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EDGE review MS-Conf: "One of the most contemptuous press conferences in E3 history"

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Terrible rage article. Microsoft is succeeding because of their entertainment box mentality. It's business, Microsoft is in it to make money, and they're going nowhere but up. Make peace with it or go find another hobby.
Oh, no one needs to find another hobby.


Sports and guns. Great if you're a sexually frustrated male. I thought it was indeed contemptuous trash.


As I've already said, they will have their game faces on next E3. Its a guarantee.

You guys all realize that an updated Kinect is going to included in the box for their next gen console, right? As in, everyone who purchases the Xbox is going to have one and, conversely, content will be dedicated to it.
E3 used to have lots of surprise game announcements and MS didn't have a single one this year. What happened to Betraylathon style stuff like MGS and FF on Xbox! or new game announcements.

The gaming news cycle got a bit faster and pubs/devs realized they get more out of scoring a GI cover for a full month than trying to make the most noise over ~3 days while tossing shirts and trinkets at the press (mainstream and other). See: X-Com (they will still throw shirts and trinkets).

I mean, what kind of betraylton could occur at this point that wouldn't be better used at next-gen launch?


Sketchbook Picasso
So, Microsoft showing that they're preparing a vast infostructure to tie everything together... makes them hate the conference. YEAH! THAT MAKES SENSE!

I would have prefered more direct game stuff myself, XBLA and XBLIG promos, some more mention of JP games other than just Capcoms, and, oh, something like a Mistwalker game reveal, since I miss those guys :/

But I liked the overall flow of this conference better. It wasn't so much on "Stats this, Stats that!", nor was it all "Look, Look, here's another fake Kinect tech demo!"

They started with gameplay, they ended with gameplay, and they talked about what the console would be doing in the coming months. Balance might have been off, but it could have been MUCH worse.


Personally, I'll be glad if alot of these new features are ESTABLISHED, and out of the way by the time the Next Xbox appears. I'm kinda happy to seeing them grow such relationships this late on 360, as it'll just move to the next console easily. Much better than Wii's "haha, Internetz? We'll worry about that in a few years!" approach. (Nintendo is doing much better with Miiverse already, as well.)

Like it or not, THESE ARE IMPORTANT PARTS of our current game systems. To totally act like they don't have a place to be mentioned at all, is pretty unprofessiona and short-sighted.
You guys all realize that an updated Kinect is going to included in the box for their next gen console, right? As in, everyone who purchases the Xbox is going to have one and, conversely, content will be dedicated to it.

I don't think they've realized that yet.

Next year is going to be fun.
No surprises there, they were just as bitter last year. And almost as wrong. It was a decent conference with no megatons (since anything resembling a surprise leaked out days in advance), but plenty of cool games (some of which could've used gameplay demonstrations, and some of which - like the incredibly bland RE6 - could've done without one).


Dreadful, but Im not expecting much better from Sony or Nintendo either. Set top box bullshit is just annoying in a conference like this. Doesn't help that a lot of the games shown were uninteresting as hell either.

Just bad all around.


Persecution Complex
Have we even seen one exciting new IP yet? Between the MS, UBi conferences I see Halo 4, Rayman, Splinter Cell, Far Cry, Gears of War etc.

Seriously WTF? Don't get me wrong Rayman and Halo 4 look great but I'd like to see some new IP's and devs taking some risks.


I love Edge (one of the few magazines that actually gave a high score to P.N.03 :p); but the article is full of hyperboles; which I guess is an inherited problem of "the internet" when basically every month..or year "something " is the "best/worst EVER".

Then that last line, assuming that Don Mattrick was in some kind of in-joke? Really? :p
The guy was ..lost, because the clip showing the stuff that they talked during the conference was supposed to play, but didn't. So he looked at the screen, laughed, waited a sec and proceeded talking. But no, they were laughing at our expense!! :p


Terrible rage article. Microsoft is succeeding because of their entertainment box mentality. It's business, Microsoft is in it to make money, and they're going nowhere but up. Make peace with it or go find another hobby.
The article isn't about MS current business model it's about how their 2012 E3 conference was garbage.


The Xbox is a streaming entertainment hub and the games are the differenciating factor to this hub.

There is a war raging and that war is all about who owns the living room, and this war is getting serious now that convergence is defacto for near everything CE related that you are buying right now.

If in 3 years Apple owns the living room, people are going to be looking around and wondering why Microsoft or Sony didn't try. This is Microsoft firing shots in this war and E3 is actually one of the best places to do it as it targets the people who actually use these devices regularily.

Really? Sony already has most of this crap. Few people care about it. If you want to watch NHL/NBA/MLB/whatever on your tv, you turn on the tv. Or you turn on your tv with your season pass from direct or dish, not your xbox or ps3.

I still can't believe it took them this long just to include a web browser. And there is still a wait time before they even release it. Why it wasn't released today, I have no idea.
Man, people really take this stuff too seriously. Yeah it was bad, but damn, all these conferences are are glorified commercials. What are people expecting.


