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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"

Why the hell did MS go for such a solution then? PS3 already showed that developers hate working around not straight forward architecture.

Because MS wanted 8 gigs of ram and GDDR5 was considered too expensive for that at the time. The ESRAM was supposed to compensate for the low bandwidth with GDDR3.
I could say the same about the giant PS4 circlejerk going on around here.

Microsoft's implementation is much more focused and designed specifically for gaming applications. It builds off of technology that was originally developed to support Halo 4. The innovation here isn't just the Windows Azure infrastructure (which is only really rivaled by Google's cloud infrastructure), but also in the tools that let developers use it with a minimum of fuss.

Actually no. The triple-OS architecture is quite significant; it is what makes Xbox One's multitasking as seamless and fast as it is. We haven't seen anything on PS4 that compares (yet.)

Neither PS4 nor Xbox One are merely "games" machines. They are expected to serve as fully-fledged entertainment hubs for several years. From what I've seen, Xbox One is better-designed for that.


Lets not worry about the PS4s Multitasking abilites, shall we?

PS: these astroturfing juniors are getting old. So blatantly obvious.


Junior Member
Our contacts have told us that memory reads on PS4 are 40-50 per cent quicker than Xbox One, and its ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is around 50 per cent faster. One basic example we were given suggested that without optimisation for either console, a platform-agnostic development build can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One. “Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer.
Looks like the 50% power difference is true. Guess those extra teraflops really do count on the PS4, don't they?

Very disappointing to hear that devs are unlikely to utilise the additional power of the PS4 to maintain platform parity however. That would fucking suck.

I want my PS4 multiplatform games to be as good as they possibly can be.


from about a week ago. I'm dying. MY SIDES



One basic example we were given suggested that without optimisation for either console, a platform-agnostic development build can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One. “Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer.

Wow. So considering optimization is harder on Xbone that means that things might be even worse for some games?


I don't think it's going to be like that. I think they'll have a list of targets that both platforms need to achieve. If the Xbox can't quite meet the target, the devs will spend the time to optimise it until it does reach that target.
Once they are both close then they'll release it.
That is kind of how I see it as well. What I take the quote to mean is that you aren't going to see games with more advanced visual features that would need to be designed separately for the PS4. Instead we will see things like higher resolutions, more consistent v-sync, locked framerate, longer draw distances, better texture filtering, and things like that. So in other words the PS4 versions will have the same core visuals, but cleaner and more optimized.


Why would anyone choose Xbone over Ps4 beats me...

Different games? Kinect? Controller preferences? Better experience with online?

You people turning these threads into goddamn console wars are the worst.How about you let people buy what they want instead of feeling good about your purchase?


Based on this and other articles, it seems clear to me that the PS4 will have better graphics than Xbox One going into the next generation. And that’s fine.

But it also seems clear that Xbox One will have better everything else than PS4. Specifically, better audio, better multiplayer, better gameplay, and an all-around better gaming experience.

It will have better audio thanks to a dedicated APU (audio processing unit), better multiplayer and gameplay thanks to cloud-based AI, and an all-around better gaming experience thanks to the software architecture and Kinect.

Sony can have the “better graphics” bragging rights. I’m fine with having a better experience all-around, even if it means slightly inferior graphics.
Kinect doesn't offer better gameplay.
Not all games will have dedicated servers.
Cloud is meaningless and no multi-platform game will take advantage of whatever minor advantage it may add.
So no. Xbone does not offer better everything else.


I'm not sure I understand your question? The PS4 is stronger to start with, and with optimization, that power should be fully exploited. Is this what you disagree with?

Perhaps you are saying that the Xbox One should benefit more from optimization given it's more convoluted structure, but I don't think I stated otherwise.

it has a stronger GPU but we are not sure exactly what the GPU is going to have to also be doing, it seems the Xbox has things that may traditionally be offloaded to the GPU now on custom processors. Ho much of the 50% difference is audio work or other tasks that Microsoft are offloading into their custom bits? What processes their PSEYE etc?
This might bring them closer than we think and why Albert is bullish.

This is just using the hardware correctly, and then there is optimizing for the hardware which is similar across the board , 8 Jaguar cores and the GCN graphics architecture.

Both have a long way to go, but just because one appears (or is) ahead does not mean it will then magnify that lead as double both still leads to the same difference between them so starting in the lead does not instantly grant you an advantage.


