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Drakensang: The River of Time |OT| Swords, Sorcery, and a Boat


Mudo said:
Ok I only got to play for 30 minutes last night but I do have a couple questions:

Character creation: Am I limited to making a Warrior, Ranger or (forgot name, sounds a lot like warrior) ? Maybe I missed a tab or something, I love playing mages in games like this.

I can't find an instruction manual with my Gamersgate download. I'm new to GG so not sure if I missed it - I really need some info on the game as it's been a long time since I played the other and it's really complex =)

Can controls for movement be changed to something more like WOW where turning left and right turns the camera, and not your character sort of just turning on the screen?
When you are at the character select screen there should be arrows to the side of the model that you can use to switch to the different class options.


René_EM said:
Some comments after about 4 hours of gameplay:

Have you played the original? Any standout differences?

All the stuff you said about this, can be said about the original as well, which is a good thing of course :D. High quality game. Too bad dd only so far, the og had a nice box + color manual to boot!


Oh man...Thank god for quick saves cause I just had a few of those fights where you can only roll 1's while the enemies roll nothing but 20's. Half my team is dead before I realize what happened. Really liking the elf dungeon. Solid mix of quest lines, enemy types, and puzzles here. It's damn long too.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Art direction is quite nice, going by the screens. I didn't get into the first game, but didn't give it much of a chance, either.


In regards to story...

The OP mentions that this game has ties to the first. I've had the first sitting on my shelf for months unplayed because I'd read that the story sucked. Are the links to the first game pervasive enough to merit playing the first game before attacking the second?


Chrysalis said:
In regards to story...

The OP mentions that this game has ties to the first. I've had the first sitting on my shelf for months unplayed because I'd read that the story sucked. Are the links to the first game pervasive enough to merit playing the first game before attacking the second?

It's not a must, but there are plenty connections that you'll see coming from the first game. Both are pretty similar when it comes to the gameplay anyway. The story doesn't suck in either game, it's just standard fare.


Chrysalis said:
In regards to story...

The OP mentions that this game has ties to the first. I've had the first sitting on my shelf for months unplayed because I'd read that the story sucked. Are the links to the first game pervasive enough to merit playing the first game before attacking the second?
You could honestly play them in any order. The actual plot so far seems self contained unless I am just forgetting stuff from the original.


Ceebs said:
You could honestly play them in any order. The actual plot so far seems self contained unless I am just forgetting stuff from the original.

One thing that you may not realize is that the two characters in the opening are potential party members from the first game.

But it's a prequel, so your actions in the first game don't have any bearing on this one.
Game seems right up my alley, I'm digging the art style.

Unfortunately my giant STEAM backlog is preventing me from buying anything brand new right now. I'll probably pick it up down the road though.
Been playing for a little while now, and a big issue I'm having is there being very little flexibility with respect to your party. You're basically stuck with a thief, two fighters, and either a ranger or mage, and for a good chunk you only have one fighter. From what I'm reading that's all you'll get for the entirety of the game, as this is game tells their story (the three you meet in the beginning). So choosing to play a burglar, my party now consists of two thief-types, one fighter, and a ranger, and a lot of the fights are becoming hard as hell (in the elven area). The mage is no longer available and the other fighter is unavailable as yet.


Confidence Man said:
Been playing for a little while now, and a big issue I'm having is there being very little flexibility with respect to your party. You're basically stuck with a thief, two fighters, and either a ranger or mage, and for a good chunk you only have one fighter. From what I'm reading that's all you'll get for the entirety of the game, as this is game tells their story (the three you meet in the beginning). So choosing to play a burglar, my party now consists of two thief-types, one fighter, and a ranger, and a lot of the fights are becoming hard as hell (in the elven area). The mage is no longer available and the other fighter is unavailable as yet.
The solution there is to spec the party characters to fill in the gaps. For instance If you did not have a mage, the elf girl can fill that role nicely if you pump the points into spells and get some equipment to raise the mage related attributes.

