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Fumita Ueda is a sexist or: Why Females Don't Wear Pants or have grip strength

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hey_it's_that_dog said:
So for all the people who play the game without the knowledge of the creator's views of gender, what's the harm?
We're explicitly discussing his rationale, though. I don't think anyone is saying the game is inherently sexist.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Speevy said:
Jade is far too weak, so she needs a big, strong pig to do stuff for her.

Probably shouldnt have any male characters at all. Its for the best.

Or just have robots. Robots killing indiscriminately. The babies will be the first to fall.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
EmCeeGramr said:
It wouldn't make it worse, unless the player was an idiot or a sexist. I clearly explained this.
It would make it worse because girls do have less upper body strength than boys in real life, and people know that intrinsically from their life experiences (which is what matters for the whole suspension of disbelief) even when they're not aware of statistics that confirm it. Sure, there are exceptions, but to make the exception more believable it would help to have it be worked into the story, which would mean spending time on something where it makes no sense to spend time on, unless it's actually important that the character is a girl.

See, if Ueda had actually said that it was because it was a callback to fairy tales starring boys, or that it was a boy and his pet story and he felt those were more iconic than girl and her pet stories, or that it was because the primary audience would be males who would more closely identify with a boy to invoke childhood memories, there would be no outcry here.
No, clearly he didn't say it outright, but it doesn't take a big leap of logic to see why it would make sense for a female character to wear a skirt in the kind of fairytale inspired world his games are inhabiting.


etiolate said:
Considering he's had females as rescue objects and is making another game changing the gender for these reasons, its not much a stretch to think that there is a gender issue tied directly to his games. This was first brought up with Ico, but I didn't see enough of a reason to complain there. This is now the third game and the mentality behind the games is set.

That he could have made it a girl for equally dumb reasons doesn't change anything. The mentality is problematic.

Having females as rescue objects is hardly something Ueda started. Young men are going to be dreaming about that kind of thing for a long time in the future no matter how desperately people try to break that habit. Also I just want to say I would have been perfectly fine with a female character for tlg, though that would have just caused more controversies.


I just realized something...

For all the accusations of Ueda being some staunch misogynistic chauvinist pig, he made a game where the male lead
literally tried invoking an Evil Demon God to do his bidding


GS: The Wanda to Kyozou music was done by Kou Ohtani. Why did you choose him?
FU: ICO's composer was (female composer) Michiru Ohshima, and I didn't want to create the same image for this game. Aside from that, ICO was a game that both male and female players could enjoy equally. But I think this is a game that male players will enjoy more. So I chose a male composer.

Without the context of the OP, this comment isn't really that bad...


Dresden said:
Oh noes, not you too, Ueda-sama!

It's a pity that he's a sexist. He should go read Nausicaa again.
A team ico game (or maybe any game really) with a nausicaa-like protagonist would be awesome.


Aeana said:
Don't forget this awesome interview quote:
Hadn't seen that one.
I don't see that as sexist so much as a terrible reasoning. By the same logic a female composer would be more ideal for a game targeted to women. Both are guilty of the same faulty logic but I don't see either as sexist.

It's weird though. Would have liked him to elaborate on both of these comments.
Lord Error said:
It would make it worse because girls do have less upper body strength than boys in real life, and people know that intrinsically (which is what matters for the whole suspension of disbelief). Sure, there are exceptions, but to make the exception believable it would help to have it be worked into the story, which would mean spending time on something where it makes no sense to spend time on, unless it's actually important that the character is a girl.

Tell me, how angry did you get at Mirror's Edge for not having a male protagonist? Did you lament how you simply couldn't believe that a female was doing these things?

(Of course not, that was before Ueda made a comment on female upper body strength so you had nothing to attack nor defend on the subject until a couple hours ago.)

Lord Error said:
No, clearly he didn't say it outright, but it doesn't take a big leap of logic to see why it would make sense for a female character to wear a skirt in the kind of fairytale inspired world his games are inhabiting.