Was MS's conference a surprise to anyone who's been following the industry for the past three or four years? Sure the conference was horribly boring, filled with services that the hardcore gamer couldn't give a damn about, but that's been Microsoft's MO for the past couple of years now. They've been content to pimp a Halo game, a Gears game, and a couple of big third party games and call it a day as far as the hardcore gamer is concerned. This shouldn't be new to anyone.


How was this not expected with a new console being prepped? Surely, they're not going to tip their hand yet.
At least Sony has the decency to pretend like Move doesn't exist. Next year will determine if I'm an early adopter again or waiting for a price cut.

That's because Move didn't do too much for them. It sold respectably, but did not give the PS3 the kick in the rear they were expecting. I still expect some form of the controller to show up when Sony announces their next console.


Contains Sucralose
Yeah, MS-Conf' was a bummer. It has been fun the last couple of years because we just made fun of it on GAF, circle-jerk style, but now it's just boring. Even GAF is less lively than usual.

I just stopped watching when that fat tattooed chick came on stage.
I stopped watching once they got to Xbox Music.

Microsoft's first party seems to have gone the Nintendo route in a way. In which they keep reusing the same franchises over and over. I mean Halo 4? Gears of War: *Insert that Generic subtitle*, Forza: *Insert that Generic subtitle*, and that Fable kinect game? These franchises are in their forth entry or more and most of these are barely more than six years old IPs. It seems we get an update every other year. At least Nintendo spreads the games out and ads twists to them (Super Mario Galaxy or Kirby Epic Yarn). But this is the same game people played two years ago.

Another thing that bothered me is how similar these games are. Almost all of them seem to be targeted to frat boy college kids. Splinter Cell went from being a game series done in Tom Clancy Cold War style to another "America Fuck Yeah! Get 'Dem Terrist!" setting. Forza is good as always but yeah we get it, it has nice looking cars, but that dubstep music intro was painful. I didn't get much further than that but looking at the reactions toward this event I doubt much changed.

Its crazy that a mere three years ago Microsoft had by far the best press conferences while people thought Nintendo was unsalvagable. Now Microsoft seems to churn out high production and not funny Konami disasters while Nintendo news seems to get people giggidy all over. How the times have changed.
Can't say I disagree. It was sloppy at best, and mind numbingly boring at worst. So much time and space dedicated to junk. The new Gears' trailer' was a joke. At least Halo 4, Splinter Cell and Tomb Raider showed that there's actually good software coming.


Was MS conference a surprise to anyone who's been following the industry for the past three or four years? Sure the conference was horribly boring, filled with services that the hardcore gamer couldn't give a damn about, but that's been Microsoft's MO for the past couple of years now. They've been content to pimp a Halo game, a Gears game, and a couple of big third party games and call it a day as far as the hardcore gamer is concerned. This shouldn't be new to anyone.

Every now and then we get a good one. We seriously do. But it just feels like thats getting more and more rare.


The article isn't about MS current business model it's about how their 2012 E3 conference was garbage.

Their E3 conference was all about their business model -- games, movies, music, apps, 3 screens and a cloud, etc. They had something to cover all those aspects of their strategy.

Also cracks me up how GAF thinks E3 is for them. E3 is for publishers, content providers, and retailers. The Xbox brand has been good to them and it looks like Microsoft is playing a great balancing act in providing something for all audiences. It's not just a dudebro box any more.
I stopped watching once they got to Xbox Music.

Microsoft's first party seems to have gone the Nintendo route in a way. In which they keep reusing the same franchises over and over. I mean Halo 4? Gears of War: *Insert that Generic subtitle*, Forza: *Insert that Generic subtitle*, and that Fable kinect game? These franchises are in their forth entry or more and most of these are barely more than six years old IPs. It seems we get an update every other year. At least Nintendo spreads the games out and ads twists to them (Super Mario Galaxy or Kirby Epic Yarn). But this is the same game people played two years ago.

And comes up with completely new games. Like Wii fit. That was even part of the MS conference.
Probably one of the worst in recent memory. They revealed nothing exciting.

Their E3 conference was all about their business model -- games, movies, music, apps, 3 screens and a cloud, etc. They had something to cover all those aspects of their strategy.

Also cracks me up how GAF thinks E3 is for them. E3 is for publishers, content providers, and retailers. The Xbox brand has been good to them and it looks like Microsoft is playing a great balancing act in providing something for all audiences. It's not just a dudebro box any more.

Are you serious? Actually E3 has become focused on the consumer just like other large conferences, and they have become big hype machines for the public. If you think this is the primary way MS communicates with their business partners and owners you're sorely mistaken.
Nintendo's E3 2008 is still the worst. They were on top of the world and didn't give a shit.

People always say Nintendo '08 and Sony '06 but here we are still talking about it with these videos getting hundreds of thousands of views. The only video that can get views this year from MS will be the South Park clip.
Really? Sony already has most of this crap. Few people care about it. If you want to watch NHL/NBA/MLB/whatever on your tv, you turn on the tv. Or you turn on your tv with your season pass from direct or dish, not your xbox or ps3.

