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I wouldn't say Ch. 13 has puzzles, so much as it asks you to be more thoughtful, whether it's backtracking through rooms opened via switchboard, or avoiding enemies via hiding, or zoning/MP management with the ring, or proper spacing with the sword (since your warp-strike is gone). Other bits of variety like the evasion sequences with the invincible daemon or shutting down the poison gas valve mix up the way you approach the level.

Regarding Prompto being an MT, the full details of this will surely be in the DLC, but it still fits the main narrative since prior to finding Prompto, we're reading tons of notes on how the empire was cloning people so they had "biological material" to create daemons. Prompto now knows he was artificially manufactured and feels "less than human," but similar to the motel scene where Noct accepts Prompto despite his pleb standing, so too does Noct like Prompto regardless of his origin. It's a touching moment, especially after Noct was worried all this time for Prompto's safety.

As I said earlier in my screenshots-laden post, I really like Ch. 13. Great chapter.

The metal gear and RE shout outs in the game were awesome in their own ways.


Ch12 with Shiva really needed a whole dungeon. Conceptually its a great idea and there is a ton of potentially good shit in there. The game lacked a bit in the dungeon department.
I really felt this too. One of the leaks mentioned a snowy area nearly completed that was cut, hopelly we'll see that resurface in DLC.


Regarding Prompto being an MT, the full details of this will surely be in the DLC, but it still fits the main narrative since prior to finding Prompto, we're reading tons of notes on how the empire was cloning people so they had "biological material" to create daemons.

Despite liking the game, I do feel that leaving out important details about the story and characters for dlc is pretty annoying especially for such a big thing. If I hadn't of read this thread I don't think I would have fully understood the Prompto reveal. It came off really lackluster and not as impactful as it should of been imo.


Despite liking the game, I do feel that leaving out important details about the story and characters for dlc is pretty annoying especially for such a big thing. If I hadn't of read this thread I don't think I would have fully understood the Prompto reveal. It came off really lackluster and not as impactful as it should of been imo.

I think the Prompto MT thing hurts even more because in a game with an actual plot that existed and that fleshed out characters who weren't called Noctis, that could have been an AMAZING subplot/reveal. But Noctis is the only person with development or complexity, so it just kind of exists so Prompto can open a door.


I think the Prompto MT thing hurts even more because in a game with an actual plot that existed and that fleshed out characters who weren't called Noctis, that could have been an AMAZING subplot/reveal. But Noctis is the only person with development or complexity, so it just kind of exists so Prompto can open a door.
More could be done, sure, but if you saw the motel scene earlier in the game, and if you read all the daemon notes in the lab, the reveal nicely reinforces that the friends love each other for who they are at heart. The devs could've just put another switch there for the door, but the added story detail adds some genuine sweetness.


You didn't the first time and you didn't just now the second time...so I don't think you would ever.


The MT thing was explained in the lab notes in CH.13, unless you ignored them.

Final Fantasy has never had good puzzles. Well, until Pitoss.

I know you hate Ch.13, but nobody is "making up" anything. They just had a different experience than you. (?!!?!?!)

And I can objectively assure you this game would not be a better game if Ch.10-13 did not happen.


I think the Prompto MT thing hurts even more because in a game with an actual plot that existed and that fleshed out characters who weren't called Noctis, that could have been an AMAZING subplot/reveal. But Noctis is the only person with development or complexity, so it just kind of exists so Prompto can open a door.

Exactly. I personally don't see how such a thing can be excused when FF games are known for having crazy reveals and twists, ex:
Tidus not being real, Cloud being in Nibelhiem, Zidane's true origin, etc
. All these got proper build up and time spent on the revelation. The Prompto reveal is cool in theory but has a terrible execution.

I could maybe forgive them for expanding on his background in dlc if the story had been better told and had more content.


you guys know any other good PS4 jrpgs to play? its been awhile since I've played one and XV really made me realize I miss playing them.


Exactly. I personally don't see how such a thing can be excused when FF games are known for having crazy reveals and twists, ex:
Tidus not being real, Cloud being in Nibelhiem, Zidane's true origin, etc
. All these got proper build up and time spent on the revelation. The Prompto reveal is cool in theory but has a terrible execution.

