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Fumito Ueda talks ICO, SotC, and The Last Guardian


Travado said:

This picture is so full of life, Trico really seems to be a living creature, looking and admiring his creator.




Vigilant Walrus said:
17 people have posted or quoted Uedas picture, in this thread. I see many in this thread who absolutely seem to worship him. Is it because of Ico/SOTC, or something else?

I thought a lot about GAF was to collectively hating on industry people. It's like we all come together and hate on people who are not cool. Like Patcher and Dennis Dyack, and that crazy Nintendo PR lady.
I'm glad to see people be more respectful towards him, but some of these comments are almost on the zealot side of things. Maybe I am reading it wrong, but it makes me weary and sad, when people take it to such extremes. Some fanbases actually makes me dislike a game more than I otherwise would have.

In the case of Ico/SOTC, it's just hipster gold. You meet some jock who can't stop rambling about the Ico and how he played it forever, and then he was like "Omg" when he saw that film reign over me, but then it turns out that he has only seen the game on the shelf and a video at youtube.

I actually don't know if I think Ico and SOTC is all that. To me there is defintely, at least a bit of bullshit to the era, with it being sophisticated art.. It's being blown up to be to good for it's own good.
It's blown out of proportions I think about how alive the griffon feels. It's well done, but it's also a bit emperors new clothes, and this reaction would have happened regardless of what Trico would be.

I really admire the games, but I actually think that some of the "fans" make it less, than it should be.

I don't know where I am going with this. Probably opening pandoras box. Or toilet. or both. Meh. I suck. :I

No, you're right. Same thing happens with Christopher Nolan around here.

I love SotC and really enjoyed Nolan's movies but i'l be damned if their fanbases dont act like Twilight tween tards most of the time.

Take it down a notch ffs
MYE said:
No, you're right. Same thing happens with Christopher Nolan around here.

I love SotC and really enjoyed Nolan's movies but i'l be damned if their fanbases dont act like Twilight tween tards most of the time.

Take it down a notch ffs

Damn, man. Thanks for giving me confidence for not being some insane person! +1 To you chap.


It amazes me how some people like to police control of other people opinion.

After watching there team score a goal, some people;

Jump up in the air with both hands and shouting GOOOOOOOOOOOAL

Some like to be quite but pump there fist.

some like to clap out loud

some just smile

Is there an appropriate reaction of the above?

If there is one kind of gamers that bothers me more than troll, that is the self elite police of hyperbole control.


benevolent sexism
Vigilant Walrus said:
In the case of Ico/SOTC, it's just hipster gold. You meet some jock who can't stop rambling about the Ico and how he played it forever, and then he was like "Omg" when he saw that film reign over me, but then it turns out that he has only seen the game on the shelf and a video at youtube.

I actually don't know if I think Ico and SOTC is all that. To me there is defintely, at least a bit of bullshit to the era, with it being sophisticated art.. It's being blown up to be to good for it's own good.
It's blown out of proportions I think about how alive the griffon feels. It's well done, but it's also a bit emperors new clothes, and this reaction would have happened regardless of what Trico would be.

I really admire the games, but I actually think that some of the "fans" make it less, than it should be.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the hipster/jock who played Ico.

I agree with you that the fanbase has built up these games a great deal, and if you played them for the first time without knowing their acclaim, you might not have such a transcendent experience. (Indeed, you could not see what the fuss is about even if you were well aware of the acclaim.) That's fair enough.

I disagree that people would have been swooning over the animation in Trico no matter what it actually was. If it sucked, plenty of people would have been surprised and disappointed about it precisely because of their heightened expectations. And I think they would have been very vocal about it. But, fortunately, it actually is the best (i.e. most lifelike) animation ever put in a game. If you can find an example that matches or exceeds it, by all means post it.
beast786 said:
It amazes me how some people like to police control of other people opinion.

After watching there team score a goal, some people;

Jump up in the air with both hands and shouting GOOOOOOOOOOOAL

Some like to be quite but pump there fist.

some like to clap out loud

some just smile

Is there an appropriate reaction of the above?

If there is one kind of gamers that bothers me more than troll, that is the self elite police of hyperbole control.

Except the post in question would be more like watching a guy kick a soccer ball and equate it to seeing Jesus' resurrection.


Pinko Marx said:
Except the post in question would be more like watching a guy kick a soccer ball and equate it to seeing Jesus' resurrection.
obviously you've never seen landon donovan



Pinko Marx said:
Except the post in question would be more like watching a guy kick a soccer ball and equate it to seeing Jesus' resurrection.

