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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]



Dungeon World is nominally a tabletop game like DnD, but to my mind, is actually closer to improv theatre (or in this case writing). It’s a heavily streamlined game that de-emphasises rules minutiae in favour of focusing on the collaboratively-created fiction and stories that tabletop at its best provides. In other words, it’s a game where we play to find out what happens.

Best of all, it’s free– entirely under the Creative Commons licence. (But support ‘em anyway and buy it if ya like).

Check out the full rules HERE!


How does it work?

At its heart, Dungeon World is about two things: the fiction, and your moves.

The fiction is both the actual narrative of the game, and the way in which moves are restricted. The first rule of the game is that you have to respect the fiction. If in the fiction your hands are tied, the types of things you’re going to be able to do are gonna be restricted to what you can do if your hands are tied. If you’re on fire, you should behave like you’re on fire. And so on.

The second is your moves. Whenever you narratively describe actions in Dungeon World, you’ll eventually get into a situation where you trigger one of your moves – either the general moves available to all players, or your character’s custom class moves. When the player makes a move, they roll dice – specifically, 2d6 + modifiers (strength, wisdom, etc). The dice determine whether they fail and something happens (2-6), succeed and something happens (7-9), or just straight-up succeed (10+).

That’s all an extreme simplification, of course – there’s more things to consider, like HP, armour, experience, class moves and so on. For more detail, consult the rulebook proper. But the main thing to take away is that Dungeon World is a narrative-based game supported by streamlined mechanics.

But honestly – the best way to learn how to play is to play! I’ll be explaining the game as we go along in any case, so all ya’ll need to do for the moment is to think of this as storytelling. And maybe read the rulebooks, just in case.

That sounds rad! How do I sign up?

First, post here and indicate your interest. Then choose a playbook (a character class; I’ll explain more in a second) and whip up a character concept (plus a picture just so I can get an image in my head of your character), answer a couple of my questions, and help me build us all a world. I think I can only realistically support 5, maybe 6 players, so make them good!

You will need to be able to remain reasonably active for the duration of a campaign. Since this is a group activity, other people’s enjoyment will be dependent on your contributions. This goes for me too ;__;


In essence, a character class. Each playbook contains a bunch of custom moves with their own custom triggers, as well as defining your damage dice, your starting equipment, hp, stats, and drive (xp advancement opportunities) and background (additional move).

I’m using slightly different core playbooks since I don’t personally enjoy the concept of ‘alignment’ and letting my players be whatever race they want also appeals to me. Grab them HERE. They roughly correspond to:

Arcanist – Wizard
Chaplain – Cleric
Crusader – Paladin
Hunter – Ranger
Outlander – Barbarian
Rogue - Thief
Skald – Bard
Warrior - Fighter
Wild Shaman - Druid

In addition, there’s a shitload of custom playbooks available HERE if you want to take a look. If you want to take from here, I’m personally interested in the Dashing Hero and the Princess; but anything is (probably) fine if you PM me first.

Build a world?
Yep! One of the things about Dungeon World is that the players contribute to the fiction as much, if not more, than the GM does. It’s all about the characters, after all – it’s their story. Not the world’s. It’s yours. So feel free to spout lore and backstory and to make sweeping declarations. For my part, I’ll be asking you questions of your characters often.

In the interests of readability and consensus, you should try and keep your thoughts succinct and sensible for the game – the less LOLRANDOM stuff there is, the easier it is to keep the entire world coherent. I’ll try and tie it all together.

As the GM, of course, I have final say over what’s ‘canon’ and what isn’t – but it’s all going to be taken from your contributions.

I will set some basic parameters, though. This is going to be a ‘classical’ fantasy world – we’re not playing scifi, or modern superheroes. For the moment, that’s all I want to establish. I have some vague ideas like “generate the world in Dwarf Fortress and modify from there”, or “Man I like Discworld a lot”, but who knows where this campaign will take us? Island kingdoms floating in an infinite sky? Cities on walking legs that battle an angel-demon alliance? A world obsessed with Fantasy Iron Chef? What kind of world do you want to see?

Any rules relating to posting here?

We’ll probably get into that more when we actually start, but some basics.
  • I trust you to roll your own dice and truthfully tell me the results. We’re all adults here. Besides, this is the kind of game where failure or semi-success is interesting.
  • Since we’re playing by post, we need to expedite actions as much as possible. What this means is that when making narrative actions, players should be identifying by themselves what moves that triggers, roll for it, and do any other work necessary in order to speed up the process.
  • Ensure that people can tell whether you’re talking in-character or out-of-character (OOC). I prefer to wrap OOC talk in italics (well I will when we start the game), but whatever ya’ll be up for.
  • Be nice to each other even if your characters aren’t.


Okay. Since this is probably almost everybody’s first time exposure to Dungeon World, I’ll wrap with two things. First, you should listen to GiantBomb staff member Austin Walker’s podcast Friends at the Table; they have a fantastic Dungeon World campaign in their archives which will help a lot with understanding the structure of the game. Second – ask questions! Give character concepts! I’m absolutely happy to help you out!

Let’s give this a shot.

[Also check out the other GAF PbP communities that inspired me to start this up, the various Pathfinder/DnD PbP threads, as well as the absurdly active Mafia games. Love ya!]

Applications are closed! (For now)
If you are playing, I strongly advise you subscribe to this thread.

Justjim89 – Waymore – City Thief, Lvl 2
Drive: Professional Pride (Infiltrate and exfiltrate without leaving a trace)
  • Thrakdur has my back when things go wrong.
  • Serrick knows incriminating information about me.
  • Ein Stahl and I have a con running.

Sproutella –Bastro Deken – Arcanist, Lvl 2
Drive: Infernal Affairs (Root out magical corruption and sway authorities to regulate magical use)
  • Thrakdur will play an important role in the events to come, I have foreseen it.
  • Ein is keeping an important secret from me.
  • Waymore is woefully misinformed about the world; I will teach them all I can.
  • My reliance on Serrick could get me into trouble.