I could maybe forgive them for expanding on his background in dlc if the story had been better told and had more content.


and i mean NOTHING

is worse than the GF memory deal from Final Fantasy 8. It was so random.


Exactly. I personally don't see how such a thing can be excused when FF games are known for having crazy reveals and twists, ex:
Tidus not being real, Cloud being in Nibelhiem, Zidane's true origin, etc
. All these got proper build up and time spent on the revelation. The Prompto reveal is cool in theory but has a terrible execution.

I could maybe forgive them for expanding on his background in dlc if the story had been better told and had more content.
I really don't think it's meant to be a twist of that sort. It's just another insecurity of Prompto's, alongside the pleb stuff addressed in the motel scene, and another way to show they love each other.


I really don't think it's meant to be a twist of that sort. It's just another insecurity of Prompto's, alongside the pleb stuff addressed in the motel scene, and another way to show they love each other.

Okay, but like... Verstael being Prompto's dad? That's just begging to be a major subplot. Instead, please be excited for Episode Prompto DLC.


Is there any indication Luna can fight other than when she blasts Leviathan? I'm kinda wondering how they will make her fight in a dlc that will uhh presumably have battles.

She doesn't have special powers other than heal energy, for what we know. The light beam that she blasted at Leviathan came from Vajra, the spear.



and i mean NOTHING

is worse than the GF memory deal from Final Fantasy 8. It was so random.

Except it wasn't.
The entire reason Irvine doesn't want to shoot Edea during the assassination plot was because he knows who she is and can't bring himself to kill her. They even mention the GF memory loss at the very beginning of the game.
The orphanage reveal isn't perfect but it isn't as half-assed as people think it is.

I really don't think it's meant to be a twist of that sort. It's just another insecurity of Prompto's, alongside the pleb stuff addressed in the motel scene, and another way to show they love each other.

His dad being an important member of the Empire is a pretty big deal to me. Prompto being fat as kid is something that is okay to be in a small cutscene at camp but his entire origin shouldn't just boil down to 'whatever dude you're still one of us lol'. Even side characters in previous games still had time dedicated to discovering their own backgrounds and personal issues.


Can we talk about how Clarus got Stella'd to make room for Weskham? Clarus appeared in the concept artworks they shared but instead Weskham was the one featured in group pictures and A King's Tale.

The group should have been Regis, Clarus, Weskham and Cid, though. It kills me that we probably won't get an episode featuring them.


Except it wasn't.
The entire reason Irvine doesn't want to shoot Edea during the assassination plot was because he knows who she is and can't bring himself to kill her. They even mention the GF memory loss at the very beginning of the game.
The orphanage reveal isn't perfect but it isn't as half-assed as people think it is.

.....oh. Damn. Need to replay FF8 again, i'm out here sounding like some of these guys around here.

I remember them mentioning the GF memory loss, but when i got to the orphanage, i remember feeling like "yeah, okay, we all know eachother, but this doesnt change anything."

Such detail in your posts. It's like you're imitating Chapter 13. It all makes sense.

lol aight bruh


Yeah FF8 does set up the GF memory loss plot, but it's not done all that well. I think some of the GF side effect comments might be missable dialogue from NPCs too. But the plot twist isn't out of nowhere.

No. That's your opinion and that's fine, but FFXV was definitely better and interested far more people into buying it.

I started the demo for WoFF and that was it for me.

That demo sucked, wasn't a great representation of the game.

And interested far more people into buying it? It's a mainline game with 50x the marketing budget lol. Of course it did.


.....oh. Damn. Need to replay FF8 again, i'm out here sounding like some of these guys around here.

I remember them mentioning the GF memory loss, but when i got to the orphanage, i remember feeling like "yeah, okay, we all know eachother, but this doesnt change anything."

It's okay. That's a detail that I think you have to play through the game again to really catch. I think VIII also suffers from the fact that everyone in the party, outside of Rinoa and Squall, don't get any development so that probably didn't help things. Like ZeroX03 said, it's set up but not well enough.


Just beat it today. While there are some annoyances, its probably one of my favorite FF games.

Chapter 13 was a drag. I just used holy the whole time agiants the guards because I wasn't going to do stealth.


