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EA's "Chip" justifies charging for cheats


How does this ****ing asshats argument hold up when there was no internet?

Oh wait, it ****ing doesn't.

This guy need a swift kick to the balls.

Scratch that.

Multiple excruciating painful kicks to the balls. So many so he's rendered incapable of having children.
Dr_Cogent said:
How does this ****ing asshats argument hold up when there was no internet?

Oh wait, it ****ing doesn't.

This guy need a swift kick to the balls.

Scratch that.

Multiple excruciating painful kicks to the balls. So many so he's rendered incapable of having children.
careful, chip's a blackbelt


another poster has mentioned this but people need i emphasize NEED to get a website going on the stuff that is going on with EA and other companys and as well microtransaction raping . Make a chart on how much it is costing to play games now from EA compared to last gen and all the stuff left out and now charged for, make petitions, tell people to only buy used EA games etc. I would do it but i haven't the slightest idea how to do it. It just baffles me on every game site or place with videogames in general their are people complaining and if the complaints were put in one singular place on the internet with petitions and articles written, with enough people eventually something has a chance of happening. Maybe it won't but it is the only way to try and curve this from getting out of control and getting out awareness.


Jonm1010 said:
another poster has mentioned this but people need i emphasize NEED to get a website going on the stuff that is going on with EA and other companys and as well microtransaction raping . Make a chart on how much it is costing to play games now from EA compared to last gen and all the stuff left out and now charged for, make petitions, tell people to only buy used EA games etc. I would do it but i haven't the slightest idea how to do it. It just baffles me on every game site or place with videogames in general their are people complaining and if the complaints were put in one singular place on the internet with petitions and articles written, with enough people eventually something has a chance of happening. Maybe it won't but it is the only way to try and curve this from getting out of control and getting out awareness.

I have said it on a couple occasions.


Git er done GAF.

I would do it but I have a phobia of large corporate lawyers sending me cease and desist letters.


bdoughty said:
I have said it on a couple occasions.


Git er done GAF.

I would do it but I have a phobia of large corporate lawyers sending me cease and desist letters.

Yea you were the one i was referring too. I was just to lazy to search for who it was who said it. Really though its what needs to be done, instead of all the whining on all these individual sites too just make one giant whining site that might actually make some noise if handled properly.


In that case, EA should copyright their cheat codes and put it on a site called eacheats.com and get some ad revenue from that site.
Better deal? EA should of just said *nothing*. Well, that's the last time EA insults my intelligence. I'm not buying any of their shit ever again.
Sometimes these corporate suits need to know when to STFU...

EA should do another round of damage control, Chip is obviously not very capable...:lol :lol


Jonm1010 said:
Yea you were the one i was referring too. I was just to lazy to search for who it was who said it. Really though its what needs to be done, instead of all the whining on all these individual sites too just make one giant whining site that might actually make some noise if handled properly.

There once was such a site


I am sure EA lawyers had a field day with anything named EA or images of their games. Thus limiting what one could do with such a website.

Something that could work would be for a forum, say NeoGaf that has a large audience, to create a forum section to such a watch. You really have few choices as your Operation Sports, IGN's, TXB's of the worlds have tie-ins with EA and would never have the sack to do something like this.

Just throw in a sub forum or community forum called EAwatchdog and any other great evils. NeoGaf has the popularity, most of your userbase has a dislike for EA. If you build it the other haters of EA's misdoings will come. NeoGaf could change the gaming world and rid the industry of all evils. All it takes is one man with the cojones.

PUT ALL THE HATRED in ONE PLACE as I have said all along. EA hate threads come and go. A Sub-Forum of said hate lives forever.


bdoughty said:
There once was such a site


I am sure EA lawyers had a field day with anything named EA or images of their games. Thus limiting what one could do with such a website.

If the site would only consist of statistics and facts, without falling into the free denigration of EA, lawyers couldnt do anything.

With a site thats named easucks, they sure could have said it was bad for their reputation, making the site closed.

I think a site, with a URL like eawatch.com, with only Facts, statistics and quotes would be a good thing. Such site would need good exposure too.


Beaulieu said:
If the site would only consist of statistics and facts, without falling into the free denigration of EA, lawyers couldnt do anything.

With a site thats named easucks, they sure could have said it was bad for their reputation, making the site closed.

I think a site, with a URL like eawatch.com, with only Facts, statistics and quotes would be a good thing. Such site would need good exposure too.

