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EA Announces Dragon Age III: Inquisition (Frostbite 2, Late 2013, DA Series = 8+ mil)


i bet you every pr from now on claims that the game has been 'developed for over a year and has the team from the game that you DID like'

I'm just curious about whether them distancing themselves from DA2 will be a marketing thing or if it'll be reflected in the gameplay.


I'm just curious about whether them distancing themselves from DA2 will be a marketing thing or if it'll be reflected in the gameplay.

I expect them to market using Origins (since it's the better performing entry) while delivering a product that's essentially a refined (and maybe polished) DA2.
Destructibility would add some cool things, but I guess this is another nail in the coffin for a toolset since "Frostbite is too complicated to mod"


They really missed the ball park with the subtitle, didn't they.

It should have been: Dragon Age III Everybody is a Blood Mage


Destructibility would add some cool things, but I guess this is another nail in the coffin for a toolset since "Frostbite is too complicated to mod"

There is actually a good explanation for why Frostbite lacks mod tools. It's nothing to do with the complexity.

The reason essentially is that FB2 is heavily dependent on middleware, one of the DICE programmers explained this a while ago.

The game, editor and pipeline all use commercial middleware. It is developed by Havok and several other companies.

The licensing agreement for the middleware allows us to use that code in specific products, on specific platforms.
If we want to release editor + pipeline, we need to license the middleware specifically for this. How much would that be? Perhaps $1M-$3M. I'm guessing wildly here.

Stripping out that middleware would seriously hamper the functionality especially of the pipeline. We use Havok Physics, for instance. Without Havok Physics, the pipeline wouldn't be able to convert any of the physics meshes. We also use Granny. Without Granny, the pipeline will not be able to convert any of the character animations. Etc.

Re-implementing the necessary functionality of the middleware ourselves ("let's make our own physics engine / let's plug in an open-source physics engine") would take literally man-years. Licensing is cheaper in pure $ cost and faster (it works now instead of by 2012).

The pipeline also uses some code that is under GPL. Given that we do not want to release the full source code for the editor + pipeline, we would need to replace the GPLed code with other implementations.


Good news. I am very happy they are getting a full 3 year dev cycle on this. That will be their first game with full dev time since Mass Effect.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Woah there, Mass Effect 3 was just released this year. Give the series some time before starting a new trilogy.

I don't think you understand how much more Mass Effect I want/need.
I probably would have been super excited for this announcement maybe 2 years ago, before DA2. But now that Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity are in the works? Yeah, I'm curious how DA3 will turn out but I have a feeling it'll be all flash and no substance, just trying to wow people with Frostbite 2 while they try to act like RPG developments from the early 90s (WOW you can equip your party member with armor!) are major innovations.

The fact that its being based on Frostbite 2 seems to imply it'll likely be cross generational.

I'm just really curious how BioWare will do with the game visually. Particularly wondering how character faces will look in conversation and so forth. They've never been good with that stuff and with Frostbite I'm guessing they're likely plunging straight into the Uncanny Valley.


It's a picture of a town that's been hit by a tsunami.

He's implying that Dragon Age 2 is like a tsunami stricken version of a town as opposed to Baldur's Gate 2 being a full town.

Ah, I thought it was reference to something specific.

The analogy is fitting though.


So it's only going to partially be shit.

Well, no, because the whole thing takes place in either Orzammar or that dreamplace.

So yeah, wholly shit. :|


Can't find it now, but I do remember them saying the isometric camera wasn't coming back, the bastards.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Cautiously interested in this. Let's hope this time the tomboy/tough girl (if there is one) is romanceable and doesn't get swept by some punk who couldn't even handle a night patrol.

Avelineeeeeee! ;_;


If it requires me to buy a PS4, its going to have to wait for a long time. I'm not going to buy next gen systems for awhile yet. Usually after a price drop and better games come out. That goes for the Wii U as well. No interest in XBOX 720 or whatever.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Don't worry, they can probably stretch the Omega DLC into a full sequel. It takes place entirely on Omega over a course of 10 years.

you know that the franchise is in a bad place when sarcastic jokes about its sequel on gaming forums sound more exciting than any of the ideas the developer gonna shit out.


I don't want Bioware Skyrim...

What are the technical limitations that prevent an isometric view in FB2?

Nothing really, since the new Command and Conquer is isometric.

The game is more likely to be first person though, as they are taking heavy inspiration from Skyrim.


After DA and ME3 I'm not expecting to be interested in this but will at least wait to see screenshots and gameplay.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Nothing really, since the new Command and Conquer is isometric.

The game is more likely to be first person though, as they are taking heavy inspiration from Skyrim.

it's actually built from ground up for co-op.

You can seamlessly jump between party members and control them directly as you progress through levels with epic scripted events. You make hard decisions (go left or go right), get involved with your party in beautiful cinematic cutscenes by pressing A button to open mouth when the game tells you to and customize your look with items you can buy at EA store for just 5$ a piece (or by liking their page on Facebook).



Um, the only evidence supporting this is a article that says they're "We’re checking [Skyrim] out aggressively. We like it. We’re big admirers of [Bethesda] and the product". This could be a lot of things. I honestly doubt the game will be first person.


Um, the only evidence supporting this is a article that says they're "We’re checking [Skyrim] out aggressively. We like it. We’re big admirers of [Bethesda] and the product". This could be a lot of things. I honestly doubt the game will be first person.

True. I'd hate for them to try and copy Bethesda's formula. There are much better games to use as inspiration.


Um, the only evidence supporting this is a article that says they're "We’re checking [Skyrim] out aggressively. We like it. We’re big admirers of [Bethesda] and the product". This could be a lot of things. I honestly doubt the game will be first person.

Actually a lot of evidence points to it. Bioware is looking for a clear direction change with Dragon Age, and they know first person is popular right now. Bioware has a history of taking inspiration from popular franchises and incorporating their elements. I don't need to go over how drastically different Mass Effect 2 and 3 would have been if COD and Gears of War were not as popular.
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