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E3 2010 Sony Conference (concluded)

BritBloke916 said:
If you weren't surprised by Gabe Newell strolling out onto the stage of a Sony press conference then I can't imagine that you would have found anything to be surprising.

It just didn't do anything for me. I already own a 360 and as a multi platorm owner this really does not effect me at all.


Host Samurai said:
My views on the Sony conference were pretty much "meh". It was not cringe worthy like MS but at the same time did not have any surprises.

No new RPG's. The entire Sony campaign is that it "Plays Everything" It should be "Plays Everything but RPG's". Seriously this is getting quite ridiculous at this point.

Is SCEJ sleeping?

While it was nice to see a new Twisted Metal, I feel like this should have happened years ago. It sucks that the final reveal was not Kingdom Harts 3 or Z.O.E 3.

All and all it was not a awful showing, I think that we just expect too much from Sony at this point. They better have a kick ass TGS though.

Pretty much my thoughts too. At this point I would have considered it a given there would be at least a trailer for Agent. Zipo, nada. The Last Guardian, an extended trailer or maybe even some gameplay, would have been excelent for the press. Nada. Why not show The Journey for PSN and say something like "from the creators of Flower, bla bla bla"? Nada. Team Ico Collection? Nada. At least they could have announced some of this stuff and revealed gameplay at TGS, but retarded as Sony is, zipo. And RPGs, where the fuck are they? Sony needs some cool shit to go against MS's Mass Effect, the same way they have Killzone as a FPS. Where's the iconic Sony RPGs? White Knight Chronicles?!?!? Fuck that.

This E3 has been a fucking dissapointment, between MS and Sony. I really couldn't care a fuck for anything announced so far except maybe for MGS: Rising. Maybe. And that's multiplat.

Fuck, even outside the press conferences this E3 has been shit. Most games I was waiting for either are not there, haven't been announced or are beying shown behind closed doors. Where's LA Noire, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Deus Ex 3, Suda 51's new EA game, The Ripper, Thief IV, and so on?

What a fucking piece of retarded shit this E3 has turned into. Fucking waste of my time.

Yeah, I'm pissed.


RadioHeadAche said:
I was really hoping they would announce something like that, but it's really hard to say if they will or not at this time. Hopefully Episode three (or whatever it will be) will receive the same treatment.
Well if Portal 2 is coming, I would guess they'd bring their future games to PS3. I just really hope they pull L4D 1 or 2 out of their backlog and bring it over because that is really the only game I want in the 360's library. Release both of them on one BluRay Valve, do it!


Totobeni said:
but they have MAG and Killzone now , that 3 first person games , there is no place for 3 Sony published fps on a platform that has BFBC , COD and MoH too and many other shooters.

and Resistance as Sony's biggest fall title like Uncharted ? that unlikely , R2 was below average shooter with many flaws , unless of course Sony give the IP to other dev or something ( not saying Insom are bad or anything but they are no FPS's top dogs ).

and well , EA will be all over Sony's balls to market MoH ( since MS got the COD' dlcs deal) so there is no place for R3 this fall.

You can't rely on third party output, lest Sony wants to repeat the same mistake they made at the beginning of this generation when they were left holding the bag.

SOCOM is the only Sony published shooter this holiday season, first-party output for the second half of the year is really thin. Resistance doesn't need to be at the same level as an IP as Uncharted, you need something out this year to complement SOCOM4 and GT5, and the window is clearly open for R3, not to mention it will be 2 years since the last one, the timing is right, at this point I'm not sure if you give Insomniac another year they're going to crank out something that can turn the Resistance IP around.


Kittonwy said:
You can't rely on third party output, lest Sony wants to repeat the same mistake they made at the beginning of this generation when they were left holding the bag.

SOCOM is the only Sony published shooter this holiday season, first-party output for the second half of the year is really thin. Resistance doesn't need to be at the same level as an IP as Uncharted, you need something out this year to complement SOCOM4 and GT5, and the window is clearly open for R3, not to mention it will be 2 years since the last one, the timing is right, at this point I'm not sure if you give Insomniac another year they're going to crank out something that can turn the Resistance IP around.
As much as I love the Resistance series, I'd prefer that they hold it until March-June. R2 was pushed out too early imo, and it would be completely overshadowed this holiday by COD, MoH, Socom & all the other shooters. I understand about them not relying on 3rd parties like they did at the onset, but they have a lot better 3rd party support now, and I'm sure they don't want to cannibalize 3rd party sales, or have R3 lost in the shuffle. I'm going to have a hard time buying all the stuff coming out this year already, and R3 with probably single player, competitive and co-op would be fighting for my game time already.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Mr Pockets said:
Nah I thought it was great.

