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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
I don't really mind the wait/cost for ship transfers. It makes sense, if you imagine what it involves. I think it should only ever take as long as it would take your ship to travel the distance normally, though.

And I know this isn't consistent with a lot of other things in the game that don't operate realistically, but my counterpoint is that I don't care


Transfer wait times are definitely stupid when it takes a fraction of the time for manual jumps. Nobody has 2 hours to wait for a ship or module.


I've said it before: Should be wait time OR cost, not both.

I don't remember if it was you, but someone suggested a slider, where one end of it is "cheap but slow" and the other is "expensive but fast".

Alternatively, I wish there was a way to strap a medium or small sized ship onto a large ship. Could be a good risk system where you have to pay both rebuys in case you die. Some kind of Tow kit module.


Played a bit last week for the first time since a month during release.
I had 2mill on me from that month I played and I started that road to riches tour and have 80m now, but getting a bit tired of scanning so might start doing some combat.

Don't have the expansions and don't understand 90% of the new stuff, engineers keeps getting bad press wherever I read about it and it sounds annoying as hell, like a huge grind on-top of a grind. I play solo at the moment while learning, nothing more frustrating than going up against long term veteran players outfitted to the hilt.

Not sure if I should wait for some more stuff to come out or continue, the prospect of too much grinding turns me off from games. Lately I'm more interested in pick up and play games, ehhh.

This coming from someone who plays DCS/FSX for hours on end, but at least I'm not playing weeks on end to play a certain vehicle :p


I think I'm just gonna go back to the first goal I had when I started playing again: Get Elite in Combat. I'm Deadly 25% right now.
Engineers is okay if you treat it like a bunch of extra sidequests in an RPG. You get some nice rewards as well as some some relatively pointless ones, and some of the quests are more tedious and annoying than others. Some are quite fun while others are the equivalent of "bring me 50 dire-rat tails".

It becomes hell if you decide you must have the top level upgraded [thing] (or all the things) and grind towards it. The top level stuff is often just a boring grind, and not even challenging.

Jump range is the best upgrade and it's one of the easiest to unlock (excluding the maxed out Tier 5 version).

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
Upgraded to the two-slot frag cannons. Woof, those things pack a PUNCH. Flying my viper one system at a time up to that engineer who can apparently upgrade 'em further.

Also flew some cargo for that CG goal. Hour's worth there, and another hour back. Then I realised I'd need to go back to pick up my reward.
Can you get Imperial Naval missions that aren't smuggling? If so, any idea where?

Yes, though I don't know what controls the mission generation.
I usually go to Achenar, since it's the Imperial capital so it has lots of Imp. factions that (maybe) increase the chances of Navy missions spawning.

I find the smuggling missions the least hassle, so they're usually the ones I accept!
The worst is when they ask you to assassinate a traitor...
...who belongs to an imperial faction
...in your 'home' system where you're trying to keep a good reputation
...and this is a "covert naval op" so you get the full penalty for murdering innocent people

Fuck that, just give me some booze to smuggle into "the officer's party". Those 8 tons of liquor must make for a good party!
I am going to be rusty when I get back from Atlanta Sunday night

trying to see if I could reach 50m CR before I leave in a few hours

u can du it

Upgraded to the two-slot frag cannons. Woof, those things pack a PUNCH. Flying my viper one system at a time up to that engineer who can apparently upgrade 'em further.

Also flew some cargo for that CG goal. Hour's worth there, and another hour back. Then I realised I'd need to go back to pick up my reward.

get double shot and you'll love life.


Yes, though I don't know what controls the mission generation.
I usually go to Achenar, since it's the Imperial capital so it has lots of Imp. factions that (maybe) increase the chances of Navy missions spawning.

I find the smuggling missions the least hassle, so they're usually the ones I accept!
The worst is when they ask you to assassinate a traitor...
...who belongs to an imperial faction
...in your 'home' system where you're trying to keep a good reputation
...and this is a "covert naval op" so you get the full penalty for murdering innocent people

Fuck that, just give me some booze to smuggle into "the officer's party". Those 8 tons of liquor must make for a good party!

I take it you fail the mission if you're scanned?


Unconfirmed Member
So until I get a HOTAS (which seems like an inevitability now), I've taken to readjusting my DS4 setup to make the experience somewhat similar.

I was inspired by this video by Look Inverted; in particular the control scheme philosophy around the 9:13 mark.

It's taking some getting used to, but it feels pretty good with FA on or off.
My only real issue is that it seems like you can't have roll and yaw at the same time without sacrificing indispensable buttons.
Currently I use alternate flight controls to switch R3 x-axis between yaw and roll, but this feels like an extra barrier between syncing pilot and ship!

Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I give up on this fad and only re-learn once I get the HOTAS?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't heat sink the perfect counter to getting scanned?

I tried it couple of times and everytime I deploy hs while being subjected to a scan they never finish it and I'm long gone before they can re-target [because I'll easily either jump out or dock].