He didn't just not say those "outright," he didn't imply those at all. It's an invention on your part, and until he actually says something to the contrary making such excuses is a bunch of meaningless noise.
Lord Error said:
It would make it worse because girls do have less upper body strength than boys in real life, and people know that intrinsically (which is what matters for the whole suspension of disbelief).
By this logic, shouldn't the protagonist be an adult body-builder?

Lord Error said:
Sure, there are exceptions, but to make the exception believable it would help to have it be worked into the story, which would mean spending time on something where it makes no sense to spend time on, unless it's actually important that the character is a girl.
Here's the explanation needed: "This is a girl who has enough 'grip-strentgh(tm)' to hold on to a flying bird-dog. She's pretty much your average young girl."

edit - me format pretty


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
DennisK4 said:
Yesterday: Inafune

Today: Ueda

Tomorrow: Kojima?

Who will we hate next?

Kojima has one topic a week about how shitty MGS is and that he needs an editor.


Not to dwell too much on the commercial side of things, but Mirror's Edge is probably not the most shining example of games featuring female leads, considering it literally did 1/3 of what EA expected out of it.

Arguable how much (if any) was down to the choice of casting Faith as the protagonist, but nevertheless it hasn't exactly inspired confidence, to be blunt.
Didn't Ueda say he dumped a female composer for SotC because he wanted a more masculine sound, or something to that effect?

Gender obviously influences any creative portrayal in a variety of aspects, down to language itself. Its always considered. I could see having a beef with how Ueda considers it, but the final product speaks for itself. There's no hidden meanings. He's a director, its a fucking direction.

Why be candid at all at this point...
hauton said:
I just realized something...

For all the accusations of Ueda being some staunch misogynistic chauvinist pig, he made a game where the male lead
literally tried invoking an Evil Demon God to do his bidding
Saying that someone has a sexist mentality or sexist thoughts, whether malicious or simply an unfortunate product of sexist cultural teachings, isn't calling someone a misogynist chauvinist pig.

This is like when something racially insensitive or clearly based on old racist ideas comes up, and people act like only the KKK or the Nazis can be classified as "racist" so anything lesser can't be truly racist.

SuperAngelo64 said:
Hats off to Japan for not being up their own ass in political correctness.

Yeah man, I'm glad that the belittlement, humiliation, and marginalization of minority or historically oppressed groups is still alive and well.

God I hate it when people talk about the very idea of political correctness as being some evil plague infringing on their god-given right to insult and ostracize
people who are different than them.


Aeana said:
Don't forget this awesome interview quote:

Okay yea I am cringing here right now. Dude obviously have "defined gender roles" and honestly I do not know why I am even bothered or dissappointed that people are defending it.

Ploid 3.0

For the record I'm not particularly a Udea fan, I even took a while to remember his name, not sure if it's spelled right. I only owned ICO from Electronic Boutique for $20 used as a impulse buy. It was a 3 hour game that people were mixed on. I only played SOTC's demo, and am not going to be anticipating SOTC HD. I think for myself.

If you laugh at this you are part of the problem.



Ploid 3.0 said:
For the record I'm not particularly a Udea fan, I even took a while to remember his name, not sure if it's spelled right. I only owned ICO from Electronic Boutique for $20 used as a impulse buy. It was a 3 hour game that people were mixed on. I only played SOTC's demo, and am not going to be anticipating SOTC HD. I think for myself.

If you laugh at this you are part of the problem.



that gamasutra composer quote is incredible. such a bafflingly stupid thing to say. the reasoning for the character being male is silly and insulting too, of course. disappointing from ueda, but i guess him making great games shouldn't make me assume anything about his politics or ethics.


SirPenguin said:
I cannot tell if you're joking or not. I really, really can't. I don't mean this in that stupid "ironic" way where someone pretends that your opinion is so outlandish it has to be trolling. I legitimately don't know how to respond.

It was 100% pure sincerity.

