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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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This reminds me that our turkey is almost done.


Is "Parasite Class" now an official term or meme? Or is it just the same guy using the phrase over and over in those quotes?


Never liked that newt guy...but that has to be the most hateful racist, snobish, awful thing i've ever heard from a polititician...the BNP in the UK never even say that!

Sorry those quotes weren't from Newt, they were from people commenting on what he said.

Is "Parasite Class" now an official term or meme? Or is it just the same guy using the phrase over and over in those quotes?

It's a term that's being used by conservatives. Also takers, looters and moochers
At a fundamental level, Republicans simply don't believe a Democrat can win an election if it's "fair." Therefore, they view any Democratic elected official (though it's definitely a strongest belief regarding the Presidency) as fundamentally illegitimate. It's been that way at least since Clinton.
Clinton? They called FDR a dictator and Truman a communist. Many of them hated JFK and believed his father stole the election for him. They also hate and belittle Jimmy Carter to this day. And of course Clinton was accused of murder and rape.

It's a mixture of two things IMO. One is what you pointed out: the belief that the country is predominantly conservative/Christian, therefore a democrat cannot legitimately win an election without fraud or Christians staying home. The other point boils down to abortion, mainly that it is murder and anyone who supports it is damning the country in God's eyes. If you truly believe Obama is supporting a genocide of children through abortion, there is nothing he can do to alter your revulsion and hatred of him. No wonder the conservative base doesn't want republicans working with him on anything; how do you compromise with someone who is equal to Hitler in your eyes?
Is "Parasite Class" now an official term or meme? Or is it just the same guy using the phrase over and over in those quotes?

It's probably another Frank Luntzism. He does his little focus groups and comes up with his little catch phrases, like job creators, then he passes out his little playbook to different Republicans and they repeat it ad naseum. Then simple minded idiots who respond to that kind of repetition repeat and bring it up during any debate like it's a point worth discussing.


Clinton? They called FDR a dictator and Truman a communist. Many of them hated JFK and believed his father stole the election for him. They also hate and belittle Jimmy Carter to this day. And of course Clinton was accused of murder and rape.

It's a mixture of two things IMO. One is what you pointed out: the belief that the country is predominantly conservative/Christian, therefore a democrat cannot legitimately win an election without fraud or Christians staying home. The other point boils down to abortion, mainly that it is murder and anyone who supports it is damning the country in God's eyes. If you truly believe Obama is supporting a genocide of children through abortion, there is nothing he can do to alter your revulsion and hatred of him. No wonder the conservative base doesn't want republicans working with him on anything; how do you compromise with someone who is equal to Hitler in your eyes?

To be fair, the partisans will always be the most vocal. It does not negate more rational and centrist mindsets that may be the majority view.
A baby is an innocent creature that hasn't done anything wrong. Manson murdered people.

Then you can't say life is sacred. Because clearly you have no problem killing someone because THEY killed someone. You don't see how hypocritical that is at all?

conservatives should change their motto to "Life is sacred until fuck up, then you're on your own. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps." It fits much better.


Fetuses are the ultimate parasites. Stealing sustenance from the bodies of hardworking American mothers. Where do they get off?


Junior Member
Ah, conservative hypocrisy at its finest. Pro-life until you're actually born. Less government spending, except for the military and loopholes for rich people and corporations. Less government intrusion, unless you're a minority, a Muslim, a woman, or gay.

BTW, How can you be for less government intrusion on one hand, and support an amendment to ban gay marriage on the other?


The use of the term "parasite" is unnerving.

A lot of fascist / xenophobic / hate movements have expressed very similar language in the past, always referring to the other as less than human, animals (rats, pigs) or as virulent diseases or parasites.

Double plus ungood.
The use of the term "parasite" is unnerving.

A lot of fascist / xenophobic / hate movements have expressed very similar language in the past, always referring to the other as less than human, animals (rats, pigs) or as virulent diseases or parasites.

Double plus ungood.

Well, hyper patriotism and nationalism are the birth mother of fascism. Good thing we don't have any groups that fall into that category in the U.S.



Love, love, love this, because you always hear pro-lifers talk about the potential of a clump of cells to become a living breathing human being... what about the potential of that baby in the photo to be a mass murdered? Is it worth preserving a clump of cells if that clump of cells ends up ordering the deaths of millions and millions?