Tiamatsword22 – Thrakdur rak Yizmaht – Outlander, Lvl 2
Drive: Living Legend (Inspire people, poets and history itself to acknowledge your greatness)
  • Waymore is always getting into trouble- I must protect them from themselves.
  • Deken's ways are strange and confusing.
  • Ein Stahl stood by my side against the demons. Perhaps he isn't as puny as I thought.
  • I want Ein to sing the stories of my greatness!
  • Serrick shares my hunger for glory; the earth will tremble at our passing!

Bowlie– Serrick – Wild Shaman, Lvl 2
Drive: Grow the Wild (Do all in your power to expand the wild regions of your land)
  • I want to introduce Thrakdur to the wild spirits.
  • Ein Stahl has much to learn about the wild things.
  • Bastro Deken has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

Ultimate_Trainer – Ein Stahl – Skald
Drive: Living Scholar (Risk it all to preserve art, history and culture)
  • This is not my first adventure with Waymore
  • Serrick is always the butt of my jokes.
  • I'm writing a ballad about the adventures of Bastro Deken
  • Thrakdur rak Yizmaht trusts me with a secret


I'm interested in playing. I think I want to be an Outlander, but I'm not 100% sure. What sort of information about my character, beyond what's on the character sheet, should I have in mind?

Edit: Ok I think I'm going to be an Outlander and I have a basic backstory in mind. I'm deciding between Human and Elf and the name will be different depending on which one. I don't really want to make any concrete decisions until we start on the world building part, but I have a bunch of ideas based around a core concept for the character that can be tweaked to fit into the world.


Oh, you know, the usual - name, a vague kind of history, some motivation etc. Probably what will largely happen will be me asking you a series of questions which you should be prepared to think about - "Why is your character in [this city]", or "What do they fear", or perhaps more leading ones like "What kind of things do people say about your character behind their backs?" or "What's a secret they can't tell their companions?"

Really, you don't need to be too worried about it until I actually ask you.
Im pretty interested in doing this, but its my first time ever playing a tabletop RPG outside of CRPGs like Fallout1 and 2. Would this be a good starting point for me? I'd be interested in playing a Skald.

Edit: looking through the custom ones, the cultist could be fun too.


I'm leaning towards a rogue, since that's typically my favorite fantasy archetype. Is there some kind of website or program I can use to simulate the rolling of dice? I don't actually own any.


There are mobile apps and websites

Thanks, I'll have to check one out.

I think the character type I'm gonna go with is the City Thief from the custom characters. Not sure how to set up stats, but as far as character backstory goes:

I'm a human named Waymore, and was orphaned at a young age in a cruel and dangerous city. The orphanage would become the first of several prisons I'd make my escape from, and from then on I got by with my sharp eyes and deft hands. You'd be amazed by how loosely some fasten their coin purses as they walk about, or what some nobles deem worthy of hiding behind locks and what they don't.

By the time I was 18 I'd garnered something of a reputation among the local fences as the type of burglar that takes the kind of jobs that others shy away from. Whether it be from heavy guard duty, enchanted safes, or the seemingly impenetrable coffers of the city, they know that I'll get what they need. And that it won't come cheaply.

Truth be told, at this point in my life it's not even about the money. I suppose it hasn't been about the money since I stole my first apple from a produce merchant. It's about the thrill of infiltration and the tension of avoiding detection. It's about pride in what I do, and the knowledge that few others can. I'm not necessarily the swiftest or the most nimble. Throw me in a fight and I may not be the most impressive. But when I take a job, the job gets done. Bottom line.

I wouldn't say I have a moral code, but I don't like killing. Any thug can bust into a place, murder all the guards, and saunter out the front door. But I've always found it more efficient to leave as few dead as possible. After all, people make a much bigger stink out of a house full of corpses than a few clumsy guards waking up too embarrassed to admit they were caught unaware. Don't get me wrong, if push comes to shove and some half-drunken boar in a cuirass is standing between me and my target, I'll dispatch him and I'll do it quickly. But a dead body is a sign of me screwing up, not a point of pride. I carry a blackjack for when things are going right, and a short sword for when they go wrong. I also bring a shortbow and quiver on any job I take, as well as adventuring gear.

Not sure if I did that right or if I'm skipping steps, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
Hey Jintor, I'd be interested in playing if you still have space. I loved (or am loving) friends at the table, and have a good amount of experience with ttRPGs. Playing by post sounds really cool. What kind of activity would you anticipate/find acceptable on a regular basis? My ability to post can fluctuate on the day based on the type of work I'm doing at my job, so I don't want to promise more than a couple posts a day. Also I'll probably have infrequent access to gaf during the holidays, but could still get posts out mornings and nights.

Edit: Fell down a hole and created a character, let me know what you all think. More coming later...
Class: Arcanist
Race: Human
Name: Bastro Deken (usally called just Deken; pronounced like deacon)
Look: Like a combination of these guys. The eyes and face of 1 and the facial hair and robes of 2. Deken is an old man with kind eyes and a jolly demeanor. He dresses in fine robes and retains a pudgy yet stout physique. - 1 2
Stats: Str 8, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 13

Drive: That Which is Lost - because of a vision that foretold events he wants to stop
Background - Archmage Academy

Bastro Deken was born the son of two Arcanists, and thus entered the Collegium Arcanum at a young age. There he learned a great many things, notably that most other mages are dicks. Always seeking greater and more dangerous power, always with their nose in a book, thinking that they would be the special one who could finally make sense of Braintree’s Combinatorial Theorem of Nonthermic Exchanges (“actually not that hard to get, unless you are only interested in making things go boom bigger”).

There was one good thing about the College, and that was meeting Elyn. She was a natural, one of the best mages the college had seen in years, and for some reason or another she found Bastro charming. Upon winning their full ranks from the College, they embarked on a whirlwind tour of the world as young magicians in love. They earned their way by performing astounding and beautiful feats of magic (“mainly Elyn doing this though”) and conducting repairs or designing simple magical tools to help out villagers (“this was me”). For years they visited a whole host of wonderful places, witnessing the beauty the world had to offer.

