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Dragon Age: Inquisition | E3 2014 Coverage


No bald cap? Lies!
Gamersyde said:



Oh god, that crappy, button mashy combat.

It looks like they built everything aorund it too. The dragon's attacks are telegraphed like 3 seconds ahead.

I hope they balance it out when you play tactically - but I'm afraid all they''ll do is make monsters damage sponges :\


No bald cap? Lies!
This is promising, two leads of the game, so hopefully they'll have some actual gameplay to demo and not some quick 2 minute nothing interview like that GT bullshit.


I dont think I can get over that terribly dull looking combat.

Maybe I should do what they obviously want me to do and put it on easy and plow through it for the characters and story.


That gameplay reminds me of Dragon's Dogma (Witcher3's demo looked similar as well). Not a bad thing to me, I'm looking forward to this.


No bald cap? Lies!
I just reread everything I posted and I have to say I'm really excited that Sera is A Friend of Red Jenny, I can't wait to learn more about them. Their quest in DAO and DA2 was one of those quests that just got you thinking and curious as to what that was all about.

And then The Iron Bull is still technically a follower of the Qun, but as a deep cover Ben-Hassrath he's a bit more free to do as he pleases and that mostly seems to be killing. It'll be interesting to see his perspective on the Qun and his past.


This and Destiny are seriously the only games I'm hyped for in 2014.

I mean, sure, I'll play others, but this looks great and I'm super excited for it.


Oh god, that crappy, button mashy combat.

It looks like they built everything aorund it too. The dragon's attacks are telegraphed like 3 seconds ahead.

I hope they balance it out when you play tactically - but I'm afraid all they''ll do is make monsters damage sponges :\

There's no doubt in my mind that the combat is designed around the multiplayer.
Oh god, that crappy, button mashy combat.

It looks like they built everything aorund it too. The dragon's attacks are telegraphed like 3 seconds ahead.

I hope they balance it out when you play tactically - but I'm afraid all they''ll do is make monsters damage sponges :

I will stick to turn based combat exclusively. I really hope some other developer takes note of the Dragon Age turn based crowd and builds a game with them in mind. Bioware got it right with KOTOR on the original Xbox and more companies need to follow that gameplay formula.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
The combat looked really twitchy and action based too. I don't know if that was just for a trailer but I don't want an action rpg , I want a tactical party based RPG.

There is full tactical mode, which I'm sure will be required for any difficulty over normal.
Looked great to me, like the way they are building each companion's backstory up, so good.


When I noticed that you could attack individual parts of the Dragon's body I started getting some Dogma vibes but the second I saw the firewall spell I legit thought I was just watching a stylized Dragon's Dogma video. I was half expecting the guy who ran and attacked the dragon's leg to hop on and start climbing around.

I'm kinda intrigued. DD is one of my favorite games so something similar sounds awesome. For me it's just going to come down to how good the skill/ability system is, we didn't really see much in the video outside of HIT ABILITY, DO DAMAGE. I'm not really expecting exactly the same kind of game obviously (since DD is straight up an action RPG and this is something in-between and slower), but, it really did look similar in a lot of ways.

It's pretty crazy and unexpected, but it does seem interesting. My only issue is the amount of people who are going to praise the combat without even realizing that DD was (probably) doing it better. It's definitely a step up from the combat they had before, though. I never found that traditional system to be particularly interesting.


It's pretty crazy and unexpected, but it does seem interesting. My only issue is the amount of people who are going to praise the combat without even realizing that DD was (probably) doing it better. It's definitely a step up from the combat they had before, though. I never found that traditional system to be particularly interesting.
DD is more single-character action like God of War or Witcher. Your pawns are not full-blown party members who can impact the game as much as you, they are just supports.

DA:I still tries to give gamers the party tactical D&D thing that is clearly not your bag (which is fine).


the non-tactical view stuff they have shown actually looks pretty good...but i find it strange to see them seemingly kinda wanting to hide the tactical view stuff. we've seen a bit of it but certainly not as much as the action/ hit buttons while you let your party members go ham aspect of the combat. is it because they think its boring or something? from my pesrpective i dont know why anyone would wanna hide something i thought was so successful in the first game.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Yes, party armour configuration is back. Does anyone know if the two weapon stance system from DA:Origins is making a return? Absolutely loved being a ranger and going in for some quick melee strikes, then jumping back and pressing a single button to switch to my bow and do some range attacks. The lack of it in DA2, forced me to pretty much use one type of weapon for most of the game. Couldn't be bothered to open up the menu mid battle and manually change weapons. I have no idea why it was removed.


