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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Well, I called it a few episodes back that the Night King would get himself an undead dragon. Although, I thought one would die from a ballista and then later resurrected by the Night King. I wonder if Viserion will breath ice now instead of fire.

So, if this Wight Dragon plays any part in getting past the wall (air lifting other white walkers over or around?) the question is: what was NK's plan to get past the wall before? Or is he a super OP greenseer that was able to predict everything that's happening.

NK had those ice javelins prepared long before the dragons showed up almost as if he knew they would show up and waited it out with Jon and co. as bait. I'm thinking the NK might be a greenseer or has some kind of visions at least.





What's worse is Jon fighting off the White Walkers was absolutely unneeded. Benjen picks him up less than five minutes later and off he goes. They could have had the same exact scene with the dragon lance bullshit play out except with Jon on Drogon's back. So they made Jon an idiot for zero reason.

It's shit writing.

They clearly just needed to wrap up benjen's story but whatever. I think they've really taken to heart all the criticsm for unresolved threads, eg gendry, brotherhood, benjen, etc.

I think they should have had the other dragon save Jon, further hinting towards his bond to the dragons


Loved the episode in spite of the ultra predictable ice dragon at the end. I mean who didn't see this eventually happening since the series started?

Oh and fuck Arya.


Too bad they couldn't afford to show off some undead giants.

Would of been cooler if the giants were pulling the chains.

I guess they're part of a separate platoon.

Don't understand the wall. It's designed to keep the night king away, but not his droogs?

I guess the winter gives him a greater area of control buff so he can animate dead at further distance?

I figure that the magic prevents them from crossing. They simply can't walk past the threshold. But if they're carried by someone else, it's not them crossing the threshold.


The army of the dead has to reach the wall next episode.

I don't have an issue with most of the warping/timing of things, but for this last episode to work, they have to be getting close.

The undead army getting passed the Wall is a hell of a setup for the last season.


Well Ravens and dragons both fly very quickly. But yeah it was quick.

Really, I think the fast travelling may not be as big of an issue as I previously thought. I don't think it was a problem here.

It was a problem for me this episode because you could actually grasp more firmlly how much time passed. How long does it take for an icy lake to freeze over again? How long can a group of dudes survive on a tiny mound in freezing temps with minimal supplies? Almost surely not enough for a guy to sprint back to the wall, send a raven, and dany to fly over in time.
I'm on board, come at me fast travel inquisition!

This is like watching Dragon Ball Z to me at this point, I don't care about consistency at all, just go all in!
What's worse is Jon fighting off the White Walkers was absolutely unneeded. Benjen picks him up less than five minutes later and off he goes. They could have had the same exact scene with the dragon lance bullshit play out except with Jon on Drogon's back. So they made Jon an idiot for zero reason.

It's shit writing.

It was a very uncharacteristic moment of Jon. Really bizarre writing. It was such a trope moment I nearly gaged when that happened.


Thoros' death was just ???, its quiet enough for them to sleep? was the captured wight only making noise sporadically

If their fire swords emit heat why didn't they use them to warm up

Also the needless stark fighting; 1st Jon keeping everyone waiting and then Benjen who definitely had all the time in the world to hop on that horse

I think Benjen didn't get on because the extra weight would slow the horse down. Plus its not like he can get past the wall. He would never have been able to join Jon all the way. It did look like he considered it for a split second though.


Arya's been one of my favorite characters, but I was fully on #TeamSansa for the entirety of this episode. Pretty sure any trust that existed between the sisters is dead now, and nothing good can come from it.


semen stains the mountaintops
I guess we should've seen a dragon dying the second we saw how amazing they were against the White Walkers. I'm sure plenty were watching that scene thinking to themselves, "just go kill the Night King!" but then we see why even he can't be fucked with when it's him against dragons.

Just like how Dany got got when she first landed in Westeros, we now see her get got against the White Walkers. Now there's no clear victor at the end anymore.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
We already getting fanart:

This man put in SO much fucking work with this flaming sword.
I though Jon was going to get his sword of light anime power up this episode, but not yet I guess.

Same. During the scene just before the Dragons show up and it was showing Jon like realizing they were all gonna die I though we were about to see Flaming Sword Jon.

Kinda bummed it didn't happen :-(


Why are people always complaining about time?

Because it was ridiculous in this episode, there is no getting around it. All the time jumps can be explained away -- the writers said they don't want to wait around for travel. But this wasn't a time jump. It all happens within a day in the story
The entire script has leaked. Expect any "speculation" or "theories" to be possible leaks.

Yes, they are a couple of people in this thread who have been really spot on with a few things, not going to name names but shit.

When you can pin point what the dialogue is going to be like, then you've either watched or read the leak.

It's pretty annoying.


When Jon didn't get on Drogon, I honestly thought he had a "fuck it" moment like in BoB and was just heading straight for the NK since he and Baeric had just talked about it.


*Night King flies on his new dragon ride to the wall*

*He prepares to burn the wall down, getting all giddy in the process*

*He points to the wall but the dragon only breathes ice at it*

*The wall just got five feet taller*

*Night King flies back to his friends to sulk*


Yeah this episode felt too predictable. Gonna stay away from all GoT threads and stuff. Fucking hell.

My mistake was thinking that the "theory" youtubers were actually creating theories, rather than going through leaked scripts and episode guides - which is what they actually do.
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