Their journey ended one crisp autumn morning in the sleepy country village of Dalindosh, with Elyn vomiting at the sight of breakfast. She was pregnant (“this was me”), and with that news the two decided to settle for the winter. Bastro and Elyn constructed a comfortable home on a hill overlooking the village, and at the end of spring they had twins, Amayra and Kaleos. As they raised them, they earned a living the same way they had before, becoming known as those folks who could make sure your crops didn’t flood (“me”) or who you’d want to make the decorations for your fancy ball (“guess”). The twins, coming from strong arcane stock and having been informally trained in the arts, both sought further schooling, to which Bastro and Elyn eventually allowed.

Together they grew old, enmeshed in a community, their children becoming important and powerful Arcanists, until Elyn was lost to a plague (“fuck”). Deken still helped the locals with their problems, designed machines to keep the water clean, to provide lights for the watch, but was obviously affected by the loss.

One cold and cloudy night while reading through Heseldwin’s Fifth Treatise on Elemental Impracticability in order to locate a solution for an energy leakage in the interior of... (“nevermind”), Deken drifted to sleep("trust me you would too”). He witnessed a vision so vivid and jarring that he left his home at sunrise, heading toward the city.


I'm a dwarven Crusader named Hamur whose sole purpose is to beat, maim, or otherwise destroy the forces of Evil

Love it. Stay tuned. (Might get more applicants than I'm prepared for...)

Thanks, I'll have to check one out.

I think the character type I'm gonna go with is the City Thief from the custom characters. Not sure how to set up stats, but as far as character backstory goes:


Not sure if I did that right or if I'm skipping steps, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

Great work mate! I'll walk you through character creation proper later, but the backstory is solid.

Hey Jintor, I'd be interested in playing if you still have space. I loved (or am loving) friends at the table, and have a good amount of experience with ttRPGs. Playing by post sounds really cool. What kind of activity would you anticipate/find acceptable on a regular basis? My ability to post can fluctuate on the day based on the type of work I'm doing at my job, so I don't want to promise more than a couple posts a day. Also I'll probably have infrequent access to gaf during the holidays, but could still get posts out mornings and nights.

No worries. I'm aiming for at least one post per day per player, obviously with some flex time here and there for emergencies and the like - obviously more is better, but I'll take what I can get. Like the concept so far.

Im pretty interested in doing this, but its my first time ever playing a tabletop RPG outside of CRPGs like Fallout1 and 2. Would this be a good starting point for me? I'd be interested in playing a Skald.

Edit: looking through the custom ones, the cultist could be fun too.

Dungeon World is pretty light on rules all around, so I think it'd be great!


I guess I didn't write this out properly, so sorry: When you make your characters, you are doing the world building.

From the page alone I've already made these notes:

- dwarves exist
- elves exist
- "Evil" as a concept exists
- (From Justjim): A city exists, a country big enough to have orphanages exists. (orphanages exist), prisons exist, people have coins, nobles exist, magic exists (coffers?)

Sure, it's pretty basic Fantasy RPG stuff so far since you're working generally, but in other words, just spew out backstory and I'll jam it together to make an interesting world.


I get that, it's just that I'm one of those people who likes world building so I'm kind of hesitant to step on other people's toes. Anyway, I have answers in mind for the sort of example questions you gave, but the basic info would be;

Name: Thrakdur rak Yizmaht
Race: Human
Class: Outlander

I kind of want to make him more Steppe- nomad themed than the more usual Northern European sort of "Barbarian" so appearance wise I was thinking something like this

I think as far as the other party members would know, he came to the city for the same reason most other Outlanders do, to make money. There's more to it, but he isn't sharing it with strangers.
Alright I think I got my character down? (I think Im doing this right)

I am(wanting to be?) a lawful cultist named Nagloroth. She/it is a horror that has absolutely perfect beautiful skin, but the rest of her/its fragile body is a mess with mixed matched eyes of a cat and a horse which she glamours to be normal, legs of a hairless goat, and a tentacle left arm along with a normal right arm with most of it hidden by a complementary silky smooth robe. My followers know her as Mary the Beaut. The Chosen Ones are known as Scholars of True Grace. Other followers are known as Disciples of Allure. Before joining, your cultists were wary of what true beauty is. Now they are actively interested in finding true beauty. The cult worships charm, allure, beauty, and all that is pleasant looking using Nagloroth as an idol and personification of what they believe in.


Tiamat, that sounds baller.

Ultimate Trainer, I might have to nix a cultist playbook simply because keeping track of a lot of NPCs is going to be difficult enough without players having their own small gang of followers. At the moment it seems this campaign is going to be more ground level, and the Cultist by design seems almost actively adversarial to other players. Sorry :(

I might steal the ideas for backstory though if that's okay with you. Why not try a Skald?


Hi, Jintor!
I spoke to you yesterday about this thread, so after reading a bit on Dungeon World I decided to try it, if you allow it (there's 5 people already)!

So, I want to be a Wild Shaman; I figured I should put a backstory for my character as well. I hope you all help me with stat building and more detailed stuff.

I'm Serrick, a human. I don't have a fancy story to tell like the songs you hear over the fire. I lived in a farm with my Ma and Pa until I hit 20, helping them by spending most of my day taking care of our animals; they were the closest I had as siblings. There's something about the way they lived that captivated me: no responsibilities, no thinking of the tomorrow or the yesterday, not being bound by any social rule as everyone else were; just living a simple life.

As time passed, I became more like them and less like the other young kids. The breeze of the wind or the raindrops hitting the field sounded better to my ears than bantering over the table. I guess my parents took me as weird, but they loved me enough to not tell me that. Maybe that's why they didn't stop me when I asked to quit the job and live traveling through our region's woods. "I would be in harmony there!", the blockhead here said, and they complied.

The first months were hard to get by, learning which of nature's gifts could be used for eating and what not... now, after years living amongst wildlife, I know every herb north of the Falls, chirps and caws are like second language, and sometimes I almost feel like I could hear the forest speaking to me.

From time to time I go back to the farm with some herbs in my sack, sell them for coins, use some of them to buy a souvenir to Ma and Pa, and the rest at the closest tavern. I drink a few beers (one of the few things my folks have done that I appreciate), learn the news and if lucky take the prettiest upstairs, be it man or lady. As I said, nothing fancy.