I would hope that a Penguin and Walrus could understand each other better. Especially two who are so distinguished to be called Sir and Mr.


benevolent sexism
Empty said:
that gamasutra composer quote is incredible. such a bafflingly stupid thing to say. the reasoning for the character being male is silly and insulting too, of course. disappointing from ueda, but i guess him making great games shouldn't make me assume anything about his politics or ethics.

If he sincerely believes that a composer's gender influences their compositions and their appeal to men and women, is it really bafflingly stupid? What if there's some truth to it? What if it's more true in Japan than elsewhere? It's an empirical question, and I doubt any of us have data on it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
EmCeeGramr said:
Tell me, how angry did you get at Mirror's Edge for not having a male protagonist?
Of course I wasn't. It's all in the context. Characters like Faith or Lara make sense to have their skills and strength at that level by their character design and backstory, whereas the character who would for example, be a different version of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, would be much less so. Now of course, they wouldn't have to have the character like that, but it's a convention they were following in the previous two games, and this one doesn't seem to take place in a world any different from that.

Ploid 3.0

Who here are going to buy their daughters crossbows, and their son's dollhouses? Pink baby blankets for boys, blue for girls. Long hair with ribbons for boys, buzzcuts for girls. Break the cycles now.


EmCeeGramr said:
Saying that someone has a sexist mentality or sexist thoughts, whether malicious or simply an unfortunate product of sexist cultural teachings, isn't calling someone a misogynist chauvinist pig.

This is like when something racially insensitive or clearly based on old racist ideas comes up, and people act like only the KKK or the Nazis can be classified as "racist" so anything lesser can't be truly racist.
Oh good, you brought up the difference between simple "sexism" and outright "misogyny" - I was gonna until I realized I was probably going to get torn to shreds for playing semantics/splitting hairs/what have you.

Ultimately, I think this comes down to the chicken-and-egg problem surrounding females and mainstream videogames:

How can one develop games that appeal to females, if there's no female audience to appeal to?
How can one nurture a female audience, if there's no games that appeal to females?

Oft-discussed and really for another topic, but highly relevant to what Ueda is saying ITT.

Ploid 3.0 said:
Who here are going to buy their daughters crossbows, and their son's dollhouses? Pink baby blankets for boys, blue for girls. Long hair with ribbons for boys, buzzcuts for girls. Break the cycles now.
To be honest, I'm trying to think of any games where females really break the mold - no Princess Peace damsel in distress, no Lara Croft TnA...

Queen of Queens?
Lord Error said:
Of course I wasn't. It's all in the context. Characters like Faith or Lara make sense to have their skills and strength at that level by their character design and backstory, whereas the character who would for example, be a different version of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, would be much less so. Now of course, they wouldn't have to have the character like that, but it's a convention they were following in the previous two games, and this one doesn't seem to take place in a world any different from that.
So the reason you have trouble accepting a female protagonist is because Ueda has to-date portrayed women (aside from the Queen) as helpless?


hey_it's_that_dog said:
The mentality isn't problematic for me if it isn't manifested in some kind of "message" in the game. Yes, Ico depicts a boy helping a helpless girl, and in SotC the character is a male working to bring the girl back to life, and those reinforce certain gendered narratives that some people would like to see subverted. However, what is the sexist message of The Last Guardian? We know his thought process, but most who play it don't, so what is the "message" they will get from that game? They'll see a boy and an animal having an adventure. The mere presence of a male character instead of a female character doesn't send a sexist message, it doesn't make proclamations, it doesn't reinforce a gendered narrative. So for all the people who play the game without the knowledge of the creator's views of gender, what's the harm?

I think that a sexist designer could create something non-sexist. Unfortunately, there have already been questions of sexism in his games and this lends credence to those accusations. I can look at the games without considering the author and judge them on their own merits, which is fine.

