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"FREE" 1 Year ECA membership... for the price of YOUR SOUL. Read if you applied.


Hmmm...does anyone have an email addy for Hal Halpin? I wonder if he would answer to an "interview" here on NeoGAF? I'm certain we can all come together to form some legitimate and hard hitting questions.


MrPliskin said:
Hmmm...does anyone have an email addy for Hal Halpin? I wonder if he would answer to an "interview" here on NeoGAF? I'm certain we can all come together to form some legitimate and hard hitting questions.

I think there's a better chance of the Rams playing the Browns in the Super Bowl then Halpin coming here to answer questions.
Mrbob said:
I've stayed out of the drama, but the whole situation is a bit shady. ECA is going down kicking and screaming like a baby to have to create an online cancel option. Hal is spinning hard in his interviews. His chapter employees are talking out of their ass for the most part.

This is the most disappointing part. ECA just can't take their lumps and move on. They have to try to spin every single aspect against their own members. And this is a consumer advocate agency? It is pretty pathetic to say the least. The whole organization from top to bottom should hang their head in shame with the way they have treated this situation.

I'd still like to know what they do as an organization that benefits the gaming public. I haven't found anything worthwhile. Hence, the only reason to sign up with them is the amazon discount.

Well, I know they asked gamers to "Go Green" to help the environment via and update on their website asking you to contact your senator. They have also shipped Hal around to various Gaming Conventions to talk about DRM issues with games.

Otherwise, I have no idea

EDIT: HERE IS WHAT THE ECA DOES!! They have a page on their site with about 16 Campaigns they are behind and want your support. They explain their stance, and give you a link to email someone about the cause. So basically, they are updating their website and linking you to where to send emails. That is what they are doing with your money, adding links to their webpage.
Looks like the guys over on CAG shipped out the 8 pound box of 718 individual cancellation letters. Each with the members real name, email address, and username.

You know they will dismiss it and say you have to send your own cancellation letter, but that will be one big surprise to receive if they actually open it.

They are also, supposedly, going to send the list of 718 people to all the websites that have reported on the story and to the ECA's partners.

IF you didn't catch it over there, supposedly Seth from the ECA has been emailing their partners and warning them of this "rouge" (his spelling) group that are trying to destroy their partnerships. So they are sending the list to partners to let them know this is now small group of people.
So I just called the ECA and spoke with Hal's secretary. She told him the idea of coming on to GAF and supposedly he recommended her I leave a voicemail as he was in a meeting and he will call me back. I stated that the majority of people on the forum would love to have a group who was looking out for the gaming community, its best interests, etc. and although his most recent statement helped the situation, if he decided to come to GAF and take a few questions or what have you, it may go farther. We will see if he calls me back or not.


3rdamention said:
Looks like the guys over on CAG shipped out the 8 pound box of 718 individual cancellation letters. Each with the members real name, email address, and username.
I thought they would just mail the list, but this sounds so much more awesome. :lol
Geez. An 8lb box with 718 individual cancellations in it. Didn't they claim they only have one person handling cancellations somewhere? I can just picture the look on that duder's face when he gets that on his desk in the morning.
BMX Bandit said:
Geez. An 8lb box with 718 individual cancellations in it. Didn't they claim they only have one person handling cancellations somewhere? I can just picture the look on that duder's face when he gets that on his desk in the morning.
:lol :lol I say he will open the box, look inside, look around his cubicle and realize it's not worth it. He then grabs his hat, raincoat, briefcase that holds his ritz crackers and grabs the box of letters. He walks into Hals office, screams that he can't take it any longer and proceeds to throw the box on Hals desk and walks out.
LovingSteam said:
So I just called the ECA and spoke with Hal's secretary. She told him the idea of coming on to GAF and supposedly he recommended her I leave a voicemail as he was in a meeting and he will call me back. I stated that the majority of people on the forum would love to have a group who was looking out for the gaming community, its best interests, etc. and although his most recent statement helped the situation, if he decided to come to GAF and take a few questions or what have you, it may go farther. We will see if he calls me back or not.