By the way, the 3rd boss of the game has a WoW hard mode style mechanic where you can disable abilities to make the fight easier but sacrifice loot for each you turn off. I tried it at full strength and got my ass beaten very badly.


I have put a bit over 15 hours into the game at this point and I absolutely love it. Just finished up some side quests and they were absolutely brutal in terms of challenge. Starting to amass some attribute enhancing gear and recipes for some nice crafted armor I have been trying to gather the stuff to make. The main story is the weakest link thus far, but it seems like it may be picking up steam now. For anyone that is not very far, I suggest you have someone to disable traps at all times. I have been one shot by a few I did not notice on a few occasions.

And some more screens:



Finished up the game and reinstalled the original for a bit so I have a few thoughts on both.

Compared to the original, River of Time is is a noticeable improvement in a few areas. The biggest change is just from the inclusion of fast travel markers around the zones. They keep you from running across the city for menial tasks. In the original the main city is large enough so that it is kinda annoying to get to the other side to turn in quests or purchase supplies. The fast travel points while providing some convience are not as easy to abuse as fast travel when it is used like the Bethesda games. You have actually get to the one of the fast travel spots to use it.

The game looks much better as you would expect from a sequel, but as far as presentation goes the biggest change is almost all of the conversations are voiced whereas the original would have maybe a line of dialog for a lengthy conversation. The UI for character sheet and inventory is cleaned up a good bit and it is just much more pleasing to the eye.

As far as the story goes, this is really not the strong suit of either game as it's typical fantasy stuff. The original is a much more expansive game, while ROT simply has a few areas you will visit multiple times. ROT mixes up the game a bit more in the early levels, so you do fight more than just endless swarms of rats for the first few hours. Sadly you have far fewer options for companion characters, with only 5 possible characters to join (and a maximum of 4 per playthrough). You get a full party rather quickly, but the final party member does not join until a bit over halfway through the game. This leaves you with less flexibility in building your party members skills since you do not have someone to dump all the crafting skills on.

Overall, the game has some shortcomings, but it's a great way to kill 30+ hours if you enjoy your RPGs stat heavy and combat tactical. I would say anyone who enjoys the Infinity Engine games or Neverwinter Nights to give it a try. It's only 20 bucks, and it's a much better RPG than Dragon Age (unless you just have to be bone your party members)

Another positive is I think I now fully understand a majority of the formulas and mechanics the game uses. XD
Ceebs said:
The solution there is to spec the party characters to fill in the gaps. For instance If you did not have a mage, the elf girl can fill that role nicely if you pump the points into spells and get some equipment to raise the mage related attributes.

By the way, the 3rd boss of the game has a WoW hard mode style mechanic where you can disable abilities to make the fight easier but sacrifice loot for each you turn off. I tried it at full strength and got my ass beaten very badly.

I managed to just barely squeak by that boss. I had to turn it down to easy and use all but one of the runes. At least I can ditch my second thief for another fighter now.


Confidence Man said:
I managed to just barely squeak by that boss. I had to turn it down to easy and use all but one of the runes. At least I can ditch my second thief for another fighter now.
I have zero clue how to actually beat that thing using none of the runes. You need a ton of DPS to get past it's increased defense. My mage was sucked dry of AE as soon as the fight started so I never even stood a chance. Maybe if you did all the Hunting Reserve stuff you could get a few more levels, but you would probably need Cano built into more of a straight fighter or Ranger rather than rogue.

Some of the later boss fights are better than that one in terms of mechanics you have to deal with.


Great game!

Where can I find someone who sells/learns summoning spells? I started with a battlemage, and he got non.


Raggy said:
Great game!

Where can I find someone who sells/learns summoning spells? I started with a battlemage, and he got non.
Other than your character the only ones that can learn a summoning spell are Feyris or Jaakon. Feyris is the only one that can learn the Helpful Paw spell unless you are an elf as well.


Well, I saw the steam advertising a few minutes ago and remembered some awesome screenshots some people posted in the Pc screenshot thread.

Gonna buy it in a few minutes. Any patch, mod or advice before I start playing?

EDIT: ...and bought.


