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EA suspends SimCity marketing campaigns


If the always on rumors about the 720 are true, I hope that there's an awful lot of guys in suits at Microsoft sitting in a board room wringing their hands right now.

Most amazingly amusing thing would be if EA's absence from the PS4 announcement does mean some kind of deal with MS due to the always on-line infrastructure. To add insult to injury MS may have been planning a big demo with EA to demo Simcity on 720 using a Kinect interface.

*This is me thinking of the most amusing scenario out of this, I'm not starting new rumors*
I'm curious as to what EA is going to do as a response to this
Likely it will continue as is, explain that they were hit with unprecedented demand (turning a negative into a positive), apologise and explain how their top people are working round the clock on a solution.

It's text book damage control. Unlikely to see any deviation from that.


Likely it will continue as is, explain that they were hit with unprecedented demand (turning a negative into a positive), apologise and explain how their top people are working round the clock on a solution.

It's text book damage control. Unlikely to see any deviation from that.

Well Mass Effect 3 got a new ending because fans were angry. That's why I'm wondering.
Well Mass Effect 3 got a new ending because fans were angry. That's why I'm wondering.
Once they have it working as intended, and demand peters out they will feel vindicated in their decision. They've got their money and don't even have to offer refunds any longer. They seem to have engineered this game to work this way, can't see them doing an offline mode without extracting cash from wallets.
Hey, can somebody please link the video of that dude from Maxis/EA promising that the servers would immediately go back up if they went down? Shit is hilarious but I can't find it anywhere.
I still can't believe it. EA forcing online on what is mostly a solitary experience. They deserve the misery they're going through right now.

And in a way it's good this is happening now. Sony/MS better pay attention. Always online is a very bad idea.
Using the "artistic vision" defense to justify making the game always-online is...really something. I can't see how somebody could honestly give EA the benefit of the doubt in this case when they have such a long history of being anti-consumer.

And if the developers were driving force behind making the game always-online in order to turn a beloved franchise into an ill-advised MMO-like game, they deserve the pink slips that will probably be at their doorsteps soon.

of course, the more likely theory is that this is the only way EA would let them make the game and the devs didn't want to make it an MMO but let's keep up the facade that all this was done entirely with good intentions
Just..wow. I expected things to clear up after a few days. Server problems aren't unheard of, I have experienced many. But this sounds a little extreme. Disabling game features?

Yeah, the slowing of the game speed thing has me shaking my head. People say the D3 launch was bad (and while there were issues in terms of the servers - all gameplay complaints aside) it was mostly stable within a few days.


Gold Member
Let's just be clear: The excuse so far is that they didn't anticipate that people would want to play for as long as they are, right? So their expectation going in—with "networking experience" from games like Spore and Darkspore—was that people wouldn't want to play their $60~$100 game for very long? So in the end they wouldn't have to add the servers that I'm sure one low-level employee was screaming for right up to release?

Weren't there just scads and scads of numbers (stats like preorder numbers, the finite amount of players each server can hold, their historical networking data from aforementioned experience) that indicated they might want to have more servers ready for the people that paid a lot to play on said servers? But no, something somewhere kept them waiting until the actual game release date—and the accompanying meltdown—before going "Oh, we'll need those servers after all!"

I'd be red-face pissed if I bought into the hype despite all of the warning signs. I'm sure glad those warning signs were BIG HUGE RED FLASHY THINGS so I didn't get distracted by marketing.

Funny thing is, I used to let the old Sim Cities just run over night to build up money and just turn off my monitor.


I'm so happy this is biting them in the ass. That's right, you dumb fucks. Every bit of this shitstorm is deserved. Serves them right for implementing such shitty DRM.

They won't learn, unfortunately. They're too fucking clueless. They don't get it.


I'm so happy this is biting them in the ass. That's right, you dumb fucks. Every bit of this shitstorm is deserved. Serves them right for implementing such shitty DRM.

They won't learn, unfortunately. They're too fucking clueless. They don't get it.

"gamers'" inability to act in self interest is really funny and awesome


The negative publicity is marketing the game. They don't have to spend money yet.

I think all games should have an offline mode. This is ridiculous.


It's not just a case of DRM. The game is designed with core features of the simulation to be run on the cloud. It's a completely different beast than simple "Digital Rights".