Yeah, that argument is about as good as the one in the image.
Parasite class, takers, moochers, etc are very ugly terms. People should be ashamed of themselves for dismissing fellow Americans like that. Also, it's incredibly arrogant for people to ignore the fact that a small change in luck would flip the script on them.


The only people that want to destroy babies are republicans. They dont want them to have healthcare. Sick? Boo hoo. They don't want to give them food through food stamps and would rather have the kids starve. They would rather destroy all safety nets because you know people are just supposed to suck it up.


GOP turnout: myths and reality


Black voters were powerfully motivated by voter suppression efforts.

Change that to free stuff and you would be right.
Romney lost because Asian immigrants, who, in spite of being hard working and decent people, have no clue what made America the most prosperous nation in the world. They want to come here and live the good life, while at the same time, being ruled by a nanny state big government that will offer all kinds of goodies to the underclass.

They think they can have the best of both worlds, because the GOP was too stupid and inarticulate to reach out to these people and set them straight decades ago, when it became clear that these immigrants lived a Conservative lifestyle and were ripe for buying into Conservatism, if only we had some decent salesmen to sell it to them.

Obviously, the GOP Establishment thought that winning 60% of the White vote would be sufficient forever. The GOP is like an ’80′s Hair Metal band that’s scratching their heads trying to figure out why everyone would rather listen to JayZ than Quiet Riot.
There are plenty of stories where I live about white voters feeling intimidated when going to vote. Black voter suppression? BS. If anything, the reports have been the opposite – white voters facing the hostility of other voters simply because it was assumed that they might not vote for BO.
You can’t win elections by playing by the rules if the other side cheats. I am certain that Romney won more legitimate votes. Republicans will loose from this point forward if we don’t do the following:

1. Require proof of citizenship to register to vote.
2. Get back to election day, not election month.
3. Require photo ID to vote.
4. Purge all voter rolls of all illegal voters.
5. Get illegal aliens to go home. (It can be done easily.)
6. Require a mark, like dipping a finger in ink, when a person votes.
7. Eliminate all mail in balloting.

Any reasonable person has a security system to protect their valuables if they have very much. We have no security system at our borders or at the ballot box. Those in charge don’t value this nation much.
The left is also building a base taught to hates whites, white men in particular.
I asked some black friends of mine about Obama. They said he is the greatest President ever. So I asked them a very simple question. Why? They couldn’t name any of his policies that they liked, what accomplishments of his that they thought were good, they didn’t even know what state he was a senator in. Their final answer was “He just is.” I am not saying this is representative of all minorities, but my guess would be that it is not far off the mark.
It is not uncommon for whites to experience outright hostility and thuggery in all sorts of situations.
t doesn’t help when there are roaming packs of black youths who beat up whites yelling, “Do it for Trayvon.”
I believe what this election came down to is a massive amount of minorities voting for someone based solely on the color of their skin, not their policies. Maybe we should see if we can get Condoleezza Rice to run for president? Not that I am saying would should play their game, but she would be able to break us past the minority barrier. We would also have the fun of calling democrats racist for not supporting her. Win/win. For the record, I would vote for her based on her record, not the color of her skin. I honestly think should would be a great president.
Congratulations to the Democrats and the large numbers of minorities and young people who voted for Obama! You now own it and you can’t blame Bush.
The next terrorist attack you own it.
Can’t get a job after graduation, you own it.
Sky rocketing energy prices due to Obama’s EPA shutting down the energy producing states, you own it.
A nuclear Iran, you own it.
Bowing to Russia, you own it.
Another severe recession, you own it.
A volatile border with Mexico, you own it.
Trouble getting good health care, you own it.
Higher health insurance costs and health care costs, you own it.
No budget, you own it.
Our allies mistrust, you own it.
Another trillion of debt, you own it.
More Benghazi situations, you own it.
No one willing to join the military, you own it.
Trouble getting a loan to buy a home, you own it.
More dependency on food stamps, you
own it.
Trouble finding good employment, you own it.
Several part time jobs instead of a good job, you own it.
A World Government, you own it.
The UN governing the United States instead of ourselves, you own it.
A Senate that will not bring any legislation to the table even if it is “Dead on Arrival”, you own it.
China controlling our world trade trampling all over us, you own it.
Loss of our freedoms as we have known it in the past, you own it.
A dictatorship instead of a democracy that follows the Constitution, you own it.
Less take home pay and higher living costs, you own it.
Driving a car that looks like a toy, you own it.
More government corruption and lies, you own it.
More toleration of extreme and fanatical Islamists, you own it.
Terrorist attacks called work place incidents, you own it.
Your revenge instead of love of country, you own it.
George Bush is out of it now, and
there is not another good man for you to vilify and lie about. In a way
I am relieved that another good man will not be blamed when it was
impossible to clean up this mess you voted for. Have a good day. God
bless the United States! God is our hope now.
But I could believe that Obama would get more black voters out this time than in 2008. In 2008, everyone knew 3 weeks before the election that McCain was toast. So the only thing really motivating blacks to go to the polls was so they could tell their children they voted for the first black president. This time they were motivated by the fear of losing the first black president, and the millions of Obamaphones and box fulls of food stamps and the 57 other government freebies Obama brought with him.