Dizzy-4U said:
Well, I saw the steam advertising a few minutes ago and remembered some awesome screenshots some people posted in the Pc screenshot thread.

Gonna buy it in a few minutes. Any patch, mod or advice before I start playing?

EDIT: ...and bought.

Look in post #55.

I'm using that one, and I recommend it.

The 50% shorten time picking plants are worth it alone. Would like a slightly higher walk speed still though.


Hooooly crap. This game looks so beautiful! And silk smooth 60fps too. I'm really diggin the art style. Very nice first impression.

Raggy said:
Look in post #55.

I'm using that one, and I recommend it.

The 50% shorten time picking plants are worth it alone. Would like a slightly higher walk speed still though.
Installed. I don't know what it does, but I've noticed some grammar corrections in the options.


Finished it last night

regarding last battle(s)

such a huge dissapointment. Granted they where _long_ but I reached them at level 10, thinking I had at least 3-4 char levels yet before reaching the end (max level is 16), so at medium difficulty I think my chars was a bit weak. Never could afford to buy special moves for fighters either except endurance III & IV, and defence II.

The ending to me appeared tacked on and not very well designed

The 3 end bosses was just lame, giving someone many hps doesn't make them that insanse difficult.

Overall a nice game, and I will buy it once Steam lets me (does'nt appear in my region yet)


Raggy said:
Finished it last night

regarding last battle(s)

such a huge dissapointment. Granted they where _long_ but I reached them at level 10, thinking I had at least 3-4 char levels yet before reaching the end (max level is 16), so at medium difficulty I think my chars was a bit weak. Never could afford to buy special moves for fighters either except endurance III & IV, and defence II.

The ending to me appeared tacked on and not very well designed

The 3 end bosses was just lame, giving someone many hps doesn't make them that insanse difficult.

Overall a nice game, and I will buy it once Steam lets me (does'nt appear in my region yet)
At this point I expect almost every game I play to fizzle out at the end if they are longer than 4 hours. That said it's not a terrible ending plot wise if a bit rushed.

The fight with the chick went on for a few too many rounds of clones, and the last guy was much easier than her.


I wonder why i've miss these games, yes! dark eye games.

Should i play the first before The river of time?

Edit: Forget it, i've read Ceebs post and i'll begin with the first one.


Hmm, $14.99 this weekend on Impulse. I've only just started the first one! But I'm enjoying it so I may jump on this deal for the second.
Anyone know if this can be bought in the UK? It's not on Steam here, and both Impulse and Gamersgate say it's not available.


Story and likeable characters are a huge bonus to me when it comes to RPGs. I couldn't get into either in the first Drakensang.

Has that improved this time?


bengraven said:
Story and likeable characters are a huge bonus to me when it comes to RPGs. I couldn't get into either in the first Drakensang.

Has that improved this time?
I'd love to know this too, only reason why I play RPGs.

Primate Ryan

Neo Member
While I liked Drakensang 1 (it's unfortunately one of those games that become interesting after a serious initial investment of your time), I prefer the second instalment. If not for the ending, which came a chapter or maybe two too early, I've hardly any major complaints.

The underlying systems are pretty much still the same, but they are different enough from other party-based RPGs to make them interesting. There is no overreliance on magic, for example. I also like the combat animations, which show you precisely what happens. From hitting to parrying, and blocking and dodging: it's clear what happens each turn. As for conversations, your background (race, gender) now plays a role.

Your group of characters is way more interesting this time. You are an outsider (and not just a point of gravitation that attracts all the eccentric people in the land) that ends up joining a small a group. The conversations between the characters are genuinely funny and the journey feels more like a roadtrip than an epic quest to save the world. The first one already had its funny moments, but that was nothing compared to the lightheartedness of the prequel.

There is also more diversity in the enemies and you aren't fighting rats, wolves and bears for 30 hours before other types turn up. In fact, the encounters with animals are mostly relegated to optional areas/quests (
there is a difficult sidequest involving rats again
. What I noticed concerning the combat is that this game seems to be easier than its predecessor. The original had no difficulty options (I believe), but this game's hard mode is not more difficult than the original and might even be easier.