Can we talk about how Clarus got Stella'd to make room for Weskham? Clarus appeared in the concept artworks they shared but instead Weskham was the one featured in group pictures and A King's Tale.

The group should have been Regis, Clarus, Weskham and Cid, though. It kills me that we probably won't get an episode featuring them.

I've always assumed that the picture belongs to a different trip than the one featured in A King's Tale (If that one is even canon, the game hints at Regis just coming up with a story for Noctis).


Is there any indication Luna can fight other than when she blasts Leviathan? I'm kinda wondering how they will make her fight in a dlc that will uhh presumably have battles.
We know from developer interviews that the Gladio, Prompto and Ignis DLC episodes will feature new gameplay (action, shooter, and tactical styles, respectively), so in the event of a Luna DLC episode, she could have unique non-violent gameplay that could focus on, say, solving Zelda-style environmental puzzles, or dialogue wheels negotiating with NPCs, or commanding her dogs to perform tasks (think DD in MGSV), or maybe even healing and buffing a Nyx-style support character who actually does the fighting, the two working together to operate mechanisms in a dungeon. A Luna DLC would fit nicely as a playable flashback that starts at the end of the cutscene between chapters 6 and 7, when Luna looks out the window thinking about Noctis; they could fade to white and begin the flashback a year earlier or so. Speaking of Noctis, her DLC could also include writing letters to him, and exploring her manor and the Tenebrae dungeon, two areas that were apparently cut. Could also flesh out her relationship with Noctis, Ravus and Gentiana, and maybe show more of the Emperor, who could visit her.


Junior Member
Ummm how was Chapter 7 not a fetch quest (or all of Chapters 1-8 for that matter, plus 10)? You're going to some random dungeon for a random mythril so you could power up your boat. The game randomly throws in Ardyn and Aranea here too.


It's okay. That's a detail that I think you have to play through the game again to really catch. I think VIII also suffers from the fact that everyone in the party, outside of Rinoa and Squall, don't get any development so that probably didn't help things. Like ZeroX03 said, it's set up but not well enough.
Eh I can't agree with that. Irvine definitely gets ignored and Quistis's development gets dropped halfway through but everyone else actually goes through quite a bit by the end, especially Selphie.

While I do think Rinoa, Squall, Laguna and Seifer get the brunt of the focus there's still enough throughout the game to develop the rest of the cast.

The Orphanage twist is more about its poor execution rather than buildup since the twist is actually pretty major for the game and I'm not talking about the memory loss.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Can we talk about how Clarus got Stella'd to make room for Weskham? Clarus appeared in the concept artworks they shared but instead Weskham was the one featured in group pictures and A King's Tale.

The group should have been Regis, Clarus, Weskham and Cid, though. It kills me that we probably won't get an episode featuring them.
Clarus is in AKT, though. Also, that's him in the beret... oh wait, that's Cor, isn't it?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Can we talk about how Clarus got Stella'd to make room for Weskham? Clarus appeared in the concept artworks they shared but instead Weskham was the one featured in group pictures and A King's Tale.

The group should have been Regis, Clarus, Weskham and Cid, though. It kills me that we probably won't get an episode featuring them.

It is annoying that they seemingly want to keep true to the "four brothers" theme to the point that making it "five brothers" would feel like a sacrilege. I mean, the first art had Regis, Clarus, Cor and Cid, A Kings Tale has Regis, Weskahm, Cid and Clarus, and this picture has Regis, Weskahm, Cid and Cor. Why not just have Regis, Clarus, Cid, Weskham and Cor together? Fuck it if it just happens to be one more than Noctis's group, if we are lead to believe Regis's tight group consisted of those five, show it that way!
It's okay. That's a detail that I think you have to play through the game again to really catch. I think VIII also suffers from the fact that everyone in the party, outside of Rinoa and Squall, don't get any development so that probably didn't help things. Like ZeroX03 said, it's set up but not well enough.

Here is something Yoshinori Kitase said about Hironobu Sakaguchi's involvement with Chrono Trigger:

With FFVIII, Kitase's team were pretty much on their own because Sakaguchi was physically in Hawaii working on FFIX which was developed at the same time. I think if Sakaguchi had a closer look at FFVIII he would definitely have told them to flesh out the characters more.


Junior Member
Yeah, I abhor his redesign, though.