At the moment I'm kind of thinking of either running 1 group of 5 or possibly 2 groups of 3/4, depending on how many people want to play (though that's a bit ambitious, obviously). We'll see who wants to post and suchlike.

For those of you who have ideas already poking around, let me drop some questions on you!

Xamtheking: Hamur, what god or gods do you worship? When have you had to compromise your ideals?

Justjim: Waymore - first name or last? What kind of enemies have you made in your line of work?

Tiamat: Thrakdur - Is this your first time in the city? How far did you have to travel to get here?

Pedro: Serrick - Any siblings? Anyone to teach you the ways of the land? If you meet a stranger on the road, how do you react?

Trainer and Sproutilla, I need more backstory before I can start formulating more questions


Tiamat: Thrakdur - Is this your first time in the city? How far did you have to travel to get here?

I think that depends on what kind of city it is. If the starting city is big and metropolitan than I would say that although he is new to the city, he has been traveling through the "civilized" lands for around a month or two.

His homeland on the steppe is hundreds of miles away and on the way to the city he took on jobs a bodyguard or a mercenary. If he couldn't find a job that would not dishonor him in front of the gods, he would resort to banditry.

If it's a smaller city, i think it would be closer to the steppe and earlier on in his journey. Perhaps just a week or two after he left his homeland.


By the way, if anybody has no strong feelings about the kind of world they'd like to play in, I'm going to generate a world in Dwarf Fortress this evening and use it as the basis for the setting.

Thrakdur - what kinda stuff dishonours you before your gods, anyway?


It's funny you should ask that because I came into the thread thinking of removing that line since I couldn't really think of anything. But I came up with an idea I kind of like.

More than anything it's bravado borne of being in foreign lands. He tells himself that certain jobs are not worthy of a warrior. For example; his people are all horsemen, he knows how to take care of horses, and has no problem with it. But he's not going to take a job cleaning out a foreign stable for a few coins. Basically it's an excuse to not do things that he thinks would make him look weak in unknown lands, even if it would be the easiest path.
Hm yeah that could be a huge and terrible problem. I don't mind what kind of world to play in.

Once an ordinary human merchant of odd foreign musical instruments, Ein Stahl decided to leave his former life after his wife went missing one morning never to be found. Using Sitar and singing old legends and myths he had picked up, he raises enough money to go searching for his missing wife while writing down the adventures and legends he comes across. He tries to be Poet of the people, negotiating most of the time. He is armed with his traveling clothes and a cool stylish cap with an average build.
Stats: Str 8, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 13, Wis12, Cha 16
Xamtheking: Hamur, what god or gods do you worship? When have you had to compromise your ideals?
I worship Torin, the god of Justice. In order to catch some unsavory individuals, I have had to forgo my vows to never cooperate with evil in order to catch a bigger fish. It's only a temporary alliance, however, and I make sure everyone is brought to justice eventually.


Justjim: Waymore - first name or last? What kind of enemies have you made in your line of work?

First name. Waymore has a pretty severe rivalry with the Thieves' Guild in the city because of his resistance to join and therefore share his profits. He's also wanted by the city guards and the higher ups of the nobility, though they couldn't put a face to the name.


Pedro: Serrick - Any siblings? Anyone to teach you the ways of the land? If you meet a stranger on the road, how do you react?

Sorry for the late response, busy with christmas planning! I'm fine with whatever world you choose as basis, Jintor.

No, he's an only child.
At his farm and living by his own he learned to take care of injured animals and crop plants, and how the seasons, soil and weather affect his local flora. But beyond that he has not had any help from someone.
He's matter-of-factly; he would treat a stranger like any other person, saying a small greeting as to not be rude and then continue onward. It's not that he's fearless of such encounters, he just wouldn't care. Maybe he's a little naive due to lack of contact with other humans.
Bastro Deken was born the son of two Arcanists, and thus entered the Collegium Arcanum at a young age. There he learned a great many things, notably that most other mages are dicks. Always seeking greater and more dangerous power, always with their nose in a book, thinking that they would be the special one who could finally make sense of Braintree’s Combinatorial Theorem of Nonthermic Exchanges (“actually not that hard to get, unless you are only interested in making things go boom bigger”).

There was one good thing about the College, and that was meeting Elyn. She was a natural, one of the best mages the college had seen in years, and for some reason or another she found Bastro charming. Upon winning their full ranks from the College, they embarked on a whirlwind tour of the world as young magicians in love. They earned their way by performing astounding and beautiful feats of magic (“mainly Elyn doing this though”) and conducting repairs or designing simple magical tools to help out villagers (“this was me”). For years they visited a whole host of wonderful places, witnessing the beauty the world had to offer.

Their journey ended one crisp autumn morning in the sleepy country village of Dalindosh, with Elyn vomiting at the sight of breakfast. She was pregnant (“this was me”), and with that news the two decided to settle for the winter. Bastro and Elyn constructed a comfortable home on a hill overlooking the village, and at the end of spring they had twins, Amayra and Kaleos. As they raised them, they earned a living the same way they had before, becoming known as those folks who could make sure your crops didn’t flood (“me”) or who you’d want to make the decorations for your fancy ball (“guess”). The twins, coming from strong arcane stock and having been informally trained in the arts, both sought further schooling, to which Bastro and Elyn eventually allowed.

Together they grew old, enmeshed in a community, their children becoming important and powerful Arcanists, until Elyn was lost to a plague (“fuck”). Deken still helped the locals with their problems, designed machines to keep the water clean, to provide lights for the watch, but was obviously affected by the loss.

One cold and cloudy night while reading through Heseldwin’s Fifth Treatise on Elemental Impracticability in order to locate a solution for an energy leakage in the interior of... (“nevermind”), Deken drifted to sleep("trust me you would too”). He witnessed a vision so vivid and jarring that he left his home at sunrise, heading toward the city.

Let me know what you all think. I tried to keep parts intentionally vague, especially as a magic user, I didn’t want to define all the rules when it came to magic or anything like that. I like the idea of Deken and other Arcanists at least thinking of magic as very formulaic and rigid, Elyn kind of being an exception with extremely strong improvisational ability.