Most of the sidequests are also quite interesting. There are optional areas to explore, there are optional bosses (which yield trophies to adorn you boat with), and the SQs don't merely focus on combat, but also include puzzles and conversations, so there is enough variation to keep you from getting bored.

I also like that it is now possible to fast travel to predetermined points, as you did an awful lot of useless walking in the original as its locations were fairly big. This is still the case, but now you'll be able to zoom around once you've discovered certain points. Another useful addition is the ability to add notes to the map. Too few games get this right and it's a pet peeve of mine, so I welcomed its inclusion with open arms.

I do miss the original's perfect pathfinding though. It's still here, but you can't let them walk as far any more. It was a sight to behold to put your characters on the top of a mountain in the first Drakensang and click somewhere on the ground in the forest underneath you, and see them all walk to that specific location without getting stuck or taking a detour. It's almost miraculous, considering how aweful the pathfinding is in almost every other party-based RPG.

All in all, I rate this game higher than Two Worlds 2 and Divinity 2 + expansion (and a slew of other RPGs, but these games were released around the same time). It's hard to imagine that fans of party-based RPGs won't like this game.

Hari Seldon

This game is 25% off on impulse this weekend, or $15. I just picked it up. Voice acting is terrible haha, kind of cute.
Hari Seldon said:
This game is 25% off on impulse this weekend, or $15. I just picked it up. Voice acting is terrible haha, kind of cute.

I picked it up as well. The voice acting is pretty bad, but it gets better or I just got used to it.

Anyway, the game is actually really good and a huge improvement over the first one. I had no trouble getting into it and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who felt burned by Dragon Age 2.

I would recommend paying the extra $5 and getting it on Steam, though, cause Impulse is pretty shittastic.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Just picked this up on a whim. Only got past the initial area but it's neat, combat seems cool. Voice acting is terribad, but it has its charm. Artwork is fantastic, visuals are good, bright and colorful. Runs very well at max on my modest machine, thankfully. It looks a tad bit blurry, but that's not a deal breaker. My only real complaint is with the walk speed, it could be a little bit faster.

Will mess around more later. About how long is the game, roughly?
I expect no answer since this thread is basically inactive, but hey.

Primate Ryan

Neo Member
GuiltybyAssociation said:
Will mess around more later. About how long is the game, roughly?
I expect no answer since this thread is basically inactive, but hey.

As always it depends on whether you rush through the story or do every quest you can find. It's much shorter than the first one and I think I needed around 40 hours to complete it on hard with practically all side quests done.

And yeah, this game deserves more attention. It's a really good party-based RPG and I preferred it over games like Divinity 2 and Two Worlds 2 which were released around the same time. Besides it being a pc exclusive, I think the underwhelming first third of the first game also soured people on the series, resulting in this short OT for the second game.

What is also important to realise is that you don't need to have played the first one to enjoy the story or characters in this game. It's a prequel and as such it's no direct continuation of the story. Sure, there are familiar characters and references and new players will miss these, but that's all. I guess you could compare it to the Dragon Age 1 and 2 situation in that sense (but not when it comes to quality. Drakensang 2 actually improves upon the first installment).


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Cool, thanks. Length sounds good for me, not a fan of absurdly long RPGs, heh.

Primate Ryan

Neo Member
GuiltybyAssociation said:
Cool, thanks. Length sounds good for me, not a fan of absurdly long RPGs, heh.

Yeah, there is still quite some content, but it is tighter than the first one. Especially travel times have been reduced significantly as you can fast travel to preset waypoints. I don't want to know how much time I wasted running around to finish quests in the first one.

I still feel that River of Time could have done with an extra chapter or two as the ending felt a bit rushed and
introduced a new character that would have made for a good extra NPC to have around and spice things up

Oh, to return to my previous point about the attention it's getting: this game costs around 15 euro on Impulse. There is no reason whatsoever not to buy this game. Well, I could come up with some reasons, but none of them make much sense to me (hatred of digital content or an irrational love for Steam to the extent that you aren't interested in any other services, even if they offer unique content). Instead of complaining about Dragon Age 2's direction and lack of polish you could be playing a good RPG for a fraction of the price.


