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For those of you who put your faith in Science.

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Setec Astronomer
Mandark's a masochist. He'll take the time to make such posts when it's far easier, as I will now show, to say:

Screw you.
ToxicAdam said:
If you had reading skills, you would see that I am not a christian. Although I may be a douche.

I don't read your drivel. I come for the responses(which were pretty amusing). Although seeing you throw a tantrum is pretty amusing as well.
Mandark is the only intelligent lib on here. The rest of you are bleating sheep. Defiant against close-minded thinkers yet clinging to an idealogy that is based on envy and false compassion. BAAA BAAA

Futami-esque. Congratulations. I was going to say Leguna-esque earlier but he never pulls off the "I made a stupid thread, look how much better I am than you" attitude like Futami did. You deserve a vacation to Opa-ages.


cubicle47b said:
Futami-esque. Congratulations. I was going to say Leguna-esque earlier but he never pulls off the "I made a stupid thread, look how much better I am than you" attitude like Futami did. You deserve a vacation to Opa-ages.

Oh look .. past forumer references. How edgy and cool!

If remembering other posters, is akin to remembering old schoolmates ... maybe you need to get outside some more.

I still stand by my original statement that some science is sloppy or purposely misleading.


Flynn said:
Science has something called peer review. It failed in this situation, but the truth came out in the end.

That's why you don't need to put faith in science.

Religion has nothing of this sort, thus requiring buttloads of faith.

False. Familiarize yourself with Theology.
I made a stupid thread, look how much better I am than you

^ There you go, I pulled out the important part since you missed it.

I still stand by my original statement that some science is sloppy or purposely misleading.

And I don't think anyone disagreed with you on that.

This is all that needed to be said but you didn't stop there -

Yes, you DO have a lot to learn.

Scientific theories may originate as a paper published in one or more journals, but they do not become accepted until the hypothesis is verified through independent replication of the results and plenty of peer review. No single paper should ever be taken as "fact," and anyone with half a clue about science knows that.

Further, the title of your thread is deliberately misleading. As border pointed out, getting a fake paper into a conference to make a point has nothing to do with the veracity of scientific thought as a whole.

Finally, I'd love to see the list of people on this forum who claim that "science is the end-all-be-all of critical thought and fact finding." I've been here a long time, and I can't remember anyone who said that...much less several people.
Sweeping generalizations, name calling, rampant idiocy, and the inability to defend a controversial point: the mark of a genius. Toxic, if you're gonna tell people they're blind followers, it's best not to be one yourself.
ToxicAdam said:
I still stand by my original statement that some science is sloppy or purposely misleading.

This can be said about practically any subject. Some priests are sloppy or purposely misleading (
IN BED. OH SNAP!!! lolz
); some magazines are sloppy or misleading; some messageboarders are sloppy or purposely misleading. There are chinks and disappoints in anything with human involvement, but trying to incite scathing reactions through inflammatory posts, like your original one, is absolutely useless. We all know there are some bad scientists/bad experiments ("this just in: study of 200 people shows eating glass may reduce the risk of thumb cancer by 7.4%"); a thread is not necessary.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Okay, Toxic, you have 24 hours to write a trivial 500 word thesis on these conclusions:

Toxic Adam said:
I still stand by my original statement that some science is sloppy or purposely misleading

Substantiate these claims while citing at least 3 different major non-partisan weblinks, with strict adherence to the notion that something is not science without following its own methodology (e.g. using non-repeatable and sensationalized Cold Fusion).

Your outcome will be decided through this. Have fun!


i really dont see how it proves any point?
and another thing i never understood is why science must contrast religion? newton was vey religious you know.
you are using human error to prove that science can be faulty?
umm, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


EviLore said:
Okay, Toxic, you have 24 hours to write a trivial 500 word thesis on these conclusions:

Substantiate these claims while citing at least 3 different major non-partisan weblinks, with strict adherence to the notion that something is not science without following its own methodology (e.g. using non-repeatable and sensationalized Cold Fusion).

Your outcome will be decided through this. Have fun!