I also tried chaff but that doesn't work.
Also flew some cargo for that CG goal. Hour's worth there, and another hour back. Then I realised I'd need to go back to pick up my reward.

I believe the reward is delivered to you after a week if you don't pick it up.

Little ridiculous system, overall. Banks are stingy or shitty in the future, I guess.


So I'm leaning toward raising my rep with the Empire...

Looking at the starmap right now I'm really far from their systems.

I could just plot a route and do like 90 jumps to get there but is there an efficient way to go there? Like setup a bulk cargo route that will happen to get me to the Empire sector eventually?


So I'm leaning toward raising my rep with the Empire...

Looking at the starmap right now I'm really far from their systems.

I could just plot a route and do like 90 jumps to get there but is there an efficient way to go there? Like setup a bulk cargo route that will happen to get me to the Empire sector eventually?

Buy an Asp Explorer, upgrade the FSD and jump anywhere you want. You can get the funds for that easily from CGs. bounty hunting etc.


The bar must be pretty damn low on that combat CG...I got into the top 50% today easily. I see the reward difference between top 10% and top 10 commanders is like 1 mil...lol


I'm top 50% on both cg so it can't be a high bar. Lucrative though. Should bank 19 mil tomorrow unless I can sneak a load in before work and crack the top 25% on hauls in my shiny new Asp Explorer.


I'm top 50% on both cg so it can't be a high bar. Lucrative though. Should bank 19 mil tomorrow unless I can sneak a load in before work and crack the top 25% on hauls in my shiny new Asp Explorer.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the deposit tomorrow. After that I'll be going back to Gende to finish my grind for Elite rank in Combat.


Unconfirmed Member
So do you guys just up and trek to wherever the next CG is?

I'm getting the impression that it's feasible to just fit a decent FSD and set off, without care for much else. (Assuming one has enough cash to get by in the new system.)

Then the money made from the CG(s) can easily pay for transfers and whatever, right?

I have a weird fear of straying too far from this home cluster of systems...
But maybe I'll toss everything to the wind and make more of an effort for the next CG.


So do you guys just up and trek to wherever the next CG is?

I'm getting the impression that it's feasible to just fit a decent FSD and set off, without care for much else. (Assuming one has enough cash to get by in the new system.)

Then the money made from the CG(s) can easily pay for transfers and whatever, right?

I have a weird fear of straying too far from this home cluster of systems...
But maybe I'll toss everything to the wind and make more of an effort for the next CG.

Depends if the active CGs is something you like to do. Generally I don't bother with non-combat CGs unless they're somehow something I enjoy doing. After this CG ends I'm probably going back to Merope to pick up my Asp, then go back home to Gende and have my FDL delivered there, and probably RES hunt there. It's a system controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval, so bounty payouts are higher.


I could either jump 20 times and then go spend an hour RES bounty hunting to get back into the top 10% for this CG to earn 18 million credits

or I can stay at Quince and earn 50 million per hour.

Tough choice.


Does anyone know of a system controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval that has a station close to a Hazardous RES. My current home system, Gende, used to have one a little over a year ago before the Engineers patch hit, then they took it away! It was in the ring on the gas giant Baliunas Hub was orbiting! Now I have to go over 1000 Ls in Gende to get a Hazardous RES.

I might look into this Quince thing though. Would help me finance an Imperial Cutter. This sounds like the new Robigo before it got nerfed. Robigo runs were fun and I miss the days of them being extremely profitable.
So the current CGs end today. I made it into the top 50% for the hauling goal, but had dropped back to 75% for a while yesterday.

How volatile does this tend to be in the last day? Do people race to get as much done as possible, or does it tail off, or does it just vary?

Not sure whether I need to try to get a few more deliveries in before the deadline...


I could either jump 20 times and then go spend an hour RES bounty hunting to get back into the top 10% for this CG to earn 18 million credits

or I can stay at Quince and earn 50 million per hour.

Tough choice.

Yesterday i just arrived at Quince, after 52 jumps.The glorious land of the moneymakers. The first station even looked a little bit dubai-themed with all the palms haha.

When i did my 5 scan missions at once, my framerate tanked really hard. Is this normal?
Also the base i needed to scan was armed, but when i arrived it automatically completed the quest. is this normal?


Is it still the case that the scanning missions in Quince are the bee's knees, but there's hardly ever any rank promotion mission spawning?

Whenever I get back into the game, the next thing I'll do is finally grind my engineed FSD upgrades. Stopped with around 40 units of Arsenic and 15 datamined wake exceptions. Grinding those is so mind numbingly boring, it's unbelievable. And hoping to ever come across them during "normal" play time is delusional...