Personally, I dont give a crap about Jesus resurrection. Then again, maybe .. just maybe different people enjoy different things and express differently.

But its ok. We have self acclaim elite police to our rescue.
beast786 said:
Personally, I dont give a crap about jesus resurrection. Then again, maybe .. just maybe different people enjoy different things and express differently.

But its ok. We have self acclaim elite police to our rescue.

The analogy.

Your head.


beast786 said:
Personally, I dont give a crap about Jesus resurrection. Then again, maybe .. just maybe different people enjoy different things and express differently.

But its ok. We have self acclaim elite police to our rescue.

You're welcome <3
hey_it's_that_dog said:
I have no idea what you're talking about with the hipster/jock who played Ico.

I agree with you that the fanbase has built up these games a great deal, and if you played them for the first time without knowing their acclaim, you might not have such a transcendent experience. (Indeed, you could not see what the fuss is about even if you were well aware of the acclaim.) That's fair enough.

I disagree that people would have been swooning over the animation in Trico no matter what it actually was. If it sucked, plenty of people would have been surprised and disappointed about it precisely because of their heightened expectations. And I think they would have been very vocal about it. But, fortunately, it actually is the best animation ever put in a game. If you can find an example that matches or exceeds it, by all means post it.

Well, I agree with you. SOTC, had great animations. The control and feel of the horse really felt amazing to me. It's up there with the Warthog and the wonky Halo 1 physics for me for sure, so of course Trico has great animations.

But I can't help help shake the feeling of stuff being played to much into this. Kinda like SOTC. "ohh you should see it.. there are no enemies but its incredible because every part of the game is the best ever". It's a great game. In fact it's fantastic, but people start reading too much into it, and over analyze it.
I'm reading these comments on playstation blogs comparing the facial expressions of the griffon like it is the epotime of human emotion ever put in something "art related".

Resident Evil 4 is a great game, but because it came out for a system at a time that really needed a mature action title, the hyperbole apeshit fanboy insanity got a few extra notches up into unreal realm of reasoning. That's my feeling.

Again, I see them as amazing games, and Ueda is someone I am interested in because he has a different take on storytelling, than some of my other favorites like Kojima, but I don't know if I think he is a great game designer.

I don't think this is being elitistic like beast786 is implying. I'm not implying to be some sort of real Ico/SOTC fan. But yeah, extremists annoy me, in anything. It annoys me because it's not fun to read, it's not rational. Being pro or anti extremists, is not the issue. the hypers are just as harmful as the haters. Particularly when the hypers turn their ultra hype into hate on the lesser games.

As for better animation? I don't know what would be better? what qualifies as better animation? I don't know much about animation. I know that the bird and the dog in the Pixar film Up, really made me laugh. I felt the timing of their humorous animations were good depictions... And I guess I laughed and was entertained because its understandable. Those animators did a great job, recapturing an actual bird and dog. But others hate Up, so maybe I am unusually retarded.
I also think the Dog from HL2 was great. That was really well animated. I think Altair from Assassins Creed was really well done. I too think the Griffon is great. But I am not crying, like Trico and Ueda just assassinated the Neverending story and all my childhood dreams.:/

yeah so this is a response to the hype surrounding trico from many outlets since it's first showing.. and even before.


benevolent sexism
Vigilant Walrus said:
Well, I agree with you. SOTC, had great animations. The control and feel of the horse really felt amazing to me. It's up there with the Warthog and the wonky Halo 1 physics for me for sure, so of course Trico has great animations.

But I can't help help shake the feeling of stuff being played to much into this. Kinda like SOTC. "ohh you should see it.. there are no enemies but its incredible because every part of the game is the best ever". It's a great game. In fact it's fantastic, but people start reading too much into it, and over analyze it.
I'm reading these comments on playstation blogs comparing the facial expressions of the griffon like it is the epotime of human emotion ever put in something "art related".

Resident Evil 4 is a great game, but because it came out for a system at a time that really needed a mature action title, the hyperbole apeshit fanboy insanity got a few extra notches up into unreal realm of reasoning. That's my feeling.

Again, I see them as amazing games, and Ueda is someone I am interested in because he has a different take on storytelling, than some of my other favorites like Kojima, but I don't know if I think he is a great game designer.