I don't think he'll be coming back. :lol
I'm gonna let my man MC Hawking break it down:

What We Need More Of Is Science

Verse 1
I'm a disciple of science
I know the universe is in compliance with natural laws,
but many place reliance on the psuedo-science of quacks and
morons and fools because,
their education's deficient,
they put faith in omniscient,
make-believe beings who control their fate,
but the Hawk aint with it, dig it,
their Holy writ ain't the least bit legit,
its a bunch of bullshit.

They need to read a book that ain't so damn old old,
let reason take hold,
though truth to be told,
they're probably already too far gone,
withdrawn, the conclusion foregone.
But maybe there is still hope for the young,
if they reject the dung being slung from the tongues,
of the ignorant fools who call themselves preachers,
and listen instead to their science teachers.

Upon blind faith they place reliance,
what we need more of is science!

Trash Talk
Uh yeah, that's right!
Fundamentalist assholes!
Screw the hole lot of them.

Verse 2
Look, I ain't Thomas Dolby,
science doesn't blind me,
think you're smart? Form a line behind me,
you won't find me, truth to tell,
to be a man who suffers fools very well.
Quite the opposite in fact,
I aint got time to interact,
with crystal wearing freaks in need of a smack.
New age motherfuckers? Don't get me started,
I made more sense than them, last time I farted.

Not to put too fine a point upon it,
but the whole new age movement is full of shit.
Please allow me to elaborate,
explicate, expatiate.
from astral projection to zygomancy it's a,
mish-mash of idiocy.
Instead of the archaic worship of seasons,
they should explore logic and reason.


Trash Talk
Fucking new-agers!
Is there any amount of bullshit they won't swallow?
It's two-thousand-aught-three goddammit!
When are these morons gonna join us in the 21st century?


Another science based song.

Bill Nye, the Science Guy

"Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill

Bill Nye, the Science Guy

"Science rules"

Bill Nye, the Science Guy

"Inertia is a property of matter"

Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill

Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill

"T-minus seven seconds"

Bill Nye, the Science Guy.Bill Nye, the Science Guy"

(wipes tear)


What was the name of that TV series about science where they always had that cartoon with the scientist demonstrating the scientific principle at the end?



Tamanon said:
Are you talking about Mr. Wizard?

And I put all my faith in Alchemy personally!

Definitely not. It was late 80's maybe early 90's live action with some kids who always solved their problems through science.



Cyan said:
That's not entirely true. Check out what the Dalai Lama has to say about science showing parts of Buddhism to be inaccurate.

This sounds fascinating. I'm going to look into it.
ToxicAdam said:
Like religion, science is SUPPOSED to be about finding truth and helping out humanity .... but often times both end up being more about money.

You seem to confuse facts with truth.

Truth is philosophy's and religion's territory, not science's.


Instigator said:
You seem to confuse facts with truth.

Truth is philosophy's and religion's territory, not science's.

What? You're an idiot.

Science is the pursuit of facts about the world. It's fucking hardcore and not wishywashy like the other two in this respect.
Did you even understand what I meant before you hit the reply button, Zappy?

I made the distinction between the pursuit of facts and the pursuit of "the Truth". Look at the definition of both in the dictionary and you will see they do not mean the same thing, especially truth with a capital T. Religion and philosophy, when you stick to the essentials, are all about the true meaning of existence. That is the search for the Truth. Science does not care about this because it is beyond what it can prove. Now you can choose to see it as a fruitless exercise, but that dichotomy exist between both fields and, ironically, I am merely stating a fact separating both fields.

You'd better watch your language the next time you talk to me. Otherwise, just stick to OAS next time.


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
Science people with an obsessive beef against religion who think the two can't coexist on any plain drive me nutty!

What the scientific community accepts as fact now is not necessarily what they'll accept as fact 30, 50, 100 years from now.
Folder said:

The same goes with religion. The belief in the rapture didn't exist 200 years ago. There were no other books of divine inspiration that appeared then and said the rapture would happen. It is something some Christians somehow got out of the good old Bible in the 19th century.

Faith and beliefs also change through time.


Instigator said:
Did you even understand what I meant before you hit the reply button, Zappy?

I made the distinction between the pursuit of facts and the pursuit of "the Truth". Look at the definition of both in the dictionary and you will see they do not mean the same thing, especially truth with a capital T. Religion and philosophy, when you stick to the essentials, are all about the true meaning of existence. That is the search for the Truth. Science does not care about this because it is beyond what it can prove. Now you can choose to see it as a fruitless exercise, but that dichotomy exist between both fields and, ironically, I am merely stating a fact separating both fields.