Plenty of bland parts for sure, but it was the only one I didn't find myself fast forwarding through (watched it after work not live). I stopped watching the MS one, and I was bored by most of the Nintendo one except for 3DS and Epic Mickey.

Not saying Sony "won" by any means, but it just appealed to me more so I enjoyed it the most.

Subjective is a wonderful word isn't it?

Although some parts were bland, the best thing shown for me was probably the 3DS and Portal 2 for the PS3 (I played Portal in my Mac coz it was free, game of the generation for me). Portal 2 appealed to me more than Nintendo's Wii lineup (although... Golden Sun but that's for the DS... :D) but that's totally because of personal preference. :p
Timo said:
I might have missed it, but, where the fuck is The Last Guardian?

I don't understand why people are so upset at this. The rumors that it might not be @ E3 started months ago and the second that happened you had to know it was getting pushed back to TGS. Same thing with any new RPGs, wait for TGS. If they're not there, I'll gladly pick up the pitch forks with you.


demosthenes said:
I don't understand why people are so upset at this. The rumors that it might not be @ E3 started months ago and the second that happened you had to know it was getting pushed back to TGS. Same thing with any new RPGs, wait for TGS. If they're not there, I'll gladly pick up the pitch forks with you.
Probably wouldn't be such a big if there was something to fill in the void. As it got closer to the end of the conference everyone was thinking this is so terrible the only way I won't feel cheated out of the last 2 hours is if they show something fucking magnificent. Could have been Versus. Could have been Last Guardian. Could have been a lot of things whose simple presence would have made things 'okay'. Twisted Metal wasn't it.


Where the fuck was Sony Bend and my PS3 Syphon Filter? What the hell have they been doing?

edit: BTW, what's with Sony and montages? Every E3 presser they show, like, 3 or 4 long montages as if that's exciting. At least cut it down to one and have it at the end to finish the show off.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Kittonwy said:
You can't rely on third party output, lest Sony wants to repeat the same mistake they made at the beginning of this generation when they were left holding the bag.

SOCOM is the only Sony published shooter this holiday season, first-party output for the second half of the year is really thin. Resistance doesn't need to be at the same level as an IP as Uncharted, you need something out this year to complement SOCOM4 and GT5, and the window is clearly open for R3, not to mention it will be 2 years since the last one, the timing is right, at this point I'm not sure if you give Insomniac another year they're going to crank out something that can turn the Resistance IP around.

I remember playing R1 with you on Fridays. good times... You'd get all drunk as the night progresses and bobthefork kicked so much ass...

This e3 has sucked for everyone but nintendo.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Here's to hoping they show JRPGs in TGS.

Versus :(


Unconfirmed Member
Panipal2009 said:
That's bollocks, it's not some niche game with little interest outside of Japan. Sony treating it as such is fucking retarded.

Gamescon = SCEE

There is some overlap but this is how it goes for the most part.
Seriously is there not a video of this anywhere? I checked out GameTrailers and all the major game sites and none of them have the full length video. What the fuck?

Anyone have the video?


Does anybody know if you can download Sony E3 2010 conference somewhere? I regret to say it, but I was late for it for the first time in 6 years :p
Dali said:
Probably wouldn't be such a big if there was something to fill in the void. As it got closer to the end of the conference everyone was thinking this is so terrible the only way I won't feel cheated out of the last 2 hours is if they show something fucking magnificent. Could have been Versus. Could have been Last Guardian. Could have been a lot of things whose simple presence would have made things 'okay'. Twisted Metal wasn't it.

No chance of Versus coming to E3 unless MS was going to announce it as coming to 360. XIV is coming out this year, Versus is not, therefore no reason to show it at E3.


Concerting TLG.
Leviathan1 said:
Seriously is there not a video of this anywhere? I checked out GameTrailers and all the major game sites and none of them have the full length video. What the fuck?

Anyone have the video?


Seventy5 said:
As much as I love the Resistance series, I'd prefer that they hold it until March-June. R2 was pushed out too early imo, and it would be completely overshadowed this holiday by COD, MoH, Socom & all the other shooters. I understand about them not relying on 3rd parties like they did at the onset, but they have a lot better 3rd party support now, and I'm sure they don't want to cannibalize 3rd party sales, or have R3 lost in the shuffle. I'm going to have a hard time buying all the stuff coming out this year already, and R3 with probably single player, competitive and co-op would be fighting for my game time already.