I don't think this is being elitistic like beast786 is implying. I'm not implying to be some sort of real Ico/SOTC fan. But yeah, extremists annoy me, in anything. It annoys me because it's not fun to read, it's not rational. Being pro or anti extremists, is not the issue. the hypers are just as harmful as the haters. Particularly when the hypers turn their ultra hype into hate on the lesser games.

As for better animation? I don't know what would be better? what qualifies as better animation? I don't know much about animation. I know that the bird and the dog in the Pixar film Up, really made me laugh. I felt the timing of their humorous animations were good depictions... And I guess I laughed and was entertained because its understandable. Those animators did a great job, recapturing an actual bird and dog. But others hate Up, so maybe I am unusually retarded.
I also think the Dog from HL2 was great. That was really well animated. I think Altair from Assassins Creed was really well done. I too think the Griffon is great. But I am not crying, like Trico and Ueda just assassinated the Neverending story and all my childhood dreams.:/

yeah so this is a response to the hype surrounding trico from many outlets since it's first showing.. and even before.

Sometimes I'm tempted to roll my eyes when Team Ico games are trotted out as great art (particularly when people don't feel the need to justify that position) but I try not to let overexcited people bother me much. I definitely have gotten over the impulse to like or dislike something because its followers/fans behave a certain way. I'm not tempted to point out the fawning because it doesn't accomplish anything.

I'm sympathetic to the idea of suggesting other factors that lead to people's extreme appreciation of games, as you have with Resident Evil 4, but unfortunately you're wrong in this case, because it is in fact the best game. :p (And I never owned a Gamecube, and I even thought it looked boring when I watched videos.)
apana said:
Wait a minute... elite police...jesus ressurection...:lol .

Elite police are those you call when backtrack police gets out of hand. We need dem elites to control dese streetz!

I can't be elite. I like Metal Gear Solid. It wouldn't work. If I was truly a elitistic person, my personality would be like two paradoxes having sex. And those two paradoxes would have a child... which is rightness. I'll name him Richard the Right.
hey_it's_that_dog said:
Sometimes I'm tempted to roll my eyes when Team Ico games are trotted out as great art (particularly when people don't feel the need to justify that position) but I try not to let overexcited people bother me much. I definitely have gotten over the impulse to like or dislike something because its followers/fans behave a certain way. I'm not tempted to point out the fawning because it doesn't accomplish anything.

I'm sympathetic to the idea of suggesting other factors that lead to people's extreme appreciation of games, as you have with Resident Evil 4, but unfortunately you're wrong in this case, because it is in fact the best game. :p (And I never owned a Gamecube, and I even thought it looked boring when I watched videos.)


Dude you can't strafe!!! YOU CAN'T STRAFE! Ohh my god! NOOOOOOO! Resi 4 had to use it's own deformations to add excitement and suspense to the gameplay. I promise you gears of war or ninja gaiden would be more tense or suspenseful if the main playable characters where limbing or couldnt move while attacking, but it would not make them better games.


sublimit said:
That was a great interview and finally Ueda revealed some new details about the game's mechanics.

However i wonder if i'm the only one who didn't like their music choices for those trailers...I understand that these music themes are not the official soundtrack but still,their choice worries me a bit...they're very Disney-esque in my opinion.
I hope the official soundtrack will be more in tone with the atmospheric,subtle music of Michiru Oshima.
They played that music for a reason.but that does not mean the game will have that tone.I like the music and I thought it fit the trailer well.


benevolent sexism
Vigilant Walrus said:
Dude you can't strafe!!! YOU CAN'T STRAFE! Ohh my god! NOOOOOOO! Resi 4 had to use it's own deformations to add excitement and suspense to the gameplay. I promise you gears of war or ninja gaiden would be more tense or suspenseful if the main playable characters where limbing or couldnt move while attacking, but it would not make them better games.

No it wouldn't make them better games. They would be much worse. However, Resident Evil 4 was designed to be internally consistent, so it's not a problem.

Your job is to explain coherently why not being able to strafe is inherently bad. I never had a problem with the controls in RE4 and I don't think they need defending. So if you're attacking the people who say "it adds tension," well, maybe it does, but I'm not one of those people.


sublimit said:
That was a great interview and finally Ueda revealed some new details about the game's mechanics.

However i wonder if i'm the only one who didn't like their music choices for those trailers...I understand that these music themes are not the official soundtrack but still,their choice worries me a bit...they're very Disney-esque in my opinion.
I hope the official soundtrack will be more in tone with the atmospheric,subtle music of Michiru Oshima.

