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EA drops games that "aren't growing", "aren't large enough", or not on viable systems


I don't think this means they aren't going to try new IP's. They're just cutting old IP's that haven't sold well.


I doubt many people care about the Crysis IP. The first one was a good game, but the follow up titles were pretty weak with nonsensical stories and only served as graphical showpieces. I hope Crytek gets a chance to make something else with their amazing tech. Maybe something other than a shooter.

Well they're making a first person slasher/kinect game for Xbox 720.


Ahhh, I remember Peter Mooore's outrage over that site that reported that Dead Space was no more:


Quoted cause it should be.

EA can do whatever they want, but to then come off like a whiney douche bag and knowingly lie about calling Kotuka liars... not cool. You made an executive decision and live with it. No need for him to get all pissy like that.


-They are happy with their licensing deal and the margins on the deal.
-They still view wholly owned IP as the core of their business.
-They think the games could be notably accretive to both top line (revenue) and bottom line (profit) growth.
-They won't be releasing new Star Wars games this fiscal year (March 2013-April 2014), but they are actively developing them.

Thank you. Was hoping for a little more detail, like specifically which studios are now actively developing or getting ready to go to work on Star Wars games, but maybe its too premature for that. Some of their studios were mentioned in the press release the other day, but I was hoping for some executive confirmation.


Thank you. Was hoping for a little more detail, like specifically which studios are now actively developing or getting ready to go to work on Star Wars games, but maybe its too premature for that. Some of their studios were mentioned in the press release the other day, but I was hoping for some executive confirmation.

BioWare, DICE, and Visceral were all listed again by Frank Gibeau, who is in charge of them.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I'm not sure "We're only gonna focus on the very few big games that we have" is a good sign. Not for the industry, not for the consumer.

It's the same strategy Sega's using. It's working out for them as far as keeping them afloat, but it also means fewer games and probably fewer people working in the industry.
I doubt many people care about the Crysis IP. The first one was a good game, but the follow up titles were pretty weak with nonsensical stories and only served as graphical showpieces. I hope Crytek gets a chance to make something else with their amazing tech. Maybe something other than a shooter.

They need to erase the last two games and restart at what made Crysis great.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Regarding next-generation consoles, we are under a nondisclosure agreement with our platform partners. However, we're planning a full reveal at E3, including more next-generation titles in development for fiscal '14. This will include breakthroughs in graphics and gameplay for some of our biggest franchises, including Battlefield, FIFA, Madden, NBA Live and Need for Speed. We plan to unveil new titles from EA SPORTS, BioWare and DICE, and a first look at some brand new games.

Strange that they'd be under NDA from Sony..?

Stranger still if they're waiting until E3, if they have a marketing deal with MS. But maybe 'full reveal' at E3 means they can still show up on the 21st.


Strange that they'd be under NDA from Sony..?

Stranger still if they're waiting until E3, if they have a marketing deal with MS. But maybe 'full reveal' at E3 means they can still show up on the 21st.

I'm fairly certain their plan is to be platform neutral (with the possible exception of Respawn), which is why they're waiting for E3, so they don't end up announcing games for only one platform or the other.

It's worth noting that several of the third party games that showed up at Sony's press conference (Watch_Dogs, Destiny) had PS4 exclusive content, so they were announcing products that tied into their relationship.
Was sort of wondering, whatever happened to that SSX patch/expansion that was hinted at? Just blowing wind up our skirts or what?


Isn't that just a publishing arrangement with Insomniac? I doubt it's a significant line-item for them, and EAP is sort of end-of-line'd now, so it's already wrapping up.

Welcome to "what the video game public buys".

Aye, sadly the case but the choice that keeps the majority of the high-ups in the industry alive.


Welcome to "what the video game public buys".

Huh, what the video game public buys doesn't mean raising the budget to insane level each time so that the products need to sell even more to not lose money.
I mean I'm all for blaming the market once in a while but they put themselves in this situation alone.


I doubt many people care about the Crysis IP. The first one was a good game, but the follow up titles were pretty weak with nonsensical stories and only served as graphical showpieces. I hope Crytek gets a chance to make something else with their amazing tech. Maybe something other than a shooter.

Crysis was the best FPS ever made.

That makes it hard to not care.

There is no logical reason why they couldn't make a Crysis game more like the first one if they wanted to.

Not only will next-gen make the more open style possible on console but the exact stuff that fans loved about the game must be well known to CryTek. The Assault and Onslaught levels in particular.
Not really surprising scaling back this year, after all will be next year will need the new engines and reboots.

Making 4 version (360, 720, ps3, ps4) would be a nightmare this xmas.