Still no word, press release, announcement or anything about when you can actually buy this officially translated game in Europe.



Official GAF Bottom Feeder
desverger said:
Still no word, press release, announcement or anything about when you can actually buy this officially translated game in Europe.


The developer went out of business so if you want to get it you're going to have to import it.


René_EM said:
Some comments after about 4 hours of gameplay:

-Really liking it so far. Kind of mix between Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age, Gothic, Risen, etc.
-Graphics are fantastic. Almost moving towards cartoony but not quite; still very realistic (and far better than Fable 3, for example). Character models are fantastic, animations are good, and facial emotions are great. The lighting is also fantastic; very nice atmosphere, god rays, day/night, etc. Good cutscenes too. Also runs extremely well on my modest/old system (Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, 4GB RAM, Radeon 4570 512MB).
-Nicely detailed living breathing world. The first town anyway is HUGE and there's lots of people going about their business and vendors to trade with. Also, I saw a couple of cats sitting on the edge of a dock. It wasn't until I panned the camera around that I noticed there was a school of fish swimming right below! And then there was a handful of chickens moving down river in a broken dinghy/boat, clucking away. Didn't make any sense but made me chuckle! Neat details like that.
-The quest structure thus far is very organic and feels natural (not light the Christmas tree effect from quest givers in an area of MMOs). So far I've just run into people and been like, "oh cool, a new quest!". I'm playing a Thief and the starting quests there with the guild are really neat.
-It still remains to be seen after just a handful of hours, but the story seems like it might be very good and quite deep. I love character and story-based games and this one delivers so far.
-Good writing and voice acting for the English version (in case anyone was worried since it's a German developer).
-The game's not afraid of its pen and paper heritage. I guess it's based off the German equivalent of DND? Lots of character and weapon stats (1D2+1) and lots of character customization (lots of starting classes with their own variants).
-I love the real-time yet turn-based combat gameplay. Of course it's been done before but I really enjoy pausing combat and issuing orders to my group. I had a heck of a time with a fight last night until I realized I had a bunch of unused action points (experience points) to upgrade my character with as well as a bunch of spells people in my new group had. Combine that with mixing up my tactics are failing miserably, and the battle was won! Hehe.

So far, this seems like a game that will go completely unnoticed by the North American media. If it were developed and published by one of the biggies here (EA, Activision, Microsoft, etc.) it would be marketed and sold as a AAA title. But because it's by a Euro developer and publisher, it's not getting any notice which is a shame considering how badly Dragon Age 2 appears to be undoing all the good that the first game did, and it no doubt will sell millions while Drakensang 2 here looks so far like it's going to be a better game.

And for $20? A deal!

I've been eyeing the game for awhile and your post just so happens to be the one that pushed me into buying this game. Thanks for the quick to the point impressions. Time to jump onto Steam to make my final purchase for the holiday sale. I'm really looking forward to playing this. :)


Oh nice plug time! The game is only 10 bucks on Steam atm and is easily in my top 5 of the year so far. If you like Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, or Dragon Age give this a shot.

If you have only played Dragon Age and are scared of the D&D in the other similar games this is also a good option. It's a semi-complicated system, but it makes way more sense than video game D&D for someone coming in clueless.

The story is pretty good, but it does have a very rushed ending. It's not a save the world game either as the main quest has you tracking down some stolen goods.


Just got this today and after 3 hours it seems to be a fine game. At first it's actually pretty scary with all the rules, classes and mechanics but I'm getting the hang of things just fine as the game progresses. The way leveling/buying new talents/skills works is still a bit shady but I haven't got too much exp to play around with so it'll probably become clearer later on.

The story has its cliches during intro but still gets the job done at least so far and the game looks good. Too bad my dwarf's running animation with sheated weapons looks like shit. Really shit, not "Oh he's so dwarf" shit.
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