This is a bad idea IMO. If he does this, it will just get out of control and he'll be attacked and it will get ugly. Good intentions but I think this would be doomed to something messy.


sparkle this bitch
LovingSteam said:
:lol :lol I say he will open the box, look inside, look around his cubicle and realize it's not worth it. He then grabs his hat, raincoat, briefcase that holds his ritz crackers and grabs the box of letters. He walks into Hals office, screams that he can't take it any longer and proceeds to throw the box on Hals desk and walks out.
You know they are going find some way to invalidate the entire thing. Like saying how the letters have to be post mark from the sender at hand and not a 3rd party source :lol
Marty Chinn said:
This is a bad idea IMO. If he does this, it will just get out of control and he'll be attacked and it will get ugly. Good intentions but I think this would be doomed to something messy.

Well his PR guy called me back and left a message. I am going to call him back tomorrow and discuss it. If nothing else I will just voice some of the concerns made here and elsewhere.


aka andydumi
shintoki said:
You know they are going find some way to invalidate the entire thing. Like saying how the letters have to be post mark from the sender at hand and not a 3rd party source :lol

Nah. One could get his/her secretary to send a letter and that would not be technically themselves. They can't be that strict, that would be horribly anti-consumer, and bordering on fraud. The TOS only requires a letter.
AndyD said:
Nah. One could get his/her secretary to send a letter and that would not be technically themselves. They can't be that strict, that would be horribly anti-consumer, and bordering on fraud. The TOS only requires a letter.
This is correct.
Hello my GAF Brethren! I know all of you Hal Halpin fans will love this. Did you check out his twitter?


He links to a nice little song, and says "Paying It Forward." Obviously one of his lap dogs sent it to him, and he posted it "Paying It Forward" for all to see. Here are the lyrics to the song he links to on his latest twitter post.

Tubthumper (1997)

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:

'Oh Danny Boy
Danny Boy
Danny Boy...'

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:

'Don't cry for me
Next door neighbour...'

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

I just thought it was kinda funny. You know, its like he is the victim, he got knocked down, but like the Phoenix, he will rise from the ashes. Great tweet Hal!!
3rdamention said:
Hello my GAF Brethren! I know all of you Hal Halpin fans will love this. Did you check out his twitter?


He links to a nice little song, and says "Paying It Forward." Obviously one of his lap dogs sent it to him, and he posted it "Paying It Forward" for all to see. Here are the lyrics to the song he links to on his latest twitter post.

I just thought it was kinda funny. You know, its like he is the victim, he got knocked down, but like the Phoenix, he will rise from the ashes. Great tweet Hal!!

That Hal is a real class act.


I was in bed when I read that Hal rant a few days ago and never commented on it...

And how did those assumptions and projections play-out?

Pretty much as-expected. Our partners - this one included - were thrilled with our growth. After all, more members equals more potential customers. And with there being only a few in each category of business, that's a great strategic advantage for the merchant. Competitors, who we hadn't yet contracted, were very likely losing customers. And the partners were essentially getting new loyal customers from a very different demographic than they have traditionally. The discount of 10% could easily be rationalized as customer acquisition expense, though I have no insight into any of our sponsor's thinking or rationale. It could have just as easily been that they wanted to support the org and believe in what we're building and doing.
I just see so much wrong with that question/answer in particular.

To start off: "And the partners were essentially getting new loyal customers from a very different demographic than they have traditionally." Yeah, Hal. I bet Amazon's video game department, thinkgeek, direct2drive, and the countless other gaming companies NEVER had a video gamer go to one of their sites in the history of the internet.

Also, words like "competitors," "losing customers," "rationalized," "acquistion," "rationale," etc. just seem really weird to be coming out of the mouth of a non-profit organization.


Fixing the ECA part 106

Free Membership

Clearly 'active' paid member achievements can be matched by a motivated group of individuals (sans membership fee.) I propose the following.

In order to cast the widest net of possible contributors basic ECA membership should be free. The ECA should make every effort to communicate pertinent information in a similar fashion to the VGVN and EFF.

Community Sponsors

A member will have the opportunity to become a community sponsor. For $20+ year a community sponsor will receive the full benefits package from ECA partners. This would help protect the paid members from having their contribution devalued by overzealous promotion of the Association.