Even though I'm squarely on the jaded side of Elite players, it indirectly provides lots of entertainment, as it spawned secondary projects. Can't wait to finish up my HOTAS mount:



It'll get an angled keyboard holder on the central beam between the mounts. After all, the keyboard is one of the best possibly switch boards available, seeing as it's ubiquituous and offers lots of keys. I've mulled over mouse usage for quite a while, in case Elite ever gets space legs or for something like Arma 3. The mouse would ergonomically sit best where the stick is, so the stick will probably only be clamped down on the plate with a small mouse pad beneath it. That'd still offer a quick means to exchange between stick and mouse, but also fix the stick well into place when it's used. If only I'd have thought of it before, I'd have gotten a bigger Joystick plate...

As usual though, even when it's not due to my own incompetence of having gotten the wrong parts or miscalculated something, life gets in the way and slows down progress. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: It seems the Virpil Mongoos T50 sticks are entering serious production. Pure assecory material-for-adult-recreational-means.


At the beginning of my game. So i made 3 missions, just bringing something from A to B with 2 jumps which got me 90k creds each with no interference. Bought gimbal multicannons and FSD upgrade. Then found a RES site and since i read here that it's good for cash i tried to survive there... There is a 3 wing wanted gang there which gets attacked from the security and i managed to damage 2, while authorities killed them so i got the bounty but the third ship (elite) killed me in 1 second. In the next try another one of the gang killed me in a few seconds more. Every time when the authorities don't dviert the attention to them i get blasted in no time. My measly Sidewinder fells like a soapbox.

Already had 4 tries which only costs me around 9000 credits each time for spawning but the chance of 300k + lots of alloys and stuff the gang looses while fighting is just to good to pass.

Do i get the bounty if i just land a shot on the shield or do i need to damage the hull?
Does lost cargo stay in space when i land on a nearby surface to sell the stuff?
In one try, the Elite bounty guy was looseing good alloys left and right but the Sidewinders cargo hold is tiny -_-. I want everything they loose.

Have to research this Quince money haven. Is it reachable with the Sidewinder?

Man this game is really eating my 3 hours gaming at night just with docking, cruising and approaching (overshooting) destinations. Have the feeling i accomplish almost nothing in 3 hours.


Do i get the bounty if i just land a shot on the shield or do i need to damage the hull?
Does lost cargo stay in space when i land on a nearby surface to sell the stuff?
In one try, the Elite bounty guy was looseing good alloys left and right but the Sidewinders cargo hold is tiny -_-. I want everything they loose.

  • No idea about the bounty. Nibble at their hull a bit and stay around when they're destroyed and you should be on the safe side.
  • No. Cargo vanishes when you leave the instance. Which is always after you've been destroyed, as you'll respawn in a "station interior" instance. Could be that some stays there, if you have Wing players left in the instance?
  • Don't bother with stuff the ships lose while you're in the Sidewinder.

Same advise as for every new player: Get out of the starting Sidewinder asap, because the higher tier ships will open up the game significantly for you. Bounties is a great way to get to the better ships (not the Eagle, that's only a sidestep), but you have to be very careful to not get pulverised by overpowered enemies and let NPCs or player friends do the rest.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
Question: are the torpedoes a good force equaliser? I bought a pylon for my Adder: since it's not really a combat ship and it only has a single medium HP in addition to two smalls (fitted a pulse laser and a multi cannon), I figured it would be a decent way to up-arm the thing.

Plus I really like torpedoes, and the Fairey Swordfish.


  • No idea about the bounty. Nibble at their hull a bit and stay around when they're destroyed and you should be on the safe side.
  • No. Cargo vanishes when you leave the instance. Which is always after you've been destroyed, as you'll respawn in a "station interior" instance.
  • Don't bother with stuff the ships lose while you're in the Sidewinder.

Same advise as for every new player: Get out of the starting Sidewinder asap, because the higher tier ships will open up the game significantly for you.
Bounties is a great way to get to the better ships (not the Eagle, that's only a sidestep), but you have to be very careful to not get pulverised by overpowered enemies and let NPCs or player friends do the rest.
That's what i'm trying. I therefore don't take missions with sub 50k credits because i dont want to play 5 days with 15k mission rewards to get somewhere. So i'm going to try to approach the bounty guys a bit more carefully to get another ship asap.

Payed the money for spawning with my gear to not loose my to multicannons and the FSD upgrade. 8000k is better than paying 50k again to get them.

That the cargo vanishes when i die is clear, my question is if it works when there are 5 pieces of cargo floating around and i take two in, land immediatly in/on a nearby base, sell them, then take off again to get the rest. But i guess landing in/on a base cuts off an instance.

Thanks for the help. If i get a new ship, i'm going to try open play a bit.


Short question. How is gameplay with a gamepad? I'd like to give this game a try in VR and using a keyboard to help with commands won't be doable (I guess).


I tried to show a mate this yesterday. I'd not picked up the controller for a good few months and the last game I played was NMS.

I basically demo'd how to bounce around the inside of the space station and repeatedly deploy hardpoints.
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