. I had a lot of fun with her voice in particular. The actor nailed it day one. From the first voice test, she was Sera. Her laugh is great.”

With the fate of Thedas hanging in the balance and pressures mounting, Sera’s reckless abandon won’t win over every party member she fights alongside.

“Sera likes people who try (even if they fail), and is suspicious of people who are so powerful they don’t have to,” Kristjanson says. “There are people she loves, people she hates, and people she loves to hate. That draws a line, in and out of the party.”

In short, Sera speaks her mind.

“She makes no secret of her feelings,” Kristjanson says. “I don’t think she could if she tried.”


No bald cap? Lies!
I don't know I think she looks pretty great. Kind of wish she still had the mullet from the artwork. I think the Yolandi from Die Antwoord look suits her. She's not ugly, but she's also not super attractive either.

Also Lukas Kristjanson wrote Aveline, aka one of the best characters in DA series, so I expect good things from Sera.


No bald cap? Lies!
New article from the Escapist: Dragon Age: Inquisition - Biggest RPG Ever Created by BioWare

  • "In Dragon Age: Inquisition, there are nine followers for you to find and recruit, the most of any Dragon Age game to date."
  • "Ten massive, open living regions that span two nations."
  • "Your Inquisitor will be uniquely yours with four playable races, two genders, and a choice of voices, as well as our unique, brand new facial customization system that offers over a billion possible faces."
  • "Twenty-one different combat skill tees with over 250 combat abilities, talents, and upgrades allow you to fight the way you want."
  • "16 million armor combinations that can be equipped on both you and your followers."

Bullshit. Its not going to be bigger than Baldur's Gate 2.

The actual quote in the Escapist article they botched is that its the biggest RPG world BioWare has created:
"This is the biggest RPG world that we have ever made. This is a multi-region open-world," said Darrah."

Kind of weird how the article mentions the game won't be playable at E3? Come on, the game is coming out in 4 months and they're not letting people go hands on?


No bald cap? Lies!
Bullshit. Its not going to be bigger than Baldur's Gate 2.

The actual quote in the Escapist article they botched is that its the biggest RPG world BioWare has created:
"This is the biggest RPG world that we have ever made. This is a multi-region open-world," said Darrah."

Kind of weird how the article mentions the game won't be playable at E3? Come on, the game is coming out in 4 months and they're not letting people go hands on?

It would be cool if it was bigger than BG2, it also depends though on what they measuring, it terms of scale, maybe we are going to be traveling like 1/3 of the continent, same for actual in-game terrain size. Content though, that would be really tough. No demo is a bit odd, but this is nice.

I'm pretty curious as to how the qunari player character is going to be integrated into the world. Realistically you'd expect being a qunari to make things a lot harder for you politically.
Sera will be my waifu.

I hope we get a gameplay demo this week. Oh and when the heck are we gonna get dragon keep info, I need to know how my world will carry over to ps4.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It would be cool if it was bigger than BG2, it also depends though on what they measuring, it terms of scale, maybe we are going to be traveling like 1/3 of the continent, same for actual in-game terrain size. Content though, that would be really tough. No demo is a bit odd, but this is nice.

So Qunari finally confirmed playable or is this an NPC? Also aren't Qunari females and Qunari mages supposed to be incredibly rare? And you just happen to have one in DA3?


Damn, this game looks so sexy. It will be my first game I play on PS4. Might not get it day 1 though, since I don't have the system yet, but hoping I will by years end.


No bald cap? Lies!
So Qunari finally confirmed playable or is this an NPC? Also aren't Qunari females and Qunari mages supposed to be incredibly rare? And you just happen to have one in DA3?

Qunari are a playable race along with Humans, Elves and Dwarves, that is not a companion. And yes you can be a Qunari mage.
Qunari are a playable race along with Humans, Elves and Dwarves, that is not a companion. And yes you can be a Qunari mage.

Yeah, they said anything can be a mage except dwarves, as per usual. No other race/class/gender restrictions.

And damn about keep. I've yet to see anyone say they got in across GAF, reddit, twitter and cheapassgamer.


I thought the same thing. Especially the spell casting. I mean, that is exactly how you cast spells and that same firewall spell is in Dragon's Dogma. Not that it's entirely exclusive, but it definitely didn't help the Dragon's Dogma vibes.

I'm interested to see who else thought the same.

When I noticed that you could attack individual parts of the Dragon's body I started getting some Dogma vibes but the second I saw the firewall spell I legit thought I was just watching a stylized Dragon's Dogma video. I was half expecting the guy who ran and attacked the dragon's leg to hop on and start climbing around.

I'm kinda intrigued. DD is one of my favorite games so something similar sounds awesome. For me it's just going to come down to how good the skill/ability system is, we didn't really see much in the video outside of HIT ABILITY, DO DAMAGE. I'm not really expecting exactly the same kind of game obviously (since DD is straight up an action RPG and this is something in-between and slower), but, it really did look similar in a lot of ways.
When I noticed that you could attack individual parts of the Dragon's body I started getting some Dogma vibes but the second I saw the firewall spell I legit thought I was just watching a stylized Dragon's Dogma video. I was half expecting the guy who ran and attacked the dragon's leg to hop on and start climbing around.

I'm kinda intrigued. DD is one of my favorite games so something similar sounds awesome. For me it's just going to come down to how good the skill/ability system is, we didn't really see much in the video outside of HIT ABILITY, DO DAMAGE. I'm not really expecting exactly the same kind of game obviously (since DD is straight up an action RPG and this is something in-between and slower), but, it really did look similar in a lot of ways.

A game with the storyline of Dragon Age and the combat of Dragon's Dogma would be absolutely phenomenal.
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