Also didn’t want to set a definite magic level - rarity of magic users and their strengths is totally up for conversation. With this background I was thinking a relative rarity, like people would travel days to visit Deken because he’s the only nearby known Arcanist that would be helpful. But cities could totally have amazing magical works/wonders if people are up for that type of world. We also totally go more into the workings of the College, if that’s interesting to anyone else.

Deken is definitely distrustful of other magicians, and concentrations of magical power, and always makes sure his magical constructions couldn’t be used for harm (this is probably his biggest fear, his works being used to gain power or bring pain). The fact that he favors constructions over freely casting spells is kind of his theme. He wants magical stuff kind of locked down.

I invoked a plague - this can be as common, rare, widespread, and virulent as people find fitting for the setting, same with its origin (magical, biological, etc). I was thinking it was pretty a pretty bad one and that they happen every couple decades, but vary with their strength. I was basically thinking it as a somewhat recent (a few years ago) and major event in the region, enough that an off hand mention of “the plague” would be enough to get across what you were talking about. It could also have been a more localized problem, or a magical thing, or whatever grabs people as interesting.

I’d really love if other people dropped in some cool locations that Deken might have visited in his youth, like pilgrimage, tourist sights, cities, or natural wonders.

As far as the vision goes, I just wanted something that got him headed toward everyone else, it can easily hook into whatever you want Jintor. I was mainly thinking the vision or dream would involve a vague hint at events Deken would want to stop.

By the way, if anybody has no strong feelings about the kind of world they'd like to play in, I'm going to generate a world in Dwarf Fortress this evening and use it as the basis for the setting.

That sounds great! Were you planning on sharing the whole world with us and we'd kinda pick out where we think cool stuff could be (kinda like how they did it in FAtT)? Or did you want more mystery to be involved? Just wondering.

All the other characters sound awesome so far! I could definitely see ways to setup bonds with you once we're a little more set up


I think we have enough for one adventuring party of 6 (which is pretty big, but should be a ltitle easier to handle pbp). I'm gonna keep applications open in case we get more, but I think I can start running through character creation proper and suchlike today!

Serrick, I think we're going to at least start in a city - so I guess my question is, why did you come to the city for? Interest? Looking for something you can't get anywhere else? Coercion?

Deken, what does your magic cost you? How do you perform acts of magic?

A question to all characters: What do you fear?


Hey Jintor do you mind if I pm you the answer? It's part of the secret that my character wouldn't want the rest of the group to find out. If it's better to just post it here I'll just edit it in.


Serrick felt he needed to understand what exactly are the whispers he started hearing more and more in the woods, so he thought the city would be a good place as any to find information about it, be it from a book or a person.

Serrick fears any unnatural occurrences that threaten living beings such as the plague that struck his region when he was a little kid. He's also afraid of Man's greed. He hears about the way those powerful men trample over everyone and everything to increase their wealth and land, and hopes that he'll never be at the other side of this fight. If possible, either side.


A question to all characters: What do you fear?

Waymore fears having no way out. Being trapped. Being exposed with no shadows to slink away in. He's survived his whole life by hiding, evading, and escaping. His greatest fear is being caught in a situation where his talents fail him.
Usually performing magic will make Deken sore and physically taxed. Casting a spell or binding an enchantment to an object involves a conversion or wrestling of energy that makes Deken feel like he's been swinging a blacksmith's hammer, trying to get something just the right shape while also hitting it quite hard.

Deken fears abuse of magic, that one day some wizard will put together the right combination of spells and become all powerful.


Character Creation 101

Your very first starting point should be here, but let me jot down a few notes and tips for you all.

Class, Race, Name: Looks like you've all got that down pat. If you haven't specified a race I will assume human, so take care of that if that's not the image you have in mind.

Look: I'm not really bound to the looks in the sheets, but they're useful for me to visualise your characters. If you have pictures you'd like to link that's also good.
I'll probably end up doodling your characters at some point

Stats: Pretty basic RPG stats, but let's take a closer look.

STR = How hard you hit things
CON = How hard you can be hit
DEX = Precision and accuracy
INT = Book learning
WIS = Experience and street learning
CHA = Force of personality

As part of char creation you should assign these numbers to them: 16, 15, 13, 12, 9, 8. This is part of some holdover from DnD that for our purposes only really matters for levelling purposes. The bit that actually matters in Dungeon World is the modifier that spits out. So think of it as assigning +2, +1, +1, 0, 0, and -1 to your stats. We add these modifiers to your rolls in play.

By the way, if something says + STRENGTH, you add your raw strenght, If it says + STR, you add the modifier. It's the same for all stats.

If you want to know what your stats are actually used for, you should check the Basic Moves available to everyone as well as your character moves (specifically the stats that are being added to rolls).

HP: Your char sheets should have a base HP; add your (raw) Constitution score to it.

Starting moves: Some characters have a little additional work to do for their starting moves. In particular, Deken will need to choose his spells, Thrakdur will need to choose two appetites and Serrick must choose a land to be attuned to.

Drive: (Replaces 'alignment' in standard Dungeon World): Each character has an additional way of gaining xp which represents their motivation or calling. Choose one - whenever you indulge in your drive, you gain XP. You're not limited to the drives on your sheet if you can write and justify a situation that might commonly come up that might be interesting - Deken for interest might write a custom Drive about these mysterious visions that he's had.

Background: Grants an extra move for you.

Gear: Pretty basic, just fill in the blanks and keep your weight limit/load in mind. In Dungeon World, gear's most basic function is fictional - it'll let you do things because you have the gear. You can't slice without a knife, climbing a mountain with a climbing kit is easier, etc. Because this is DnD, obviously there will be magical items and suchlike, but that's not as important as being properly kitted out. Remember to mark armour as well.

A special note - Adventuring Gear is basically Chekhov's Gear. It has 5 uses, and whenever you need anything mundane that an adventurer would reasonably have in their pack (ropes, chalk, 10-ft poles etc), you mark off a use and take it out of the gear.

Bonds: Dungeon World is going to assume a variety of connections between characters from the outset; these are good for the fiction and also serve a use mechanically at times. Fill in a name from the party onto your Bonds; you can use the same name multiple times for different bonds, if you like.