Nobody has to gimp anything, they will just develop for X1 for 1080p/30 and the game will run at a rock solid 30 fps on PS4 when they port it. If anybody expects multiplatform games to target PS4 first and then spent even more ressources on getting it to work acceptable on X1 they are out of their mind. X1 became the target platform the day the specs became public, you won't see the difference in games except for some compute effects. Exclusives are a different story but Quantum Break looks great. As does The Order. Couldn't tell which one is more next gen. Tearing on X1, smooth 30 fps on PS4, that's the only difference you'll get.

This is pretty much what I expect.


It'll be seriously fucking annoying if the PS4 ends up with gimped versions just for parity.

Well at least if the XBO is being pushed to its limit, if the PS4 version ends up with equal graphics, it will be able to handle all high density action sequences with zero framerate slowdown.
My reaction to the parity part, where the PS4 version would be held back by the Xbone because of politics, is that I don't think 3rd developers like the fact that Naughty Dog, Polyphony Digital, Guerrilla Games, Santa Monica, and now add Sucker Punch to the mix are getting the spotlight and praise for being the stand outs. It implies that Sony WWS are more talented and have more expertise, and while that may actually be true I have to feel 3rd party devs would like to prove they are better or equal. They will never do that by handcuffing themselves to the Xbone and not fully taking advantage of the PS4.

So it will be interesting to me if developers from 3rd parties will take advantage of the PS4's strengths. The really interesting part will be if some do and then some don't as that would shine an even brighter light on those that don't and even more questions will be raised as to why they didn't.


The intense focus on hardware differences between the two consoles feels awfully like the console vs PC debate that no one really wants to take part in. There's currently way too much politics in my gaming. I suppose this whole "your team sucks" attitude is present in all things. I believe people who are adopting the X1, by now, understand that it most likely won't be matching the power of the PS4, but there are still many reasons to buy one. There are even more reasons to get both! I'll grab a guitar and we can all sing Kumbaya or something.
People keep saying they will target Xbox One and then port the left overs to Ps4, all while forgetting that they will be developing PC versions of these games at the same time...

I wonder if Watch Dogs is being made for the Wii U and then ported to the Xbox One just because Wii U is the least powerful... People need to wake up and smell the roses.
That is kind of how I see it as well. What I take the quote to mean is that you aren't going to see games with more advanced visual features that would need to be designed separately for the PS4. Instead we will see things like higher resolutions, more consistent v-sync, locked framerate, longer draw distances, better texture filtering, and things like that. So in other words the PS4 versions will have the same core visuals, but cleaner and more optimized.

yes and no. Third party games aren't competing in a vacuum. They also need to share shelf space with first party efforts.

EA isn't going to be selling too much Need for Speed if it ends up looking like shit on PS4 next to Driveclub. Third party efforts on both platforms will be optimized to the best of their abilities, as they always have been. Ease of programming on PS4 is significant, because if the gap is as wide as we've been led to believe then programmers will end up leading there more often than not- especially if the ps4 has a larger install base. (likely, given the price gap + launching in more territories).


Current gen proves otherwise. Games like GTA4, Red Dead Redemption, Bayonetta, Skyrim, RE5 etc. ran and looked much better on the 360. But the sales on both systems were nearly equal. People just dont care. Some enthusiasts like us maybe. The PS4 versions of the multiplats will be superior because the power is there but it wont kill any sales if a game looks not considerably better than the xbone version as this gen proves.

in an established marketplace, sure. But Xbox is coming out of the gate already with a negative feel to it from the early adopters, and if there is a clear difference in multiplatform games from the very beginning, then that could easily slow down adoption even further. It could stall if they aren't careful.


Junior Member
Actually no. The triple-OS architecture is quite significant; it is what makes Xbox One's multitasking as seamless and fast as it is. We haven't seen anything on PS4 that compares (yet.)

I feel that Sony have already nailed "seamless and fast" with Vita and Vita TV. Excuse the poor quality gif and camerawork but if they can do this on 2-3 year old handheld hardware then I am very much looking forward to what the PS4 is capable of.


First it was BLow
Then NFS developer
Then War thunder developer
Then Former Bulletstorm developer

So we already have developers who openly talked about PS4 advantage . You just have to be naive to ignore all of this , even if you don't trust EDGE "no names" sources.

Worst part is how still Albert came and FUD it up. And then got ridiculed by Ars personally and now this.

I am also not shocked how Albert is all of a sudden going to take few weeks to show how he did his voodo math. kind of exactly what they did when they got roasted for DRM. Hope if they close there eyes, we will forget and bad things will go away. I still recall after the backlash how they mules and cancel all PR and round table interviews and discussions. Hence, no shocking that Albert has taken that route.


People keep saying they will target Xbox One and then port the left overs to Ps4, all while forgetting that they will be developing PC versions of these games at the same time...