By the way: the major reason we need to compete for the Hispanic vote more effectively than we do is to try and stop the entire Hispanic community from turning into welfare queens who vote lock-step for Democrats… Most Hispanics I know have a good work ethic but once they get hooked on the government cheese, we’re all screwed. Getting our message out in those communities may stop that from happening.
Made doubly hard because the democrats approach the black and Latino/a voters as a block that wants free stuff and amnesty. The democrats approach those groups as a stereotype and treats them accordingly. Yet strangely, those groups continue to vote for democrats in overwhelming numbers. How has that welfare mentality worked for the inner city black youth? How does amnesty for illegals help the hispanic construction worker who went through all the right steps to becm a US citizen but still finds himself out of a job? The sad fact of the matter is that democrat policies have destroyed the black family, put a disproportionate number of blacks on welfare, and yet they still vote for demcrats
How many of those Hispanic votes were from Illegals Lots I am thinking
But that’s because libfreeordie is a moocher who steals from others and lies to get food stamps and Obamaphones so it doesn’t have to pay its bills.

The reason Obama puppets like libfreeordie shriek and scream about voter ID is because they cheat. They are liars who think they can vote twice. They already cheat on their taxes, and as we see, their leaders openly support and encourage black people to commit welfare fraud.

One has to remember that. Charlie Rangel is a hero of the Obama Party. Charlie Rangel is the ideal model of behavior for Obama voters. They openly and directly support, endorse, and elect people who cheat on their taxes and commit welfare fraud.

Libfreeordie won’t ever answer that. It knows it’s a racist cheat and welfare fraud.
These people..of all ethnicity..are either:

A. Too gullible to tell the difference between reality and a con job.

B. Have grown to appreciate taking handouts for lifes necessities and hustling cash for lifes pleasures.

Either way, one can kick back while others go to work.


Sorry for bumping, but I had to share this one.

American Thinker: Victory of the Demagogue

Our newly re-elected, incompetent President is good at one thing: Chicago style politics. Kill your opponent by character assassination and promise freebies to your base. That's exactly how he beat Mitt Romney, a good and decent man, a man of substance, who would have been a great president to turn our economic mess around.

Instead the community organizing, empty-suit incumbent won by pandering to the Democratic base and defaming and distorting Romney into an evil caricature. His simple plan of dividing and conquering through fear, envy and class warfare trumped all else, barely. Appeals to race, gender and emotion triumphed over economic reason and self-interest and the good of the country.

What is that Democratic base? It's quite simple, a cobbled, bare majority of "victims" comprised of blacks, browns and women. It didn't matter to them that their unemployment was at record highs and their communities and lives devastated the last four years. It didn't matter that the President deliberately killed the oil, gas and coal industries and hundreds of thousands of jobs, or supported the teachers' unions over the right of their children to get vouchers to go to quality schools of their choice, or supported the auto unions over the mom and pop shareholders who owned stock, or that he crushed the middle class. It didn't matter to young people that they are personally bankrupt before they start out in life, already burdened by over $200,000 in national debt per person in their generation. And Obama ain't done yet.

Why? The external world is not real to them. What is real are their feelings and emotions. And why not? The modern American message to minorities and women is well learned by now. It's what our public schools have taught for fifty years. The most important thing about you is the color of your skin and what's between your legs. Don't believe it? Look at any high school American History or Civics book. Ten pages on the slave-holding, Founding Fathers and the American Revolution, thirty pages on FDR, the New Deal and Big Government saving America from the evils of capitalism and endless pages devoted to glorifying, heroic, victimized "Native Americans," and other minorities and, of course, demonizing our, evil white, imperialist, ancestors who exploited them and the earth itself. Such endless, sophomoric, guilt-ridden, pabulum has consequences, to wit, the blindness of navel-grazing.