Fictionally, not to tip my hand too much, we're going to start assuming that you've all at the very least met one another; so go ahead and get bonding!


Character Sheet

Just to keep everything organised, I'd like you all to post a character sheet wrapped in quote tags like so (example hunter following):

NAME: Jade | RACE: Elf | LOOK: Sharp eyes, Wild hair, Cape, Lithe

LEVEL: 1 | DAMAGE: D8 | ARMOUR: 0 | HP: 21/21 | | XP: 0

DRIVE: Strike the Balance (Foster growth and mutual understanding between nature and man)
BACKGROUND: Heart of the Wild (Whenever you Undertake a Perilous Journey, auto-success)

STR: 12 // 0
CON: 13 // +1
DEX: 16 // +2
INT: 9 // 0
WIS: 15 // +1
CHA: 8 // -1

Hunter's Bow (near/far/1)
Short Sword (close/1)
Adventuring Gear (5 use/1)
Dungeon Rations (5 use/1)
Camoflage Netting and Trap (1)
Foraging Tools (1)
LOAD: 6/11

I have guided Phantasmo before and they owe me.
Pharos is a friend of nature, so I will be their friend as well.
Hella has no respect for nature, so I have no respect for them.

[write out the whole move please]

You may need to add additional sections to your character sheet - Deken will need to jot down his current spellbook, for instance. You may also want to track what you take on Level Up, but we'll think about that later.

Okay! That should keep you busy for a day or two! I'll be unavailable tomorrow because I'll be flying, but I should be around for a while longer today.


NAME: Thrakdur rak Yizmaht | RACE: Human | LOOK:Wild eyes, mighty body, ritual scarring, weathered garb

LEVEL: 2 | DAMAGE: D10 | ARMOUR: 1 | HP: 24/24 | XP: 1

DRIVE: Living Legend (Inspire people, poets, or history itself to acknowledge your greatness.)
BACKGROUND: Walker of the Wastes(Do not need to costume rations when Making Camp,Always armed and prepared on Take Watch even on a miss)

STR: 16 // +2
CON: 16 // +2
DEX: 13 // +1
INT: 8 // -1
WIS: 12 // +0
CHA: 9 // +0

Old Bow (near/far, poor quality/1)
Axe (close, forceful,messy/1)
Quiver of arrows (3 ammo/1)
Adventuring Gear (4 use/1)
Dungeon Rations (5 use/1)
A horse bone necklace
A hide cloak from a formidable creature (1)
LOAD: 6/10

Waymore is always getting into trouble- I must protect them from themselves.
Deken's ways are strange and confusing.
Ein Stahl is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.
Serrick shares my hunger for glory; the earth will tremble at our passing!

-Unencumbered, Unharmed: So long as you are below your load and neither wear armor nor carry a shield, take +1 armor. In addition, you do not need to make Last Breath rolls until you are at -CON bonus.

-Herculaen Appetites: While pursuing one of your appetites, if you would roll for a move, instead of rolling 2d6 you roll 1d6+1d8. If the d6 is the higher of the pair the GM will also introduce a complication or danger that comes about due to your heedless pursuits.
*Riches and Glory

-The Upper Hand: You take +1 ongoing to Last Breath rolls. When you take your Last Breath, on a 7-9 you make make an offer to death in return for your life. If death accepts he will return you to life, if not, you die.

-Musclebound: When you wield a weapon it gains the forceful and messy tags.

-What are you waiting for?: When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll +CON. On a 10+ They treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore your companions, take +2 damage ongoing against them. On a 7-9 only a few ( the weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to your taunting.

its not quite complete and I might change some stuff. Also i wanted to know if I could start with some sort of bow? If I need to give up/trade something for it please let me know.

Actually nevermind I think I can make one of the default ones work.

Ok I added some preliminary bonds. I don't mind changing them if there are better ideas.


Re: using the barbarian flavour stuff, the only thing I'll ask is you not use straight up alignment because frankly I hate the idea that anything is inherently "Good" or "Bad" (or Chaotic, whatever). I'll let you trade the axe or the dagger for a bow (near/far 1 weight; if the dagger, add the tag "poor quality")

For the gear, I'd assume the cloak would be 1 weight but the trinket to be effectively 0 weight. Basically look at what weighs what and compare it to non-listed items.

/edit Serrick, at what point did you realise you could turn into various animals? Did you train to do it? How do you feel about it? Is it a secret?
NAME: Bastro Deken | RACE: Human | LOOK: Kind eyes, Styled hair, Stylish Robes, Pudgy Body

LEVEL: 1 | DAMAGE: D4 | ARMOUR: 0 | HP: 16/16 | | XP: 0

DRIVE: Infernal Affairs - Root out magical corruption and sway authorities to regulate magical use.

BACKGROUND: Archmage Academy - When using Discern Realities, you may ask for free "What hidden magical nature exists?"

STR: 8 // -1
CON: 12 // 0
DEX: 9 // 0
INT: 16 // +2
WIS: 15 // +1
CHA: 13 // +1

Spellbook (1)
Dungeon Rations (5 uses/1)
Bag of Books (5 uses/2)
Dagger (hand/1)
Healing Potion (4/0)
A Satchel of odd and rare ingredients
Pipe and pouch of pipeweed (the good stuff)
LOAD: 5/6

Thrakdur will play an important role in the events to come, I have foreseen it.
Ein is keeping an important secret from me.
Waymore is woefully misinformed about the world; I will teach them all I can.
More than I few times I have owed my life to Serrick.

Light - Make an item I touch glow with the light of a torch. Lasts as long as I'm in its presence. I control the color - which is always green. Always.
Unseen Servent - Ongoing - Invisible construct which has load 3, carrying anything I hand it. Immediately dispelled if damaged or if it leaves my presence, dropping all items.
Prestidigitation - Create crude minor illusion or make cosmetic changes to objects (color, clean/soil, warm/cool, flavor)

1st Level Spells
Telepathy - Level 1 Divination Ongoing - Form a Telepathic bond with a single person you touch, enabling you to converse with that person through your thoughts. You can only have one telepathic bond at a time.
Invisibility - Level 1 Illusion Ongoing - Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! The spell persists until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While the spell is ongoing you can’t cast a spell.
Magic Missile - Level 1 Evocation - Projectiles of pure magic spring from your fingers. Deal 2d4 damage to one target.