I wonder if Watch Dogs is being made for the Wii U and then ported to the Xbox One just because Wii U is the least powerful... People need to wake up and smell the roses.

I thought most third parties said they would be developing for PC first then porting to PS4/Xbone


Some devs didn't care about parity this generation. I remember Bayonetta looking like crap on the PS3.

All of a sudden devs are now talking about castrating the PS4 version so as not to upset Microsoft?

Reminds me of when some reviewers were reducing the score of the PS3 versions of games because they looked inferior, but when in the rare occasion that it was the other way around, same score.


I thought most third parties said they would be developing for PC first then porting to PS4/Xbone

Which makes it even more of a head scratcher. If PC is the target, why not port "high" over to PS4 and "medium" over to XBO while leaving "very high" and "ultra" to the PC hardware club.
it has a stronger GPU but we are not sure exactly what the GPU is going to have to also be doing, it seems the Xbox has things that may traditionally be offloaded to the GPU now on custom processors. Ho much of the 50% difference is audio work or other tasks that Microsoft are offloading into their custom bits? What processes their PSEYE etc?

The PS4 also has a separate audio processor. Sony just hasn't bothered detailing it as a marketing bullet point. Given that Sony invented the CD AND the Super Audio CD AND Blu-Ray (along with their associated chips and codecs) invented the sound processor in the SNES, and had the PS2 capable of DTS 5.1 in game before anyone else in 2000, i don't even know why anyone bothers to even bring up "microsoft is better at audio". They aren't.

The PSEYE is an accessory and not a requirement. Since it's not "always on" and resources aren't always going to it (as they are with the Xbone due to media functions and voice navigation) the PSEYE isn't relevant. Kinect needing resources always dedicated to it IS, however.

Both have a long way to go, but just because one appears (or is) ahead does not mean it will then magnify that lead as double both still leads to the same difference between them so starting in the lead does not instantly grant you an advantage.

the difference here is the same as two videocards with the same architecture, one just running faster than the other. The PS4 will *always* outperform the 360 for multiplatform efforts, especially since its easier for devs to take advantage of its strengths.


all of my posts are my avatar
in an established marketplace, sure. But Xbox is coming out of the gate already with a negative feel to it from the early adopters, and if there is a clear difference in multiplatform games from the very beginning, then that could easily slow down adoption even further. It could stall if they aren't careful.

I think the real danger is traditional core Xbox fans(like me) sitting on the sidelines to see how things shake out over the first 3 months.

If multiplatforms are clearly better on PS4 my X1 purchase may be waiting a couple years for a price drop.


Well at least if the XBO is being pushed to its limit, if the PS4 version ends up with equal graphics, it will be able to handle all high density action sequences with zero framerate slowdown.

you can make pac-man struggle in a titan. if you don't make effort, powerful hardware is useless.
Can someone please explain why they think That devs will use the Xbone as their lead platform? It makes no sense. Even if you dont beleive the edge article, Why would developers base their development on a platform that requires more work. The reason that the 360 was the lead platform for many multiplats this generation was the ease of development above all else.

Now the situation is reversed. Its much eaiser from both a working and promotion end, to complete development on the PS4 version first, then spend the rest of the dev time working on optimising the Xbone version to bring it up to scratch.

Not to mention the dev builds that have to be sent to publishers every few months. If the PS4 version is that easy to code for, its clearly going to be the console of choice for lead development. If that leads to better looking multiplats is another story however.


Gold Member
I thought most third parties said they would be developing for PC first then porting to PS4/Xbone

I hope this is true.

The only thing for me that is changing from last gen, is I would usually buy multiplatform on XBOX, and Exclusive (and Square) games on PS3. Now I will lead with PC, then PS4, then Xbone.

Probably canceling Xbox gold unless it becomes more like PS+


I was just looking through the article about Edge's 'Next Xbox always online and blocks used games' article. I couldn't help noticing that you dismissed it as a rumour, how did that work out again?

Damn man, GAF detectives don't let anything pass by!

Jack cw

in an established marketplace, sure. But Xbox is coming out of the gate already with a negative feel to it from the early adopters, and if there is a clear difference in multiplatform games from the very beginning, then that could easily slow down adoption even further. It could stall if they aren't careful.
Its not really the power difference that will convince people. It never has and never will be. I dont think anybody doubts the PS4 success but that has more to do with the PR disaster that Microsoft brought up. Its their concept of the Xbone that was a failure.
I feel like I played games looking like this years ago on my PC.
The feel of dynamic lighting and shadows.... Which PC racers had those?
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