What is this. This is garbage.

Young Clarus for reference:

Old design for Old Clarus:

wtf . I honestly didn't even realize that was Gladio's dad until a couple days ago but I definitely would have with those old designs which are a million times better.
History of Eos from the Ultimania
Ancient History

古代文明 「 ソルハイム 」 が 栄える
ソルハイム は 、 飛空艇 や 魔導 アーマー といった 機械文明 で 繁栄 。
六神 が 世界 に 常駐
イフリート の 裏切り により 神 々 の 「 魔大戦 」 が 勃発
ソルハイム 滅亡
特異体質 ( 特殊能力 ) を 得 た 人間 が 、 神 に 選ば れ た 者 として 権力 を 持つ

権力 を にぎっ た の は 、 武器召喚 の カ を 持つ 「 王 」 , 誓約 ( うけい ) や 治癒 の 力 を 持つ 「 神凪 」 など 。
また 神凪 は 、 六神 と 対話 する 能力 も 併せ持っ て おり 、 六神 と 人間 の 意思疎通 を 行なっ た
Ancient civilization of Solheim flourishes

Solheim, prospers in machine technology like Airships and Magitek Armor
The Six watch over everything

War of the Gods breaks out due to Ifrit’s betrayal

Solheim falls

Humans are given special powers, granted to them by the gods.

These power included, “King” with the power to summon weapons, Oracle with the power to heal.
In addition, they can also commune with the Gods, serving as liaison between Gods and mankind.
2000 Years Ago

寄生虫 による 病 が 流行 し 、 人口 が 激減
眠り に つく 神 々 から クリスタル と 光耀 の 指輪 が もたらさ れ 、 当時 の 王 が ルシス 王国 を 建国 する
六神 が 光耀 の 指輪 を 作り 、 星 が 生み出し た クリスタル とともに ルシス の 王 に 授け 、 王家 に クリスタル の 守護 を 命じ た 。
ルシス 王国 に 12 体 の 像 が 建設 さ れる
12 体 の 像 は 、 死せる王 の 魂 が 収まる棺 として 作ら れ た もの 。 歴代 の 王 は 、 この 棺 の なか で 、 解 「 クリスタル に 選ば れ し 王 」 の 出現 を 待ち つづけ た 。 また 、 これら の 像 は 王都 を 守る 「 第一魔法障壁 ( ナイツ オブ ラウンド ) 」 として の 役割 も 持つ 。
ルシス 王 の 活躍 により 流行病 が 治まる

Starscourge is prevalent and many are dying.

The gods bring the ring of light, King of men at the time founds kingdom of Lucis

Gods made the ring of light, it along with the crystal are given to the king of Lucis, with Gods commanding him to protect the crystal.
12 Statues built in Lucis.

Each of the 12 is to serve as a coffin to hold the soul of a dead king. The successive kings, from these coffins, await the emergence of the Crystal’s Chosen king. Also, these kings will serve as a magical barrier (Knights of the Round) to protect the Kingdom.
The epidemic will end with the success of the Lucian King.

2000 - 755 Years Ago

世界 が 安定 し 、 いくつ か の 国 が 建国 さ れる
神凪 フルーレ 家 が 治める テネブラエ 、 商業 で 栄え た 議会制 の アコルド 自由都市連合 、 古代文明 を 再建 し た エルダー キャプト 家 が 興し た ニフルハイム 帝国 が それぞれ 順次成立 。

The world stabilizes and new countries are founded.
Tenebrae where the Oracle’s family lives, the commercially prosperous parliament of Accordo, the Empire of Niflheim ruled by the Aldercapt family who try to reconstruct the ancient technology of Solheim.
( 755 年前 )

ルシス 、 ニフルノ ハイム 、 テネブラエ ア コルド の 4 国 が 共通 の 暦 を 制定 する

755 Years Ago

Four countries of Lucis, Niflheim, Tenebrae and Accordo establish the modern calendar.

( 398 年前 )

ニフルハイム 帝国 が 侵略戦争 を 開始

398 Years Ago

Niflheim begins their war.

( 397 年前 )

フルーレ 家 が 住むフェネスタラ 宮殿 を のぞい た テネブラエ 領 を ニフルハイム 帝国 が 征服

397 Years Ago

Tenebrae is annexed and the palace put under surveillance.