So EA doesn't see Wii U or Vita as viable platforms at this point? Actually, do they even have any 3DS titles in planned?


It's the same strategy Sega's using. It's working out for them as far as keeping them afloat, but it also means fewer games and probably fewer people working in the industry.

Fewer people working at the big factories. I still believe there's a coming democracy to game development that'll allow talented people to make a decent living if they can make quality games with widely available tools.

These AAA wanna-be games weren't really producing results anyone was happy with anyways. Publishers weren't happy they weren't making money. Gamers weren't happy they were homogenized CoD wannabes. If these people can find new ways to make money circumventing this, everyone will probably be happier in the long run. It can just be a rough period as things transition.


Batteries the CRISIS!
For a single company that's a reasonable business model. For the entire industry? Not so sure.

I agree with you. I just wanted to point out that EA's not the first industry company to publicly state an austerity policy like this. I think it represents a contraction of the industry and is a sign of trouble.


Since some people seem confused, I added this to the OP:

So they are stagnating and waiting and hoping that the market rebounds.

EA is such a reactionary company. They don't drive the industry at all these days. Just look at Activision for comparison. Just 2 years ago they invested in Skylanders and it has paid off immensely. They've also committed 10 years to Bungie. 10 friggen years. That's long term plan that EA would never be able to do.

EA doesn't have a clear vision of what the market is going to do. Heck - they don't even try to figure it out. What they do instead is look at what is currently happening and they attempt to latch on to that. They failed on Facebook. They succeeded on iOS (mostly through licenses - Hasbro, Simpsons, etc). They don't know what to do with Nintendo.

They need people with better ideas at EA. But people with better ideas don't want to go there.
Better than spreading themselves thinner as games sell worse and worse. *That* would cause them to crash faster than what they're doing now.
What happened to investing in platforms at the start of the gen? New IPs? If they are this risk averse now, why would we expect things to get better a few years from now? Install base will be larger but that doesn't grow by itself and another publisher could have the bulk of the mindshare/marketshare a few years from now.


So they are stagnating and waiting and hoping that the market rebounds.

EA is such a reactionary company. They don't drive the industry at all these days. Just look at Activision for comparison. Just 2 years ago they invested in Skylanders and it has paid off immensely. They've also committed 10 years to Bungie. 10 friggen years. That's long term plan that EA would never be able to do.

EA doesn't have a clear vision of what the market is going to do. Heck - they don't even try to figure it out. What they do instead is look at what is currently happening and they attempt to latch on to that. They failed on Facebook. They succeeded on iOS (mostly through licenses - Hasbro, Simpsons, etc). They don't know what to do with Nintendo.

They need people with better ideas at EA. But people with better ideas don't want to go there.
Excellent point,
seriously who would have bet 2 cents on the Spyro licence 3 years ago?
That's why I never got the Kotick hate here, ATVI clearly know what they're doing.
Unlike EA.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Excellent point,
seriously who would have bet 2 cents on the Spyro licence 3 years ago?
That's why I never got the Kotick hate here, ATVI clearly know what they're doing.
Unlike EA.

The Kotick hate is from screwing over the Infinity Ward heads, running the Guitar Hero franchise into the ground and generally being anti-consumer.
I wish I could believe that EA is the reason the Crysis series have turned from the brilliance of the first game but judging from Cervat Yerlis words, they want Crysis to be what it is now.

They are both at fault. Crysis 1 was PC-led, Crysis 2-3 were console-led and it shows. Oh God it shows. They both wanted the series to go this way so they're both responsible for killing it.


Unconfirmed Member
So basically if I dislike what constitutes an AAA game today I should probably just pass on the next gen consoles? Cool.
I wish EA would sell off some of their old IP (Road Rash, Mutant League Football) so a better publisher could make use of them. When I think of all the great games that lay fallow in their care it brings a tear to this old gamer's eye.


Unconfirmed Member
What frustrates me about EA ending the Dead Space franchise is because it's not a failure of the IP or the interest of the public, but a failure of EA being able to turn it into a dude bro shooter.

No one wants Dead Space to be a dude bro shooter. They should have never tried to make it one.

EA would rather get rid of the franchise then give the fans what they want.

Why would a company do something that makes them less profit?


Great, so that basically means that if a title overperforms a bit it's a Death Sentence for it's future, because it will never sell more than that.

So what should we do when a title that we love comes out EA? Look up if it not already sold more than the previous one, an if so go for a used copy because it would otherwise hurt the series in the long run? Tell me EA?