March-June would make it too close to Killzone 3 and Infamous.

The shooter market is strong every single year. It's not going to get overshadowed by SOCOM 4, and you're going to get a COD every winter, and MOH is basically looking like EA's MW2 clone, next year we might see another COD game and probably a BF game, every year is stuffed with shooters. My point is that if they're looking for some breathing space to release R3, this holiday season would be best to bill R3 as their big first-party shooter.

Sony needs to ensure they have a steady stream of first party content and not worry about whether they're "cannibalizing" 3rd party sales, if anything they SHOULD cannibalize 3rd party sales and rely less on third party publishers, get more users supporting their own IPs and anchor them to the playstation brand instead of having to worry about how to get the next COD or MOH on their console or having to fight over some exclusive DLC deal, the reason why the PS3 userbase isn't as strong is partly because of the fact that they relied on third-party too much and they got burnt when many of the fan favorite IPs went multiplatform.


otake said:
I remember playing R1 with you on Fridays. good times... You'd get all drunk as the night progresses and bobthefork kicked so much ass...

This e3 has sucked for everyone but nintendo.

Those days were the best.


JWong said:
And Gamescon too.

It's stupid that everyone wants all of Sony's cards to be played at E3.

This is E3.

E3 is the biggest event this year, if you don't play your cards now, when are you going to play them? TGS?


An blind dancing ho
Kittonwy said:
You can't rely on third party output, lest Sony wants to repeat the same mistake they made at the beginning of this generation when they were left holding the bag.

sure first party is your best weapon , 3rd party maigh leave you anytime ( like at beginning of this generation ) but you still can't ignore them completely ( see SEGA Dreamcast/Saturn).

this Conference was Sony licking 3rd party balls saying give as love and will give you marketing , Gabe saying Portal PS3 is the best version and that EA dude saying the same , wasting their time showing multiplat instead of their own games mean nothing but this.

when they announced KZ3 , Motorstorm 3 , LBP2 and Infamous 2 before E3 it was clear that they want to give them attention ( but non of us though they will focus on multiplat ) hell even Shu Yoshida wasn't at the show , this must tell you something.

SOCOM is the only Sony published shooter this holiday season, first-party output for the second half of the year is really thin. Resistance doesn't need to be at the same level as an IP as Uncharted, you need something out this year to complement SOCOM4 and GT5, and the window is clearly open for R3, not to mention it will be 2 years since the last one, the timing is right, at this point I'm not sure if you give Insomniac another year they're going to crank out something that can turn the Resistance IP around

I just think 2 shooters in the same season from the same publisher where there are Moh and CoD is bad ( actually crazy ) idea.

but Sony need other big exclusive ( other genres ) for the fall , they only have GT5 as AAA title this fall and nothing else so far.

as for Insomniac , for me it's really hard to believe they can bring quality back to R3 when they are working for themselves and on their own IPs now , this is why I prefer giving the IP to other some developer who can focus on it.

Jax said:
maybe SCEJ didn't come to the party because


not only Japan Studio , there were only 2 games from SCEE ( Move shit don't count ) hell even Shuhei Yoshida wasn't at the show like it's not his business or something.

I can't believe all Japan Studio teams ( Project Siren , Saru , Kouno team , ..ect ) are not working on anything for years now , even their partners studios like Clap Hanz and other , same thing with SCEE studios and Bend studio too , it's just insane.

there's TGS coming up?

TGS is not a "big reveals" show anymore , it's just for ready to release games and games that only Japanese gamers care about ( it's mostly a DS show in the last 3 years ).


Kittonwy said:
March-June would make it too close to Killzone 3 and Infamous.

The shooter market is strong every single year. It's not going to get overshadowed by SOCOM 4, and you're going to get a COD every winter, and MOH is basically looking like EA's MW2 clone, next year we might see another COD game and probably a BF game, every year is stuffed with shooters. My point is that if they're looking for some breathing space to release R3, this holiday season would be best to bill R3 as their big first-party shooter.

Sony needs to ensure they have a steady stream of first party content and not worry about whether they're "cannibalizing" 3rd party sales, if anything they SHOULD cannibalize 3rd party sales and rely less on third party publishers, get more users supporting their own IPs and anchor them to the playstation brand instead of having to worry about how to get the next COD or MOH on their console or having to fight over some exclusive DLC deal, the reason why the PS3 userbase isn't as strong is partly because of the fact that they relied on third-party too much and they got burnt when many of the fan favorite IPs went multiplatform.
Good point, I hadn't thought about that. Personally I'd be more likely to pick up and stick with R3 than say MoH, and the CoD series is over for me, so I see what you're saying.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I have to :lol at anyone expecting RPG's to show up at the show today, especially if your talking about WRPG's.