(255 年前 )

謎 の 化物 「 シガイ 」 が 帝国軍 に 発見 さ れ 、 新種 の 生命体 として あつかわ れる

255 Years Ago

A mysterious object (Shigai - Starscourge Virus) is discovered by the Imperial Army. Treated as new life form.

( 150 年前 )

ニフルハイム 帝国 が ルシス · アコルド 両国 に対して 侵略戦争 を 仕掛ける - 戦争 の 結果 、 ルシス · アコルド 連合軍 が 敗北 。 ルシス は 王都 インソムニア 周辺 に 「 第二魔法障壁 」 を 作り出し籠城 の 姿勢 を とる 。 なお 、 第一魔法障壁 の 存在 は 一般 に は 伏せら れ て い るため 、 単に 「 魔法障壁 」 と 呼ぶ とき は 第二魔法障壁 の こと を 指す

150 Years Ago

Niflheim begins war with Lucis and Accordo. - Result of the war: Lucis and Accordo coalition loses. King of Lucis creates the second magic barrier around Insomnia and goes on defense.

( 34 年前 )

アーデン · イズニア が ニフルハイム 帝国 に 入国 。「 魔導兵 」の 開発 を 提案

34 Years Ago

Ardyn Izunia enters the Niflheim empire. Proposes the development of the Magitek army.

( 33 年前 )

ニフルハイム 帝国 が 魔導兵 の 量産 を 開始

33 Years Ago

Niflheim beings mass producing Magitek army.

( 31 年前 )

[ 2 / 24 ~ 4 / 1 ] ルシス 王国 と ニフルハイム 帝国 が 交戦 - ルシス 王 モルス ( ノクティス の 祖父 ) が 帝国 の 不穏 な 動き を 察し て 行動 を 起こす が 、 魔導兵 を 解導入 し た 帝国軍 に 押さ れ て 敗北 。 インソムニア 周辺 の カヴァー 地方全体 に およん で い た 魔法障壁 を 、 インソムニア 城壁付近 に まで 縮小 する こと で 強度 を 上げ て 抵抗 する 。 当時王子 だっ た レギス は 、 シド 、 クレイラス 、 ウィスカム とともに 前線 で 戦っ て い た が 、 ルシス 軍 が 敗れ た ため 撤退 し た 。

31 Years Ago

[ 2 / 24 ~ 4 / 1 ] Battle of Lucis and Niflheim

King Mors (Noctis’s Grandfather) under strain from the Magitek army, is forced to reduce the Magic barrier from protecting the Kingdom of Lucis to just the city of Insomnia to maintain its strength and keep guarding the crystal. Prince Regis and his friends (Cid, Clarus, Weskham) who have been fighting on the front lines to defend the city retreat.

( 27 年前 )

ルシス 112 代王 モルス 逝去 。113 代王 レギス 戴冠

27 Years Ago

Mors, King Lucis 112 dies. Regis, King Lucis 113 succeeds him.

( 24 年前 )

テネブラエ にて ルナフレーナ 誕生 - 同時期 に 、 ゲン ティアナ が フルーレ 家 に 居着く レギス が 幼なじみ の アウライア と 結婚

24 Years Ago

Lunafreya born in Tenebrae. - Gentiana settles in with the Nox Flueret family Regis marries childhood friend Auria

( 20年前 )

[ 8 / 30 ] ルシス 王国 にて ノクティス 誕生

20 Years Ago

Noctis born in the Kingdom of Lucis

( 15年前 )

レギス が 歴代王 から ノクティス の 運命 を 告げ られる レギス が 私兵隊 「 王 の 剣 」 を 設立

15 Years Ago

Regis told Noctis is the Chosen One by former kings of Lucis. Regis establishes the Kingsglaive guard.