Possibly lower revenue.*
Can't 'sell' free memberships to get free advertising.
Would some partners be wary of helping the ECA when it's funded in this manner?

*Ohh. oh nevermind


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I actually got a call back from Seth yesterday, but I was not home to get the call.
I don't know if it's worth calling him back.
Hal "Hal" Halpin said:
Yeah, again, just to restate my sincere apology for anyone who was offended by our statement last week, who felt unintentionally lumped-in with the group that I was referencing. That was never my intention, and feel badly for not being more clear. It really is in all our best interests to work together, learn from the issue and continue to focus on the important work that still needs to be done.


wildthing2022000 said:
Anyone else get the email notifying you that you can't change your cc info? Just keeps getting worse and worse.

It says that they removed the section of the TOS that was being interpreted to mean they would try to charge expired cards by changing the date


Chrange said:
I wonder if he's pulling a double salary off the ECA. :lol

If it's anything like the company I used to work for the NPO side of things is unpaid. The Management Company is the paying gig.

Our company actually handled product for the NPO though, so...


Mindlog said:
If it's anything like the company I used to work for the NPO side of things is unpaid. The Management Company is the paying gig.

Our company actually handled product for the NPO though, so...

He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do stuff for free...


Breaking News:

How Much Longer Can EA Stand by Tiger?

On the bright side of things... The comments are pretty funny.

Completely unrelated to the comments being funny the Oklahoma City Chapter ECA President had an interesting comment.

Sponser companies want people to advertise their products that will reflect a positive image of said product. When that person's image becomes tainted in the public eye, that person loses the ability to reflect that positive image of the product they advertise. So the sponser drops the person.

E. Zachary Knight
Oklahoma City Chapter of the ECA

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Oklahoma City chapter president doesn't know how to spell "sponsor"? :\

I find it sad to see people with no more than a third grade education running anything.


Jive Turkey said:
Oklahoma City chapter president doesn't know how to spell "sponsor"? :\

I find it sad to see people with no more than a third grade education running anything.
I was thinking the same thing :-\

Makes me lose faith in the educational system when I see this sort of thing. Don't people use spell-check?
He even does it twice...
Come on now, guys. Giving him shit over one word is kinda lame. Also, he's just a chapter president. For all we know, he could be surprised by the whole ECA scandal as everyone else.

Or he could be a 5th grader and Hal's number 2 man. Iunno.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I knew it! Bastard child of Jame Mitchell and David Hayter. That's what was stuck in my head every time I saw that pic recently.
I don't know man...That facial hair, smug expression, and lame hair he looks like Billy Mitchell's long lost brother.


Forums are still down for the upgrade. Should be pretty fantastic when they return.

Anyone received a letter back confirming cancellation yet?


So I guess this all washed under the bridge huh?

I've sent them 10 letters, lol. I had a bunch of stamps lying around that I've had for about 5 months, so I decided to just print up some labels and the same letters a few times.


I don't think I ever posted the reply I got back from MasterCard about the credit card thing:

A merchant should not be modifying the expiry date.

That said, a merchant can process transactions against an expired card however they must submit an authorization request to the issuer. If the issuer approves the transaction they can submit the transaction for clearing. If declined the merchant cannot process the transaction as it was declined.

So, merchants should not modify the expiry date.....in fact doing so serves no purpose since the issuer will know it is fictitious anyway (unless by dumb luck the merchant got the right month/year combo) and may only serve to increase the decline rate. They should use the legitimate date and submit for authorization.


Was part of the huge CAG list, and got an email about my cancellation

Thank you for your letter requesting to terminate your membership with the Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA). This notice is confirmation that your request has been processed and your membership in the organization, cancelled.

All credit card information relevant to processing your dues has been removed, so if you wish to re-join the association going forward new/updated payment information will need to be manually re-entered.

To re-join the ECA, please visit http://www.theeca.com.

Thank you.


Volcynika said:
Was part of the huge CAG list, and got an email about my cancellation

I thought they were supposed to send you a letter to confirm it since e-mail was a fad they hadn't jumped on to yet.
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