I think anything with EA in the URL is asking for trouble but it would be nice to see someone try (I think my original idea was EAWatchDog.com). Baby steps would be best. Try a sub-forum here first. Move all the EA threads to it. Word of such a place will get around. Only problem I see is NeoGaf is not a large populous of sports gamers. Not that this has ever stopped people from hating on EA for all the crap they pull on sports gamers.
GAMING IS DOOOMED! Nobody has ever charged for cheats before! What a terrible precedent!

bdoughty said:
Chip Lang, Vice President of Online Commerce, EA

My goodness what a neat title.

Let's come up with other titles Chip can use on his business cards. I will start.

Chip Lang, Dick , EA

Chip Lang, Purveyor Of All That Is Evil In Gaming, EA


Dr_Cogent said:

Yup. Here is the full text of the PA slam against EA. I love it.

We are mentioned briefly in the most recent Major Nelson Radio podcast, where we learn that the man apparently can't remember which one of us is which, even though he stood before us in our marble reception hall only days earlier. The end of the same podcast features an interview with one Chip Lang, Vice President of Online Commerce for Electronic Arts. The good Major keeps it social, and does not savage his guest, presumably because he likes his job and would like to keep it Never fear! We can do what he can't.

Major Nelson (his real name cannot be pronounced by the human tongue) does press on a single issue: selling unlocks that come free with last gen games. Chip doesn't tell us that EA hasn't charged for codes that are free on other systems, rather, he tells us that he doesn't know whether they have or not. You will, I hope, forgive my incredulity. Is the Vice President of Online Commerce too low on the totem pole? Maybe there's someone else there willing to tell us what five seconds on GameFAQs could - that you unlock golfers and courses with a single code on the original Xbox, and on the 360 you also enter a code, except that code is your credit card number, at which point they take your money. Make a note of it for your next dissembling, tell-nothing interview.

Chip likes to talk a lot about accessorizing your gameplay experience with new content, but truly new content doesn't make up the bulk of EA's game specific offerings - no, their menu mainly consists of things that already exist in-game. The choice rhetoric is a dodge on their part. A "juke," to utilize the context appropriate Madden lexicon. Gamers aren't angry that they are being given (quote) choices, though let's be frank, these are some pretty shitty choices. They're angry because EA is trying to sell them the game they just bought, again, piece by piece. It's of no merit that they can choose to buy it or not. You offered it, and that reflects on the kind of company you are. It's not any more complicated than that.

Mentally, I have tried to reconstruct the conversation that must have lead to this sorry state of affairs. The spine of their company is these annual franchises. Trouble is, people are only buying one of them a year! It might never occur to you or me to try selling people the same game they have already bought - it's pretty outside the box thinking. The box in this case is labelled Common Decency. We as consumers authored the strong columns that hold their ceilings at a comfortable level. They may find our appetite for architecture beginning to wane.

Many users are also rankled by the tutorial videos they offer, which (the actual utility of the videos in question aside) doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'd be shocked if Prima and Brady didn't get into this, or enter into arrangements with publishers to produce them. I used to swear the things off altogether, but with the state of what are called "manuals" these days it's getting harder to find even rudimentary information without an official guide.

(CW)TB out.



And yet Chip and EA forge on....

FIFA 07 Pitch Crests

The following content is available on the Xbox Live Marketplace :

Name: FIFA 07 Pitch Crests
Price: 100 Points
Available in: All Xbox Live Regions
Dash Details: Customize your in-game practice arena with a crest from your favorite team!

*This content will be available for Xbox Live Silver members on 11/22/06

**If your favorite team is not in the game, next gen says piss on you.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
_leech_ said:
You're comparing apples to cans of coke. The Game Genie was more of a hacking device and a strategy guide is... well, a strategy guide.

yeah, don't you *****ing DARE justify EA's shit by comparing it to a all around cheat/hack device on all games & a 200+ step by step full color strategy guide.
It's the retards actually buying this shit I hate, not EA.

EA is just taking advantage of people who don't deserve money (or happiness). If they werent convinced this will be profitable they wouldnt do it.


Is this Chip guy a little retarded or something, that´s some big bullshit there. Anyway, do not buy this crap. Everyone who does is part of gamings doom.
Suburban Cowboy said:
If they werent convinced this will be profitable they wouldnt do it.

Adopting babies from China and then selling them on the black market is profitable too, that don't make it the right ****en thing to do
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