( 12年前 )

ノクティス が シガイ 「 マリリス 」 に 襲わ れ 、 瀕死 の 重傷を負う フェネスタラ 宮殿 が ニフルハイム 帝国 の 襲撃 によって 炎上 。 神凪 シルヴァ 死亡 -ノクティス の 療養 を 目的 として テネブラエ に 滞在 し て い た レギス を 狙い ニフルハイム 軍 が 宮殿 を 襲撃 。 惨劇 の なか で 、 ルナフレーナ の 母 で ある シルヴァ が 命 を 落とす 。 なお 、 こ の 事件 は 表向き は 「 火災 」 として 処理 さ れ た

12 Years Ago

Noctis is infected by the Scourge. Nearly dies. Niflheim attacks the House of Nox Fleuret in Tenebrae. Oracle Silva is killed. - They attacked because Noctis and Regis were staying there receiving treatment. Silva, Luna’s mother is among those killed. She died in the fire.

( 11年前 )

氷神 シヴァ が ボルプ 地方 の グロブス 渓谷 にて 覚醒 し 、 帝国領 を 襲撃 - 帝国軍 は シヴァ に 応戦 し 、 これ を 撃破 。 シヴァ によって 兵力 の 大半 を 失っ た 帝国軍 は 、 対神 に 特化 し た 魔導兵 を 開発 し はじめる 。

11 Years Ago

Ice Goddess Shiva awakens in Grosbus Valley of the Volp region and raids the Imperial Territory. - The Imperial Army fights back and wins. - Most of the Imperial Army is destroyed in the fight. The remaining survivors begin plans to develop an army that can stand in opposition to the Gods.

( 8年前 )

帝国 の 監視下 に 置か れ て い た ルナフレーナ が 、 史上最年少 ( 1 6 歳 ) で 神凪 に 就任

8 Years Ago

Lunafreya, under the supervision of the empire, becomes the youngest Oracle in history at age 16.

( 1年前-Present )

ルシス 王国 と ニフルハイム 帝国 が 停戦協定 に 合意 。 ノクティス と ルナフレーナ の 婚約 が 発表 さ れる - 停戦合意 から ほどなく し て 、 ノクティス は グラディオ ラス 、 イグニス 、 プロンプト とともに 、 結婚式 の 準備 の ため オルティシエ を 目指し て 王都 インソムニア を 出発 。 これ に は 、 ノクテ イス を 国外 に 逃がす という レギス の 狙い が あっ た 。 帝国 の 停戦 の 意思 が 表向き の もの に 過 ぎ ない と 見抜い た レギス は 、 ひそか に 迎撃 を 試みる 。

1 Year Ago - Present

Kingdom of Lucis and Empire of Niflheim reach terms of cease fire. Announce the engagement of Lunafreya Nox Flueret to Noctis Lucis Caelum. - Shortly after the announcement, Noctis leaves for Altissia with Ignis, Gladio and Prompto to prepare for the wedding. This was done intentionally by Regis so that Noctis would not be in the city. Regis secretly believes that Niflheim only agreed to the cease fire to get a face-to-face meeting.


[ 5 / 1 6 ] 停戦協定調印式当日 に ニフルハイム 軍 が 王都 インソムニア を 襲撃 - レギス は ルナフレーナ に 光耀 の 指輪 を 託し た のち 帝国 の グラウカ 将軍 に 討た れる 。 [ 5 / 17 ] 王都 インソムニア 陥落 が 報道 さ れる - 同時に 、 国王 レギス 、 王子 ノクティス 、 神凪 ルナフレーナ の 訃報 が 報じ られる 。

Game Start

[ 5 / 1 6 ] Day of Celebratory signing and Niflheim’s raid of Insomnia. - Regis is killed by General Glauca of the Niflheim Empire after entrusting the Ring of Light to Lunafreya. [ 5 / 17 ] Fall of the Kingdom of Insomnia is reported - At the same time, the deaths of Prince Noctis and Lady Lunafreya are also reported.



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I knew it! Shiva shot first. The fact that she demolished most of the army is kind of shocking.


Ummm how was Chapter 7 not a fetch quest (or all of Chapters 1-8 for that matter, plus 10)? You're going to some random dungeon for a random mythril so you could power up your boat. The game randomly throws in Ardyn and Aranea here too.
RPG Logic.

But that chapter is obviously more about the Empire and the technology that they make use of. How the army is mobilized and the daemons


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I wish Ifrit had a single line of dialogue in this game.


Just finished. Terrible story with a sloppy, ham-fisted ending. That people are trying to defend this schlock and delving deeper into the "mythology"...for whatever reason, I find this hilarious.
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