Prepare Spells
When you spend uninterrupted time in quiet contemplation (hour or so) of your spellbook you: Lose any prepared spells, prepare new spells of your choice from your spellbook whose total levels don't exceed your own level +1, and prepare your cantrips which never count against your limit

Cast a Spell
When you release a spell you've prepared roll +INT. On a 10+ the spell is successfully cast and not forgotten. on a 7-9 the spell is cast but choose 1:
  • You draw unwelcome attention to yourself or put yourself in a spot, the GM will tell you how.
  • The spell disturbs the fabric of reality as it is cast, causing localized mayhem.
  • After it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until you prepare spells.
Note that maintaing spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your roll to Cast a Spell

Spell Defense - You may end an ongoing spell immediately and use the energy of its dissipation to deflect an oncoming attack. The spell ends and you subtract its level from the damage done to you.

Ritual - When you draw on a place or thing of power to create a magical effect, tell the GM what you are trying to achieve. Ritual effects are always possible, but the GM will give you one to four of the following conditions.
  • It's going to take days/weeks/months
  • First you must _____
  • You'll need help from _____
  • It will require a lot of resources
  • The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
  • You and your allies will risk danger from ______
  • You'll have to disenchant _______ to do it

I've got some thoughts on Deken's magic, as well as his Drive/ the vision that I'll post more about at some point. Basically I want to make sure the vision isn't too specific, or doesn't push him in too specific of a direction. The way the drives read/ the way alignments in DW work seem to involve stuff that regularly occurs in the day to day, rather than a long term goal that my current drive kind of reads like. Maybe the vision being 'A magical force will cause ruin' - paired with his drive being - Defeat those who abuse magic, protect others from magical harm, influence magical authorities to be safer.
Perhaps something more like "work towards understanding and acting on your visions"?

I guess I'm not sure I want his drive to be vision-specific. It's what got him off his butt, and out of his comfortable life, but he also harbors a lot of feelings toward use of magic that are more actionable in a regular (story beat to story beat) way. The vision just kind of capped off those feelings or provided a real reason to act on them.

If the visions are his exclusively his drive, I worry that either the story will feel too central too him (obviously you'll tie stuff together, but I want to avoid any main characterness at all), or that he'll feel like he's wasting his time if he's not investigating the visions.


Completely OOC here, since he wouldn't be willing to say, but he left his parents' farm at the same time he discovered he could turn into something non-human, so a few years ago. First time was a fluke, but he's trained enough to control this ability and do it successfully. Yes, it's a secret, and that's one of the reasons he's been living alone with nature. He thinks people would be scared of such a sight, but he does not have problems of shapeshifting in front of trusted people or in the wild.

And now, the sheet:


NAME: Serrick | RACE: Human | CLASS: Wild Shaman | LOOK: Wild eyes, Messy Hair, Practical Leathers, Well-Fed Body

LEVEL: 1 | DAMAGE: D6 | ARMOR: 1 | HP: 19/19 | XP: 1

DRIVE: Grow the Wild Kingdom (Do all in your power to expand the wild regions of your land)
BACKGROUND: Whispers of Ancestors (You can Parley with the lost and forgotten but lingering spirits of a place, even when others cannot see or hear them)

STR: 8 // -1
CON: 13 // +1
DEX: 9 // 0
INT: 15 // +1
WIS: 16 // +2
CHA: 12 // 0

  • Shillelagh (close/2 weight)
  • Hide armor (1 armor/1 weight)
  • Poultices and herbs (2 uses/1 weight)
  • Pipeleaf (3 uses/0 weight)
  • Box of small wooden animal carvings
  • Necklace of bones, feathers, and talismans
LOAD: 4/5

The spirits and rage of the great beasts resonates in Thrakdur.
Ein Stahl has much to learn about the wild things.
Bastro Deken has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

Born of the Soil
It is the land to which you are attuned - when using Wild Essence you may suppose the mantle of any animal who might live in the land.

  • The Great Forests
By Nature Sustained
You don't need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration you get to ignore it.

Spirit Tongue
You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.

Wild Essence
When you call upon the spirits to imbue you with the mantle of an animal's essence, roll +WIS. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says. You may express the physical form and manner of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land. You express any innate abilites and weakness of the species. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder or easier to trigger while in Wild Essence. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with you Wild Essence. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you're out of hold, you return to your natural state of being. At any time, you may spend all your hold and reveret to your natural state of being.


I don't know how to make those vertical lines between things.

Name: Waymore --- Race: Human --- Look: Shifty eyes, a dark hood and cloak over leather armor with a thin frame

Level: 1 --- Damage: D8 --- Armor: 1 --- HP: 20/20

Drive: Professional pride, the thrill of infiltration and leaving no trace.

Background: Burglar - When you Discern Realities, you can always ask "What here is useful or valuable to me?" in addition to other options.

STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 16 (+2)
CON: 12 (+0)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 9 (+0)
CHA: 15 (+1)

-Leather Armor (worn, 1 armor, 1 weight)
-Flash Bombs (3 uses, 1 weight)
-Blackjack (hand, nonlethal, 1 weight)
-Short Sword (close, 2 weight)
-Shortbow (near, 1 weight)
-Quiver of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
-Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
-9 coins
-Stolen knick-knacks (10 gold)
-Stolen sharp dagger (close, 5 gold)

Load: 8/10

I stole something from Bastro Deken.
Thrakdur has my back when things go wrong.
Serrick knows incriminating information about me.
Ein Stahl and I have a con running.


Avoid the Light - When you stand in the shadows or darkness without talking or moving, NPC's will never see you so long as they haven't already spotted you. If they're more than a few feet away from you, they won't see you even if you move or attack, and even if they know you're there.

Backstab - When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to deal your damage or ROLL+DEX. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one:
-You don't get into melee with them.
-You deal your damage +1D6
-You create advantage +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it.
-You reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it

Trap expert - When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, ROLL+DEX. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold as you walk through the area to ask these questions:
-Is there a trap here? If so, what activates it?
-What does the trap do when activated?
-How can I use this trap to my advantage?
-Who set this trap?
-What else is hidden here?

