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You might not like the bst changes Joa, I still remember your meltdown when SE fixed xp penalty when killing a mob with a pet still charmed:lol

Rawk Hawk

Kandinsky said:
You might not like the bst changes Joa, I still remember your meltdown when SE fixed xp penalty when killing a mob with a pet still charmed:lol

Hahaha, well, I mean, come on. As if it's not hard enough, my SAM is 75, and I bet I've got twice as much EXP on BST, but thanks to dying so often still only 66. :D The last update I saw for BST was no XP penalty for called pets and Snarl. SAM seen any nice improvements? I still should have my JT and Bushi for maximum GKT skills.

Well I don't want to commit to coming back, as I don't know. If xiv hits the 360 I will certainly be playing that. Nice to see you're still around Sac. You cap digging yet? I might be forced to waste a weekend updating just to pay 13 bucks to come back and /wave to everyone though.


Nah still not capped but thats because diggin is terrible atm on our server (dunno about the rest, but its probably around the same) due to that fairly new chocobo gear they introduced alot of digger came back or something, so i kinda stopped diggin on a daily basis, in fact i havent done that in the last 3 months or so :lol

Rawk Hawk

Gotcha, well if I come back my two goals will be BST from 66-75 and Woodworking from 94-100. Yeshua won't play anymore, and he had it for the 360, might see if I can use his discs to save me from repurchasing everything for the 360.

I've seen a new packaging in the stores as of late, has their been an expansion since WotG? I'm pretty sure the set I had last was for everything up to WotG.





Rawk Hawk said:
Gotcha, well if I come back my two goals will be BST from 66-75 and Woodworking from 94-100. Yeshua won't play anymore, and he had it for the 360, might see if I can use his discs to save me from repurchasing everything for the 360.

I've seen a new packaging in the stores as of late, has their been an expansion since WotG? I'm pretty sure the set I had last was for everything up to WotG.

Nah its just everything + the 3 mini expansions.

haha see you guys in 10 hours once these updates are done. Shouldn't be surprise, I've got like 6 years worth of patches to catch up.


All Right! Yesterday my Einherjar LS killed Odin for the first time! Crap drops except Valkyrie's Fork and it was mine :D
Everythings downloaded and installed, had a quick blast, but this is going to get some used to. Its not the most friendly of interfaces for customisation or even key bindings!

Rawk Hawk

Friends copy of the game doesn't include WotG. How important is WotG and these mini expansions? Worth dropping 20 for the Ultimate collection?

Also these mini expansions, are the downloadable for free? If that's the case I might be able to find the 2008 collection with the 4 expansions for cheaper and just DL the others.
Rawk Hawk said:
Friends copy of the game doesn't include WotG. How important is WotG and these mini expansions? Worth dropping 20 for the Ultimate collection?

Also these mini expansions, are the downloadable for free? If that's the case I might be able to find the 2008 collection with the 4 expansions for cheaper and just DL the others.

Mini expansions all take place in the vanilla + Zilart areas. They are 10$ each individually. Your best bet would be to get the current collection as that includes everything for much less, no matter how you slice it.

Rawk Hawk

pancakesandsex said:
Mini expansions all take place in the vanilla + Zilart areas. They are 10$ each individually. Your best bet would be to get the current collection as that includes everything for much less, no matter how you slice it.

Thanks for the info, I will keep an eye out for the Ultimate collection. I may still borrow his copy just to start the install and update process.


Chriswok said:
Everythings downloaded and installed, had a quick blast, but this is going to get some used to. Its not the most friendly of interfaces for customisation or even key bindings!
Are you in Fairy?
Next full moon is Friday Feb 12th at 2:48 PM if you can be around to camp pentaspheres please come. I have some extra parchment still, I know I gave most of you items already. I'll be there for this one.

There was one at 6 am this morning and Demi said we got 4, but it wouldn't hurt to have more just in case!

Rawk Hawk

Had to drive an hour to pick up the Mrs, her car broke down at work which is roughly an hour away. With the snow we are getting in NY decided it's probably best to just get a hotel and stay over since she has to work tomorrow and then I can try to get the car fixed.

She works at a sporting goods store, next door Gamestop. After not being able to locate ffxi utimate collection in our home town I had pretty much given up hope, but here.. they had 2 copies. Fate.


pancakesandsex said:
Next full moon is Friday Feb 12th at 2:48 PM if you can be around to camp pentaspheres please come. I have some extra parchment still, I know I gave most of you items already. I'll be there for this one.

There was one at 6 am this morning and Demi said we got 4, but it wouldn't hurt to have more just in case!

2:48pm EST right? If so, should be perfect timing for me.
Rawk Hawk said:
Had to drive an hour to pick up the Mrs, her car broke down at work which is roughly an hour away. With the snow we are getting in NY decided it's probably best to just get a hotel and stay over since she has to work tomorrow and then I can try to get the car fixed.

She works at a sporting goods store, next door Gamestop. After not being able to locate ffxi utimate collection in our home town I had pretty much given up hope, but here.. they had 2 copies. Fate.

:lol awesome!
Great Nyzul run tonight, managed to climb 10 floors and kill a boss! Blood got 2 weapons, RDM and DRG, Sac and Ryu both got BRD daggers, Ryu got his PUP weapon, and I got my first piece of real endgame gear!


Got ash another WHM testimony too.


So more limbus action tonight? Also how long does a full moon last, because I might be getting there a little later than I thought (friday).


Teknoman said:
So more limbus action tonight? Also how long does a full moon last, because I might be getting there a little later than I thought (friday).

Seven game-days. You'll have time.
Hey guys, sorry about the no-show for Limbus last night, busy with school projects. Unfortunately it just started snowing and in Atlanta that means everything shuts down for a freakin' millimeter of snow...so I just got kicked off campus and I need time to get a sculpture and a few drawings ready for critique next week. Won't be making the Sunday run either, but good luck!


Like Jbird said, third time's the charm. Anyway, hopefully later today before or after limbus i'll be able to grab a testimony and blitz through Raubahn...using 2hr this time :lol
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