And despite what a lot of uneducated people think. You can't just "flip a switch" and turn that functionality off like DRM

What calculations run server side? Because I've disconnected A LOT from the servers while playing. And the game would just continue like nothing happened. Getting into the game was a mess. But staying in while playing wasn't a problem for me.
What the fuck? The polygon score updates are pathetic. From a 9.5, to an 8, to a 4?! That philosophy makes no fucking sense. Will they update it again when server issues disappear? What if I buy the game in a month, when there are no server issues, and check the review? Will I need to check the timeframe of each score to get the correct number? How hilariously unprofessional, seems they did it simply for click-whoring and sensationalism. Yes, the game seems broken because of server capacities, but having a continually changing review score based on the severity of the situation is ludicrous.

They could have just plastered a massive note at the beginning of the review claiming that the game is currently unplayable, etc, and the score will not apply until this is fixed, instead of arbitrarily assigning new numbers depending on their level of rage. Why a 4, and not a 2? How can a game go from a 9.5 to a 4? How will these score updates be relevant in the future? Ridiculous.


"gamers'" inability to act in self interest is really funny and awesome
It's in their self interest to buy games they derive entertainment out of. If they feel this game is fun to play despite the service issues, in particular if there is no substitute on the market, it's in their self interest to buy it. A single consumer is never going to make a difference and the issue here is relatively benign in the grand scheme of things (it's a game). Of course if you feel strongly about these issues your stance will be different, but to suggest that a gamer buying Simcity is against their self interests is a bit much.


It's in their self interest to buy games they derive entertainment out of. If they feel this game is fun to play despite the service issues, in particular if there is no substitute on the market, it's in their self interest to buy it. A single consumer is never going to make a difference and the issue here is relatively benign in the grand scheme of things (it's a game). Of course if you feel strongly about these issues your stance will be different, but to suggest that a gamer buying Simcity is against their self interests is a bit much.

what I mean is that it's really awesome and funny

Rebel Leader


Yes, MMORPGs and most free-to-play games will always have this problem, because being online is an integral part of their design. It's what the O in MMO stands for, in fact. But games like Diablo III and SimCity are not MMOs. They don't need to be connected to be enjoyed

so beautiful


The Detective
Uhh... The are talking about SimCity 4 (and pointing out how much better it is over the new one)


What a trainwreck. What's more is that I actually really like the game, but this launch has been so bad, it's good.
I remember they removed the Simpsons tapped out game for MONTHS cause of server type issues. And that's a fucking IPHONE game. Hold onto something people.


Take me down to Simulation City, where the grass is green and DRM ain't pretty.
Take me home!

Just a <parameter: string> livin under the street
I'm a easy customer that's hard to treat
I'm your consumer so make me something I can beat
I'll play another time
Take it to the end of the <parameter: string>

I don't have a horse in this race (though I did boot up SC4:D for the first time in eons...), but this was very good.
This could very well be the straw that breaks the Camels back. No other company will want to suffer this level of negative press in the event something like this happens again. This may be the death of Always online DRM.


This could very well be the <parameter: string> that breaks the Camels back. No other company will want to suffer this level of negative press in the event something like this happens again. This may be the death of Always online DRM.

Fixed :D


You yourself have no idea how much of the game is done server side so you shouldnt be calling other people out as "uneducated". People said this crap with AC2 and a random group of people on a forum figured out how to emulate the server side data in 3 weeks.

Assassins Creed 2?

Also, I believe it was possible to run World of Warcraft offline by emulating a server, which is an online only MMORPG -- granted, it wasn't much fun since the main appeal is playing with other people, but it was interesting.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
This could very well be the straw that breaks the Camels back. No other company will want to suffer this level of negative press in the event something like this happens again. This may be the death of Always online DRM.

It might go a away for a bit but itll be back.


This could very well be the straw that breaks the Camels back. No other company will want to suffer this level of negative press in the event something like this happens again. This may be the death of Always online DRM.

Now that we've had two games with heavy DMR and forced always online (SimCity/D3), both of which failed horribly in the first few weeks due to such high server loads, maybe publishers will see that unless they're willing to shell out for the infrastructure, they shouldn't do this shit any more. It just generates bad press for them
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