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Ex-Muslim Community |OT| There are others?


Welcome, Ex-Mooses.

Get your proxies ready, because this is now the space for us apostates.

I think this would more of an opportunity to discuss issues important to us, as well as our reactions to world events.

First things first, how many others are here? Say hi, and if you can, give your story :)

Please be more than 2.

Note this can also be a place for atheists, agnostics, Muslims on the fence, and anyone else interested in the minority within minorities,


OP can you give us your story?

Sure :)

I grew up as a very strong Muslim here in the UK. Mosque was abusive and the teachers there had the IQ of a cupcake. I was doing my A levels in Biology, so evolutionary theory influenced me, as well as my hatred of mosque.
My brother was also going through this phase and we both became atheists at around the same time.
I havnt officially told my parents, but they know. And considering they're extremely religious, I imagine it disappointed them. However, they've always acted in such an intolerant way, so I guess it made little difference :p

Are you an Ex-Muslim?


Ex muslim checking in. Story is a bit boring. Raised muslim, sunday school, friday prayers etc.

Saw a beheading video when I was 16. While the terrorists were brutally cutting a man's head off, they were yelling "god is great" in Arabic. Distressing video to say the least, I was disturbed and disgusted. I kept thinking the victim is someone's father or son. I asked myself how could any religion motivate someone to commit such a heinous act. What right did they have to violate that man's autonomy?

Delved deeper into the religion, saw the religion for what it was. A 6th century antiquated belief system not fit for the modern world. Felt terrible that I wasted the better part of my early life practicing that religion.

I am grateful that I live in Canada and not some theocratic Islamic country. I am at least allowed to leave the religion without the threat of state persecution (although I was threatened by several muslims when I told them of my lack of belief). I feel for any exmuslim living in an Islamic country.


Grew up in a progressive left-wing household where no-one pressured anyone into religion. I was into it as a young kid, fasted and prayed at the local mosque back home and even slept there during the afternoons, felt very peaceful at the time.

But I just grew out of it, no particular reason either, religion itself seemed meaningless and restrictive (no bacon or sex before marriage...wut). I always had an extremely strong personality so didn't require a faith system to keep myself in check, or the need to align myself with a group/faith when things weren't going well. I always looked inwards and adapted.

I do think it must be nice for religious folks to have everything figured out, nice and easy, afterlife and all that.


OP, do you think that if you were raised in a more...peaceful and accepting environment, would you still be a Muslim? Also, are you a Pakistani? My family is from Karachi.

Im bengali, and I think my upbringing was the motivation, not neccesarily the reasoning behind my lack of faith. I imagine I would eventually come to the same conclusion in a different environment.


Feel for the ex-mooses that have to fake it this month. Already saw one in the Ramadan thread. Stay safe ex-mooses.
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