I know that this is a huge oversimplification, but it always strikes me as crazy that publishers don't have a small division dedicated to experimental indie-esque games. Games like Minecraft, Terraria, Fez, FTL, The Binding of Isaac, etc., all have the potential to hit the kinds of profitability of something like a Dead Space or a Crysis, without nearly as much risk. They cost a fraction of a AAA to develop and aren't jumping into a market that's already overcrowded and has its marketshares essentially defined.

MOH, Crysis 3, Dead Space 3... each of their budgets could fund 50 solid games with a lesser scope. Shit, EA could've gotten their hands on pretty much every Kickstarter game that looks destined for success with half of one of those budgets and a more developer-friendly agreement, and still would've gotten a better ROI than what they got with those games.

I'm not saying that they should make 150 smaller games, but they could determine a really spectacular top 20-30 and spread out their platforms (from iOS to next-gen) and release dates and end up with a huge boost to their market presence and consumer goodwill while simultaneously cutting costs and maintaining, if not increasing, their profitability and ROI. Half those games breaking even and 1 or 2 big hits would easily have a better ROI than any of these games that they're failing to pass off as game-changing market-buster AAAs.

I'm glad they're cutting the fat because it probably means less in-our-faces marketing for these games that people don't want to buy, but they're still way too focused on brute-forcing their way to having the highest-selling games when it would be so much more efficient for them to take advantage of an unsaturated section of the market and to make games that don't need $50 million budgets before marketing costs.

But that would take creativity in upper management.


Not the least bit surprised by this. EA has some very profitable franchises and they have a lot, too many, franchises that they're trying to grow.


I doubt many people care about the Crysis IP. The first one was a good game, but the follow up titles were pretty weak with nonsensical stories and only served as graphical showpieces. I hope Crytek gets a chance to make something else with their amazing tech. Maybe something other than a shooter.

They've hinted at the franchise continuing in other forms besides shooters already. Probably a F2P browser game or something.
So EA doesn't see Wii U or Vita as viable platforms at this point? Actually, do they even have any 3DS titles in planned?

Probably FIFA for all three, but that's apparently a contractual obligation. Beyond that, I would assume they're completely done with those platforms unless proven otherwise.


Probably FIFA for all three, but that's apparently a contractual obligation. Beyond that, I would assume they're completely done with those platforms unless proven otherwise.

I thought that was written into the Madden contract as well and that's skipping the Wii U and 3DS.

Then again maybe it's not. It doesn't seem to be in the NHL contract.


Not only will next-gen make the more open style possible on console but the exact stuff that fans loved about the game must be well known to CryTek. The Assault and Onslaught levels in particular.

It is, and the last few levels of Crysis 3 show that, but for some reason -- no idea if it was due to console limitations or not -- they were completely empty and devoid of pretty much anything. So much missed potential in those levels.
What happened to investing in platforms at the start of the gen? New IPs? If they are this risk averse now, why would we expect things to get better a few years from now? Install base will be larger but that doesn't grow by itself and another publisher could have the bulk of the mindshare/marketshare a few years from now.

They are investing in platforms this gen. The next PS and Xbox. They're not alone in not investing in the Wii U or Vita, for very good reason. And as each month of shitty sales go by, their decision looks wiser and wiser. If Xbox and PS4 flop as hard as those 2, EA and the other biggies are in real trouble. They need the PS4/Xbox to be as successful as MS and Sony want them to be.

So basically if I dislike what constitutes an AAA game today I should probably just pass on the next gen consoles? Cool.

Sure, if you want to willfully ignore the fact that EA isn't the entire industry or the fact that Sony is making their next gen console incredibly indie-friendly.


It's gonna suck when they run out of things to milk because they couldn't make something new.

I feel like, in 10 or so years, EA will JUST make sports games.

They will do what EA has always done. Release sequels, every now and then create a franchise, but get most of the new to EA franchises through acquisitions.

Even if it is creatively bankrupt, being internally risk averse but acquiring franchises through acquisition is a pretty common business model in entertainment industries.


In short:

  • Mobile platform development
  • Cheap movie tie-ins
  • Sequels

For the sake of greater upper echelon compensation.
So I guess that would only mean:

Battlefield series
Need for Speed series
FIFA football

and um...? maybe a mass effect or something.
They are investing in platforms this gen. The next PS and Xbox. They're not alone in not investing in the Wii U or Vita, for very good reason. And as each month of shitty sales go by, their decision looks wiser and wiser. If Xbox and PS4 flop as hard as those 2, EA and the other biggies are in real trouble. They need the PS4/Xbox to be as successful as MS and Sony want them to be.
One might think they would have learned something about diversification in the past 6-7 years though. Were they not the ones who admitted to backing the wrong horse last gen?
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