Tricks of the Trade - When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, ROLL+DEX. On a 10+, you do it no problem. On a 7-9, you do it but the GM will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.


Hey Pedro, if you don't mind saying, what kind of animals does Serrick turn into and does he use animal forms for most of his fighting? I'm trying to figure out who would be a could fit for a fourth bond,


Fixed. Thanks. It feels like I have low DEX for a thief, but I'm just going off the guide page.

Ah - you misinterpreted. You can put the scores in any stats you want. (They're just listed in order of +2, +1, +1, 0, 0, -1).

I would pump dex since many of your moves depend on it

/edit here's a bunch of random cities Dwarf Fortress spat out:

Adesi¤ur, "Nestmastered", town
Owner: The Swift Fellowship, humans
Parent Civ: The Enchanted Empire, humans
lady: Iki Rainclouts, elf

51: Ilamathilu, "Flightembrace", forest retreat
Owner: The Panther of Griffons, elves
Parent Civ: The Periwinkle of Luxuries, elves
3052 elves
237 humans
12 dwarves
95 wren men
180 giant kakapo
10 horses
925 giant dingoes

56: Irnenohus, "Dipsubmerged", town
Owner: The Fellowship of Exalting, humans
Parent Civ: The Confederation of Abbeys, humans
lady: Onuth Rushclam, human
809 humans
199 dogs
35 ducks
50 llamas
48 goblin outcasts
25 human outcasts
1 elf outcast

57: Osnongnuklat, "Mucusarmors", vault
Owner: The Sculpted Lunch,
25 Megob's Angels
50 Deformed Attendants
1 Doom of Deformity

60: Ecim£ya, "Safetytyphoon", vault
Owner: The Lustrous Armors,
25 Disease Slayers
50 Icar's Attendants
1 Bane of Nightmares

62: Oltarlisid, "Gildclashes", hillocks
Owner: The Mirrors of Cooperation, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Ochre Leader-Arch, dwarves
118 dwarves
350 horses

63: Xokngerxung, "Takewicked", dark pits
Owner: The Faint Omens, humans
7 humans

okay there's like another 4000 of these. god dwarf fortress is weird


Hey Pedro, if you don't mind saying, what kind of animals does Serrick turn into and does he use animal forms for most of his fighting? I'm trying to figure out who would be a could fit for a fourth bond,

From what I've read he can turn into any forest animal. I was thinking of temperate rainforests when I picked that land, since that's most familiar to me, so cougar, moose, raccoon.
He could turn into a bear or a bald eagle as well, but maybe that's too much? What Jintor says is fine.

And yeah, he does; he would toss his fear of being seen shifting in public aside if needed to fight.


Great! Thanks Pedro. The bond kind of goes against something you said earlier, but I figure the bond is meant to be Thrakdur's perception so maybe it would work.


From what I've read he can turn into any forest animal. I was thinking of temperate rainforests when I picked that land, since that's most familiar to me, so cougar, moose, raccoon, and owl.
He could turn into a bear or a bald eagle as well, but maybe that's too much? What Jintor says is fine.

Totally fine
In A Port of a Storm, do I have to visit there first in a campaign or is it implied that I have been there before the campaign?
NAME: Ein Stahl | RACE: Human | LOOK: Joyous Eyes, Stylish Cap, Traveling Clothes, Well-fed Body

LEVEL: 1 | DAMAGE: D6 | ARMOUR: 0 | HP: 17/17 | | XP: 0

DRIVE: Living Scholar(Risk the people and things near to you in order to preserve works of art, history, and cluture)
BACKGROUND: Poet of the People (When you attempt to Parley with someone, you can offer to stake your reputation on the deal)

STR: 12 // 0
CON: 9 // 0
DEX: 15 // +1
INT: 13 // +1
WIS: 8 // -1
CHA: 16 // +2

Ostentatious Clothes
Worn Bow (near/1 weight)
Short Sword (close/1 weight)
Bundle of Arrows (3 ammo/1 weight)
Dungeon Rations (5 use/1 weight)
Sitar heirloom
2d6 coin
LOAD: 6/9

This is not my first adventure with Waymore
Serrick is always the butt of my jokes.
Im writing a ballad about the adventures of Bastro Deken
Thrakdur rak Yizmaht trusts me with a secret

Inspiring Presence- Through your force of will and personality you inspire great deeds. When you inspire others through your words or presence, roll +CHA. *On a 10+ choose 2. *On a 7-9, choose 1
-An ally’s wonds are ignored and they heal +1d8
-An ally is invigorated, and they deal +1d4 damage forward
-An aly’s mind is cleared of enchantment or fear
-You coordinate your allies’ teamwork - the next time an ally Aids Another, they grant +2 instead of _1 to the aided ally
-You do not draw attention to you or a bolstered ally

Bardic Lore- When you Spout Lore, if you tell us about a tale, song, or legend featuring the subject at hand, roll +CHA instead of +INT. *On a 10+, you many also ask the GM any one question about the subject, and the GM must answer truthfully.

Charming and Open- When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their player a question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list
-Whom do you serve?
-What do you wish I would do?
-How can I get to____?
-What are you really feeling right now?
-What do you most desire?

A Port in the Storm- When you return to a civilized settlement you’ve visted before, tell the GM when you were last here. They’ll tell you how it’s changed since then.

Truth to Power-When you spout Lore, on a 7+ take +1 forward when acting on that infomation.


I guess I'm not sure I want his drive to be vision-specific. It's what got him off his butt, and out of his comfortable life, but he also harbors a lot of feelings toward use of magic that are more actionable in a regular (story beat to story beat) way. The vision just kind of capped off those feelings or provided a real reason to act on them.

If the visions are his exclusively his drive, I worry that either the story will feel too central too him (obviously you'll tie stuff together, but I want to avoid any main characterness at all), or that he'll feel like he's wasting his time if he's not investigating the visions.

Try and figure out a trigger based off his feeling towards "policing" magic perhaps?
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