Yes, Obama is the master of the "basic instincts" of his self-centered, narcissistic base. It's not complicated once you understand the con. To blacks he was one of their own and that was really all that mattered. They were in the bag from the start, 95% plus. To Hispanics, he bought their vote with his illegal, dictatorial, but hugely popular, to them at least, executive order for amnesty to young illegals. Result? 70% plus from a community that is Catholic, church-going, hard working, anti-abortion and generally conservative. To women he trotted out the classic Democrat ploy, the fear of losing control over their bodies and even added a new wrinkle, the "right" to free contraceptives even if you're a law student on the cusp of making $150,000 a year to start. Result, a margin of some 9 points, especially in the suburbs. Yes, pandering to the self-absorbed pays.

Toss in a little scapegoating and blame-gaming through envy and class-warfare, just to make the base feel even more self-righteous, and you have a country divided almost fifty-fifty, but more importantly, a winning electoral strategy despite being the worst president since Jimmy Carter, perhaps the worst in modern history.

Such is the vapidity of the American people today. Iran going nuclear? Libya what? Muslim Brotherhood, is that a new rap group? Israel who? Hey, Obama killed Osama! I saw it on Nat Geo! He's the guy I trust on foreign policy. Amazing.

So now we have the spectacle of blacks, browns, young people and many women screaming in ecstasy at the man who has bankrupted them and generations to come by making empty promises paid for by trillions of dollars we don't have. They won't know their betrayal until it's too late, until the Piper has to be paid, when inflation is out of sight, our credit rating is downgraded, when the entire coal industry is shut down and fracking banned, when China stops buying our worthless debt, when the dollar standard is discarded and we can't delay disaster by printing more worthless money or buying our own treasury bonds with money borrowed from China, when we finally, inevitably, fall off the cliff into a truly great depression and/or World War III breaks out, only after anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying Iran has nuclear weapons and Israel is possibly incinerated. What a great second term we have coming.

You get the government you deserve. Pray for America. We have let the dogs loose.
Official term. It's in the constitution.

It's really disturbing to me. I mean, it's a way for many to completely dehumanize people. I work full time. Pay taxes. Spend money. Pay my mortgage and yet I'm a parasite because I didn't vote for Mitt "Fuck half the country" Romney?

Le Sigh....
Dram said:
The most important thing about you is the color of your skin and what's between your legs.

Considering that conquering reproductive freedom allows my gender to have a fucking future, yes what is between my legs is important. Fuck that writer.
The Fiction Bubble they love is alive and well. Hahahahaha.

Remember all the soul searching republicans were doing publicly immediately after the election, and how many were calling out Fox for their bullshit? Well just a few weeks later and the same voices that created that Fiction Bubble and watched it pop are now creating a new one.

This party will not be fixed until it kicks the southern, religious bigots out and starts moving to the center on a multitude of issues. They don't seem to realize that just telling blacks, gays, Hispanics, women etc about awesome tax cuts isn't going to do the trick. They need to engage those groups on human level and respect them. You can be pro tax cuts and pro gay marriage at the same time, or pro free market and support immigration reform, etc. Until the party stops defining itself based on who it hates, it will continue to lose.
Remember all the soul searching republicans were doing publicly immediately after the election, and how many were calling out Fox for their bullshit? Well just a few weeks later and the same voices that created that Fiction Bubble and watched it pop are now creating a new one.

This party will not be fixed until it kicks the southern, religious bigots out and starts moving to the center on a multitude of issues. They don't seem to realize that just telling blacks, gays, Hispanics, women etc about awesome tax cuts isn't going to do the trick. They need to engage those groups on human level and respect them. You can be pro tax cuts and pro gay marriage at the same time, or pro free market and support immigration reform, etc. Until the party stops defining itself based on who it hates, it will continue to lose.

Totally agree, PD. For me the most insulting thing they've brought into being lately is the new language around the gifts that the varied populations that supported Obama were supposedly given, as well as the dehumanizing names that are attached. It's justthisclose to open racism, and is stomach turning how readily people have glommed onto it.
Remember all the soul searching republicans were doing publicly immediately after the election, and how many were calling out Fox for their bullshit? Well just a few weeks later and the same voices that created that Fiction Bubble and watched it pop are now creating a new one.