You'd better watch your language the next time you talk to me. Otherwise, just stick to OAS next time.

What the fuck? Are you threatening me with a ban? And you laid the bait and someone bit with that post. Moreover, your explanation reeks of mile high bullshit semantics. A capital T? You mean like WORDS AT THE BEGINNING OF A NEW SENTENCE? That's somehow a very specious bit of reasoning you have there... that a capitalized truth is supposed to ring of alarm bells about it meaning a pursuit of existence of some such shit.

As for your dictionary fucking definitions...


You can see they're pretty fucking similar. The definitions are worded a bit differently, but a modicum of comprehension will have you agreeing that fact and truth are not only similar but intertwined words. In fact, interchangable in english depending on the sentence structure.

OTOH, the idea you express/clarify in your follow up post is not completely disagreeable, but fuck you for chiding me with your self righteous ineptitude.
I'm no mod, but is it too much to ask for a little respect and benefit of the doubt?

Proper definition means proper context. From your links:

Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.

Knowledge or information based on real occurrences:

The first one applies to what religion-philosophy are trying to answer. The second is what science is trying to explain and demonstrate. The first one is intangible and subjective. The second is objective and tangible.

So once you calm down, you can reply again. Otherwise, forget it. :)
This is just a semantics debate and it's just for people to save face (well, Zap, although I don't think it was clear was Instigator was saying at first - maybe that's how he got his username...).


Instigator said:
I'm no mod, but is it too much to ask for a little respect and benefit of the doubt?

Proper definition means proper context. From your links:

The first one applies to what religion-philosophy are trying to answer. The second is what science is trying to explain and demonstrate. The first one is intangible and subjective. The second is objective and tangible.

So once you calm down, you can reply again. Otherwise, forget it. :)

I won't bother selectively quoting and posting, but if you read through the definitions, you'll find that the pursuit of truth has to do with facts. That's the overwhelming implication of the word truth; that facts are intertwined with it.

And no, you get no respect for posting such a wishy washy initial post that deserved the idiot remark, as well as follow up posts filled with tripe and selective quoting. So fuck you.

Moreover, while I do grant a bare amount of courtesy to any poster when they begin posting, if they post idiot statements then I'll tell them to it like it is. Unless others have already done it...
You get 'selective quoting' because the meaning of those words, especially truth, has some very important nuances. Cubible is right, we're arguing semantics, but my view of things is in no way disengenious. Mandarines and oranges may be similar, but to me, they're not the same. You may choose to disagree with it, that would have been enough for the sake of this topic.

And I could argue that the pursuit of truth doesn't necessarily have to do with facts. Or else how could fundamentalists from various faiths ignore (scientific) facts that disagree with their beliefs. We don't even have to take extremists as an example, someone spiritual may choose to find truths from within, making his quest completely subjective and personal.

In religion and philosophy, truth is important because they assume there is a greater, intrensical meaning and purpose in life and that is the truth they're seeking. In science, there is no such quest. It is not an area of interest and quite frankly, it doesn't even assume that there is a greater truth. It is merely an observation of the known world with experiementation with the end result of cold hard facts. A great endeavour and service to mankind in itself. Those facts may challenge assumptions from the known world from superstitions and different faiths, but I don't think someone can derive anything objective and closer to whatever truth there might or might not be from knowing the Earth circles the sun or the universe is over 15 billions years old. Anyone who claims otherwise must have crossed into the subjective long ago.

As a sidenote, I think the word truth is loaded and imprecise, but one quick Google search shows that you are more likely to find the word truth in any faith-related links and conversely, fact is more likely to be found in real science links. :)

Another sidenote, if I can dumb down the point I am making, I remember a line from Raiders of The last Ark, a few minutes after the beginning where Doctor Jones says that archeology is about facts and anyone looking for truth should go to mister X's philosophy class down the hall. Or it was something like that. :D


Instigator said:
You get 'selective quoting' because the meaning of those words, especially truth, has some very important nuances. Cubible is right, we're arguing semantics, but my view of things is in no way disengenious.
As someone who has studied both science and philosophy extensively, I would propose that the way you are defining "truth" is FAR from typical.
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