The issue here isn't whether or not the games are sexist on their own, but how this looks to people when we're talking about an industry with a huge problem in how it handles gender. If genders are being chosen based on these ideas then it is adding to a grander problem, which is the lack of normal people in games who happen to be female in gender. There are sexist portrayals of males and females, but there are less sexualized males or characters who happen to be male and this gender identity is not their defining mark. We do not have that for female characters, give or take two or three examples. One of the main reasons is the lack of female developers and the sparse space of friendliness and openness to such an idea. If composers are not being hired because people think this need's a "man's touch" and characterization choices are made along the same problematic lines then there is not the blunt, singular sexist depiction you are looking for, but a cohesive obtrusion towards any reality existing outside the "boys club" mentality that plagues gaming.
EmCeeGramr said:
belittlement, humiliation, and marginalization

Good gravy, in what way will TLG do any of the above to anything? Folks are essentially upset about what makes sense in the fictional world of some dude's creative imagination. Authorial control is a bitch huh?


AngelComa said:
So what if he is sexist? As long as he brings the awesome games, he can hit his wife all he wants.
I don't know, I think someone should ask Ueda if he's still beating his wife. Also, why aren't there any black people in his games?


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
AngelComa said:
So what if he is sexist? As long as he brings the awesome games, he can hit his wife all he wants.
Posts like this make me want to quit gaming and completely disassociate myself with the gaming community.

Ploid 3.0

Lord Error said:
Of course I wasn't. It's all in the context. Characters like Faith or Lara make sense to have their skills and strength at that level by their character design and backstory, whereas the character who would for example, be a different version of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, would be much less so. Now of course, they wouldn't have to have the character like that, but it's a convention they were following in the previous two games, and this one doesn't seem to take place in a world any different from that.

If ICO was about a mom protecting her baby boy (wait is it wrong for him to be a small boy instead of being tall like Yorda?). Ok ICO the story of a short girl protecting a blind tall man (crap why did I handicap him). The dude isn't blind then, he just doesn't know his way around the castle. Turns out he can pick locks that the girl can't, and there are ghosts after the dude because he don't belong in the magical castle. Man that still sounds a bit sexist because this guy can pick locks, girls can pick locks too.

cuyahoga said:
Posts like this make me want to quit gaming and completely disassociate myself with the gaming community.

Do you watch movies, listen to talk radio, and music?


Branduil said:
I don't know, I think someone should ask Ueda if he's still beating his wife. Also, why aren't there any black people in his games?
The enemies in ICO are black.


I do like that people thinking their little misogynistic pot shots will go unseen in such a large and relatively quick-moving thread are banned quickly.

DennisK4 said:
Yesterday: Inafune

Today: Ueda

Tomorrow: Kojima?

Who will we hate next?
Most people already hate Kojima since he dared to make MGS4. Deservedly.


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
Good gravy, in what way will TLG do any of the above to anything? Folks are essentially upset about what makes sense in the fictional world of some dude's creative imagination. Authorial control is a bitch?
Again, we are discussing his dicision regarding the selected gender, not the end product of the game itself


Branduil said:
I don't know, I think someone should ask Ueda if he's still beating his wife. Also, why aren't there any black people in his games?

Well the big black cock would be too distracting in a skirt.
hauton said:
How can one develop games that appeal to females, if there's no female audience to appeal to?
How can one nurture a female audience, if there's no games that appeal to females?

Oft-discussed and really for another topic, but highly relevant to what Ueda is saying ITT.
What Ueda is saying is nonsense, not sure how this is highly relevant. If he said "We chose a boy because our target audience is male," that would not have sparked this discussion.

As for how to make games that appeal to women?
1) Make good games - good games appeal to female gamers today
2) You don't need to be sexist to appeal to male gamers, so don't make them sexist. Also, apply the same diversity you have for male roles to female roles.

You see male gamers complaining about the same tropes being rolled out for male characters over and over... but compare that to what is offered for female characters.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
If he sincerely believes that a composer's gender influences their compositions and their appeal to men and women, is it really bafflingly stupid? What if there's some truth to it? What if it's more true in Japan than elsewhere? It's an empirical question, and I doubt any of us have data on it.

he doesn't have data on it either then, he's using his pre-existing sexist gender stereotypes to completely rule out a woman composing the game rather than judging it on the suitability of their compositions. i find it bafflingly stupid that he would a) do that and b) admit it in a public interview.
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