If your looking for JRPG's the Tokyo Game Show is in 3 months.


Shu is not a spokesman though, you have Tretton and Dille, and KB, do you need another guy on stage?

Who are you going to give the Resistance franchise to? Most of the respectable first-party studios have their own IPs that are successful. Who would want it other than some work-for-hire studio who are likely not going to be better than what you can get from Insomniac now?

I can't believe it's been 4 1/2 years and Bend has contributed nothing to the PS3 library, it's not like Syphon Filter has ever been a hot IP but they should have made SOMETHING on the PS3 by now.


Panipal2009 said:
That's bollocks, it's not some niche game with little interest outside of Japan. Sony treating it as such is fucking retarded.

True, but it is made in Japan, and from what it seems, that is very few games. Sony just may want some strong Japan made titles to show off to the Japan crowd.

malsumis said:
Does anybody know if you can download Sony E3 2010 conference somewhere? I regret to say it, but I was late for it for the first time in 6 years :p

PS Store has part one up. Rest to follow today I believe. Its also good quality.


An blind dancing ho
Kittonwy said:
Who are you going to give the Resistance franchise to? Most of the respectable first-party studios have their own IPs that are successful. Who would want it other than some work-for-hire studio who are likely not going to be better than what you can get from Insomniac now?

no I am not talking about giving Resistance to a first part studio , but to other studios , there are very good 3rd party studio everywhere , who are more into FPS genre and might even like to be a 3rd party Sony partner , Starbreeze , 4A Games ..ect.

Kittonwy said:
I can't believe it's been 4 1/2 years and Bend has contributed nothing to the PS3 library, it's not like Syphon Filter has ever been a hot IP but they should have made SOMETHING on the PS3 by now

it's amazing that they handled the PS2 port of Logan's Shadow themselves , look like they have nothing to work on , what a shame indeed.
NinjaFridge said:
Gamescon = SCEE

There is some overlap but this is how it goes for the most part.
Pretty much how it usually goes.

As for JRPGs, there's no way they are going to use E3 to announce niche JRPGs published by NIS or something. I doubt they are going to make a big announcement about WKC2 coming stateside (or another in development) because if a JRPG isn't Kingdom Hearts or FF, it won't sell big numbers in NA.

For JRPG announcements, I don't expect them at TGS, I expect them to be unveiled by Famtisu when we least expect it.
Kittonwy said:
Shu is not a spokesman though, you have Tretton and Dille, and KB, do you need another guy on stage?

Who are you going to give the Resistance franchise to? Most of the respectable first-party studios have their own IPs that are successful. Who would want it other than some work-for-hire studio who are likely not going to be better than what you can get from Insomniac now?

I can't believe it's been 4 1/2 years and Bend has contributed nothing to the PS3 library, it's not like Syphon Filter has ever been a hot IP but they should have made SOMETHING on the PS3 by now.
I think Bend has a PS3 project down the pipeline. Keep in mind they released Resistance Retribution on PSP back in 2008. For them to develop on PS3, they gotta create a brand new graphic engine and will probably not be ready to release a new game until 2011.

Also, it really comes down to Sony Bend being focused on PSP, instead of PS3. I can't complain since Sony Bend put out three awesome PSP games.


BoilersFan23 said:
Pretty much how it usually goes.

As for JRPGs, there's no way they are going to use E3 to announce niche JRPGs published by NIS or something. I doubt they are going to make a big announcement about WKC2 coming stateside (or another in development) because if a JRPG isn't Kingdom Hearts or FF, it won't sell big numbers in NA.

For JRPG announcements, I don't expect them at TGS, I expect them to be unveiled by Famtisu when we least expect it.

Usually weeks before TGS like what happened to Demon's souls.
Kagari said:
Gamescom is a bit bigger than E3.
Most people don't see it that way. E3 is pretty big, but Gamescom and TGS are still huge to Sony. If you notice most of what they showed was pretty new. I think Team ICO and most of Japan Studios will be shown at TGS and and most of the Euro studios will show stuff at Gamescom. Killzone 3 is so huge it will probably be shown at all of them with MP stuff being revealed at Gamescom.

This has been Sony's MO the last few years and I don't see it changing. They want to bring new stuff to each show and not bust there load all at one show.


Nintendo only has E3 to worry about.
Microsoft never makes any effort outside of the states (even if they do, it doesn't work).
Sony's the only one who has to divvy up content across the world.
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