Dude, if anything in TLG's OST is half as good as Burwell's Miller's Crossing theme we can consider ourselves very lucky.

And... Disney-esque?


Loudninja said:
They played that music for a reason.


Loudninja said:
but that does not mean the game will have that tone.

We can never be sure what kind of tone the in-game music will have until we play it.I was just expressing my concern.

Loudninja said:
I like the music and I thought it fit the trailer well.

Well good for you but i don't.:p
I think the chosen themes had a very straightforward tone to portray emotional situations something that i'm not very fond of.It reminds me of Hollywood and Disney.

In my opinion they could have find some more subtle music choices to fit the trailers.


sublimit said:

We can never be sure what kind of tone the in-game music will have until we play it.I was just expressing my concern.

Well good for you but i don't.:p
I think the chosen themes had a very straightforward tone to portray emotional situations something that i'm not very fond of.It reminds me of Hollywood and Disney.

In my opinion they could have find some more subtle music choices to fit the trailers.
I really don't see no reason to be concern?I don't think they let you down yet have they? :D


benevolent sexism
MoonsaultSlayer said:
What the hell?!

Rolling eyes over fans voicing their positive opinions of games that are highly acclaimed? Why? Are we wrong? I've loved Shadow ever since seeing a screenshot of the 13th colossus flying in the air and knowing I'd have to take it down upon learning of the game. The art style was unlike any other game I've seen and the demo proved to me that I'd be playing my favorite game of all time. When I listen to the soundtrack at work, I get chills when thinking of the game's world. Some of you are going to tell me I'm faking it for the sake of being on some "game is art" bandwagon? Sorry, we're all not as "grounded" as some of you.

I don't doubt your sincerity. I never said people were faking anything for the sake of a bandwagon. You're just getting dangerously close to Heroes of the Web territory.


Oh now I remember, I think I was watching a match between the U.S. and Ghana and he was the only one who made a goal. Also we're getting dangerously close to someone posting Ueda fan-fiction in here. :lol


Loudninja said:
I really don't see no reason to be concern?I don't think they let you down yet have they? :D

There's no other developer that i trust more than Team Ico.
But still we live in a time that most Japanese developers are desperate to appeal to western and broader markets as much as possible...
Lets say i'm cautiously concerned and hope they prove me wrong on that aspect.

Don't get wrong though...Apart from the music choices i liked everything in the trailers and things like this get me very optimistic about the game.:D


apana said:
Oh now I remember, I think I was watching a match between the U.S. and Ghana and he was the only one who made a goal. Also we're getting dangerously close to someone posting Ueda fan-fiction in here. :lol

Ueda kissing Kojima on a double rainbow backdrop



benevolent sexism
sublimit said:
There's no other developer that i trust more than Team Ico.
But still we live in a time that most Japanese developers are desperate to appeal to western and broader markets as much as possible...
Lets say i'm cautiously concerned and hope they prove me wrong on that aspect.

Don't get wrong though...Apart from the music choices i liked everything in the trailers and things like this get me very optimistic about the game.:D

Fortunately, the appeal of animals is universal, so if they're really going deep into the "build a relationship with this animal" direction, it should be similarly popular in the East and the West (or similarly unpopular, if you are a pessimist).


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Fortunately, the appeal of animals is universal, so if they're really going deep into the "build a relationship with this animal" direction, it should be similarly popular in the East and the West (or similarly unpopular, if you are a pessimist).

Food is universal too and it's similarly popular in the East and the West.However each country has its own traditional cousine that not every man in the world likes.
Except of course if we're talking about fast food which is something that is designed to appeal to as many people as possible.

It's not about "building a relationship with this animal" it's about the WAY that someone decides to portray this relationship.
Two different movie directors could portray this relationship very differently.Therefore the way you portray something universal is not as universal as you might think.Music is just one of the tools someone uses to give its own unique identity to a common theme.


MYE said:
Ueda kissing Kojima on a double rainbow backdrop


Well at least you didnt say Ueda and Sonic. :lol If that happened we would need to nuke this thread. Also someone mentioned that this game is trying to appeal to the west because of disney sounding music. What does that mean? Is the implication that Sony are trying to market this as a family friendly game?


apana said:
Well at least you didnt say Ueda and Sonic. :lol If that happened we would need to nuke this thread. Also someone mentioned that this game is trying to appeal to the west because of disney sounding music. What does that mean? Is the implication that Sony are trying to market this as a family friendly game?

Doesn't Japan love Disney?
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