This party will not be fixed until it kicks the southern, religious bigots out and starts moving to the center on a multitude of issues. They don't seem to realize that just telling blacks, gays, Hispanics, women etc about awesome tax cuts isn't going to do the trick. They need to engage those groups on human level and respect them. You can be pro tax cuts and pro gay marriage at the same time, or pro free market and support immigration reform, etc. Until the party stops defining itself based on who it hates, it will continue to lose.

It seriously feels like even the "smartest" ones in that group drank their own koolaid.
Sorry for bumping, but I had to share this one.

American Thinker: Victory of the Demagogue


Wow. They have totally lost their minds.

Our newly re-elected, incompetent President is good at one thing: Chicago style politics. Kill your opponent by character assassination and promise freebies to your base. That's exactly how he beat Mitt Romney, a good and decent man, a man of substance, who would have been a great president to turn our economic mess around.
. . . .
Instead the community organizing, empty-suit incumbent won by pandering to the Democratic base and defaming and distorting Romney into an evil caricature. His simple plan of dividing and conquering through fear, envy and class warfare trumped all else, barely. Appeals to race, gender and emotion triumphed over economic reason and self-interest and the good of the country.
Actually, it was Mitt Romney that destroyed his own character with the 47% tape.

What is that Democratic base? It's quite simple, a cobbled, bare majority of "victims" comprised of blacks, browns and women.
Interesting. I'm an older white guy. And plenty of us white guys voted for Obama on the East & West costs. We care about science.

It didn't matter that the President deliberately killed the oil, gas and coal industries and hundreds of thousands of jobs
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Oil and gas production went up more during the Obama administration than at any time in the last 30 years! The oil & gas biz is immensely profitable!

You get the government you deserve. Pray for America. We have let the dogs loose.
Really? You went there? Exactly what are you trying to refer to?

They've lost their minds.
Remember all the soul searching republicans were doing publicly immediately after the election, and how many were calling out Fox for their bullshit? Well just a few weeks later and the same voices that created that Fiction Bubble and watched it pop are now creating a new one.

This party will not be fixed until it kicks the southern, religious bigots out and starts moving to the center on a multitude of issues. They don't seem to realize that just telling blacks, gays, Hispanics, women etc about awesome tax cuts isn't going to do the trick. They need to engage those groups on human level and respect them. You can be pro tax cuts and pro gay marriage at the same time, or pro free market and support immigration reform, etc. Until the party stops defining itself based on who it hates, it will continue to lose.

Agreed. Completely. The social conservative nutjobs are dragging the party down and strangling it to death. What amazes me the most is the part of "personal responsibility" they love to go on and on about doesn't seem to apply to them when they fuck up.


Actually, it was Mitt Romney that destroyed his own character with the 47% tape.

I think the thing that is most irritating about this editorial is that it just completely fails to acknowledge how frequently Republicans fucked up just by opening their mouths.

The "War on Women" narrative in the media did not start because of anything Obama said or did. It started because Catholic hospitals did not want to pay for birth control under their health insurance policies. It started because Rush Limbaugh more-or-less called Sandra Fluke a slut on the radio. It started because a prominent Republican Senator displayed an egregious misunderstanding of the female reproductive system and implied that pregnancy cannot occur if a woman is "legitimately" raped. Even when it was clear that the rape/abortion/contraception issue was utter political poison for the Republicans, some other asshole decided to chime in and claim that rape pregnancies were gifts from God.

You could maybe argue that all these incidents were overblown by the media and made more prominent than they should have been. But you can't argue that when you are simultaneously searching Obama's speeches for a gaffe or out-of-context statement that you can use to defame him or create headlines on Fox News for days. This guy is just crying that the "War On Women" thing gained traction in the media, while "You Didn't Build That" never took off despite the fact that it was pretty much the theme of the Republican National Convention.
You could maybe argue that all these incidents were overblown by the media and made more prominent than they should have been. But you can't argue that when you are simultaneously searching Obama's speeches for a gaffe or out-of-context statement that you can use to defame him or create headlines on Fox News for days. This guy is just crying that the "War On Women" thing gained traction in the media, while "You Didn't Build That" never took off despite the fact that it was pretty much the theme of the Republican National Convention.

And this is why conservatives complain about "liberal media bias".
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