DD is more single-character action like God of War or Witcher. Your pawns are not full-blown party members who can impact the game as much as you, they are just supports.

DA:I still tries to give gamers the party tactical D&D thing that is clearly not your bag (which is fine).

The funny thing is that I'm fine with tactical combat, but I just have a distaste for controlling multiple characters. It just gets tedious, and the pathing can sometimes be a pain. Pawns were definitely more in the background, though, and I understand where you're coming from.

I've slogged through many, many isometric CRPGs in my day. =)


cause origins style was garbage

Actually I just watched snippets of the EA conference and I'm VERY happy to discover that they give you two completely different modes to play... action combat and top-down tactical style ala Balder's Gate. I'm surprised that nobody screen-grabbed that moment from the conference... thanks to that, I'm fully hyped for this game again.


Any news on friendly fire? Since that seems be one of bigger indicators they're planning to go for with this game

I'm sure it will be handled the same as it was in DA:O

When playing on Normal, there won't be, when playing on Hard/Nightmare, there will be


YOu should be happy, they are making a game for you!
I am. Banter aside honestly I think it would be pretty neat to be able to choose from two different play styles, each from a different end of the spectrum so please DAO fans and people who like more fast paste combat. Think currently what we see is a hybrid of the two.


Saint Titanfall
I'm sure it will be handled the same as it was in DA:O

When playing on Normal, there won't be, when playing on Hard/Nightmare, there will be

What???.. there was friendly fire on normal in DA:O at the very least on pc. I know this because I'm playing the game right now.


No bald cap? Lies!
Show floor doesn't open up till 3pm EST, so the next opportunity for info on stuff like FF and hopefully a good demo of gameplay both action and tactical will be at 1:30pm EST on Twitch.tv with Mike Laidlaw and Mark Darrah.


I wonder what kinds of specializations there will be to the classes? I'm hoping for shapeshifter or bloodmage for mage class, in addition to the existing knight enchanter. :c


No bald cap? Lies!
I wonder what kinds of specializations there will be to the classes? I'm hoping for shapeshifter or bloodmage for mage class, in addition to the existing knight enchanter. :c

We already know them:

  • Knight Enchanter
    Among the Circles of Magi, only a few mages have the strength of will necessary to focus their energy inward. Wrapped in protective magics and wielding blades of arcane force, the Knight Enchanters are rare, but inspiring sights as they lead the charge into enemy ranks.
  • Necromancer
  • Rift Mage

  • Artificer
    Intricate mechanisms are the core of the artificer’s craft: Deadly traps; Distracting contraptions; Marvels of engineering turned to deadly purpose. If an artificer is standing at the far end of a seemingly innocuous stretch of the battlefield, you should find another path. If he or she is smiling? Best just to hope your affairs are in order.
  • Assassin
  • Tempest

  • Champion
    Champions are defenders and protectors, and when a warrior trains in the champion’s tradition, he or she becomes unstoppable. Champions use their armor, weapon and awareness to shrug off incoming attacks while holding critical positions on the battlefield and protecting allies in the process.
  • Reaver
  • Templar

I'm curious to see if companions will also have custom specializations like they did in DA2.

I would like to see them have a hybrid specialization unique to them and then two of the others listed above, but I remember a dev saying you can only choose on specialization so I think the odds of having both a unique one and two others is unlikely. I'm not sure which I would prefer for companions, access to the three listed or just one unique specialization.


What???.. there was friendly fire on normal in DA:O at the very least on pc. I know this because I'm playing the game right now.
Yeah, DAO was clearly conceptualized as a tactical
game first, and then shoehorned on consoles. DA2 (and apparently this) is the other way around.

I believe in the former approach. Action players don't notice the major mechanical deficiencies of what they're hacking and slashing through anyway, while they break the game for people who want a tactical challenge :p


Wow, I must've missed that somehow. Has this been known for a while? Thanks for the info - and for crushing my specialization dreams!

It's been known for a few months. Basically, they unveiled a single specialization for each class, but left the names of the other specializations in the web page source.
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