I still can't believe it took them this long just to include a web browser. And there is still a wait time before they even release it. Why it wasn't released today, I have no idea.

Sooner or later everyone knows that you won't be using multiple devices in your home for this stuff. A dedictated cablebox or satellite is pointless if all the content is available on the web. All a device needs to do is get access to this content and keep you in its pay ecosystem.

They want everything you do to filter through their brand. In 5 years time your cell phone will have enough power to transmit all of your entertainment needs to a larger display. The battle is to make you not think cellphone, but think xbox when you turn on your tv to watch or play anything.


Have we even seen one exciting new IP yet? Between the MS, UBi conferences I see Halo 4, Rayman, Splinter Cell, Far Cry, Gears of War etc.

Seriously WTF? Don't get me wrong Rayman and Halo 4 look great but I'd like to see some new IP's and devs taking some risks.

Sony's coming. The Last of Us. Beyond. QD's second project. What appears to be Sucker Punch's new game. Soul Sacrifice.


People always say Nintendo '08 and Sony '06 but here we are still talking about it with these videos getting hundreds of thousands of views. The only video that can get views this year from MS will be the South Park clip.

We're still talking about them because they were so hilariously terrible. I guess a better way to describe MS's conference is "forgettable".


E3 2012: The most contemptuous E3 in history.

Unless Nintendo blows things up tomorrow, this is going to be marked as the date the AAA console business destroyed itself.

There is 0 doubt on Nintendo blowing things up tomorrow. Entire conference dedicated to WiiU + Pikmin 3 + new first party games + third party support + a second, 3DS specific conference

Nintendo won this E3 before it started


Have we even seen one exciting new IP yet? Between the MS, UBi conferences I see Halo 4, Rayman, Splinter Cell, Far Cry, Gears of War etc.

Seriously WTF? Don't get me wrong Rayman and Halo 4 look great but I'd like to see some new IP's and devs taking some risks.
You can't expect the fat and slothful emperor to be anything but fat and slothful.


Microsoft is successfully doing with the 360 what Phil Harrison attempted to do with the PS3, turning it into a sort of media hub/entertainment device as opposed to a gaming console first and foremost.

Which is what they should do. Microsoft is not an entertainment company. They are a tools and services company, and they should focus entirely on providing tools to content creators and be better at it (and more rewarding at it) than any competing company.

With the exception of Apple, they have no real rival in this regard: Sony is certainly not up to it, and Nintendo is focused on what it does well - which is altogether separate from what MS does well.


MS is trying really hard to be the set-top box of next-generation and beyond, which is fine. But focus is the key and I truly believe they lack it. Everything is too haphazard.

What is going to happen is as they try to do this, someone much more skilled is going to come very soon and simply take it, leaving them with nothing. I think they know this too and they are very aware of what kind of damage that can do. But once again, focus is key...and they lack it.


I guess the thing to keep in mind here is that most big third-party publishers have their own conferences and would rather prefer to show their games there. Would it be nice to see some new IPs and lots of gameplay videos? Sure. We are all gamers, that's why we are watching these things in the first place, and are also understandably disappointed at Microsoft's showing. Business models change all the time and it has for Microsoft as well, unless you consider E3 to be an event solely for showcasing games - which it is not - then you can't really be surprised at this.

Microsoft have had some good conferences in the past so people have that level of expectation that makes them watch it every year hoping there will be some good 'megatons' or whatever. That's fine but it just isn't the same anymore. Hopefully people will get what they want early next gen, but I'm never going to take E3 seriously anymore.
I didn't get a "gaming is doomed, thanks MS!" vibe

More that just "Thanks MS, you fucking suck and it's clearly obvious you have no interest in being in the video game market anymore"

Cause, apparently, the 360 won't have no game/s.

Why you no have game/s, MS??? Why is my 360 only a streaming device now??? :(
Dude was a bit on the melodramatic side, methinks. Durango most likely isn't ready for primetime, and console-centric developers are in the midst of transitioning to next-gen development. It WAS a crappy conference, but I think Microsoft just played the hand that was dealt to them. I expect 2013 to be huge for everyone. Sony and Microsoft should debut their new consoles, and Wii U will be past the awkward launch period and gaining more support.
You guys all realize that an updated Kinect is going to included in the box for their next gen console, right? As in, everyone who purchases the Xbox is going to have one and, conversely, content will be dedicated to it.

Maybe I can get the next gen Microsoft console without a Kinect.

It's not my bag, baby.


Which is what they should do. Microsoft is not an entertainment company. They are a tools and services company, and they should focus entirely on providing tools to content creators and be better at it (and more rewarding at it) than any competing company.

With the exception of Apple, they have no real rival in this regard: Sony is certainly not up to it, and Nintendo is focused on what it does well - which is altogether separate from what MS does well.

OMG, another GAFFER gets it!


The MS conference played it safe and was nothing more than a boring set-piece to keep the share-holders happy. That showing was the last straw for me.
Personally I think it's in Sony's and Nintendo's hands now. Please show us next-gen Sony ?
I will be trading me creaking old xbox for wiiu come Christmas.
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